i like that instead of going all the way into my youtube inbox there is a notifier on the top right if I got a reply or a thumbs up or even someone i subscribed to uploads a new video. Im enjoying google + even though most of you hate it. and I can disable replies to my comments
is soccer growing in the USA now? it seems like it to me. I think the US national team will bring alot of surprises in the world cup. they're capable of beating anyone
I selected
You would have to marry the great and powerful trixie Oh boy
You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you
You would have to be purified by the elements of harmony first
Rarity the most beautiful of the mane 6 and the sexiest yup.. she's one of my favourites, pinkie is my 1st favourite not sure i think im starting to like rarity more. she needs an episode. its long overdue
nope. even though I have autism. autistic people are always stereotyped as super brainy. Ahem. Im in bottom set for everything at secondary school(you'd know what im talking about if you're british). i get below C grades at the Year 11 when its important to get a C and getting into a good college is now harder.
wake up
go on the computer
look at dirty pictures
if theres a new episode of MLP i watch it
sometimes go to watch a EPL football game(mostly if the game is at home) Cmon Liverpool
go back on the computer