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what if being a brony became illegal


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Oh dear Celestia! I would just watch it anyway, lol, but oh god plz don't make us watch the older gen's of mlp PLEASE!!!!


I think i'd get a kick out of it LOL.  Hell I think imagine black market pony dvds.

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There are quite a bit of things that people do that are "illegal"


1. People still illegally download movies and music ( I do it myself, well the music at least)


2. People violate copyright issues by placing cartoon ponies on shirts. Basically unless you own the product or get a letter from Hasbro saying we can use it, we're kinda breaking copyright issues which is sorta breaking the law.


3. People still end up smoking crack.


Either way I don't think it would ever stop me from being a brony.

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if being a brony became illegal I honestly wouldn't care much, I'd secretly be a brony not much would change for it, if I love something suddenly making it illegal wouldn't change it.

torrenting and emulating are illegal as well but I still do it....

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Interesting concept, but it'd also open up the possibility to ban fans of anything.. I could see it now, states banning out of state sports team fans... that would actually be hilarious...





Hasbro actually likes bronies, or at least the ones that buy their merchandise



Not from what I've read.. I recall one particular quote somewhere, where a hasbro rep actually slandered a fan for "watching a show for little girls" when asked a simple question. Wish I could find it again..

I'm sure they like the money, as well as fees they can charge for licensing and the income from the outsourced. But they don't really look at anything else, and still consider it a show for little girls.

Edited by GrimCW
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I'd still watch the show ever now and then like I do now, even if it became illegal. Personally I don't put myself in a category of "brony" though, I'm just some person that watches a show ever now and then that just so happens to be about magical ponies. (To be real though many things are illegal and I still do them js)

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Says who? Thats not in the show, its just something some trolls started :P

I just got back from a topic about this! XD

The show never says love and tolerate, but it is implied to a reasonable extent, and I only used as a joke here anyway :)

I was saying love and tolerate, but if they ban bronies, I'm going to war! You know? Funny?

Nevermind... :P

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but it is implied to a reasonable extent,

Between friends it is actually very much there. Except when dealing with jerk friends (ala Gilda)

But to others its... so-so.. It does have a "don't judge a book by its cover" deal, but thats pretty much the limit TMK :P



Back on topic.. has it been considered what the punishment would even be? Or what the crime would be fully considered (legal jargen is never as simply as "being a brony" or "liking MLP")

Would they try to fry bronies? Like that one hate group says?, or just imprison them... hmm...

I wonder if just being a brony is like a minor offense, but collecting and watching is more of a federal perhaps?


Like how growing weed for yourself is only a misdemeanor (In NYS), but its a felony if you intend to sell it...

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Between friends it is actually very much there. Except when dealing with jerk friends (ala Gilda)

But to others its... so-so.. It does have a "don't judge a book by its cover" deal, but thats pretty much the limit TMK :P



Back on topic.. has it been considered what the punishment would even be? Or what the crime would be fully considered (legal jargen is never as simply as "being a brony" or "liking MLP")

Would they try to fry bronies? Like that one hate group says?, or just imprison them... hmm...

I wonder if just being a brony is like a minor offense, but collecting and watching is more of a federal perhaps?


Like how growing weed for yourself is only a misdemeanor (In NYS), but its a felony if you intend to sell it...

I see what you're saying.

The only comparable crime I can think of is watching an 18/R rated film when underage, and that is barely enforced at all ;)

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being brony will be illegal?


paint my car light bluw, add rainbows and stuff, wear mlp shirts, piant my Berretta pink..


done... if something is proihibited, it is more fun to do that stuff isn't it?


i love having people around that hates and mock me for being a brony, it is so funny! so the fun will be doubled!

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Reads title then things got serious LOL

Well if that happen I can see revolts or protest I dont know but if that really

happened thats just a nother thing that proves how dumb america is

And makes other countries look a lot better then us

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would first begin a network of bronies to smuggle pony merchandise across state lines. i would hide the swag inside barrels of apples and grapes and wine and whiskey.

I would set up speak easies that will play the new episodes every Saturday and you will need a passwors just to get in.

we will set up pony mafias to make sure ponies would gwt their fix and the cops get their cut to look the other way

of course they will employ the untouchables which will result in a bloody war or love and tolerance vs guns and police brutality but will will win out!!

Use canada as a fail safe if every thing goes wrong

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One day later I will see anti-bronies complaning that Hasbro bribed the government. My Little Politician: Money is Magic.

If that fails there will be a sonic rainboom from South Africa turning all politicians into paraspites.

In all seriousness I don't think this will happen. Atleast in a democratic society. However the USA suprises me every day. Even if it did there would be protests even by non-bronies because this will be an attack on freedom.

Edited by TheWiseHippo
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Jeez, calm down you guys. Hold the pitchforks and flamethrowers for just a minute. Doesn't anyone realize what this would mean?


Take a minute. Think about it. Suppose being a brony is illegal. What are the authorities going to do to us? Are they going to fine us? Are they going to put us on probation? Are they going to send us to prison?


Now, suppose the punishment for being a brony isn't very harsh. Still, most of us would probably rise up and refuse to be pushed into it. We'll fight back against the oppression, and that could have one of two possible outcomes:

  1. We dominate the world.
  2. We lose and get sent to prison.

In the first case, we win and ponies become the supreme, beloved gods and goddesses of mankind. In the second case... we get sent to prison.


But think about that. If all of us are in brony prison, how bad could it be? It'll be like BronyCon, just behind bars. We might even have WiFi access. That would be pretty cool, don't ya think? I'll go get started on the cupcakes. Who's going to volunteer to bring the cider?

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If being a Brony was illegal?


I'm pretty sure it is in Russia right now


Well, We'd all gather in underground hubs, singing brony music like hardcore thieves and exchange pony merchandise in secrecy. Half of the Hasbro team would continue making My Little Pony, Get sued by all of the Anti-Brony-Wankers we all know all to well and they'd escape prison.


Heck, I should write a fanfic..

  • Brohoof 1
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i would be very confused and then simply stop being a brony, i suppose. I mean, its a good show but its not like i couldnt live without it you know? i would feel bad for the little kids who liked it tho haha. Now, if i was banned from listening to Gorillaz that would be a whole other story and i would flip out xD

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