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Tommy Oliver Rage Quits the Fandom

Moved to Elsewhere

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Mr. Enter didn't leave the fandom, he's just taking a break from MLP reviews. He said so on his deviantart.

Something I feel had Tommy done, might have rejuvenated his interest in the fandom instead of completely destroying it. If this was bothering him so much for so long then he should have quit a while ago instead of letting the frustration build up to the point it got to, it's saddening to see him go but it's even more hurtful to see him go like this, at least Digibro was subtle about it. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I will agree that the brony community can't take negativity for shit.

But I don't really care that he left the fandom. He's kind of an egotistical asshat.

  • Brohoof 2


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you know, i dont see how one person leaving the fandom can cause 11 pages of content in a thread.

same thoughts here, i mean it is just one guy but he still was relevant to this fandom, key word being was

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I think that its a TV show, so how can you really 'quit' it? It's his choice at the end of the day anyway and his opinion, none of this stuff is real anyway, I dont mean that in an offensive way, but its like someone saying I now hate game of thrones im leaving the fan base, doesnt really matter lol

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@@Dark Qiviut,

Loved your comment and agree with it every step of the way.

You know, watching his video, at the end, he says something along the lines of not being angry with his positive reviewers.

...so, I think all this is just rage because he can't take criticism. I'm sure there is a lot of stupidity he faces when making his videos. But I think this is a blind rage thrown in a fit.

I mean, I probably don't understand-- I'm not him. But seeing an adult raging like this really irked me. Especially when he said he wasn't talking to his positive reviewers.

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you know, i dont see how one person leaving the fandom can cause 11 pages of content in a thread.

Sooner or later people are going to run out of things to say. With threads like these, it's best you just let people say what they will -- be they brilliant or the stuff that makes you want to split your desk in two with your head -- and just leave it at that. Say what you will and just leave it at that. It's your opinion after all. At most, just give out brohoofs. If someone decides to put you down for saying something they didn't like, ignore them. Your pride isn't worth taking any more part in this nonsense.

Edited by SunBurn
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If we won't stop this then the show will end like Power Puff Girls, Fosters Imaginary Friends and other Fauts tv shows that only remained in our memory.

People come and go in fandoms and in franchises all the time, most of them quietly as opposed to making a rather disrespectful attention whoring screw you video in order to play the victim and fish for sympathy. Most of the franchises I got into I still like but there are few I simply lost interest in like Power Rangers and to a lesser extent Pokemon, but it dosen't mean I regret being into them or have grown a blind hatred of fans of either. Did you really think that the show staff members intended to be involved with My Little Pony forever? I wouldn't be surprised if a great deal of them are sticking around much longer than they originally thought they would. One thing you are right about and that has annoyed me are the excessive amount of out of character moments and continuity issues/plot holes.



It's core profit comes from little girls who are not involved with the fandom. Once they noticed that the show is as much fresh and interesting as Hannah Montana, they will jump onto another series like Monster Hight or Skull Girls. Entire Equestria Girls series is Hasbro "backup plan" in case people get tired of ponies.

That was the case with previous generations but not anymore, yes little girls are still a huge profit point for MLP but bronies have become just as much of one as little girls in this generation making G4 rather unique. It is something that has the potential to carry over into future generations though whether or not it will we will just have to wait and see.

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Something I feel had Tommy done, might have rejuvenated his interest in the fandom instead of completely destroying it. If this was bothering him so much for so long then he should have quit a while ago instead of letting the frustration build up to the point it got to, it's saddening to see him go but it's even more hurtful to see him go like this, at least Digibro was subtle about it. 

Agreeed, he should have taken a break from mlp, put it aside and try reviewing other content out there, kind of like how Nostaiga critic hasd a slump so he changed things up, hell he made a whole plot arch around it in his videos. AT least i assume that was Douge walker situation and not just a NC plot thing.


anyway yeah MrEnter does more then just MLP which is acutal quite refreshing, when a channel has one focus like mlp it can get a bit dull after a while and you do eventual need something new to spice things up.

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I've pretty much stopped watching his videos. I watched them because he analyzed the my little pony episodes, but then he sort of started doing other episodes. I thought maybe he'd come around eventually, but apparently he's gone too far. Goodbye Tommy.

this is what happens when you nitpick and overanalyze a show for kids

Well said.

  • Brohoof 3

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I'm actually somewhat depressed and disappointed after seeing what people have to say about him here.


As ungraceful his exit was, I wouldn't call him an asshole for doing what he did. Quite a few of his points here are pretty valid having experienced the very same issues myself. Encounters such as what he described are some of the reasons I don't come back here to share my ideas and art content. Not to say the forum is entirely like that, but a few sour experiences can spoil a mood and willingness to continue something. Which is why I can relate to Tommy in this aspect.


I've been a long-time follower of Tommy's works, and any long time followers would know he's not trying to overgeneralize the fandom here. Enough changes have occurred within the fandom and show to be recognized as significant. I have no doubt the fandom is still strong, but the show nowhere near has the same appeal as some of the pre-Season 3 episodes that made it so approachable. As Digibro put it best: "It doesn't have the same spark." A statement that I agree with. (Just to clarify, this does not mean I still don't follow the show or pony content. This doesn't mean its without its enjoyable content, far from it. I'll still follow these characters and draw pony art for as long as I can. I have been keeping up with Season 5 episodes and aren't generally disappointed with them either. I just prefer Season 2 as my favorite because it had something I liked that the others didn't have)


A thing that has been bothering me however is the "publicity/money hog" persona people tend to project on people like Tommy. Tommy didn't start pony reviews/analysis on monetization. He did it because analysis was something he enjoyed. The reason he wanted to monetize it was to make a living and career out of an occupation he enjoys. If producing content for a particular audience not only: A) Becomes less enjoyable due to the attitude of said audience, and B ) No longer benefits him career-wise, then it's completely understandable why he would leave and with the level of irritation he did. I'm not saying I condone his attitude, but that doesn't mean I find it any less relatable/understandable. Like most people have already said here, Tommy should have left while the going was good.

Edited by Captain Brony (MG11)
  • Brohoof 2

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

With the power of Turkish Kung-Fu!

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Well after reading some of these comments, I am kinda worried that the fandom is falling apart. Its that everytime I join a fandom, it kinda falls apart and I miss out on what it could have been. can someone tell me is this fandom still good or is everyone loosing interest in MLP. I don't want a talented community to disapear.

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Well after reading some of these comments, I am kinda worried that the fandom is falling apart. Its that everytime I join a fandom, it kinda falls apart and I miss out on what it could have been. can someone tell me is this fandom still good or is everyone loosing interest in MLP. I don't want a talented community to disapear.

The fandom is still strong, and will be for a long time coming. Some people are just telling it how it is, Tommy overreacted a tad, and made some harsh generalizations. Every fandom has ups and downs, and we come out in the end. I think it's a bit jumping the gun to say that the fandom is dying.

  • Brohoof 7
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Well after reading some of these comments, I am kinda worried that the fandom is falling apart. Its that everytime I join a fandom, it kinda falls apart and I miss out on what it could have been. can someone tell me is this fandom still good or is everyone loosing interest in MLP. I don't want a talented community to disapear.

Don't take "Fandom Doomsday" seriously; I've been Brony since 2011 and I've seen multiple times people being paranoid about end of fandom. You know what? None of them were right. From the way I see it, people are over-reacting for no reason; nothing unusual.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna
  • Brohoof 7

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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For the people who say that r34 is a recurring thing in fandoms:


Yes, you're absolutely right. That doesn't excuse that it still happens when it shouldn't happen. That's like saying "someone got murdered by a serial killer in my hometown, but it happens all the time around the world." It comes off as more of a justification than an explanation, especially if it's being used in defense. 

Not to mention youtuber "I hate everything" pointed out MLP has the most submissions or whatever on the rule 34 website 

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Sorry for saying it's dying,  :( its just that i was just worried that's all. sorry to have come out wrongly here

Nah don't worry about it man. It's alright to express your concern for others to hear.

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Sorry for saying it's dying, :( its just that i was just worried that's all. sorry to have come out wrongly here

It's all cool you're maybe overreacting that's all

  • Brohoof 1

*Boops You Nose!*

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The brony fandom on youtube is pretty effing toxic, not going to lie. I'm not surprised Tommy did what he did, and I don't exactly disagree with what he said either. 


The forums (for the most part, minus those ' why do people like X character so much, I don't get it cause they sux and is mary sue'  topics  >_>) are much less horrid and are pretty level headed, but part of that is because we have moderators who keep the trolling and too negative people in their place. Youtubers like Tommy have no moderators and actually make a living off of their opinions, and it basically hems them in and constricts any amount of creativity they had to begin with. 


Drowning in horseshoes left as well, although he never was a brony analyst to begin with, though he did his analysis exceptionally well he was a parody channel and always intended on leaving and taking the ones he liked with him, one of which WAS Tommy. 


The show has a number of seasons left, and I'm sure there will be those to fill the void. I may even do it myself, but I wouldn't want to make a living off of it for the same reason Tommy ended up leaving for, he had to sensor himself because of his rabid unreasonable fans. 


If I did it though, I would pull a Pewds and just turn off the comment section and set up a place where folks can comment and have moderators deal with the toxic types. That sounds harsh sure, but one look at the comment section of a youtube vid will tell you that sh*t is broken as f*ck. 

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As many points as he makes, I can't support him in any sort of way. 


His exit was understandable but most definitely unprofessional and rash. 


Let's start with the good (just how he would do it)


He makes some valid points, he really does and i have a few things to say. This being the most important, This community, I haven't been in very long but I have to say it isn't always open minded or level headed. I regret reading through comments on videos or in analysis because their is that good portion this video was aimed at out there. They get offended too easily and when they do they become hostile towards those with another opinion. I'm sorry but BE RESPECTFUL! I don't know how many people I've talked to people on this forum who have been hurt by other Bronies, other fans of the show due to the fact that they have a different opinion. Well if you go and cry and yell everytime someone disagrees with you then you will be crying the majority of your life. Sure, you don't have to agree. You most certainly don't have to like it. You can even express your opinion to them, but for ****'s sake act like an adult, or if you can't then at least professional... or try to be. For all you who get butthurt too easily, who insult or berate others for what they think. Then you are the pitiful and the pathetic Tommy was talking about. If you have an issue with what i said, then feel free to speak your mind. NOT insult me for my opinion. Some opinions I'd like to share that would get me verbally murdered on this community... 


- I dislike Derpy

- I really like Diamond Tiara


Two I've got the most crap about ^^


Now another thing, Administrators. I hate to call you out on anything but I reallt WANT you to step up on this site when it comes to figthing and stuff like that. I know two people who got bullied off this site due to the fact they had their own opinion. And one of the reason's they were bullied was because of their Religious beliefs. That irks me that just because i believe in something that I'll get insulted, discriminated for it. I have yet to have that issue but I know people that have. So please keep that in mind. 


Also I just want to close by saying this, with the amount of "hate" in this fandom (not necessarily the site) is SO ironic. We all love/like the MLP: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!  And yet some of us can't bring themselves to treat each other with a little respect. Now let me be clear... not everyone is like this but there are some people, believe it or not. But isn't it ironic... the show about friendship generates one hell of a lot of hate and provides little tolerance and respect towards each other. So what's with that? Y'all watch the show don;t you? Then why do you do what you do. "I ship Her and him", well if you like it then say why your ship is better but say it like this... "I personally like this ship because..." Don't berate others ideas because guess what... THEY see those characters together NOT YOU but THEM. Another example, "I disliked this episode" well don't be like "NO! How dare you..." How dare you what? Think for yourself. Have your own opinion. Be a diverse human being that no one are alike. Not everyone agrees or else the world would be perfect. And it's not and never will be in this day and age.


So... let me clarify. I am addressing my points to those it applies to. Not the fandom in general


Now the Bad, I disagree with his points as well.


He generalized, which is really bad.


I straight up disagreed with his thoughts on the show but I respect his different opinion. 


I want to criticize one thing. Tommy Oliver was hypocritical and unprofessional the WHOLE time. Regardless of whether or not he was aware of it, doesn't make it alright by any means. As an analyst with thousands of subscribers and people watching him. People which you can influence.... YOU NEED TO ACT PROFESSIONAL, TOMMY! I understand you're fed up and you have distaste in the whole situation but that doesn't give the right to say "to hell with it" and act the way you did. You should of explained your points with a level head and been what you wanted the fandom to be. LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Also, all the people who read what I'm typing, do you respond better when you're yelled at and told to do something or talked to kindly and asked? Rhetorical question...


Anyways... I want to move on from this, I'm tired. Goodnite everypony, hope my points came across... feel free to share your opinions, RESPECTFULLY. 

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I saw the video recently and gave it a thumbs down followed by unsubscribing him. I said this so often, and I'll say it again. If you're going to quit, then do so because the quality isn't up to snuff. Don't scapegoat the fandom! Scapegoat nobody! His bitching at the end is a lot like why almost every brony separatist cowardly hides, whines, and cries away from "being a brony" despite being factually bronies. His commentary is nothing but a bunch of angsty stereotyping. The blind positivity is a problem, but it also is a problem in other communities. Calling this out is something that should be done, but he handled it very terribly. Rather than simply taking the ball and going home and leaving with good graces, he bashes everyone down with him. Yes, even his own friends and loyal watchers despite claiming otherwise.


The second you use stereotypes to back up your reasons, then you're doing nothing except being a bigot. The prejudice and stereotyping from T_O oozes of bullshit. By scapegoating the analysis community and whole brony fandom as being a collective hive mind, he shows absolutely no loyalty to not only FIM, but every other product out there. Yes, even others like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. He showed that he never genuinely enjoyed the product since he came into this fandom.


But Tommy Oliver's situation is one of the worst simply because of how loyal he presumably was. He was a devout member of the analysis community, even helping thrive the BAC until it really grew. By throwing every brony under the bus after all this time, T_O doesn't come out as sincere. Instead, he comes out as a fraud!


There's no objectively good reason to agree with him or support him because his reasons are stupid. You use stereotypes, you deserve to be called out and have your fanhood questioned. Goodbye, good riddance.


You're objectively wrong. The BAC analyzes and reviews this product because there's a quality level to expect. It's proven to be above "kid's show" fanfare and be a product everyone can watch and enjoy. It's an all-ages, family-friendly cartoon. Every level of media is subject to analysis, including every generation of MLP.

I couldn't agree with this guy more. Everyone has there opinion, But no need TO BITCH OVER EVERY LITTLE THING THATS "wrong" WITH THE FANDOM! 

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