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general What's your opinion on Furries?


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How is that hypocritical? I merely left it alone for the sake of not starting a huge argument. The person asked for opinions of furries but was dismissing any opinion that wasn't overtly positive, so it defeated the purpose of asking a question.


That being said, there are obviously legitimate issues with furries.




And this is why I didn't list said legitimate issues because people get offended or defensive for no real reason when said opinions are not even directly stated, so I can only imagine how bent out of shape they get when they are. Look dude, the topic asks "what is your opinion on furries", not "please give positive opinions on furries". It's asking a question and when you ask a question you shouldn't bother asking if you are afraid to receive answers.


So here is goes since you clearly want to know:


There are legitimate issues with the furry community. I don't think I need to even point that out for people to know the furry community has a terrible reputation and has done tons of insane stuff. If I recall they have been caught having fur sex in a public place, they have been banned from places before and there is an insane amount of porn. And any time someone points any of this out, someone screams "VOCAL MINORITY" but the thing is: they are still problems, big or small.


But something you need to understand: acknowledging problems within the furry community does NOT mean I hate all furries. Not even close. I have some great friends who are furries and they do their thing and I don't bother them about it. Know who I DON'T respect though? The self righteous people who act like furries are a universal good and they are the ones making the shit look good and assuming anyone who doesn't like furries or has any criticisms about furries is a bigot or asshole.


Like your thing, and just leave it at that. I don't hate anyone for being a furry, I hate their attitude about it and their inability to admit that furries could ever do something bad. I love Homestuck, but I can admit the Homestuck fandom does a lot of retarded stuff. Just own it.


I don't go around getting upset at anyone who dislikes Homestuck fans, because I understand that there are some of us who are annoying as hell and by getting pissed off at the people who are annoyed by that, I'm actually making their opinion of the fandom WORSE by being a douche about it instead of just being like "well you like your thing, I like mine. I'm sorry sometimes people are douches to you." I've had furries shove their porn in my face when I asked them not to and when I have told other furries they insisted it's because I'm "closed minded" and that I am just a furry hater. Only my friends who happen to be furries have ever stopped and went "I'm sorry that happened to you. I wish crap like that didn't happen, and it annoys me that we have people in our own community without decency." And you know what that did for me? It made me feel better about the community AS A WHOLE. Not getting defensive and dismissing ANY AND ALL bad actions furries may partake in.


That's my biggest issue with furries, they seem to carry a self fulfilling victim complex. When you go around looking for reasons to be offended, you just make people dislike you more. Point and case, this topic. I made this post MONTHS ago. This topic was virtually dead for nearly 3 months now and you felt it necessary to bring it back to tell me that you disliked that I said something even remotely negative about furries, when you could have left it alone. But you didn't, so you went out of your way to find someone to have a bone to pick with. THAT is what bothers me about furries, you can't take someone just not liking your thing and not even ACTIVELY doing anything about it and even willing to say "I'll leave it alone" and leave that be, no you need to poke the fire and more so, you need to get all huffy and throw gasoline on said fire. Then when the fire comes you sit there going "WHY IS THERE THIS FIRE HERE!? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!?"


Hypocritical is asking a question and only wanting specific answers. You're not asking a question, you're asking people to repeat your opinion then. This is not an echo chamber and people have the right to dislike your thing, they have the right to think it's stupid and they have the right to have bad experiences with your thing acknowledged and not just dismissed and brushed under the rug.


So, did you still want more of an explanation or does that suffice?

1.Okay, I suppose I mused the word "hypocrite".


2.I never said people should only give positive views on furries.


3.Okay, I suppose I was generalising your opinion a little too much.


4.As for the "victim complex" thing with Furries: Alright it exists, not denying that, but I wasn't victimising myself.


I'm not saying that no furries did bad things. Furries who do bad things are the wrong, simple. I won't defend them.

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Furries are weird... coming from someone who is a fan of ponies.


I have no problem with Furries. Actually, if I were to generalize Furries in terms of people I've seen so far, so far they're the least toxic people I've seen from any fandom.

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I don't understand why furries get hate...As a person who has published Starfox fanfiction and has met people who identify as a furry they seem harmless.


Oh, I had a friend who was furry years ago...He was fun.


I see posts on tumblr making fun of furries and I'm just here all like,



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I don't understand why furries get hate...As a person who has published Starfox fanfiction and has met people who identify as a furry they seem harmless.


Oh, I had a friend who was furry years ago...He was fun.


I see posts on tumblr making fun of furries and I'm just here all like,




Not everyone's experience is the same as yours sadly.

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Well, they're a bit of a mystery to me. I don't understand the appeal of furry characters so I don't really get why they love it so much. And the whole sexual side of it deeply confuses me. But then every fandom gets someone fetishizing it. I haven't met or interacted with anyone that told me they were a furry. But some people I know and have met seem like they're probably furries and they've all been nice.

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Not everyone's experience is the same as yours sadly.


I am aware...I apologize...


I know saying "Not all furries are bad!" in response to someone else bashing furries helps nothing and doesn't change the fact that there are furries who have done..."Bad stuff"


But still...The furry bashing on tumblr is a bit...Sophomoric.

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My opinion is a little biased as the furry fandom took me in in a passive way, witch helped a lot. But there are good furs and bad furs and its the same every where you go, weather its the Marines, common, furries or random people you see walking by. There normal people, and for the most part good people. All there is to be said rely. 

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I like furries. They can be very adorable. Unfortunetly people sexualize them to much.
I do not like to sexualize animals such as ponies,any animal infact or cartoon.
But people from furry groups are kind as well like the MLP community. I draw both ponies and furries.
I enjoy it. It's alright to make them have a more sensual look but not showing anything.

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Well i am a Furry, so my Opinion is...they are mostly okay.


Since im not that innocent though and go to questionable sides, i have seen some Stuff that is very messed up, but i guess every Fandom has that.

So...for the most part, Furrys are fine.

Except for a few exceptions.


Dont know what else to write, since i dont talk to any Furrys.

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As for anthropomorphic animals, I like it when they are cartoony and have all kinds of detailed animal features, like in Zootopia. They look like animals very much, but they do wear clothing and have human characteristics. I just like it more when the animal traits outweigh the human traits.


As for the fandom, I can't say since I haven't been in it and don't really plan on it. It's just something i'm not interested in, the same way that i'm not interested in baseball or bug collecting. It's just not my thing.  

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The furry fandom isn't exactly my thing but I've met some furries before and many of them seem really friendly. They're very welcoming on forums too, at least when judging by my own experiences. While I don't call myself a furry, sometimes I tend to like the artistic side of the fandom. Anyways, my opinion is that furries are mostly nice people.


Of course furries have also the questionable side of their fandom but so do all the other fandoms, but that doesn't really bother me because I'm not looking for that kind of stuff. 

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I have no problem with Furries. Furry fandom is just another area of interest like MLP or any other. The people who are into it are no different either. Everyone has their points of view and sexual proclivities and sometimes they bring that to their fandom. But I can't judge an entire group on the activities/interests of a certain percentage of their fan base. 

The interest in furry characters, like the ponies or any animal toon, seems fine to me. I don't know much about the fandom beyond that, but I love humanized animal cartoon characters and in many cases find them attractive. I wonder if that makes me a furry?  :ooh:  

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Furries are weird. Bronies are weird. Nothing is wrong with either of them.

I've come to accept that some things are strange, but that doesn't make them wrong. :D

Edited by Grepper
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I have nothing against furries at all; in fact, I believe the MLP fandom and the furries should be allies. After all, they are two of the most hated groups of people on the Internet, supposedly full with weirdos and pedophiles, according to some. I've seen a lot of crossing over, too - there are many, many bronies that are also furries.

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Hey all,

So I'm pretty sure we've all heard people hate on furries and such, but what do you think about them? It's a fandom I've been wanting to get into, and I ignore anything I see negative about them. Mostly because 99% of the time it's all rumors or misconceptions, which is the same kind of things people who hate this community use against us as well. But the things my friends see about it is going to get some gears turning in their heads and they're most definitely going to think about those rumors and misconceptions as an all around truth of the fandom. And that is making me hesitate defining myself as a furry, or when I do define myself as one, hesitate telling them.


One the greener side of things, I've learned from joining this fandom that at least one person is going to hate on you 100%. Once you learn to ignore those people who talk bad about you, then you're golden. The reasons I joined this fandom is because I like the show, I like the fandom's creativity and how welcoming the whole thing seemed. There's little to no difference on how I see the furry fandom. I like their fandom's creative side and they seem welcoming looking from the outside in. It's absolutely no different from my reasons for liking this fandom.


So what have you heard about 'em, and what do you think?



[P.S] Tried to keep this shorter than it originally was going to be, but it's still pretty lengthy. Srry :3

I dunno, it's just another fandom, rather harmless. I mean even if furries were generally a bunch of weirdos who dressed up in costumes and had furry orgies, I still don't see a problem with it. As for the porn, well it makes perfect sense why people would be into the porn, it's basically the exact same reason why people get into other forms of cartoon pornography.


I've heard lots of baseless accusations of zoophilia, even so in this community, and it's all rather ridiculous once to come to some sort of basic understanding of biology and sexual selection. This is not zoophillia, some of them are zoophiles, but the vast majority certainly are not, and most other criticizms I've heard are equally as stupid.


You know, claims of like 'over sexualization' and 'pedophilia', all the typical silly fear mongering babble.


I'm not a furry myself - well - maybe a little considering I'm a huge fan of pony. Before pony I was never into the furry fandom, but I think I understand it a little bit more clearly from this angle. I had friends in highschool who were furries, never really cared or thought about it really, they just seemed like anybody else plus a different hobby.



Edited by bamboozled321
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Just to clear up any confusion a number of posts were hidden in this topic; largely as a result of contributing to a somewhat hostile or sarcastic environment or just quoting said posts.


Apologies for any inconvenience, but also please remember to stay on topic and keep away from such a tone in these topics. There really is little to no need to get too emotional here.


Thank you.

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There is nothing wrong with the furry community in my opinion (except of course a few people). I actually think it is an interesting and diverse community, and I love the idea. As I said before, I haven't 'joined' it, but I am fascinated and love the art, community, fursonas, etc. 


I have no issues with the 'other part' of the community (the sexualization). To many it seems disturbing and weird, but that's just their opinion, like the ones who think it is okay. Just enjoy the furrydom. :)

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Just to clear up any confusion a number of posts were hidden in this topic; largely as a result of contributing to a somewhat hostile or sarcastic environment or just quoting said posts.


Apologies for any inconvenience, but also please remember to stay on topic and keep away from such a tone in these topics. There really is little to no need to get too emotional here.


Thank you.

Well I mean to be fair, the OP left the topic rather broad and open, of course contention would result, lol.

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  • 1 year later...

One of my favorite youtubers YourMovieSucksTooDotOrg is an open furry and he's goddamn hilarious. I think the only thing I have reservations about with furries are those fursuits. That shit is way to easy to get into uncanny valley territory (it's the eyes really, those glassy fake eyes just get me every time.) Aside from that I don't have much of an issue at all with them. Even their...ahem...questionable art isn't anything out of the ordinary when it comes to fandoms. Our own fandom has NOTHING to judge them with let's be honest here. 

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