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Have You Ever Had Surgery?


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Do stitches count? If yes, then when I was younger I accidentally made a big thingy fall, and it had lots of glass dragons on it. My head was bleeding a lot and I had to get some glue thingy and stitches on my head or something. 

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Had surgery about eight years ago to repair what I am forced to describe as a lump with a clot in it.  It wasn't in a hospital. It was in the clinic's office.


I think the anesthetic kicked in after the operation.  While the Doc was performing the surgery and slicing things where necessary, I did feel the pain, though I thought it should have been a metric arseload worse than what I was feeling, so I didn't think the anesthetic hadn't kicked in yet, and the doctor had probably thought it did. 


Apparently I was just being a trooper, because when we cleaned up the blood and I walked back to the office for the debriefing, I found myself slumping in the chair, and was listening, nodding, and responding while sliding out of the chair.   I was all wobbly when i was walking back to the car to be driven home. 



Also, about a year ago, I managed to poke myself pretty hard in the eye with one of my fingers, though I was wearing pretty nasty gloves at the time.  It wasn't so much surgery that I needed as just covering it with a contact lens and keeping it lubricated.  I still need to keep it thoroughly lubricated, or else when it dries out in my sleep, any healing tissue peels away when you open your eye, and it stings like icefire.   Is that even a thing?  Icefire? 

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3 C sections, 2 while asleep, one while awake. I also had to have my appendix removed after it burst... horrible horrible thing that was... thought it was the flu.. nope, almost died! I also had a hernia repair not long after having my appendix removed. 

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my right eye is derpy :P had surgery to correct it when I was little. then a few years ago it started derping the other way XD i haven't had another operation most because they've cut at those muscles once already, i'm alot older so would take longer to heal and theres no point risking my eye for something that (surprsingly) does effect my vision much. The Doctor's seemed ok to leave it be if I was ok with it.


Also had my adanoids taken out, tonsils too (I think.)


Other than that i've never needed major surgery for anything.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/31/2014 at 1:12 AM, Shire Pony Malinter said:

my right eye is derpy :P had surgery to correct it when I was little. then a few years ago it started derping the other way XD i haven't had another operation most because they've cut at those muscles once already, i'm alot older so would take longer to heal and theres no point risking my eye for something that (surprsingly) does effect my vision much. The Doctor's seemed ok to leave it be if I was ok with it.


Also had my adanoids taken out, tonsils too (I think.)


Other than that i've never needed major surgery for anything.

What is it like afterwards getting your tonsils out?

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I had to get bits of my gums sliced off. I used to have really thick gum tissue, so it had to get trimmed back so my teeth wouldn't spread apart. I wasn't under anesthesia, but, of course, I was numbed. I got to see the whole bloody process, and afterwards, when trying to drink something from a straw, it would dribble out of my mouth.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've had surgery a few times in my life:

1) When I was 7, I had surgery on my arm to get skin removed because it was cancerous.

2) When I was 10, I had surgery on my mouth to remove an extra tooth that was sideways on the top of my mouth

3) I don't know if you would call this a surgery or not but I had my bottom wisdom teeth removed a year ago. They were still near my nerves at the time.

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I was born cross eyed, so I had to have surgery when I was very young to fix them, which led to my lazy eye, which led to another surgery when I was like 12 I want to say. My eyes still don't always line up right, especially if I'm deep in thought or I'm not mindful of them.

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On 11/13/2014 at 10:09 PM, VulpineTaco said:

I had to get bits of my gums sliced off. I used to have really thick gum tissue, so it had to get trimmed back so my teeth wouldn't spread apart. I wasn't under anesthesia, but, of course, I was numbed. I got to see the whole bloody process, and afterwards, when trying to drink something from a straw, it would dribble out of my mouth.


I don't think that i've ever heard of such a thing..

How was that?

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On 11/13/2014 at 10:29 PM, Royal Blue Jay said:


I don't think that i've ever heard of such a thing..

How was that?

The surgery itself wasn't bad, but the pain afterwards was so bad that I had to take hydrocodone, which just makes me tired.

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When I was in the second or third grade, I had surgery done on the roof of my mouth to remove two extra teeth. There's a third, but it's apparently not going to do anything, so they left it. I also had surgery to remove some lump of skin or something from the back of my head. Fortunately, that was not very painful, it only stung a bit. ^^

Edited by Wyzecat
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Yes, actually. I had an appendectomy somewhere around 2 years ago. I was bugging my parents around midnight that it felt like I was being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat and my dad took me to the hospital and I got a CAT scan, turned out my appendix was very near to bursting, so it was imperative that it be removed ASAP, so after spending the night in the ER, I went in for surgery, had a needle put in my arm, which wasn't that bad since I give blood fairly often and am used to needles, and all I remember was a cold sensation in my arm as the anesthetic entered my system and didn't regain lucidity until (I think) a day later when I woke up in one of the recovery rooms. It wasn't that bad, it was like a little hotel stay for me. Had my own TV, had a room to myself, didn't have to get up that much, mostly because I wasn't supposed to, and had my computer to play video games on. Only problem was because I got an appendectomy, it caused some tissue in my groin to swell and put too much pressure on my urethra, so I couldn't pee and I had to get a catheter put in when I was awake. Let me tell you, getting a tube jammed up your pee-hole is not fun. I kind of wish upon retrospect that I had asked for something to bite on so I didn't yell so loud it was probably audible two floors down, but oh well. Funnily enough, according to my mom, when I was awake after surgery, I was still really out of it (I don't even remember this at all, she told me entirely about it) and I was laughing at the ceiling because of how funny it looked and I ended up quoting Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory apparently and I told her that she missed a golden opportunity by not taking out her phone and taking a video of it. Plus I kind of wanted to see what I was like when I came out.


So yeah, that's my surgery story.

  • Brohoof 1
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Wisdom teeth, and a removal of a tooth that was rotted from the inside out as well as not being properly aligned with the rest of my teeth. That's about all I can recall that is.

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Pretty sure I posted in here before, but I'm too lazy to edit my first post here so here goes.


Last month, on the 6th, I had surgery on my right arm to move a nerve (ulnar nerve) out of my elbow and into a place where it won't be so easily caught. Now, a month later, the pain's almost all gone. Feels good after suffering for nearly two years >_<

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On 2/3/2014 at 2:39 AM, Royal Blue Jay said:

Have you ever had surgery?

I have.

left eye surgery as a baby, surgery near my stomach when I was a baby, I keep puking, I think I puked blood too...

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I had to get an ingrown toenail taken out as well.  Another minor surgery was getting all four of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time, they were growing at an odd angle and had to be removed because of it.  Thankfully, I've had good health so far and haven't needed any major surgery as of yet.

  • Brohoof 1
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