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Worst Online Experiences?


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So, I just had this absolutely awful experience on the roblox forums.





Here is my *cringe* experience. The admin deleted most of my replies even though they did not break any rules.

All I did was ask a question regarding the forums.





It led me to create this topic.


Here you can whine and complain about a bad experience on any website except this one,





1. No Personal Insults against a user on the forums.


2. No arguing.


3. Respect each others views on a certain website/person, Please don't argue over something like that here.


4. Please don't go over-the-top on a websites community, try to remain on-topic.


5. Share compassion.


6. No Celestia on the stairs.



Edited by TheChosenPony
  • Brohoof 2

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Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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This Communist I met on another forum trying to justify the deaths of millions under "Great Comrade" Stalin's regime.


I didn't even engage that debate, for the sake of my sanity, I quietly left the thread with a pokerface when I realized he wasn't joking. I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but its opinions like that is what makes a terrible online experience, especially when there's enough bullshit on a single thread to obliterate your ocular nerves.

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My worse online experience was on Facebook in 7th grade, where I was accused of trying to steal someone's boyfriend because I was a good friend of his at the time. Apparently a couple people got jelly or something and sent me messages telling me to "back off her man" and shiz. I'm sure people got over it, but I would never dream of doing anything like that to anyone. Some immature idiot decided to spread lies about me...but i'm sure that's happened to a ton of people, so I know i'm not alone. It's not awesomesauce having people spread lies about you that you know aren't true, but hurt you anyways.

Edited by PeachBlink
  • Brohoof 3

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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So, I just had this absolutely awful experience on the roblox forums.





Here is my *cringe* experience. The admin deleted most of my replies even though they did not break any rules.

All I did was ask a question regarding the forums.





Oh my Celestia those people...


I had mentioned a song or a song artist(one of those two) in a chat and was immediately hated on and ignored because it was "unchristian" or something of the sort... All I did was mention some dubstep O.o... People like to find excuses to hate on others I guess... I bet if I mentioned Vocaloid or some J-music I would be called un-american and beyond (which has already happened before)

My worse online experience was on Facebook in 7th grade, where I was accused of trying to steal someone's boyfriend because I was a good friend of his at the time. Apparently a couple people got jelly or something and sent me messages telling me to "back off her man" and shiz. I'm sure people got over it, but I would never dream of doing anything like that to anyone. Some immature idiot decided to spread lies about me...but i'm sure that's happened to a ton of people, so I know i'm not alone. It's not awesomesauce having people spread lies about you that you know aren't true, but hurt you anyways.

I know them feels. I had something similar happen to me a year or 2 ago. Lots of liars like to ruin lives on Facebook and IRL when your are in Middle and High School.

Edited by Noire Panzer
  • Brohoof 3


Sig by @Boo

"We stick together the pony way!"

Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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Searching for roblox in youtube referred me to a minecraft/lego crossover looking thing in which a child educated a grown person about the game. Thank you, that made my day.


I'm not quite sure.. I couldn't count every occasion in which I try to make nonsense of appalling claims. Could I? Dunno.

Maybe my entire online experience is just horribad.


Oh wait! I know. The first first first day I entered 4chan. I was unfamiliar with the board mechanics, so I lost a picture that I -really really- wanted. I haven't been able to find it in years and probably never will. Tough cookies for this pony.


This Communist I met on another forum trying to justify the deaths of millions under "Great Comrade" Stalin's regime.


I didn't even engage that debate, for the sake of my sanity, I quietly left the thread with a pokerface when I realized he wasn't joking. I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but its opinions like that is what makes a terrible online experience, especially when there's enough bullshit on a single thread to obliterate your ocular nerves.


It is then when you realize that this is the essential philosophy of communists. I've engaged in debates for untold times, but there has never been something quite as nauseating as the entire collectivist range. I'd even go further and say they're an insult to the human conscience as such..

  • Brohoof 1
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Several years ago I was a member of a forum that had a number of anti-LGBT individuals, and one of them was a moderator. -_-


That moderator would lock topics on such subjects randomly. Especially when she participated in a debate and her arguments were destroyed (and not in an insulting manner), the topic would then be locked by her without any real reason.


What really got to me was for a while we had an LGBT support topic, and all was good. But then some of the more homophobic members started complaining about the topic, and one went and made a "Straight Support" topic. The creation of that topic ended up getting both topics locked.


I've actually seen that happen more than once, and it really ticks me off.




On another note, there was a community I was a part of years before that, and it was sad... It was such a close community, the only online community I can say I ever really felt like I was a part of. But somewhere down the line everything turned into drama. And I do mean real drama. The kind of drama I've seen on any community since has not ever even remotely compared.


Essentially, it started out on the subject of forum moderation... I was a moderator, and a number of people did not like the way I did it... I wanted high quality posts, but they wanted forum games and short posts. I believe that was it, any way... It's been a long time. But after a while it completely moved out of that subject and it turned into all personal attacks. A real flame war, not the nonsense arguments that people on the internet call "flame wars" nowadays. lol


I accentuated it all... In fact, I was in the middle of all of the drama. I was to blame.


Word of advice: Do not ever activate the drama queen in me.


Although, I can only hope that was just me being a teenager on a forum full of other (mostly) female teens. lol. I don't think it could happen here... lol.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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This Communist I met on another forum trying to justify the deaths of millions under "Great Comrade" Stalin's regime.


I didn't even engage that debate, for the sake of my sanity, I quietly left the thread with a pokerface when I realized he wasn't joking. I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but its opinions like that is what makes a terrible online experience, especially when there's enough bullshit on a single thread to obliterate your ocular nerves.


Some people will do this on-line just to bait you into a fight any ways!


I have to admit, I don't really have any now but when I was younger I was just stupid and get into stupid positions ><!


I guess all of my ones would be on games, but I've learned a thick skin since I've been playing on line since I was ~9. People are horrible because they can be sometimes :c ...

  • Brohoof 1


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YouTube...the place of perfectionist musicians... So back in 2010, I uploaded my first piano cover to YouTube, which was The Pokemon Center Theme from Diamond/Pearl. I made just one little mistake on a section and this guy just goes ham on me. He said my piano playing was "sh*tty" and I was a "f*g". When I looked at his page, he was a guitarist, a somewhat young guitarist. I'm like "Get a freaking life!" No one's perfect and there are plenty of people who've uploaded piano covers with mistakes. In the end, I blocked him. 


Here's the vid:


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One of my bad experiences (not gonna post the worst one because it's NSFW. Suffice to say it contained me as a moderator, a troll, two photos of the troll's balls and and an admin from the same site) has been in an online game called Realm of the Mad God or RotMG for short.


The game is a bullet hell MMO set on an island filled with monsters that get progressively harder to defeat as you get closer to the center of the island. Each class in the game has a unique ability. I was playing rogue, so I become invisible to monsters for 3-4 seconds.


Then here comes the troll.


Troll walks up behind me while I'm invisible and uses me as his meat shield. I die.


Did I mention that RotMG is a perma-death game?




It took me 3 f*cking days to build that character up to maxxed stats and he kills me in an instant.

Edited by DolosusDoleus


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Used to be a very active administrator on a Garry's Mod sandbox server called 'Suss.'


(still admin, but I'm barely on anymore).


Anyway, server got DDoS'd repetitively within 7 days, meanwhile, minges are also disturbing the players constantly and crashing the server. The worst week of Suss in history. :(

Edited by Novr
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I was a moderator on this other site and due to financial reasons ownership of the site had changed. The new owner became really power hungry and appointed moderators and admins based on favoritism and enforcement of rules went in pretty much the same direction with certain people getting away with murder and others getting the ban hammer thrown at them for the most ridiculous things. It tore the site completely apart resulting in multiple site wide flame wars even among the staff and although I had a lot of good reasons to be angry in hindsight I could have handled my anger and criticisms a lot better than I did (participating in profanity fueled flame wars is not the way to go). I and several other moderators resigned our posts and left along with several regular users, this happened almost 10 years ago so I don't if that site is still active or not. That site soured my experience to online forums for quite a long time because before that happened that place while it had its problems like all places was actually quite friendly, accepting and welcoming.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Once I went on to a Battlefield 3 server and there were only 5 people in it, one being an admin which I did not know at the time, so I got into a chopper and murdered all of them. I was banned 5 minutes later for killing the admin.   

Edited by XScraline
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Once I went on to a Battlefield 3 server and there were only 5 people in it, one being an admin which I did not know at the time, so I got into a chopper and murdered all of them. I was banned 5 minutes later for killing the admin. :comeatus:  

Wow...they must've been jealous of you. 

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My very existence on the internet is a horrible experience for all involved.


I'm not even kidding. I'm never the instigator or even involved but I tend to always watch these drama bombs explode, often in RP groups I used to be part of or whatever. I get to have front row seats to this hilarious BS and people taking something that isn't even real way too seriously. It's funny, but at the same time kind of depressing.

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The entirety of the internet except here really, everywhere else I have been I have had some sort of attack on me or just general bullying.

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Any comment section on a video game website or youtube


And Nsider2, fuck that place. Nothing but a bunch of elitist douchebags 

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Motherfucker hacked my neopets account in middle school.

Motherfucker scammed me out of a bunch of ady weps in runescape (kinda my fault, though) also in middle school.



But really, all of my dealings with mods on GameFAQs. Let's see...

I once quoted a post that said "semen". My post was deleted, the original post was not. I appealed the moderation and argued my case, and ended up getting suspended for 10 days for "harassing mods".

Another time, I made a thread on the Golden Sun: the Lost Age board about some things I hoped to see in the eventual sequel (it hadn't even been announced yet). It ended up being a huge, ~300 post thread full of in depth analysis of game mechanics and debate. We basically designed a whole game, sans story. Along came a mod and DELETED THE ENTIRE FUCKING THING FOR NO FUCKING REASON. His explanation? This was a board for the second game, not the third, so it was off topic. I tried to explain that there was no board for the third game, and that it was uncertain if there would ever even be a third game, and he basically said " I'm a mod, deal with it".


Yeah, GFAQs has mostly terrible mods. The only one I actually like is nintendogirl1, because she spends a lot of time posting as a normal member instead of a mod, and doesn't do stupid shit or power trip all over people.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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This guy (now a banned member of these very forums) made a YouTube video, and at about 1:45 he starts telling people that I think "Rarity is real" and basically painted me as this out-of-touch, bat-shit insane brony who actually believe the ponies are real. 

Saddest thing was, I didn't even know who this dude was until I found this video.


Oh, and here's the video; start at about 1:45.



  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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This guy (now a banned member of these very forums) made a YouTube video, and at about 1:45 he starts telling people that I think "Rarity is real" and basically painted me as this out-of-touch, bat-shit insane brony who actually believe the ponies are real. 


Saddest thing was, I didn't even know who this dude was until I found this video.


Oh, and here's the video; start at about 1:45.




*facehoof* That guy. Now that I get to see that video that guy. I don't even. Nothing can be said here.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by @Boo

"We stick together the pony way!"

Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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