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Everything posted by Paianis

  1. Bit difficult going out and saying I'm humble really because IMO, you, the reader should be the judge of that, not me. I'd say I'm most awesome because of the way I'm prepared to stand my ground when it is necessary, and uphold/defend my personal life choices even when everyone else says No. But then, I probably shouldn't be talking about that sorta thing...
  2. I am not...fast. But I can type decently enough without paying a lot of attention to my hands. That is, unless people tell me I'm too noisy or I happen to need to keep the volume down.
  3. The recent sub-par Sonic titles have mainly been the consequence of a management cock-up that Sega managed during the mid-noughties. Fortunately those have been sorted now and Sonic games of late have been pretty good quality, at least from what I've heard. Pretty similar to what happened with Rayman. Ubisoft got so tied up over Raving Rabbids that they almost forgot about the whole franchise. Now, the two are separate and the games are much better. Sub-par quality remakes seemed to be the order of the day during the 2000s, matters are getting better now that developers are paying more attention to detail.
  4. I wouldn't put the Wii in the same ballpark as the PS2 and the Dreamcast. It had a 700MHz processor, which was more powerful than any of the sixth generation consoles (but admittedly, dangerously close to the 400MHz unit in the Gamecube). It was the first Nintendo console with full-on backward compatibility. It was overpriced, but thanks to marketing it sold like hotcakes the world over. Thanks to this, and their handheld business, they are in a safe haven financially. Not even sluggish sales of the Wii U can diminish that (even then, at close to 5 million, it has not been standing still). They have plenty of time to rectify things and restore their home console business to a healthy position. And in the meantime, enjoy the games they're releasing right now. Be grateful that they're not cashing in on the all-to-common First Person Shooters, which the rest of industry seems to have spread their cheeks over for several years.
  5. I would suggest investing in a mic+stand so you can record from whatever amp you use for playing out loud. Most likely there will be some interference but it'll sound more natural than it is right now.
  6. If you had to value all of the creative works that this fandom has come up with for the show as a whole, what kind of price figure would you end up with? Please answer in either USD, GDP or Euro currency; I'm sure most of us would not like to have an Exchange Rate site open to convert all our answers to something we can comprehend.
  7. I love you because you have an admirable attitude.
  8. I love you because you seem nice.
  9. For PCs, I prefer Linux OSes all the way. However, I'm not closed to Windows or Macs, I even use a MacBook Pro for music production and such like. But in the long run a Linux-based OS is always going to be how I roll. Smartphones: I use Android right now, but I'm definitely past the honeymoon period with the Galaxy S2. Even though it's based on Linux, it's heavily customised with a boatload of Java thrown into the mix, which makes it difficult for me to understand. I'm also not keen on the forced Google integration. Sailfish OS has caught my eye and my next phone will probably run that. Games consoles: I preferred the PS3 last gen but lately I've been taking a liking to the Wii U. IMO it gets alot of bad press that it doesn't deserve, and has been sadly overlooked by too many people. I don't own one yet but would like one in the future.
  10. So far: Sekonda N3409 Wrist-watch A new razor Alot of car books and merchandise Cycle Computer 'Celtic Sheepskin' wallet Money Clip Cheapo Hollister earphones £100 (and counting) in cash and cheques This is all subject to change of course; I may have missed something and some of my relatives prefer to send gifts/money after Christmas.
  11. I think we should respect them for maintaining the fan-posted episodes for the length of time they did, as well as permitting fan content that are clearly fair use. However, not all the show decisions (*cough* Equestria Girls *cough*) have went down as well as they could, and they have earnt a partially bad image because of that. There are definitely some people working there that are aware of the value of Friendship Is Magic outside their intended audience. Due to politics though, I feel they haven't been able to develop it to it's full potential. We need more adult merchandise! Bring the Seasonal DVD/Bluray boxsets outside of the US! (actually, the Bluray was German, but STILL) Even, extend the Hub network outside the US so that bronies have a reliable source of pony! I mean, it's taken long enough already.
  12. That just reminded me of one other thing. We tend to perceive governments as being a gateway to order, but in reality they can do more than good for us. The trouble is no economy is brave enough to become a true free market, so we'll never know whether it's possible to have true (peaceful) anarchy. The closest we came to one was in Spain in the 1930s, but even then the collective system there was too rigid and fell apart for political reasons.
  13. Speaking as a Brit, I'd say governments on principle are fine, and I'm sure there are plenty of well-minded people in parliament. The problem is the system is outdated, to say the least. Politics have become a culture in itself, whereas it should really be able to blend seamlessly with economics. Their image has also been compromised over the years. Some of this is down to the media, some of it is down to the fact that so many current leaders are cold-hearted and can't really represent the country from a public point of view. Social networking can only go so far, and they only really use it for promotional purposes anyway. I could go on and on and on... Governments have the potential to do great things. We need to revamp the platform these are made on. Before 9/11 the focus was on 'knowing information. In this day and age it is more important to share information. Authorities should acknowledge this as we move forward, and hopefully, will find the time to get their heads out of their balance sheets.
  14. What most people don't seem to understand is that Google doesn't need to listen to us. Their advertising business (worth $50 billion) pays for absolutely everything, even these stupid decisions. The only way you can make them notice is by switching to another service.
  15. I'm afraid that was already posted, it's post #53.
  16. It begins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8kIrsw8-io This was one of the first partner channels, and has accumulated over 300k subscribers. Now, he has gone. Done. Finito. I know this isn't directly related to Google+ (more their Content ID policies), but still. I didn't expect it to go this far, but I'm glad it is. This is a trickle that will soon become a menacing flood assuming Google doesn't act on it. When he says the official website, he actually means Dailymotion; the embeds on the site give the game away. They have an equivalent partner program, which CGR has registered for, and currently the first exclusive video has upwards of 15k views. Not bad for a Dailymotion video. This truly is the future everyone.
  17. Sega Saturn - Panzer Dragoon Zwei. Still works and I still play it occasionally.
  18. Paianis

    request I can't do OCs

    In my strive to become more proficient I've finally come round to having a go at an OC. Only trouble is, my Inkscape diagram skills don't really translate to emotional characters. I've got a base model I can use for now but I would be thankful for any suggestions or developments anyone could make on/to it. I am open to anyone, I would not like to pick on one person to do all the work for me. As for the decisions I made so far: the red mane represents how I tend to tackle things without blind acceptance, often being quite fervent and deviant. The blue tail represents the impact that I have (or wish to have) on people I encounter. I insist on not adopting any kind of cutiemark at this point. He's a half-hard, hard-softie kind of pony, one that I hope can represent my own character as a human at some point. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/7mpugx998193kln/drawing.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qs99eo3y9cik2bc/drawing.svg
  19. Go on Anonymous, you know you want to. :3 I already switched to DM so I can't care less. Once again, when you leave, remember to add yourself to this group.
  20. We already have this kind of technology, partially. The new Jolla phone have an interface behind its back cover that can be used to extend its features e.g add a bigger battery, high quality camera or even a physical keyboard. It's primitive, but its heading in the right direction.
  21. Clicky Basically, the comments are now stored in a separate session which is then plastered onto the watch page. On some watch pages the iframe link is broken so you can actually use the old comments on those videos. Yahoo did the same thing with their Mail 'improvement' a couple of months ago. For a little while you could access the old system by opening the Search tab link first, and then back to Mail.
  22. Pretty much all my family's and relatives gift money will be going into a pair of monitors, plus maybe a power amp, very soon. Probably used Yamaha NS-10s or something like that. I don't need anything else; I can pay for everything else with a monthly income from my parents.
  23. I finally got round to watching some of the videos, and I have to admit I love her as much as everyone else.
  24. Loud, but almost never on the highest setting, unless I have music especially quiet. As yet, I haven't had noticable hearing loss even though I'm always on headphones, but I do hope for decent monitors at my workstation soon.
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