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Everything posted by cmarston1

  1. Certain characters and events from over 1000 years ago. I mean during this time we had Nightmare Moon, Discord and King Sombra cause massive damage to Equestria but besides that we don't really know all that much about what happened during that time period and why all of those events happened during it. Especially characters like Starswirl the Bearded who has been mentioned quite a lot throughout the series but we have never been able to learn about what he was like as a character or what happened to him exactly. The same goes for Scorpan in a lesser effect, who I just really want to see in the show one of these days. But yeah it would be really nice to learn more of the world's lore and history that we haven't yet witnessed yet.
  2. The final battle against your rival in Pokemon Leaf Green was always annoying to me a lot of years ago. I too was the type of kid who only leveled up my starter (always the water type) which came to bite my hard during the elite 4. After finally making it to Lance and defeating him I thought I was done but nope. Green/Blue/Gary comes along and destroys my Blastoise and the rest of my "team". Plus seeing how this was before I really stocked up on full restores, Max Potions, Revives and stuff at the elite 4/by the elite 4 I was basically doomed at the get go. Then there is the Little Mermaid level in Epic Mickey Power of Illusion. Seriously that was one gigantic leap of difficulty in a game that was nowhere near that harsh before. It took my by surprise and lead to many many many defeats. Those darn spikes ewww Lastly I would have to say the Naga sections from The Legend Of Korra Platinum Games video game. Back when I first started with the game and was going through story mode for the very first time, those parts of the levels (chapters) were very very aggravating and unforgiving. Especially the one where after you finally finish the regular section (after countless challenges and retries) you get Another section to go through. This time it is like a boss fight and you have to defeat 3 mecha tanks. That too took me for surprise and lead to many many losses. Thankfully I have gotten a lot better at those sections and they no longer annoy me.
  3. My avatar says that I really enjoyed Rainbow Rocks and especially the awesome literal music battle between the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms.
  4. Don't be so ridiculous. Ponyville is soo much better off with Twilight then it ever was before. Outside of y'know saving the world like 5 times (unless Ponyville is no longer part of the MLP FIM world anymore) she has done plenty of things to help out such as organizing winter wrap up to have it's very first on time performance in season 1. But the main reason why Ponyville is not better off without Twilight is because she is the newest alicorn princess with a gigantic castle in the middle of town that is impossible to miss. I am pretty sure that would give the town a crap ton of media attention and thus tourism would flourish. That in turn would help stimulate the economy and make Ponyville a much wealthier town/community then it was ever before. So basically: Twilight=$$$$ No Twilight=
  5. 100 is more than 50. Rocks are shaped like rocks and are gray like rocks, which they are.
  6. Not really. It is cute and all but Pinkie is not the type of person (pony in that case) that would be interested in romance. She loves to make others happen and smile and lives for friendship but I feel like that is the extent of love she gets and gives to others.
  7. Pink: A pleasant color that can look pretty good. Red: Generally Okay but nothing special. Orange: Passionate Yellow: Sometimes too bright Green: I got nothing Blue: Gentle and safe Purple: Sweet Brown: Has some kind of gross shades. Gray: The color of metal. White: The absence of color. Black: Technically not a color
  8. I am hearing something that sounds like if not light cricket chirping in the background.
  9. Well I'm convinced. I am no longer cautiously optimistic about the episode. I am now just regularly optimistic about it. It looks like it will be a fun experience that I can't wait to see. Now if only the 2 weeks would go by faster.
  10. Yes I do. Especially when I forget something and think I lost it. But when I find what I was looking for I calm down. Yes I do. Especially when I forget something and think I lost it. But when I find what I was looking for I calm down.
  11. I predict that people are going to watch the next MLP FIM episode and discuss their feelings about it.
  12. The ability for the genie to allow me to wishes for more wishes. But besides that I would want: 1. Teleportation powers so I can go anywhere in the world whenever I feel like it. 2. More money so I can live a healthy life and support myself and others if I wish. Plus I could buy anything I ever wanted. 3: Magical Abilities or something
  13. I like him and his personality especially his interactions with Twilight Sparkle. Since Spike is one of the characters I can relate to the most he is one of my favorite characters in the FIM.
  14. The power to warp reality like Discord. With just one snap of a finger I could do anything I wanted to do. That includes teleportation, shape shifting, flight and pretty much every single super power ever. What else can I say?
  15. At first I was a little apprehensive about following the show when I started. But after a while I warmed up to it and have been following it passionately for right now over 3 years. So I got used to it and now it really doesn't bother me whatsoever for liking MLP FIM. Plus once you get on this crazy ride you can never leave.
  16. The same as Scootaloo's of course! As in characters we are never gonna meet because for logical reasons through the EQG narrative and them not being important whatsoever in the grand scheme or whatever the heck Scootaloo's reasons are we are just never going to see or care very much about them.
  17. While I would love to be rich and have a lot of money to spend on whatever I feel like, I don't think that being famous would be all that fun. I would not wan't to deal with stalkers, the media, the paparazzi, being constantly thrust into the lime light and generally having no personal privacy whatsoever. Plus with the amount of people who have gone crazy from that I really don't want that to happen to me.
  18. The chorus sure is catchy. I can listen to this and "My Past Is Not Today" forever.
  19. Pretty much every single one would be dangerous to mess with as seeing how they are physically stronger than us humans. But personally out of the mane 6 Twilight is the most dangerous to mess with. Seriously her huge amount of magical spells and abilities at her disposal makes Book horse a huge force to reckon to with.
  20. For a while now I have been interested in playing Earthbound since I hear it is a really fun and interesting RPG. Too bad I don't have a Wii U though so I can't play it or in the original system it came from. The same goes for Mother 3 which also sounds pretty interesting and something that I would want to play... Too bad it was only ever released in Japan! (And no I don't like using emulators, they just don't feel right to me.)
  21. Well then hearing that M.A Larson is the writer of the 100th episode actually gives me a good feeling not a bad one. Seriously he has a great track record for episodes he's worked on such as: The Return of Harmony 2-parter, Magic Duel (one of my favorites from season 3), The Cutie Map 2 part episode, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Luna Eclipsed, Secret of My Excess (One of the best Spike episodes). Even disregarding the base breaker that is Magical Mystery Cure (which is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series and was when I really started to get into the show) the man has a good streak of episodes behind his belt by this point. Plus being a part of the show since season one aka the very beginning of the show also helps a bit. So for me I don't see much reason to worry about the next episode.
  22. No I am not a brownie. That's not the type of dessert I am. I am a cookie. A smart cookie.
  23. Fluttershy since we have seen her be a fan of the Ponytones it's canon that she enjoys listening to A cappella music. Besides that I think she would enjoy listening to light pop and since she's friends with Treehuger (a new age hippie pony) I think that she would also enjoy listening to music groups such as the Beatles.
  24. Hands down would have to go with Avatar the Las Airbender. Sozin's Comet (Parts 1-4/ 2 hour tv movie) was absolutely amazing and had everything you could possibly want from a series finale. High emotional stakes, beautiful animation, great closure on all of your favorite characters, fantastic action and fight sequences, and a general sense of strength and epicness that not a lot of shows are able to put out. There is virtually nothing in it that I wish went in another direction as it is perfect just the way it is and was the best way possible to end one amazing series. It left behind a great legacy and is one of the most satisfying conclusions to a tv series that I can think of.
  25. Twilight would play as either Zelda or Robin due to their reliance on using magic based attacks. But then again I could also see her using Palutena because of magic and the fact that Lady Palutena basically is a more fleshed out Celestia. Rainbow Dash would play as either Sonic and or Captain Falcon as they are the fastest moving characters in the game. Pinkie Pie would play as either Jigglypuff and Kirby because reasons or something completely unexpected like Mr. Game and Watch, Duck Hunt Dog or Wii Fit Trainer. Fluttershy for some reason I can see with either Olimar or Rosalina and Luma. Applejack would either main as Sheik or Link. Lastly Rarity would either play as Peach due both having standard feminine traits or Zero Suit Samus due to the fact that Rarity may possibly know some form of martial arts.
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