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Driver Status & Primary Method of Travel  

91 users have voted

  1. 1. Driver Status

    • No license but enjoy driving
    • No license and dislike driving
    • No license and indifferent
    • License and enjoy driving
    • License but dislike driving
    • License and indifferent
  2. 2. Primary Method of Travel

    • Personal Vehicle
    • Bus/Tram
    • Carpooling/General Passenger
    • Bicycle/Alt
    • Walking
  3. 3. Age Group

    • Under 16
    • 16-25
    • 26-35
    • 36+

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I find driving a very enjoyable and relaxing experience, despite having an old beater of a car (262k miles on a 2001 Subaru Outback). It's a very...physical thing - I feel in control, and I'm always considering the inherent physics behind whatever I do behind the wheel, because it helps me focus and enjoy the act of driving. The car is less a tool at my disposal and more an extension of my awareness, which is why I'm much more nervous about driving my mom's pickup truck, for example.


Sure, things could happen, and I as a 21 year old can't really say that I'm very skilled, but I'm confident enough on the road and understand enough of the underlying mechanics of what I put into the car to feel safe whenever I drive.


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I usually like driving, although I absolutely hate driving in crowded cities which often predate the car and so have narrow streets and crazy bends that make a driver's life hell. Long stretches of open highway are ideal though, especially at night, without streetlights, with the radio on.


I don't care much for cars, though. All my knowledge on them comes from Top Gear, which I watch only for the hosts and the challenges.


In short, I prefer the car for longer trips but when I stay in the city I prefer walking or pubic transport.

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I've never bothered to learn to drive or tried it because I wasn't interested like everyone else in high school. I'm also a little afraid to get behind the wheel. I prefer to be a passenger where I can just stare out the window and zone out.


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I have my license...but I'm a super nervous driver. Not so nervous to the point where I'm a bad driver or anything...just to the point where I scream going around every corner (But I maintain my speed LIKE A BAWSSSSS)
I guess you could say I'm indifferent but more on the "Oh god this is terrifying" side of things.

Something something something something


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Well I live in the center of a college town so almost anything I need is within walking or biking distance. I should have gotten my license quite a while ago, however since I've never really had a good reason to I just always put it off. Whenever I need to go somewhere far away I can usually find a carpool anyway.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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I live in New York City, and we're lucky enough here to have an excellent and widely used public transportation system (the subway). There are still plenty of cars about, but it's a far lower percentage of the population than other places, especially because of the immense traffic. I've never much cared about driving - although I was raised in Minnesota, where it's quite inconvenient not to drive, my parents didn't like driving and in fact never owned a car. As a result I have no real interest in it; I never got a license because it would be a pointless hassle. Cars are expensive, reasonably dangerous, and most cause a great deal of pollution (though cleaner electric cars are proliferating, and supposedly safer computer-driven cars are on their way). In essence, I don't mind the action of driving - it's a bit fun, which is why there are plenty of video games about it - but I see no need to bother, and there are plenty of reasons against driving in real life.

As for freedom? At least in NYC, I can get the same amount of freedom by walking (and, if I want to, taking the subway) to anywhere I want in the city. And there's enough to do here that I don't feel restricted.

Besides. We have "teh internetz".

It's not the same, though. When you're walking, you don't get that feeling of pressing down on the accelerator pedal, and then the force of your back against the seat. You don't get that pleasant roar of the engine; you don't feel the grip of the tires. Never when I'm walking have I wanted to scream, Powahhhhhhhhhh! Hoooorahhhhhhhh!




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@Unikitty, I merged your post with the original one just like it, but I kept your poll since it was well thought out. :)


Oh, cool. I did have a look for a thread like mine but came up empty. Glad the poll stayed. :P


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I used to be absolutely petrified of driving. Like hyperventilating in the driver's seat when the car is not even on terrified. It took a lot of practice to overcome that fear.


Now if I have my iPod hooked up or a talk show going I'm mostly okay. Still really anxious on long drives or drives to somewhere I have to rely on a GPS to get to.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm in the process of getting my license, so I've only been driving a little bit. I think that simply driving is alright, but not something that's all that fun. I do remember when my brother drove around with me, though, while we were blasting loud music, and that was pretty fun ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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I have a license, but I dislike driving. (Been in accidents that were not my fault)


Have my own transportation as well.


Signature By: Kyoshi 

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food." - Ron Swanson

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I'm a huge car guy, and as such I LOVE driving in it's proper context. I think a lot of the reasons that people "hate driving" are caused by out-of-context driving on a regular basis.


Before I continue on rambling, let me make this point clear: I love cars as an art form. I don't push for people to drive because I think it's necessarily the most amazing experience they'll ever have, I do it to keep the concept of personal and customizable transport alive. A Triumph TR6 is beautiful. A public transit bus is boring at best. Let's not turn our roadways into communist states.


So, without further ado, I give you my checklist for the proper way to drive:


1. The car itself. First off, the average driver needs to know more about their vehicle. Is it Front Wheel, Rear Wheel, or All Wheel Drive? Front wheel, whilst by far the least safe, efficient, or fun, is also sadly the most popular by a wide margin. This should not be the case, but thanks to uneducated consumers and car conglomerates looking to cut costs, they are. The people that grow up with these vehicles around are far less likely to ever care about their own car, leading to a vicious cycle. Rear wheel drive is preferable for any form of spirited driving. Rare wheel drive cars range from the smallest Miata to the largest Bentley, but all share one similarity- they have a preferable feel to their Front Wheel drive competitors.


Another important part of the car side of the argument deals with the body style of car you drive. You will much more enjoy driving if you agree that you look good doing it. I can't tell you how much more of a treat it is to jump into my 2006 Mustang than it was to drive my -1995 Toyota Corolla sedan. If you think your car is part of the reason you aren't excited about driving anymore, buy something out of the norm. Go get yourself an E30 BMW or an F-Body Camaro if you're looking to get into something that's more fun off the road. If you're stuck in traffic, try something like an old Cadillac or Imperial as you'll find the added comfort of the all-leather seats to be a welcome addition to your commute. If you find yourself hauling lots of things or people, try any old station wagon or small pickup (I.e. 70s-90s Datsun, Toyota Chevy LUV, Ram 50, Subaru BRAT/Brumby), you'll be suprised how much fun you can cram into one.


Most importantly, I recommend you buy something old and cheap. You will have 10x the fun in an old "beater" of a car than you will in a shiny new model. More inside jokes, less hoots given about maintenance and potential damage. That adds up to lots and lots of good times and positive memories.


2. The Road. If you've never been out of the city to drive, seriously, go out and find yourself a quiet country road this weekend. I don't care where it is on a map, it will be pure nirvana from behind the wheel. Don't believe me, go and try it once. You've got nothing but some gas money and a few hours to lose but probably more than you'd think to gain.



Signature by the ever-awesome Overdrive!


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Nope, I'm terrified of driving. I was already in two accidents before I was 10 (one of which was my fault) so I don't plan on getting my license anytime soon. 

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Driving is quite enjoyable; it's an entertaining pastime to me. Currently I'm 18 and I don't have a license (thanks mom for not letting me enroll in driving school at 16!), but I will be getting one soon enough. Whenever I practice driving, I use my dad's car. It's very small and it drives very well so I like it. I can't wait to get my own personal car soon!

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Sadly I have way too much anxiety to drive. I do like driving in video games oddly enough, like long treks in GTA V or Forza 5 for example, but in real life, it is not something I can do honestly.

  • Brohoof 2



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  • 3 weeks later...

Driving is like therapy to me. I go out on drives at night sometimes to get away from it all.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm an American living in Japan. I drove when I lived in the US but I can't drive over here. Even if I could, I don't have a vehicle to drive, anyway. To local places, I take my bicycle. Farther away places, I take the bus and the train. And to places the train doesn't go or if we're going together, my partner drives me. I'm 27 but I haven't driven in about 5 years.


I've never liked driving. It's extremely nerve-wracking for me. I'm a poor judge of anything spacial, so it makes me nervous to drive. I'm also a poor judge of my own movements, so making judgments for myself while driving is quite difficult. I'm fine if everything's going smoothly, but if there's a lot of traffic or there are assholes or unaccounted factors, I have a lot of trouble. In particular, I'm no good at making snap-judgments. I tend to make bad judgments when I don't have time to think. I can't focus well on the big picture and can only really factor one thing at a time. So, yeah. I don't like driving. Though, I do have to say, a lot of it is other people. Yes, it's my fault that I can't make these kinds of snap-judgments. And if it's a situation nobody can do anything about, that's on me. But if someone's just being inconsiderate, that's their fault. And there are a lot of inconsiderate jerkasses out there. Ugh, I just don't like it.

Edited by Clover Heart
  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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As a bus driver i have to enjoy driving. The thing about driving is tho .... its a chore. You may enjoy it now but trust me when i say that will wear off. Its interesting how everyone can be taught to drive the same way tet everyone does it differently. Driving is one of the most hazardous things people do. According to OSHA Bus Drivers face more personal risk and hazards to health than Police Officers.... Driving requires you to fight the inate human urge to divert your attention elsewhere and focus on one thing for a long time. Even a slight break in that concentration can cause an accident. I do enjoy driving, theres nothing like having a machine that does exactly what you want it to do, but im all too aware of people who txt and drive and do other distracting things behind the wheel.



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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I love driving both in real life and in video games lol. Driving relaxes me plus when I drive I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything I want because I feel more independent and I don't have to rely on people to take me places.


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If you think your car is part of the reason you aren't excited about driving anymore, buy something out of the norm. Go get yourself an E30 BMW or an F-Body Camaro if you're looking to get into something that's more fun off the road.


Well I'll be sonofagun, I just so happen to have one of those.   :P 


She's not mine, really; she's my mother's technically: 1989 Chevy Camaro RS







Though, I can tell you now, "Rally Sport" means nothing in terms of off-road...  :wacko:  This one-tire-fire old thing would get stuck in half an inch of mud, no doubt.


Now, my 2001 Ford F-150 (if I had the 4x4 working, which atm, it's not, for some reason), is good off-road...  :smug: 




I've posted here before, I think, though it looks like another thread has since been merged.


I love vehicles of any kind.


But, having wrecked my motorcycle before, I am a little sketchy on 2-wheels now.




I prefer my truck, but I have ridden my motorcycle since then, after dad fixed it for me.




These days, I just wish I could fly.  Cars are getting smarter, but people are getting stupider.  


Leave your damn cell phone in the console until you have arrived at your destination.  Thanks.




~ Miles



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