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Lucky Bolt

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Everything posted by Lucky Bolt

  1. I myself am not trans, but I know a few people who are, in fact, they're good friends to me, and I support them 100%
  2. I tend to wait til mine are on the verge of no return before getting a new one.
  3. Well, here's me at about 7 years old... And here I am now, at 18...(I don't have the time to find better pictures right now, sorry. )
  4. I try...even though I’m not very good at it. Same I guess
  5. I was taking computer programming classes in high school for a short time, but it never reallly interested me. I hear you can make a lot of money by having a career with computer programming, though.
  6. I don't remember many of mine, but the ones I do remember... Fairy Princess Witch Cat Vampiress Corpse bride Rainbow Dash and Beth, a character off The Walking Dead.
  7. My ex, and long distance relationships. Worst mistake I've made so far online.
  8. I'm....a bit too young to remember that. I didn't even start using computers until I was preteen age, anyway. My knowledge of Windows is fairly new.
  9. I've always wanted to visit Canada. Even though y'alls accent is..funny sounding. No offense.
  10. Well, I don't keep up with fanfics/comics as much I should, BUT, this particular fanfic piece has always been my favorite, if you're into this sorta thing.... https://www.fimfiction.net/story/361034/roses-are-red-dummy It's cute, realistic, and I've always preferred simple little slice of life stories like this.
  11. 2011 was the year my cousin got married, and I got to attend!
  12. Spiders, wasps, enclosed spaces and darkness are what do it for me. ....well dang it. Looks like I already replied to this thread. Nevermind me. Carry on.
  13. Mine goes somthing like this: I only choose to follow someone if I know them somewhat, or if it's someone I'd like to get to know. Every now and then I go through my followers list and might unfollow anyone who doesn't even intereact with me or is no longer on the forums anymore.
  14. My biggest dream is to just continue being happy with life, get the job I always wanted and for the people who are special to me to be happy with their lives too. I don't ask for much.
  15. Exactly why I don't pay much attention to the news anymore. But I caught wind of this thanks to Google, and it's really depressing, honestly. It's a shame this is the world we live in right now.
  16. No, but I need them. Just unfortunately my parents could never afford them.
  17. Good morning everypony! How are you all today? 

    Nothing quite like leftover Easter candy for breakfast am I right? :toldya:

    Also, this is my last week of school! :love: Not as in, just for the summer, but as in, graduation finished! (I’m homeschooled, which is why I’m done in April rather than the typical June graduation. We do things a bit differently.)

    Anywho, hellooo Graduation Class of 2019 :proud:

  18. I cannot grow a beard and would never want one. I am a mare. And I'm not too fond of beards on guys either. I like my men with just a little facial hair, or stubble.
  19. I've been noticing my amount of free time has been becoming less and less, and with me starting up work in a couple months, I may hardly have any left at all....except for maybe on the weekends.
  20. I think because romantic relationships require more...investment, is the word. And sometimes, one person in a romantic relationship might realize they're not ready for said investment and commitment, and they just might feel rushed. In platonic relationships, it's easier cause things are more...relaxed, I guess. For myself at least, I’d be better off with just friendships, they’re easier. Romantic relationships are just not my cup of tea. But, you know, I’m just speaking from personal experience.
  21. I'm really looking forward to my New Orleans trip next month, and getting my first job.
  22. Hey Crushie :rarity: I hope to see you back on here soon, I miss you! 

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