I don't really care at all
I don't Intend any offense by this, but why do The people celebrate like they know the royal family or something. Its not like its your baby
shhhhh, don't give Hasbro anymore Ideas. Apocalypse no#4 Will happen!!(sarcasm)
anyway, I don't think that'll happen. if it does, I don't know what the writers will have to come up with!
I'm not sure I've only brought one game, Terraria.(I'm not really a pc gamer,more of a handheld guy) so probably....Hmmm carry the 5....divide by 234...... Absolutely nothing,oh.
I don't Have a pony Waifu, there's only Room for One woman in my heart,...And thats Maya Fey, of course
(I am sorta joking of course, I'm interested in real people too....just, not as much)
I'd never thought of going there after I die thats set for another Franchise,...pokemon.... But I have thought of slipping into an alternate universe namely, Equestria or The Ace Attorney universe.
I'd pick Lyra, She's got a funny, great personality, and she's very cute. She's a Unicorn so we could Use magic to get of the Island, a Magic Lyre Boat that is
Well, I like Bionicle and Ponies. So I was like, "What would I be if i Could cross them over?". I wanted to be a Toa and I wanted to have the element of Ponies
I hate Tissues
I hate the feeling of Velvet
I hate when my neck gets sweaty
I hate the feeling of velvet
I hate the sound of Velcro
....Did I mention I hate the feeling of velvet?
4, Probably.. All they do is play the "here and now" Hip Hop, Pop crap. Wheres all my 70's and 80's Music.
Aw well, As my friends say "I gotta get with the times"....*sigh*
I'm scared of many things, many many things. But the thing I'm most scared of is.....Fungi, Y'know Mushrooms and Gross stuff like that. .....I Hate Fungi
I find it a bit annoying at times, and as sir loin said, when it's used out of context, for example "My burger is 20% cooler than yours"...my friend seriously said that to me once. Ah, but how can I complain When i shove Ace Attorney down everyone throat all the time.
I think there's Enough bulling episodes to kill someone so no more of that.I Think another episode like "Keep Calm and Flutter On" would be nice, not with another baddie though
Dudes, I'll tell you about a game.....a game where you wake up as a pokemon.....Pokemon Red and Blue rescue team. Man that game is like my own personal Motivator. IT'S MY LIFE
My favorite show ended a while ago now, It's K-on. It's an anime, and its really good too, granted probably only if your into school life anime, its about a musical Light music Band in Highschool
Banned because there can be a time when to many questions are asked and it just gets annoying like when someone eats the last bit of cheese in the fridge or when there's not many cookies in the cookie jar or when somebody puts their hand in the cookie jar or when somebody keeps rambling on and on and on and on....
Huh, well I've never finished ME3. I dunno why, I lost interest in the game like straight away :3 I haven't finished Many of The CoD's
Nor have I finished Fallout 3 nor Skyrim but... thats nearly Impossible to do