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What are you currently obsessed or 'in love' with?

Canary Yellow

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Right now I'm obsessed with a fine-tip yellow marker I found in my old pencil case earlier and I can't stop writing random things with it just omg this pen. XD





What are you guys obsessed with right now?  :toldya:

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm obsessed with the forums, I just cant leave it :lol:


and eating, but that is unfortunalty negative for my money :(


I'm in love with nothing. Well, except Rainbow Dash would love me when she would be real. I love MLP, MGS and F1 but not that much obsessed with them

  • Brohoof 4
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So we're not talking about crushes here?


Right now:



And this song:

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Oh, I am quite obsessed with a special someone (@Pucksterv) and in love with her as well  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  

Edited by JonasDarkmane
  • Brohoof 1
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Writing a biography about a famous Danish celebrity. Very top secret.  :ph34r:

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I'm officially obsessed with The Voice Kids: Germany. Some of those kids really CAN sing. o3o


These are my favourites:







Just amazing  :o

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I would have to say ponies. Duh.


But to be more realistic, I have to say Open Broadcast Software.  It's an amazing screen recorder that gets up to 60fps and it's completely free!

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Avatar. I have been watching my way through Korra and it's got my mind in a vice. Being a real life martial artist and a person of religious/spiritual inclination, both series speaks to me on deeply personal levels.

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I'm currently obsessed with King Sombra

*Brohoofs* post-28830-0-87867800-1428770358.png

You have the right obsession ;)

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Housepets, a web comic that a friend introduced me to. Thank god there are several years worth of strips that I can read. x)

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Oh that is an easy one I'm obsessed with Five Nights at Freddy's. I now have two pony OCs that I drew that are FNAF themed. (I never draw hardly anymore.) I'm already putting money back to go see the movie and I have a playlist of FNAF songs I'm listening to right now. On another site I have a purple guy avatar. 

  • Brohoof 1
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