Master Thread here
Okay, I'll get right to the point, I need class ideas for the game I'm trying to make, codenamed "Project Equinox".
It's a Tactical RPG. If you don't know what that is, youtube search 'tactics ogre' or 'final fantasy tactics'.
I need class ideas right now, mkay?
I have some, but I need MOAR.
Srs, I only have a few Mage Tier classes, and 2 Melee ones.
Ima put a crappy MS Paint diagram down below in a minute, showing the skill trees.
NOTE: I just have numbers there right now because I don't have enough classes.
I just need ideas, mkay?
One rule: It has to fit in with the MLP universe.
No "Chain Gun Pony" or "Vampire Pony". It's not a gory game. Bout the violence level of Fighting is Magic.
List of classes:
Mage Tier
Earth Pony:
'Farmer' - They grow plants to attack for them. Nuff said.
'Gypsy' - Not quite sure how this'll work, but they inflict status damage on enemies.
'Nimbus' - The Pegasi's Summoner class. Summons clouds to deal damage/heal/whatever.
'Prism' - Locks abilities and causes status ailments by kicking beams of pure color at enemies.
And other weather related classes. (aka Snow/Rain/Hail/etc.)
'Stargazer' - They use their powerful 'Galaxy Cross' ability to summon constellations to battle for them
Melee Tier:
No, srs. They chuck baked goods at enemies.
'Thief' - They steal. Hence the name Thief.
And that's all I got as far as classes go right now. Please post any class ideas.