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Man... I really dislike arguing and all, but i tend to do so when i find people are trying to either hurt my feelings or proove me wrong. Especially when it seems almost just directed at me, and only me, when there are others doing WORSE things or similar things out there.


All in all, auriety is probably right. The thread should likely be locked before people start hating on each other more then whats happenning here.


And sprixx, i understand how you feel, and i'm sorry too if anything came across wrong from my angle.


Seeing as how this thread is doing people no good by igniting arguments left and right, and that my posts (and other posts) are getting deleted by the minute, I'd like it for the mods to lock this thread.

Edited by Tom Da Diamond
  • Brohoof 1
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I just wanted to add one thing in particular, it would seem to be that all of the posts that are more for the chat are being a bit demonized by some as attacking people (which in some cases true, myself guilty in one post and I feel bad about but my opinion remains the same). However it is also apparent that the posts against the chat are getting off scott free and there doing the same thing. Some things are being said that are explicitly trying to pull out a negative reaction in my opinion. Now I ask us ALL to compose ourselves, we cannot become divided over this! I honestly just want to let this go because every time someone posts something, someone will respond and this horrible cycle will continue. Let's get it together.

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Opinions regarding whether or not Silver is a sycophant aside, it can't be argued that he doesn't try to do his part for the boards. The kid's motivated and it shows. Whether it's because of a closeted hope to one day moderate or simply an altruistic desire to just lend a hand is neither here nor there.


Silver puts thought into his posts and legitimately seems to care about the state of the forum as a whole. To rip on him in spite of this simply because he might seem a bit too fond of those in positions of administrative power is pretty damn immature. Objectively immature. That's not even an opinion at this point. Taking potshots at this kid because we're all feeling a bit discontented over this chat spiel is out of line entirely.


I'd say that more people ought to emulate Silver's actions than otherwise, convictions regarding his intentions for them and his behavior towards the moderators considered.


This is all honestly getting more than a little silly and ought to stop now. C'mon now.

  • Brohoof 6

keep it real .

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Excellent hinochi, why prolong this, even though you already are? :/


Reason i say being a mod "sounds" hard is because it IS. Whats worse, is when you have a schedule on top of that to deal with. I know from personal experience that moderating is a difficult task.


May i ask where that statistic of "half the forums" comes from? Really, where did you pull that number from? Be honest.


And i have had occasions where i disagreed with a moderator. They are normally in private chat, and the reason i praise the mods, is because they deserve it. The things they say normally have much meaning, and the work they put into things at times is even greater. Besides, am i the ONLY one that praises mods after they say something? I challange you to find out if there are any other people that do similar things, and if they are just "kissing up."


You could at least use proper grammar and spelling when agreeing/argueing with me.

The statistic is from many other members who feel the same way, and they shall remain anonymous.

I praise the mods, albeit in a somewhat joking manner.

I know that being a mod is hard work and I dislike adding to their workload by being the troll I am. Yes I am a troll, but I do know when to stop.

Not everything the mods say "have much meaning" that it requiires legitimate worship, which you seem to happily and readily to give.

Now I'm not saying they don't deserve some praise, just not what appears to be flatout worship.

And how do you go to school for 12 hours? Most schools I know of usually only go to 10 hours at most.

  • Brohoof 2
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I have nothing more to say to you right now that wont get me banned in 10 seconds flat so I'll just let it go for now. Now with that out of the way, I think the chat would have done better if more of the rules were enforced, if mods had put there foot down and shown people that they can't get away with the kind of crap that was apparently going on (Frankly I didn't see it but either way). HOWEVER, that is not to say I blame the mods, that's not fair to them or anyone else, regardless it is those who broke said rules who are to blame I just would have liked to seen it handled better. Regardless it's been put down, perhaps one day it will return in one form or another but right now it's gone, too quote myself "Good night sweet prince". Look at me, I'm starting to add to the problem of the rudeness and hate, I apologize for how I came off Silver, but I don't buy what your saying but I am deeply sorry.


When we were lenient, chatters bitched and moaned about the chat sucking, being too spammy, or a place where people go to be idiots. When we put our foot down, people bitched and moaned about their warning, punishment, and in many cases, ban, being unfair and insisted that they had not done anything wrong.


It's not often that I use language like this, but it happens to perfectly describe what we, as the nine volunteers who run MLP Forums, experienced with the chatroom. It's no surprise that we had a near-perfect 50:50 split of survey responses last month that called chat moderation out for being too strict or too loose.



I just wanted to add one thing in particular, it would seem to be that all of the posts that are more for the chat are being a bit demonized by some as attacking people (which in some cases true, myself guilty in one post and I feel bad about but my opinion remains the same). However it is also apparent that the posts against the chat are getting off scott free and there doing the same thing. Some things are being said that are explicitly trying to pull out a negative reaction in my opinion. Now I ask us ALL to compose ourselves, we cannot become divided over this! I honestly just want to let this go because every time someone posts something, someone will respond and this horrible cycle will continue. Let's get it together.


And this. I do not want to threaten anyone here with a ban or a suspension, and this thread was meant to let everyone blow off some steam. But if the derailing attempts and arguments don't stop, you'll leave us with no choice.

  • Brohoof 7

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Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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Oh my, i thought people would have gotten over this by now...i see i was mistaken

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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You could at least use proper grammar and spelling when agreeing/argueing with me.

The statistic is from many other members who feel the same way, and they shall remain anonymous.

I praise the mods, albeit in a somewhat joking manner.

I know that being a mod is hard work and I dislike adding to their workload by being the troll I am. Yes I am a troll, but I do know when to stop.

Not everything the mods say "have much meaning" that it requiires legitimate worship, which you seem to happily and readily to give.

Now I'm not saying they don't deserve some praise, just not what appears to be flatout worship.

And how do you go to school for 12 hours? Most schools I know of usually only go to 10 hours at most.


This is all i'm going to say, so that a question can be put at rest. I am going to school twelve hours a day, due to the fact that i have a major role in the high school play. Because of that, rehersals go from 3:00 to 8:30, ultimately leading to school days from 8:30 AM, to 8:30 PM. Which equals 12 hours.


Now lets stop this nonsense and actually talk about the topic this thread was made for!


The chat was a lot of fun, so it will be missed, but it's time to move on. After multiple chances of redemption, we blew our last. We'll have to live with the skype group and move on. The odds of them bringing it abck are even MORE slim after our arguing and bickering.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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I am not even mad about the chat being closed. I am mad at how unexpected it was. Since i registered on the forums, i have seen spam 2 times in the chat. In change, the numbered of civilizated discussions we had was great (Does anybody remember the Theory of BronyPony about Time = Light ????). I am still a fairly new member. I have always had problems socializing. I cant testify that all "Alienating" thing from the chat is pure s***. I never saw users ignoring other users in purpose.

  • Brohoof 6
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As someone that was often in the chat room - out of a sense of obligation more than any actual desire - nearly every day, for hours on end, I would like to throw out that, yes, it was as bad as it is being made out to be. Just my two cents.

  • Brohoof 11
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As someone that was often in the chat room - out of a sense of obligation more than any actual desire - nearly every day, for hours on end, I would like to throw out that yes. It was as bad as it is being made out to be. Just my two cents.



Lol, yep he was in chat alot i can vouch for that :P

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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And this. I do not want to threaten anyone here with a ban or a suspension, and this thread was meant to let everyone blow off some steam. But if the derailing attempts and arguments don't stop, you'll leave us with no choice.


I make this as a warning, some of these people are bold face FIGHTING, there is not steam to be blown off they're at each others throats! This is going to end poorly if something isn't done soon. I ask you, people of the forums, please no more hate! and to Feld0, if this continues I beg of you, lock this monster!

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here to calm down everyone :P


In all honesty as I said I still find it a not so smart decision it is way easier to start getting known to people through chat and then going on the forums but as things are I guess thereis trully no way around it :/

  • Brohoof 4

~In construction~ 

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here to calm down everyone :P


In all honesty as I said I still find it a not so smart decision it is way easier to start getting known to people through chat and then going on the forums but as things are I guess thereis trully no way around it :/


Gahh I love Aviators<3


Now to mention something relevant to the thread so this post doesn't get deleted as well..


What the hell happened to "Love and Tolerate"? We're Bronies for Celestia's sake!

Something like this shouldn't tear us apart and put us against each other.

I too will miss the chatroom but whether we like it or not we're just going to have to make the best of it and eventually move on.

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I agree, i used chat a lot but i mainly on talked during the late hours because that's when there were fewer people on and everyone had good topics to talk about, but during the day it was mostly all spam and what not and i usually just opened my chat and kept it in a tab without even looking at it XD. But other then that i respect the decision that was made and i understand why it was too.

Edited by SlurpyNom


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We are, by the way, contemplating the possibility of releasing the chat logs in their entirety, to set the record straight and let everyone see and judge things for themselves.


YES. Pl0x on chat logs.


Opinions regarding whether or not Silver is a sycophant aside, it can't be argued that he doesn't try to do his part for the boards. The kid's motivated and it shows. Whether it's because of a closeted hope to one day moderate or simply an altruistic desire to just lend a hand is neither here nor there.


Silver puts thought into his posts and legitimately seems to care about the state of the forum as a whole. To rip on him in spite of this simply because he might seem a bit too fond of those in positions of administrative power is pretty damn immature. Objectively immature. That's not even an opinion at this point. Taking potshots at this kid because we're all feeling a bit discontented over this chat spiel is out of line entirely.


I'd say that more people ought to emulate Silver's actions than otherwise, convictions regarding his intentions for them and his behavior towards the moderators considered.


This is all honestly getting more than a little silly and ought to stop now. C'mon now.


I don't even understand why there needs to be a pointless argument in this thread.

  • Brohoof 3



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Oh my... Just look at this thread


Posted Image


If the chaos from this thread could be tapped as an energy source, it could warm up my bath tub for three weeks.



Feldo keeps this thread open to informs all members about the news, please don't give him a reason to close this thread

  • Brohoof 7


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I, for one, am not happy AT ALL with the decision by the staff to abruptly do away with the chatroom. That was where I was able to conveniently interact with with my fellow members without the worry of an inbox filling up. It was a convenient way for me to springboard my fanfic ideas and concepts with all my fellow members. And now it's gone....I'm sorry, but I am NOT HAPPY.

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spam is all you see because you probably never stayed long enough to actually see what was going on in there. If you can only make an impression by just poping in seeing spam and leaving then what can I say you just had bad luck at the times you entered.


That is very true Leona there were very important stuff if they even stayed longer but they only saw spam and they just left not wanting to see if any thing is actually going on which also saying that I have to Admit some were playing but were having fun I was playing have to admit but I was also serious and there were very serious stuff on chat people who needed help and make friends and some helped out and they got help

  • Brohoof 1


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