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The blursed thread: Glass toilet


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Yup, you read right.




This is the kind of conversations I get in to. Last night my husband and I were bantering back and forth and the topic of glass, see-through toilets came up. We were thinking we would install a glass toilet in our guest bathroom, mostly just to troll people. "It was clear before you got to it" kind of thing. Unfortunately, actually procuring one is a bit more difficult. I know it's a strange question, but would you get one, given the choice? 

  • Brohoof 21
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There are somethings man was never meant to know.


But honestly, I don't see why not. Toilets flush so fast you probably can't see the stuff as it's evacuating the dancefloor, so to say. If it works with the room aesthetic, go for it.

  • Brohoof 3
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Um, no no no no no, probably not. ^^"


Just seems like something that would be a little..strange, obviously. ^^"

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I would not get one, I do not need to see the feces get flushed down the pipe.

Actually, it's not that bad...it's kind of interesting to see stuff get flushed down the drain.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would not use this. I wouldn’t want to look at…through glass.. yeah, no.

  • Brohoof 8
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I'm guessing it's actually made from plexiglas or acrylic to keep it from shattering and harming anyone.



Nifty idea. Weird things like this fascinate me and I wouldn't mind having one. Not going out of my way though, nor am I spending the fortune they're sure to ask for it. Nice concept, and one that I'm sure has existed for a long time. Don't see myself ever owning one though.


Thanks for making this thread though. Certainly brightened up my evening a bit. :lol:

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I could never do this. Not because of how it looks when you flush, but because I am obsessive when it comes to cleaning the bathroom and cleaning all of the obscure nooks and crannies of a toilet is difficult enough. Making it glass would mean having to spend even more time making it look perfect, because every tiny speck would stand out like it does on a window.

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You could say that it would be a pain in the rear to keep clean!


ahem... but seriously, it would be annoying to maintain. I would have the urge to clean it after every single use and there are more important things around the house that should get my attention rather than a toilet... although I can't deny that it does look really cool...

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Just the topic in general made me snort in laughter, Oh Troblems, you see this is why you are awesome!


I embrace my weirdness  B)

I'm guessing it's actually made from plexiglas or acrylic to keep it from shattering and harming anyone.

I can't imagine it would be much worse than if porcelain shattered. They make glass stove tops. I mean, to be fair, the slats in my deck are glass. Also, safety glass like in can wind shields? 

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Well, this seems right up your alley then:



I'm spending way too much time in this topic... :wacko:


We're bronies for Celestia's sake! We've got nothing better to do than sit at the computer and stare and watch a topic about glass toilets all day :P It's what we do :lol:

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We're bronies for Celestia's sake! We've got nothing better to do than sit at the computer and stare and watch a topic about glass toilets all day :P It's what we do :lol:

This is completely untrue. 


I'm also playing Lego Marvel.

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