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S05:E14 - Canterlot Boutique


S05:E14 - Canterlot Boutique  

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1. I called it!!!! a new Rarity song!!!

2. I'm glad this episode wasn't a ripoff of Sweet and Elite like I thought it would be.

3. This is the 3rd time this season that Pinkie Pie ate some bad tasting sweets (Sugar Belle's muffins, Gilda's griffon scones and now, the cupcakes.)

4. Twilight is the most popular princess!!!

5. Dat fat pony at the end.



Overall, this episode was.......... AMAZING!!!!! :pinkie:

Edited by Princess Book Horse
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Well, here's my first thought:

I thought the episode that the episode was pretty average and it did not shook me like the other ones of this season

It had a few issues:

I could say the exposition with the fact that Rarity opened a Boutique, but that was not the thing that looked to have affect the look of the final product. And I am the only one here who thinks it had pacing issues? Because it took so much time for Rarity to realise she was not in much in control of her boutique and it took a while for her to just tell to Sassy to let her go as the center point of the boutique.

Also, I did not get the moral, maybe I need to think on this one...

But, I think the humour was great and helped the episode to go along.

And I thought Rarity was definitely into her caracter in the episode (yes I say something good about her for once).

TL;DR: Besides a few flaws and a lack of energy, it was not a bad episode per say.


Rating: 7 or 7.5/10

Edited by Cosmic V0rtex
  • Brohoof 2


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I really dig the concept behind the episode. An artist struggles to maintain a creative spirit and interest in their work after hitting it big and people just want the same thing over and over again, which in and of itself makes that product less special. That's a mature story to explore, and Rarity is the perfect character to do it with.




Did this ever hit close to home for me, granted I am not in a creative field right now (that will change someday though) but it overwhelming me does make me feel much like Rarity did in this episode. Like a mindless drone who has sold out for a quick buck and is having their very life sucked out of them. Currently I am struggling to keep my own creative side going as I have a job and other pressures that are slowly killing me. 


Oh yeah, a lot of artists and content creators can relate to what Rarity went through today. Once you hit the big time, it's so easy to get stuck doing the same thing. The lessons that come from this episode and "Suited for Success" are ones folks like you should take to heart.

Also, to any aspiring marketers out there: don't be afraid to go against your research every once in a while. Most people love it when you share your idea in unorthodox ways! I know I do. :)


So yeah, this episode hit a lot of the right marks, both in its moral and its storytelling. And once again Kazumi Evans graces us with another stellar performance. Solid 8.5/10 for me.


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Solid Rarity episode, I liked it. It had a nice song and a good resolution that made sense, except for how Sassy learned her lesson so quickly.


I see your point but for them to drag it out longer would require making it a multi-episode plot. I wouldn't have anything against that, but most episodes are one-shot deals. Only the most major plots get interwoven. I do like Sassy and wouldn't mind seeing more of her.  :P

  • Brohoof 1


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The incoming Tumblr ragestorm is going to be fucking hilarious! :love:

Well. Prepare for the instant memeification of fat pony.

Enter the Forest...

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That mare at the end... Where have I seen her before...?

Oh, that's right.






As for the episode itself, I'll have to watch the episode again once it's uploaded. There were ads on the stream that interrupted the stream which was quite disruptive of the flow. Best I wait for new episodes to be uploaded from now on.

Dang your right! Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised it took the fandom only this long to figure this out. lol

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I watched like 15 minutes of it, then turned it off, partly cause I had to leave for school today, partly cuz it was pretty bland/boring/whathaveyou.


I like the concept and there were some moments that had me nodding (like having your creative passion turned into a obligatory job).


Pinkie Pie was annoying, the song was meh on first watch, and I'm not really sure how I feel about the conflict. A second watch is necessary (obviously ;) ).


Cheers :)

Edited by LZRD WZRD
  • Brohoof 1

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Why I am not surprised that Rarity gets a song in her episode.  :lol: Ok, she had definitely one of the best singing voices in MLP. The song was after the first listen not so the best for me, but a good song (especially with this voice). 


I like the new Pony designs. We also have a real gothic pony now (her voice remembered me to Raven from Teen Titans). 


Btw.: The pony at the end: LINK  :lol:


Good episode, nice start in the second half of S5. 

Edited by IronM17



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I really dig the concept behind the episode. An artist struggles to maintain a creative spirit and interest in their work after hitting it big and people just want the same thing over and over again, which in and of itself makes that product less special. That's a mature story to explore, and Rarity is the perfect character to do it with.


I was thinking a similar thing - the moral once again is really not meant for a kid audience. When I was a kid if I was selling stuff out in the front yard all I cared about was making a buck. This episode probably speaks a lot louder to the creative side of the fandom, and maybe even is self-referential to the animation industry as a whole?



I'm not sure whether to hate or feel sorry for Sassy Saddles, especially since this apparently  isn't the first boutique she's tried to control and take credit for, only to end up running it into the ground.


She's like the Carly Fiorina of fashion!



Other than that, Sassy learned her lesson...quickly. Very quickly. Like "Divine intervention" quick, she just took one look at Rarity doing things her way and was just all "Okay, works for me!", and some of the moments felt kinda forced.

For me it resolved itself satisfactorily. I complained about how "Do Princesses Dream..." ended because Twilight resolves it for Luna by telling her not to feel guilty. Sassy seeing other ponies react to Rarity's dresses works better, because it's learning by seeing rather than simply being told.


Maybe Sassy was just too caught up in the grand opening over the one dress she had a hoof in designing to pay attention to how customers were reacting to Rarity's other dresses, and it took a going-out-of-business sale for her to see there was more than one way for a store to succeed?


Overall liked the episode, though the fashion-heavy theme is a bit hard for us non-fashionable types to relate to!

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Pony's back baby!


What I liked:

Rarity, kind of interesting to see more of her meek side this episode when dealing with Sassy and her truphmant return to form at the end.

The song, I liked the instrumental melody.

Pinkie Pie, What the heck was up with those cupcakes? XD


What I didn't like:

Sassy: Sorry a bit to one note for me, though I did like the inclusion of the "Not another boutique failure"

Twilight: SHE"S NOT BEST PRINCESS, LUNA IS!!!!!! ALL OF MY RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What was interesting/odd to me:

The Boutique: Weird but outside of the opening we spend the entire episode in the Canterlot boutique and nowhere else. A bottle episode, quite unusual. 


So overall a good enjoyable episode but at a certain point I just don't find it as rememberable as other this season or the show in general. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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A great episode. I liked how the show manage to discuss the balance between doing it for the art and being a part of the business without turning anyone it into a one sided argument.



I think a valid argument can be made that this presented several of the problems with modern mass-production. Homogenous replication is itself a lack of creativity and individuality but can also lead to greater levels of sameness. The more a mass-produced product becomes common through mass-production and mass-distribution, the more people will feel they have to fit in by having it. Thoughts, everypony?  :ooh:

Edited by BlackWater627


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First I enjoyed the episode thoroughly. The morals (there were actually a few) were great, though it seemed they could have probably touched more on resolving the communication and control bit a little more. It did take a bit longer than I would have liked to get to the conflict (the dress unveiling maybe too long?).


That said those are minor quibbles from me. The song and it's reprises were great, the instrumentals were likewise. Rarity was perfectly in character - including showing a great amount of magnanimity to Sassy. Also her design felt like the reincarnation of Fakkor from Masters of the Universe.


Tabby sold the despair well. Also pleasantly surprised at the revelation that Rarity never had any intention of leaving Ponyville.


In the end great outing with some structural issues.


Now to wait for the song to be released! Kazooms you rock.

  • Brohoof 1



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Song started out pretty lame, but it got kinda good at the end.  Art of the dress is still superior, tho.


Sassy Saddles, most people dislike her and her design but I totally dig her. Well not totally, her color scheme could've been better. 


Not gunna lie I thought coco pommel was gunna show up. This would've been an awesome episode for her to make a return.

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After watching the episode, I give this a 4 out of 5. The story was pretty good and I liked seeing the new character designs. However, I found Pinkie Pie to be more annoying then entertaining. Did anyone else feel that way or is it just me?


No you don't, I thought so too, but my critique for it is light as it wasn't the episode's focus, Pinkie was gone after the first seven minutes or so, and the overall quality of the episode more than made up for it.


I'm thinking of making it an A after some thought and getting some needed critique for my first thoughts for the episode. I'll need to watch it again though. 

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I watched like 15 minutes of it, then turned it off, partly cause I had to leave for school today, partly cuz it was pretty bland/boring/whathaveyou.


I like the concept and there were some moments that had me nodding (like having your creative passion turned into a obligatory job).


Pinkie Pie was annoying, the song was meh on first watch, and I'm not really sure how I feel about the conflict. A second watch is necessary (obviously ;) ).


Cheers :)


I knew you would like the concept of it, because it kind of reminded me of what we talked about yesterday. :lol:

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I remember that according to Frederator's 107 MLP:FIM Facts, it stated that Lauren Faust wanted more diverse body types for the show but said it was too much work for the animators. I guess the fat pony at the end explains the hiatus.


Well sure. I mean, that just makes sense. If you want greater variety then that means more time making that variety. They could do it but it would take time and money. Even if Hasbro could afford it, none of us would survive the extra wait time for episodes. We nearly died waiting just this long.  :icwudt:


Homogeneity is magic, I guess.  ;)


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For me it resolved itself satisfactorily. I complained about how "Do Princesses Dream..." ended because Twilight resolves it for Luna by telling her not to feel guilty. Sassy seeing other ponies react to Rarity's dresses works better, because it's learning by seeing rather than simply being told.



Interesting, I never really had a problem with the end to "Magic Sheep" personally. I always viewed it as Twilight's words helping her in the moment, a few kind words from friends really can do wonders. But that she still held some guilt, and that it was only stopping the more "Extreme" emotions for now, not that they're gone permanently. I imagine it'll be a long time, and a lot of long work before Luna's really gotten rid of that guilt completely, if ever.


 Sassy's change of heart came across as more...permanent, so it felt faster. Just, "Oh, I've been wrong. Okie Dokie!". I feel as if it would have been better if she had just showed a bit more resistance, or hesitation. It doesn't bother me that she changed her mind, just that it seemed a bit too sudden for me. Even her going something like "B-But...That's not...You're right..." or something like that would have felt more real to me.

Edited by BasementPinkie
  • Brohoof 2

Twilight is best pony.


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