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Have you ever been pulled over by a cop!?

Gone Airbourne

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I'd been pulled over a few times but the one time that stands out is a pull-over that happened to me in Berkeley, California back in the 90s.


I'd just passed through an intersection where the light was just turning yellow. A moment later I saw the flashing red and blue lights in my rear view mirror so I pulled over. The following is the exchange that occured between myself and the cop that pulled me over after he stepped up to my rolled down window.


Me: "Good evening, officer. What can I do for you?"

Cop: Do you realize you just ran a red light?

Me: Yes, you're right! I did."

Cop: a moment of surprised staring, then, "Would you care to explain why you did that?"

Me: "Well, I had one of two choices: I could either slam on my brakes in an attempt to stop for the light, thereby risking being rear-ended by anyone behind me or coming to a dead stop in the middle of the intersection, thereby risking a collision from oncoming traffic.

Now, I really didn't have any time to think about it but I had to act quickly so I ran the light because that was the safest thing to do."


The cop looked at me for a moment, then smiled, tipped his cap, told me to have a good night and walked off.


Sometimes honesty is the best policy.

  • Brohoof 1



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I've had a bunch of speeding tickets but I haven't been pulled over for them. I have, however, been pulled over while riding my bicycle without lights during my paper round; in one case because I was too obvious in getting off my bike when I spotted the cops, which annoyed them more than my lack of lights. IIRC, the cop said, "If I'd wanted to fine you I would have, but please stop being so hypocritical, it pisses me off."


The second time they just said it was for my own good to have lights, and that while they wouldn't fine me, their colleagues might not be so nice.

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Yes.  There I was, at 3 AM in the morning, going down a back country road & I got pulled over for no reason at all.  Cop tried to tell me I was going 102 MPH & didn't find it amusing when I said I wanted to get home before I got in an accident :(


A few days later, my brother had taken a hit of LSD & was trying to go somewhere or other.  He knew Acid messes up your time sense, so he was being extra careful not to speed.  Cops pulled him over for going 5 MPH :( 


A week later, my friend Kevin decided to reenact The Wizard of OZ & pulled an ax from the car trunk & went down the Yellow Brick Road with it.  (The yellow stripe playing the role of Road to his Tin Man)  :(


My comment was "There is just no pleasing these people"  Our parents were not amused.  We spent most of that Summer being grounded.


1st law of childhood "Whatever happens, it is worse when your parents find out"

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I've been pulled over 3 times in the past twelve months. Doesn't help that my car is a bit of a cop magnet over here.


Story 1
>Leaving Manchester at 1AM, Friday Morning
>Straddling two lanes, because the markings are faint and I've never driven the road before
>Drive past a Police Discovery parked at the side of the road
>Police Discovery pulls out and tailgates me
>Tailgates me for a good twenty minutes

>Stop at a red light
>He sits right behind me with his Xenon headlights pointing right into my mirror.
>Can't see anything
>Light goes green
>Floor it to 30MPH, the speed limit

>He floors it trying to stay up my arse
>My car is much quicker to 30
>Catches up to me
>Disco lights
>At a red light
>Pulls up along side me, and winds his window down
>"Any need to be driving that fast mate? There's a 30 limit here."
"I know officer, I wasn't going over 30."
>"Mate, don't bullshit me, we just had to do 50 to catch up to you"
"Yes, but my car accelerates faster than yours, you'd have to go faster to make up the distance. I've even got my limiter set."
>Other officer pipes up
>"He's right, thinking about it."
>"Sorry for pulling you mate, have a nice day"
>Light goes green
>Floor it away and hit the limiter again


Story 2

>Driving back home
>1AM, night after an England World Cup game
>Had a BMW tailgating me for a good 15 minutes
>Get to a light
>BMW jumps in the lane next to me, looks like he's going to try and jump me
>De-activate traction control
>Rev engine
>Light goes green
>Dump the clutch
>Spin the tires
>Marked police Volvo on the other side of the road
>Casually does a U-turn
>I pull the fuck over, don't even wait for the lights to come on
>He rolls up behind me, and comes over to my window
>"Care to explain why you're driving like that mate"
>Explain I was worried about the BMW that had been tailgating me

>"Right ok. Where have you been tonight mate?"
>"Had a couple of drinks, have you?"
"None, officer."
>"Is this your car?"
>"And it's registered in your name?"
"Yes, it's my car"
>"Registered to your home address?"
>"I don't believe you for a second mate. How much have you had to drink?"
"Nothing officer."

>"Right, I'm going to get the breathalyser, and run this car through our computer."
>Goes back to his car, comes back five minutes later
>"Right, this is your car, but I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle."
>Step out, stand at the side of the road.
>"Okay, so one last time, I'm going to ask you how much you've actually had to drink."
"I haven't had a drink"
>"This is going to tell me otherwise. Blow into this tube."

>Do breathalyser
>Get a 0.00% reading
>Cop is dumbfounded
>"I'm so sorry for wasting you time. Have a nice night."
>Get back into my car, dump the clutch again and drive off into the distance
>Realise the next day that this happened right outside the Police Station.


Story 3
>11PM, late December
>On my way to work
>Foot to the floor around a roundabout
>Car handles like a go kart
>Come out of the other side at 50 in a 30 zone
>Pass a cop going the other way
>Watch as he goes around the roundabout in my mirror, now heading the same way as me
>Try to ditch him by weaving through town
>See disco lights come on back in the distance
>Wait for him to get right behind me, and pull over
>Usual questions "This your car, where are you going, have you had a drink etc."
>Cop explains that over Christmas, between 11PM and 11AM they have to pull over so many cars for breath tests
>Get into the back of the cop car
>Another officer is in the car
>They have a chat with me about my car and stuff
>Sound guys
>Do the test
>All good
>Tell them I have to go, or I'll be late for work, as I'd already explained when I got pulled over
>"Not a problem, we've already radioed for back up."
>"We'll give you an escort mate."
>Second cop car arrives
>70MPH through town, cop car in front, cop car behind
>Get to work just in time


Magical stuff. There're some great cops in my area. Go to late night car meets a lot, and the cops often come down. One time they brought their own Impreza pursuit cars, closed off an empty road for us, and set up some drag racing. Good stuff.

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Several times. Once was for expired registration, and three times for speeding. Ticketed twice for speeding and got a ticket for the registration. Now I pay more attention to what I'm doing and don't speed in places where I know cops lurk.


Although my registration is once again out of date. Expired way back in October. ^^;


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Got stopped once. Once. On my bicycle of all things. It was 2 AM, coming back from a snack run, and a cop stopped me. Hit some mud when I braked and stumbled, so the officer asked me if I was alright(of course I was). After that it was just a name and ID check and I was on my way. Looking back, with what I know now, I'm surprised he didn't turn his ceiling lights on or get out; it was dark as all get out and if I were a real criminal it would've been easy to attack him off guard. I even bent down to rest my arms on the passenger side windowsill. Attacking people unwarranted isn't me, though, and I want to be a cop someday soon because I love helping people.



If your black they will find you!! :okiedokielokie:  I can't think of one black or brown person that has not been pulled over by the dog.

Maybe they pull you over all the time because you call them "dog" and "pig" all the time.  >_>


Fidelis ad Mortem.

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I got pulled over a few times and got warnings. The only time I was ticketed was after the fact...While I was laying in a hospital bed! I was in a very serious accident. The police officer said it was the worst accident scene he ever saw, where the driver lived through it. That's a very dubious honor!


Once, I almost got a speeding ticket. I was only about a half mile from my house. This is embarrassing, but the truth. I begged the officer to follow me to my house and give me the ticket there, because I had to pee so bad I was about to have an accident! He let me go, and I just made it home in time!

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Never been pulled over. The fact that when I drive (whitch is extreamly rarely) I stay 5mph under the limit probably helps.


But I did discover that my Kawasaki 650 ATV had it's rev limiter set at 65mph on a gravel county road. B)


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This happened to my mother in Tyler Texas.


Mom is getting old & can't see real well at night.  Car pulls up behind her & starts following.  Mom is always super paranoid about this (thinks she's going to get rear ended if she has to stop suddenly), so she keeps slowing down so he will pass her.


Finally gets pulled over, given sobriety test & ticketed for erratic driving.  (Turns out, she was being followed by an unmarked cop car).  Pissed her off to the point she showed up in court to contest the ticket.  You can sometimes beat a ticket that way because the officer has to be in court as well (I think it's in the Bill of Rights, your right to confront & question your accuser)

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Recently a cop attempted to pull be over but I was way to far ahead. So he gave up.


Thank god I have never been pulled over.


I hope to keep it like that for as long as I drive.

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Yes indeed, but its been a while thank goodness I can't stand being pulled over man thats the worst. I just hate going through all the bull.

lol i hate it too especially when you get asked to come back to the officers truck in the middle of the night and ur freaking out and then he just wants to update

your address XD

  • Brohoof 1


                            Brony 4 Life

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lol i hate it too especially when you get asked to come back to the officers truck in the middle of the night and ur freaking out and then he just wants to update

your address XD

That does suck, at first its like what did I do?

  • Brohoof 1


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That does suck, at first its like what did I do?

And ontop of that its a k9 Unit and the dog is barking at u the whole time while ur in there XD

  • Brohoof 1


                            Brony 4 Life

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When I was about 17, I got "pulled over" while jogging one morning.  The cop thought I should have been at school (I dropped out years earlier and got my GED).  Luckily, my mom was running errands and just so happened to drive by and see the two of us.  She pulled up and told him I was finished with school.  Problem solved.  

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  • 3 years later...

I've never been pulled over. However I sped through a yellow light and an officer turn on his lights right behind me and scared me. I started pulling over when he passed me, apparently responding to a call.


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I suppose not yet(?), but so far no. 



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I got pulled over once because my tail lights weren't working properly at night. By my own brother. I was a relatively new driver, so I didn't know that they wouldn't turn on automatically like my weak headlights apparently did. We figured it out though and he let me off the hook for it. Though it does sometimes get mentioned at Christmas... :please:

Other than that, no. I'm generally very careful about my speed, never going above 9 km/h over the speed limit if I'm in a hurry. 

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