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Brony Spirit, Have you Felt it?


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I feel it! And it moves me! It inspires me to do crazy things like read, floss, and pick up litter. Knowing that so many people are open-minded enough to find truth and beauty in such an unexpected place gives me hope. Seeing people strive to embody the show's ideals makes me want to be a better person, too. It's good feels all around and I think "brony spirit" is as good a term for it as any. 




I also felt it when I first listened to songs like these

Great choices, there's something so joyful about that kind of music.

  • Brohoof 2
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First time I heard the smile song, never forget. I used to experience the "brony spirit" a lot, but now I don't experience it nearly as much as I used to. I expect season 5 to fix this :).

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When I saw/heard the Smile song, I immediately thought "this is it, that's my frickin anthem right there", because I want people to smile. I love to see people smile. I think the brony spirit is actually IN that song, because you can feel that you want to should it out loud. 

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When I was crazy about the show yes, I'm very much certain that I felt it. But the feeling has since faded. I would probably still say I like the show, but presently I feel a bit indifferent as to whether or not I'll continue to watch it (I didn't quite finish season 3, and stopped there). It's a good show, but it's hardly the best ever made. 

Edited by MasterCombine
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As im kind of new to this I definitely feel this sensation as ive spend my years in a very dark place till one day I found luna game sad game really but it did get me thinking as it guided me to brony channels and so I put my stupid ideologies aside and started researching bronies and mlp to discover lauren faust created the show to break from stereotyping and I just fell further into it. Ive been following politics so the issue with stereotypes is a massive deal to me. The rest of why I love the show is because there is no other like it. I just wish they would release box sets here in the uk or scotland.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mlp has nothing to do with my childhood. It has made my current age the best ive had yet :) yeah, if thats what you want to name it, then I did feel it when I watched my first episode. I was sitting with my younger siblings and about to criticise them over watching such a childish show when - HOLY **** what has happened to me? Before I knew it, I was crazy about a show meant for my seven year old sister. I felt that feeling then, and every time I watch a new episode.

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I definitely feel this when I watch certain episodes of MLP. Episodes that apply to situations in my own life or ones that really affected me always get me feeling emotional. The first time I felt the Brony Spirit was when I was watching Magical Mystery Cure for what I think was the third time. Near the end, while they were singing the "True, True Friend" song, I began to wish that I had friends as good as the mane six. By the end of the episode, I realized that I did.

Filli Vanilli also had this effect on me, but it was more for the music than the episode itself. I love "Find the Music in You", and the final version of it, when Fluttershy's lyrics are combined into it, always gives me the chills and a warm feeling inside.

It's usually the finales that make me feel this way, but certain episodes often make me feel a huge burst of affection for either the show or a certain character (or, occasionally, a certain pairing). I'm filled with so much appreciation that I absolutely have to talk to somebody about it, or at the very least write my thoughts down. It was a feeling like this that made me join the MLP fandom; before I had been content to watch the show, but hadn't discussed it online. Suited for Success made me love Rarity so much that it was almost painful not to express it. I would've hugged someone if I could have, and I normally don't like touching. So I went to the Internet instead and got sucked up in this whole hodgepodge... and haven't regretted a moment since.


All right, I've regretted a few moments.


I've had similar feelings while attending pony conventions. BronyCon 2013 was my first ever convention and I was amazed by the immense feeling of community I got from it. I felt like I could talk to anyone. I wasn't nervous about asking for directions or seeing if I could join in on a conversation, and people even sought out discussion with me. It was probably the first time I ever felt accepted by a large group of people, and for that MLP will always have a special place in my heart.

...or some other body part. Liver? Yeah, that's better. A special place in my liver. Hearts are for sentimental dweeb buckets.

Edited by Cape
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I feel it every time I wear my Pinkie Pie dog tag, which is usually every time I go outside, and whenever I talk with fellow Bronies. It feels amazing. :D

'Every time I go outside'





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Yes! I have felt it!


I've been to Brony meet up groups before and attended BronyCon 2013. The feeling is amazing. So some people I know it resonates stronger than others but for every person there is a means to experience it.

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Yes, I think i know that feeling. I've felt it especially during watching the show for the first time (after I got rid of this little feeling of awkwardness at the very beginning :derp: ). I also feel it when I see bronies, who can put "friendship is magic" words into practice by being nice, friendly and helpful to each other and creating positive atmosphere of the fandom.

Like you, my friend, that's the same feeling I got. I did feel weird watching the show at first, but then it became so much fun after the first three episodes! Though, it unfortunately disappeared a little bit after watching the later seasons.  :mellow: But then, after watching Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony, it kind of came back. So, this spirit must be random at some times.

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Conceal Don't Feel!

Let it Gooo!

yeah I've felt that feeling before, When watching previous seasons or previous fanworks in youtube. There's a point where i become all nostalgic and all. Asking myself... ''Oh my god... How long has it been? I used to questioned  and hate it this show... Now here I am loving it. I don't know why I am being nostalgic on a show that's not even finish yet.'' Then I just smile and remember the good ol days where MLP was young and just smile along the way :)

Ti's a great feel

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I feel the Brony Spirit when I watch things like the Brony Documentary.

I wish I could go to the cons and hang with my fellow bronies...


...I want a hug now. :(



Don't worry, you're not the only one who can't go to the cons.

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