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Do You Touch Type or Hunt and Peck?


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  1. 1. How do you type?

    • Touch type
    • Hunt and peck

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I'm a touch-typer for sure. It kind of fluctuates but I generally stick around 60-70WPM with very few mistakes. That's actually pretty average though cuz I know there's people who can type at like 100-120WPM accurately. :lol:


I learned just from being on the internet mainly. I learned the homerow method in high school but I was never fast. I got faster the more I did it.


The only time I ever look at the keyboard is when I have to use function keys (because I like...never use those) or when using the numbers. I don't use keypads but when I need to think about specific numbers I look at the keyboard so I can think. :P

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In Junior High we were required to take a "Computer Typing" class. The program on the computers we used was called "Key Word".


The teacher told us to use "home row" and we had to use both or hands in the keyboard and use our fingers a specific way to type.

Then, the teacher made us put black skins over the keyboards so we wouldn't cheat and peak at the letters.

It was a fairly simple class but the keyboarding was actually harder than it sounds. We had to do tests that were timed and it was actually pretty difficult.


That class taught me nothing.


Today, I use two hands to type only using one finger on each hand.

I actually can type fairly fast. I've come to recognize the order of the keys so well that I don't really need I glance at the keyboard.


Point being.. That class was unnecessary trying to teach the "proper" way to type.


To answer the question: Yes. I know how to type.

  • Brohoof 2
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I can type quite fast, faster than my family and friends at any rate. I didn't actually learn from a program, I just sort of evolved out of chicken pecking. I kind of move my hand around the keyboard and use a given finger based on where my hand is at the moment. Rather than resting my hands on the home row, my hand angles kind of sideways as I type, and they move forward and backwards along the row based on which keys I was using. It looks kind of odd, but apparently it works very well.


If I could find one, I really want to get a Dvorak keyboard though, so I might have to learn over again.

Edited by Kitsunin
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I touch type.

However when I type fast my fingers lift further and further away from the keyboard,

so at my top speed all my finger "hower" over the keyboard as a dance in the air haha :D


I type about 60 wpm flawlessly and around 100 when I don't care if there are some mistakes. Like in chats which my friends. 


So here on this forum, it's 60 wpm.

Well, actually a lot lower since I have to give thought to my writing and not just copy-paste   :)

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I learned to type on a Selectric Typewriter in High School (don't even think about how old that makes me... just go with "not quite as old as dirt").  I've been typing on a pretty much daily basis since I got my first job (no, I'm not going to say how long ago that was...)  Interestingly, I did not become a touch typist when I took typing in high school... I actually forced myself to learn to be a touch typist when I got my first job and I used to practice for hours at home after work.   Now, I use a keyboard daily for both personal and professional work, so it's second nature to me (and now I HATE having to fill out forms and things by hand. I would MUCH rather type).

  • Brohoof 1
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High speed typing using only my index fingers. They are all I need. Although, I can use any fingers I desire.


I'm now using my pinkie fingers, and typing at exactly the same speed.


Ring finger, still just as fast.


The other finger, just as fast as the others.


And my thumb works as quick, too.


I'm starting to think it might be more in the wrists than in the fingers.

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I used to 'peck' a couple years back, but now I'm actually rather fluent with the keyboard. There are some situations though, where I feel like I need to look down at the keyboard to see what I'm typing, especially with numbers. :P

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I watch now and then, but I am getting much much better at not needing to. Mostly I just look when I start, or if I need special characters like : or ^ or if I'm copying something someone wrote down/printed out. I find it easier to hold with one hand the subject matter so I can see it better and type pecking style.


I learned how to type from playing WoW for years, and usually playing the roles that meant you couldn't really look away. Had to reply to those PMs mid-raid somehow.  :umad: 

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I have my own style of typing, where my right hand does most of the typing and my left provides support when there are far stretches and with caps and punctuation. I do have to look at the keyboard but alot of my finger movement is partially instinctual, so it is much faster than "chicken pecking" but not as fast and efficient as normal typing.

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I don't know how to type, however I created my own typing style that involves positing my ever-moving hands to the future letters 

of a word. People say it's stupid (I don't look at the keyboard) and that I need to learn to type, but for god's sake, I GET AVERAGE 90 WPM AND HIGHEST SO FAR IS A 104.




  • Brohoof 1
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I have a method of typing that i'd consider a derivative of the home row method. It's a lot more free with my hand movements and minimizes the use of pinkie fingers except when absolutely necessary. I usually hover around 85 - 90 words per minute when I have complete thoughts.


I have chicken pecked in the past though when I needed to do a quick lookup on a cellphone with my winter gloves on :P

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