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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I can’t really choose one over another. There are some I’d like to throttle and others that make me happy just being around them, but they’re all family and as such I can’t say there’s more love for this one or that. I don’t think love works that way. There may be some I prefer the company of, but that’s another matter, and in that case I’d say my mom is pretty awesome; she’s always been easy to talk to, she always goes to any lengths to make me happy and she’s probably the nicest person I’ve ever met. She’s a true saint.
  2. I had two slices of leftover pizza dipped in Ranch dressing. I grabbed a Three Musketeers candy bar for dessert but I haven't eaten it yet. I'm still staring it down, waiting to pounce when the mood catches me.
  3. I got a pair of waterproof shoes. They also have steel toes in case I have to kick myself for making such a pointless purchase in a sunny climate like California.
  4. I’ve been dealing with my brother in law and he’s a massive pain in the ass. And he’s one of those problems that has no solution. I hate no-win situations and I don’t need this kind of extra stress right now. I have too many other things to deal with.
  5. I had my second child this summer but I’d like to have at least one more if possible.
  6. There is no expiration date on the terms Boyfriend of Girlfriend. I call grown men ‘boys,’ and grown ladies ‘girls’. Many people call me a ‘girl’ even though I’m an adult, and I think it’s charming. One thing I don’t care for is being called a ‘woman’ because the insecure modern generations overuse it as though ‘girl’ or ‘lady’ is somehow a downgrade. I recently saw a movie in which two young girls (10 or 11 years old) were referred to as ‘women’ as though they needed some sort of ‘empowerment’ and I laughed my head off as I changed the channel, never to return.
  7. Pensive. My brother in law, who is difficult at best, is presenting yet another problem which probably won’t be solved until after Christmas. So I get to look forward to the holiday season trying to find a solution his latest volley of BS.
  8. Napoleons; a creamy masterpiece of pastry and goo. To die for! Macarons; not the junk you get in the frozen section of Walmart but the good quality ones made by someone who knows how. Chocolate chip cookies; my mom’s chocolate chip cookies to be more specific. There’s a vast difference between her cookies and other varieties of the same name. They’re like a whole different food group.
  9. Krispy Kreme probably. They’re sooo fresh and in many cases you can watch them making the donuts right there in the window. You just can’t go too wrong with a Kreme.
  10. Thank you so much. Travs. That means more to me than you know.
  11. Since my last post in this thread I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing the Queen Mother of all shitty airports: DALLAS FORT WORTH. I had to make connecting flights there this summer, departing to, and returning again, from Florida. Both times were disasters. I had my tickets in hand and up to the minute info on my phone but they still managed to wait until minutes before boarding time to change the boarding gate to the opposite end of the airport, and DFW is HUGE. We had to take a shuttle to the opposite end of the place, trying all the while to find ANY signs or directions to no avail. The maps of the airport were plentiful but not one of them showed a ‘You are here’ designation, so that rendered them meaningless. When we finally found our way to the plane we were exhausted and barely made it on time. The same thing happened on our return trip; another last minute gate change to the opposite end of the airport and no signage. I wasn’t the only one having this problem; I saw others sprinting past me to make their flights, and I had an 80 year-old woman with a bad ankle with me and she couldn’t sprint like the rest of us. It was a nightmare. DFW is on my permanent shit list and I’ll travel an extra day in any direction to avoid it.
  12. To be honest I don’t even remember mine coming in. Nor am I ever conscious of them. They haven’t made me wise, and wisdom seldom spouts from my toothy maw when I expose my pearly whites to the public.
  13. I remember it well. Everyone was talking about it being the end of the world but I knew it would get sorted out. Necessity is the mother of invention; it’s amazing how quickly people can find a solution when they really want to. The year 2000 came without incident but leading up to it the news whipped up enough false hysteria to sell their papers and newscasts, so they cashed in as usual. The whole thing was just a non-issue.
  14. 4/10 for me I guess. This year has had some wonderful moments and some terrible ones. I had a baby in August, which was a major miracle, and then my near-and-dear Grandpa passed away 8 days after that, which was not pleasant. I got a new housemate, who I’ve adopted into our family and she’s been a huge gift, and we moved into a bigger apartment, which isn’t fun because I hate moving. I had a vacation for the first time in four and a half years and it was fun but also hard to manage. I missed some opportunities but I’m hoping some new ones will appear soon. The Christmas season is upon us and that is largely what I base my whole year on, so that remains to be seen.
  15. At the moment I’m taking Dicyclomine twice a day for my nasty little digestive problems. Tiresome.
  16. I'm so late to the party! I hope next year I get to be banished to the moon with my favoritre princess, Luna! And I should mention some super great friends since that seems to be part of these festivities. @TheRockARooster My Number One Poneh! @Sparklefan1234 My Main Duck! @Fluttershutter Too awesome for words! @ZiggWheelsManning Awesome pony pal!
  17. Rarity of course! Who else could wake up looking totally fabulous first thing in the morning? Forget about Alicorn power. Great hair in the morning is TRUE power!!
  18. Hidden Love (2023): I’m only three episodes into this show but it’s got me royally hooked. There are 25 episodes so there will be plenty of time for it to screw things up and nosedive like so many would-be classics have done in the past. But I’m hopeful because I love the characters, and some of them I love a LOT. *dabs sweat off brow*
  19. My latest: Ice princess (2005): A nice movie about a girl who studies ice skating as part of a summer project to grease her way into an Ivy League college. But she gets wrapped up in skating and ultimately chooses to pursue that as a career instead of the institute of lower learning. This was made a long enough time ago to be a movie for the sake of entertainment and not political propaganda by Disney. It wasn’t half bad.
  20. I never used to name my electronics but since my last post here I got my first smartphone, and I call it ‘Bolt’ as in ‘lightning’ because it has a lot of power/battery capacity and I bought it to use on vacation, when I’m in the mood to ‘bolt’ somewhere.
  21. I’d rate it a 3: Poor. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of opposition considering how popular Taylor Swift seems to be, but to be honest she sounds EXACTLY like everyone on the Top 40 supermarket playlists for the last 20 years. She makes the same inflections, tonal interpretations, slurves and generic touches I’ve heard a million times. At best she’s boring. At worst she’s an imitator that got lucky…very lucky. I know this sounds more vitrioloc than it needs to be, but I assure you I’m unbiased because I’m not emotionally invested one way or the other, so this opinion is at least an honest one. I’m not a fan. Sorry.
  22. I’m selfish with my time and always feel like I’m being put upon by others whenever I have to drop what I’m doing to attend to them. I’m judgmental and sometimes speak ill of others when they’re not around to defend themselves. I’m a perfectionist and compulsive/obsessive. I get angry and frustrated when faced with seemingly unfixable problems. I get a little jealous of others at times when I see what I could have been but wasn’t. I often feel like I’m taken for granted and it makes me feel like little more than a piece of useful meat. If I feel rushed and overwhelmed I get really pissy and take it out on the nearest victim at hand. And on top of all that I have a touch of ego which is totally unfounded. I usually keep this stuff bottled in pretty well, but when the dam breaks all hell breaks loose and I can go on the warpath for days.
  23. I got a nice buffalo leather courier pouch. Very nice premium leather and perfect for many needs.
  24. I won’t say ‘angry’ is the best term. More like frustrated. I was given advice from someone who makes it impossible for me to use that same advice. I want to take his advice because I know it’s good, but how can I take it if he doesn't facilitate my necessary actions? Answer: I can’t. So nobody wins. It just dawned on me that none of this makes any sense.
  25. I went to church this morning to have some items blessed, went to the bank, came home and had a nice long snooze, and took some trash down to the dumpster. I watched a nice Christmas concert and some really bad TV tonight. Later I’ll watch Monster House.
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