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S05:E14 - Canterlot Boutique


S05:E14 - Canterlot Boutique  

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I didn't like Pinkie in this episode. It seems that as of late, she is becoming nothing but a walking "lolsorandom" gag.


The episode was just OK. I'm a bit disappointed that the first episode out of the hiatus was not as big as "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep" but I can't really hold that against it since that's just my personal expectation.


But it's cool that Rarity is actively advancing in the world of fashion. More plot development is always good.

  • Brohoof 1


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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But it's cool that Rarity is actively advancing in the world of fashion. More plot development is always good.


And she made it on the cover of that mag. If only they had copies of that in doctor/dentist offices. Maybe I would read something interesting for once rather than Golf Digest (August 1974) for the 13th time.  :unamused:


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Shippers, I have some bad news: https://derpiboo.ru/978161


And that's going to stop the shippers, because...?

  • Brohoof 4

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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When has that ever stopped the shippers from pairing their favored pair together?


Yeah. Shoot, I've enjoyed some pretty awesome crack ships in my time. But I don't think Rarisass is that far fetched. Not that I'd go for that 100%. Sparity is my Rariship queen, so let's not go crazy here.  :icwudt:

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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        I love this episode if for no other reason than that Rarity expanded her shop.

Rarity expanded her shop. She is advancing in the world of fashion and becoming an expanding influence.

I want to see this idea continue- one shop creates revenue for another and another and so on and so forth.

I doubt it will happen, because it would begin to take attention away from Rarity itself, but it's just something I've always wanted to see Rarity manage.

They're the Elements of Fricking Harmony! They deserve the fame, and Rarity is just such a natural conduit for that.

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First let me say that I have always found it weird that ponies wear clothes sometimes, but are usually naked. So I never really understand the whole fashion thing. Shouldn't Hoity Toity have been in this episode somewhere? So every single dress that Rarity makes is a one off, one of a kind, never to be reproduced dress? That's not how it works. The designer usually isn't involved with manufacturing, much less being a one pony sweat shop. I have thought that was the idea of being a designer. You design a fashion, then people ( or ponies ) see it, like it, and want to buy it. Then, the design gets manufactured, and sold in stores, so it can be bought. Sassy totally had the right idea. The problem was Rarity shouldn't have been manufacturing all the dresses. Rarity should allow her designs to be mass produced, and sold at "Canterlot Carousel" chains all over Equestria. Sassy would have been a great CEO for that chain. If Rarity dose'nt want her designs to be mass produced, then opening a store probably wasn't the best idea in the first place. If all she wants is to make one off original designs, she should continue to design for high profile clients, like Sapphire Shores, and not bother with trying to operate a retail establishment.


The moral/lesson I am getting from this episode, is that mass produced = poor quality. Which is really odd message for Hasbro to be sending.


I would have hoped for a stronger episode to relaunch the season. Not a bad episode at all, it just isn't how you come back from a hiatus. "Cutie Markless", is how you come back from a hiatus. This was mid-season filler. Which technically, it is mid season, so whatever.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, the season has started up again, and I'll admit I was quite looking forward to another Rarity focused episode. It's felt like forever since we've had some fabulousity in here.  :pout: 


I felt like after the first few minutes that this would be an episode similar to Suited for Success which would see Rarity overwork herself to another breakdown, and while I suppose that was true to an extent, I actually liked how this episode played out a lot more. It touched on the idea that no matter how much you feel you love doing something, monotonously repeating the same old formula just because it may produce a successful result will only lead to you forgetting what made that drive for success possible in the first place, and before long what you once did out of fondness and excitement becomes just another lifeless, daily chore, as we beautifully seen with Rarity mindlessly toiling away on an endless line of Princess Dresses and ever stacking orders. I've always been one to say you should pursue something in life because it's what makes you happy and not just for monetary gain. I'd always rather a low paying job that I love doing rather then a high paying one I hate and feel trapped in, and that's precisely what Rarity found herself in here.


As for the Pony OC of the day, I can't even remember her name, it was pretty obvious from the start what her role would be; a shadow archetype to act against Rarity's own rules of putting love and care into your work vs finding what is simply successful from a business standpoint and endlessly chugging out that same item to watch the profits roll in. She really does represent how I feel a lot of real world business operate these days; they don't particularly care for the product their selling you, they just want to know how well it can sell. Not much else to her really, a pretty forgettable character in all aspects to me and I doubt we'll be seeing much more then a brief cameo appearance from her again.


The song was what I expected from a Rarity song, starting off well and cheerful but slowly degrading into a more depressing tone as it all plays out differently from what she expected. I actually really like Rarity songs for that. :D They're a great insight into her feelings as she tries to balance both her career and ideals, and the animation team does a stunning job conveying that visually!


Goth Pony with the Luna dress made me smile, just a few seconds of screen time and I'd already like to see her again! I'm really pleased with the simple yet effective attention they're giving to background ponies this season. It makes them feel like more than just generic, copy/pasted stock characters from a dusty folder. No real comment on the plump one barging in at the end though... The joke was...? :confused:


Overall, I think this was another fine Rarity episode.  :grin2: It shows that Rarity can be successful without compromising her personality, and it was nice to see them touching on a topic that many can relate to here in the real world.


Well, that's 1 Rarity down, 2 more left to go! :please:

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Hey anyone want to post where to watch is online? I dont see it on Youtube, and i doubt its on Netflix yet


All sorts of linkage on the Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/09/season-5-episode-14-canterlot-botique.html


 Updates with info as time goes by. Support the show by buying the episodes when they become available.  ;)

Edited by BlackWater627


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Alrighty, welcome, welcome, welcome back everypony to another edition of Batbrony Reviews!  After a 2 month hiatus Season 5 is back in business!  :P   And my, my, is it back in business indeed.  :proud:   It's never a bad thing to start things off with a Rarity episode; I don't believe she's ever had a truly weak episode unlike other main characters like Pinkie Pie or the CMC.  Not that most of the characters ever have weak episodes, but Rarity's are especially of a consistent high quality, and in my opinion "Canterlot Boutique" is no exception.  Without further ado, let's dive right in and take a look at the 14th episode of Season 5, shall we?


First of all, I don't actually have a lot to say about this episode, but that's not because there wasn't a lot I liked, oh no, there was.  It's actually mostly because it was very well-paced to the point that scenes were so fully developed that not a lot ended up happening.  It was a very self-contained episode with a grand total of two settings, Ponyville Boutique at the very start of the episode, and for the rest of it Canterlot Boutique.  In many ways, it actually felt like a Season 1 episode in that regard, and even has some parallels in its overall feel with Rarity's first episode, "Suited for Success."  I get how that might not be for everyone (myself included given that I have complained about "MMMystery on the Friendship Express"'s lack of interesting settings before, but that episode sucks in general and the lack of settings is the least of its problem), but here I thought it really worked given that it was a new setting and not a whole lot was happening.




As far as Rarity goes, I really liked her characterization here, mostly because the episode was not entirely clear (at least I didn't think so) for a while as to just what exactly the problem was.  We knew that this lifelong dream of Rarity's was not turning out the way she'd hoped it would, but it wasn't exactly clear why.  It wasn't that she was getting worked to the bone; sure she got some fatigue, but Rarity's a hard worker and we know that she loves putting in a hard day's work.  Eventually it became clear that there was simply no more joy and passion going into her work; her lifelong dream was turning into a chore, not the passion she'd always treated her work as, and that made it simply unbearable!  I think even outside of creative communities many, many, many people can relate to this feeling; work simply being a means to a paycheck, not something you actually love and truly care about, and how crushing that feeling can be.  What made it worse for Rarity was that she was technically in charge of this venture (and I will say in that regard it's a little surprising that she didn't put her hoof down sooner, after all, Sassy Saddles was her employee), so for it to get out of her control like that must've just hurt her all the more.  I'm guessing she went with it for so long because she was convinced that she wanted to do whatever it took to make it Canterlot, even if it meant not doing her work her way, but eventually she realized that not only was that unnecessary, but also simply not worth it even if it had meant closing her business (which thankfully she didn't have to do).  Her forgiving Sassy Saddles only made her lesson learned all the better, because after all, her manager never really meant any harm.


Aside then from her fantastic characterization, there were other things that were great about Rarity here as well.  Her song "Rules of Rarity" was great (as virtually any Rarity solo song is), and pretty much had a constant presence in the episode for the second half of it, to the point that it was very much doing some of the storytelling here similar to how "Art of the Dress" did in "Suited for Success" (which I believe was intentional, and the two songs even sounded similar).  It was great seeing both her creative side on display (I always love when the show embraces the fact that Rarity is a fashionista and designer and yet doesn't make her cliche as buck as any other show would) as well as how business savvy she remains, I mean, heck, she now has two branches for her business, that's a permanent change and shows how far her own career has advanced since the show started!  :D   Overall, Rarity was super solid here; she kept a cool head for the most part and didn't fall into hysterics, but still learned a valuable lesson rather than knowing it right from the start.  Super solid Rarity episode, and I enjoyed her here as I pretty much always do when she's the star of an episode.


As for other elements, I really had no major complaints about anything.  Her friends were great, Twilight especially being super kind helping Rarity out like she did.  Sassy Saddles was a nice new supporting character; I liked that she wasn't just straight up antagonistic, but rather just a pony trying to do the right thing but in the wrong way.  It seemed like she'd failed at managing a number of boutiques in the past, probably because she seems to value very much separation of responsibilities between managers and designers.  So it's not that she's so much a control freak of everything, but rather a control freak of her own areas of responsibility, and I know that in many different careers there's a lot of people who hate sharing their particular responsibilities with others.  It's a very understandable character flaw, and she really was well meaning through and through, but thankfully she learned a valuable lesson as well about working and collaborating on an equal basis with a business partner and aiming for long term success in the fashion business through diversity of stock, not just selling the buck out of one dress, which would only remain in fashion for so long.


I loved being back in Canterlot and always love that setting, and the fact that they were consistent in showing mostly unicorns there was a nice little aesthetic touch.  That Cosmare writer was HILARIOUS, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but they somehow made a character more over-the-top... than Steven Magnet.  :yay:   I still don't know how, but they did it.




This guy... I love this guy!  :D 


The one thing that was completely unnecessary was that random as buck obese pony at the end; I know that same pony technically showed up on that picture in that locker earlier in the season in "Tanks for the Memories," but it was just a weak joke in general.  It was a fat joke that came at the last second in the episode and was literally the last thing we saw, just kind of fell flat as a regard of that.  However, I LOVED the last scene when we got to see Rarity actually working her boutique, something we usually only get to see her do with one customer at a time or a close friend.  Here though it was packed with new characters, and once again, I cannot reiterate enough how much I love Canterlot ponies!  The variety in personalities was great, the dresses they were picking out were beautiful (I adored her entire princess line up and also loved the fact that it illustrates the princesses' effect and influence on Equestrian popular culture), and the whole scene was just a lovely look into Rarity when she's in her element.  Overall, this was a slower episode, once again reminding me very much of a Season 1 episode, but I really, really liked it very much for what it was.  Season 5's back, and we got from the looks of things another Rarity episode to look forward to next week, yay!  :D






OK, one more time...




I LOVE THIS GUY!!!  :ph34r: 

  • Brohoof 5


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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The designer usually isn't involved with manufacturing, much less being a one pony sweat shop.


Actually, this is how classic business works in the early stage. The process of becoming a designer and quickly signing deals with manufacturers is only a corporate culture idea. It puts emphasis on networking and marketing rather than old-fashioned hard work. Call me old world or whatever you want, but that's how it goes.




If Rarity dose'nt want her designs to be mass produced, then opening a store probably wasn't the best idea in the first place. If all she wants is to make one off original designs, she should continue to design for high profile clients, like Sapphire Shores, and not bother with trying to operate a retail establishment.




What? You're right. There's only a finite amount of work an individual creator can manage. After that, it's either someone else's creative work or mass-production.  :P




The moral/lesson I am getting from this episode, is that mass produced = poor quality. Which is really odd message for Hasbro to be sending.


The irony.  :icwudt:

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I enjoyed this episode, not only because Rarity deserves more episodes. Though also, because of marketing and though the marketing pony had good intention. Her strategy clearly though different from Rarity, which seems to be to sell a unique product each time while the other preferred consistency in sales. Though both strategies are good, I think there must have been a lack of communication between the two as they didn't seem to understand what the other wanted. So yeah, I liked the episode.

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Not a bad episodes at all! Once again, we're shown how gradual yet great character development the characters in the show have been making and it's nice to see Rarity make further strides in her goal to open a boutique in Canterlot.


Rarity's problem of having to fulfill the same request over and over instead of having creative freedom is a very relatable one. I know that I've been in that situation before as well as many other people I know, so it definitely hits home for me.


One thing about the song's tone I really liked is the emotional change in them. It really makes them stand out more and gauge the mood of the character.


There's only one flaw I have with this episode; Sassy went down too easily. I know that Rarity was technically the boss, but given Sassy's personality and namesake I expected her to not back down so easily.


All in all, a nice start from the mini hiatus.

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I loved the episode, but I just know the next few weeks is going to become an anti-Rarity circlejerk. Hopefully, it's not as prevalent as I think it will be.


Also, I loved the rhyming scheme and music in the song so so much! <3


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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That episode was good, but not great. Am I the only one who thinks Sassy looks anorexic?

Nope, and the "ugly" pony and the fat pony were definitely not funny.  Not good Hasbro.  Will you be taking the Mane Six's brains next? 

  • Brohoof 2
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I Loved the song "Rules of Rarity" and Sassy Saddles, what can I say about her: She was a pain in the neck at first but eventually you really feel sorry for her because she had worked at a failed boutique before, I also loved the new dresses in this episode (Especially Luna's *squeals*), Really liked how this was a "Rarity" episode and the mane six weren't it in that much because she really deserves her own episode plot

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It's smooooooth sailing from here. This was a good episode and I bet my mother would love it as well.


I think that last pony at the end was there to tell us that ponies in all shapes and sizes are welcome at any time like Bulk Biceps. Or...maybe it's because the ponies want to cheer up those who got badly hurt by that "video" Nicole Arbour made before she got fired. I dunno but I still think ponies at any sizes must be treated equally and properly. (Don't even think about it, Starlight.) 


Anyways, great episode. Looking forward to what adventures await the Mane Six!


(Please don't sue me after reading my comment...:()

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Overall I thought it was an ok episode, considering I don't really care about fashion stuff really at all.


I'm surprised that Rarity put up with Sassy for so long. I kept expecting to hear "Um excuse me, Sassy dear, but may I remind you who's working for who here?"


Another thing I don't understand is why Rarity wouldn't want to hire help in making dresses? It doesn't even have to be a huge operation. That way she can keep an eye on quality control while having more time to concentrate on creating her various styles.


The Raven-like pony was also funny. I love that they had Andrea do the voice. :lol:




Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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