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  1. 1. What did you think?

    • I hated it!
    • I didn't like it.
    • It was...meh.
    • I liked it pretty well.

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We got our first strike everybody.

ROFL  :lol:

He must be new then. I've got WAY more than that.  :pout:




I was happily surprised to find out Starlight is living with Twilight.

That works very well for muh fanfic! ^_^ 

...in all seriousness, though, I really do love how they drew her in. The fact she tried being a little manipulating like you said was great for consistency too. I would love to see a little back-and-forth on that with Twilight. It could make great material for hilarious hijinks.  :squee:

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I liked it. Not the best two-parter, but fun enough. The first part was a little slow, though and took awhile for the plot to really get going. I was more invested in Starlight and Sunburst's plot than in the Alicorn baby, but I did really like Shining Armor (he's always so derp!) The Mane 5 had nothing to do, but at least Spike got a good role. The Crystal Ponies are always such idiots, though. Maybe because they've been comatose for 1000 years? Really disliked that old pony with the out-of-sync valley girl voice. She was the dumbest of all.

  • Brohoof 2
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Hah. How right I was to hold the salt.


The new Starlight will take some getting used to. It's just a little hard to see this new Starlight as the same mare who almost doomed Equestria out of spite. So far, she just comes across as suppressed and distrustful of herself which does make sense. Be that as it may, it's still a little jarring to see her so... different.


As for everything else, the flow of the episode was nice and smooth and did well to ease me into the episode, the conflicts, multiple as they were, didn't detract from one another with the best about the episode being its resolution.


Oh and... OMG, Twi's parents got lines! Finally!

Something else on that. Did you know that they have the same voice actors as their foals?

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I enjoyed the premiere and I think everything was handled well. Not the best opener ever, but I thought it was good. Josh Haber's writing is gradually getting a lot better which is nice to see. I liked Spike's portrayal and how he interacted with Starlight. I also liked seeing Starlight feeling awkward and out of place. And I loved Sunburst and Shining Armor! The alicorn baby plot wasn't very interesting to me, whatever. The Mane 6 really didn't do anything, but they were all in character so who cares. Overall, I liked the opener and I'm excited for the episodes to come.


Really disliked that old pony with the out-of-sync valley girl voice. She was the dumbest of all.

Ugh, I noticed that too. She was annoying. Edited by PonyLaces
  • Brohoof 1



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Overall, I thought it was pretty good... Except for 3 things:


1. Starlight struggled with her lesson

2. Shining Armor was freaking out almost the entire time (he also looked like he had just come out of *cough "sexual intercourse" cough cough*)

3. Flurry Heart was a bit scary! The uncontrollable magic did some bad stuff, especially the sonic cry!


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Loophole on that, their exact words this episode were that it was an event "Equestria had not seen" and according to the journal of the two sisters they were born before Equestria being founded, so it's just not something that has happened since them :D



Great catch, I figured that's what the case is.  Not like Celestia and Luna would know how to handle baby alicorns from when they were infants themselves (though that'd be kinda hilarious  ^_^).




But yeah, my head canon's still that they're Fausticorn's children (AND YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!  :=:).

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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It was an OKAY premiere and I enjoyed it a bit, not my favorite opener for sure, but there are things that made this Ep.:


  • This one involved interesting caracterisations.
  • The pace did not seem to suck completely in this episode, with a great rythm of the events here and there.
  • Okay humour, but I've seen better from MLP.
  • Overall great thematic and ambience for this one.

But, indeed there's bad stuff in this premiere:

  • I felt that some elements were a bit unrealistic and exaggerated, mainly when Flurry Heart cries destroyed the heart, a bit ridiculous if you would ask me.
  • I felt that sometimes some caracters did hesitate too much and could have told the things earlier and that would have helped, like when Starlight hesitated to tell to Sunburst the things that happen with her. But she most likely did the best she could to convince her old friend to be friends with her again, and that's something at least.

So, in summary I did like this episode, but some elements felt akward and exaggerated, but the caracterisations, pace and ambiance really made this one worth it somehow for it's initial potential.

Grade: B-

  • Brohoof 1


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

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2. Shining Armor was freaking out almost the entire time (he also looked like he had just come out of *cough "sexual intercourse" cough cough*)


Nah. It was fairly accurate. I looked disheveled and exhausted when my kids were born, and I was definitely a little punch drunk both times. Panic does set in a little during and after the birth. Also, being exhausted from sex and being exhausted after a baby is born don't look the same. Especially for the mom. :wau:

  • Brohoof 3



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Well, this was my first time watching an episode as it airs, and while it was not my first time watching an episode on Equestria TV, it was first time watching an episode as it airs on that site. That site really is amazing, and I have to give it credit. Not everyone has access to a cable network that would be airing the episode, and this way we can actually watch and converse with fellow Bronies who could be anywhere in the world. There were almost 400 people watching that live stream. I set my alarm clock to 7:50 so I could make sure my router was working great, get my plushies out and have a few minutes to settle back in my bed before the show started. Suffice to say I wasn't fully awake at the start, but I had a great time, and I went back to bed for an hour and a half afterwards. It is Saturday, so yeah.


As for the premier itself, I enjoyed it. It's not my favourite, but I think it's good. It started slow and Flurry Heart is pretty OP till the end there, and it's not the most actiony two parter. Moreover, Starlight and Sunburst kind of stole a good chunk of the spotlight, and the baby took the rest. The mane six are there, but aside from Twilight, their role is fairly minimal. All that aside, there are some good points to be had. Starlight bonding with Spike, and rekindling her friendship with an old friend. I kind of liked that there wasn't a villain this time around. As someone in the comments in the CMC Clubhouse said, the baby is the villain, but I'm not counting that since it's not like she knew what she did. Maybe someone should write a fanfic about the storm clouds being reformed, for old time's sake.:P I'm still not sure what to make of Starlight but I'm sure she will grow on me. Some of the mane plot points were hinted at all along so they didn't come as a surprise when they actually happened.


I also quite like how Sunburst is presented. He was shrouded in mystery up until now, and there was speculation that he might be a villain, or at least a very powerful wizard with followers. I was not expecting him to be a washed up bookworm who actually isn't much of a wizard, so props for that unexpected development. Moreover, it's common in real life for someone to be very book smart but lack practical skill. Take my friend who has a hard time passing his nursing classes because he tends to fail the practicum in spite of actually knowing a lot in terms of book knowledge. It's also great that this episode showed that someone like that can actually be useful. Oh, and did anyone catch that brief Somnambula reference? I think she's my favourite G1 villain, so that was a nice touch.


All in all, not the best episode ever, but I give it a pass. I'm stoked that the new season has started. Here's hoping season six surpasses our expectations.

  • Brohoof 3
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Really nice season premiere. Was very cute and fun.


Starlight is beginning to learn, I liked her dual role in this episode of learning to open up and being the pony to figure out what to do. Also Spike finally had a respectable role to play, rather being comic relief or just being in the background. He was a great help to Starlight. I'm actually hoping to see more Spike helping Starlight in the future.


Looks like Twilight has a lot to learn as a teacher.


Sunburst I thought was a more interesting character than we've seen previously like Moondancer. Being able to understand magic, but not being able to actually perform it. He would be a terrific professor.


Overall, lots of fun and I'm really excited to see more.

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I guess after seeing the 2 parter, Shining Armor and Cadence can relate to Pinkie considering what she went through when dealing with the Cake twins.


I guess that it was a slight continuity nod to have Pinkie play with and get Flurry under control for a bit. After this episode, Pinkie would most certainly consider Pound and Pumpkin easier to handle.

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As a whole, it was a solid entry. Nothing amazing, but it's nice to see ponies again. My favorite parts were Shining's freakouts (definitely shows him being Twi's brother there, lol) and the scenes between Starlight and Sunburst. Starlight looks like she's growing to be a good character. Also, Spike is written well in this! ^o^

Edited by zigragirl
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Oh, and apparently very picky too

Brilliant!  :lol: 


In any case, I'm sincerely questioning whether or not the mane five are still main characters. For the second two-parter in a row, they've done absolutely nothing noteworthy, and overall, it's starting to show that they really just aren't that useful anymore. With Starlight now around to devalue them further, what other use could they possibly have to the show? Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were relegated to convincing an obviously braindead group of citizens to evacuate while Pinkie and Rarity were mostly just trying to tame Flurry Heart, which was obviously beyond them.....and that's about it. But naturally, Twilight was still front-and-center when it came to figuring out what to do,


It seemed like the Remane 5 were pretty much in their same roles here as they were in "The Crystal Empire" season premiere - wrangling the crystal ponies and trying to keep them from rioting. And just as Twilight and Spike actually did the work of resolving the conflict in "Empire," they, along with the aid of Starlight and Sunburst were the proactive characters this time around.



Spoiler alert!!! I loved the first episode of season 6 of MLP. I was happily surprised to find out Starlight is living with Twilight.


I have to wonder what Spike thinks about having another mare living in the castle with him? (With Rarity's hairdo, no less) Maybe he's trying to impress her and that explains this scene:


Lookin' good there, Spike my drake!  B) You should remember that pose - you're gonna really need it a few episodes from now!  :lol:


Of course, sometimes I think the animators are just toying with us:


  • Brohoof 5

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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Yay, Season 6 is here! And it has a great opening two parter. Definitely not my favorite, but I still loved it. First off, I am really liking Starlight's characterization. I am glad to see that she is still somewhat awkward with the rest of the group. Also, she still seems to have a bit of those anger problems she had earlier on. I'm also really liking her interactions with Spike. Speaking of which, this is probably the best they have written him in a while. Starlight's reunion with Sunburst was pretty well done, if maybe a bit predictable. He does look good with the goatee, though.


In terms of Flurry Heart, I didn't have too much of an issue with her. While I can see how some might find her OP, I would disagree. Babies with magic have already been shown to be uncontrollable, and Flurry Heart is an Alicorn. Honestly my one issue was that they didn't really explain how she is an Alicorn. Sure, they acknowledged it, but didn't really explain it. Whatever, I imagine they might explain it at some point, and even if they don't, it's not that big of an issue for me.


Overall, this episode was great, and I don't really have anything to complain about, besides the aforementioned lack of explaination for Flurry Heart being an Alicorn. I'd give this episode a 9/10.

Edited by NeonCobalt


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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(double moustache pony is best pony)


Well there goes my RP idea for having my ponysona help Starlight get over losing her friend...Oh well...

The White Shinigami

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I'm beginning to warm up to Starlight now. I loved the premiere, it was amazing! I loved seeing Luna in crystal form, too. <3 I love Flurry Heart, her name makes more sense to me now lol. I can't wait for the next episode!! <3 :D

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Lunar Bun icon artwork done by Emerald Star

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When I saw Shining Armor and princess Cadance freaking out over Flurry Heart, I suddenly remembered the time when my parents once told me about how tough it was back in the days when they had their first baby, when I was just an ugly little red thing.


My respect for caring parents around the world.

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I was pretty... underwhelmed with this premiere. It really didn't feel like a season opener to me because I felt it lacked elements the previous openers had. What i'm trying to say is that this season's opening was just plain boring. The story was more silly than it was exciting or interesting and the whole situation between Starlight Glimmer and Sun Burst was resolved too quickly. I wish the writers had expanded on the specifics of what happened to Sun Burst during his time at magic school as well. I am aware the their is only a certain amount of time in each episode to work with, but I felt this episode could have been executed much better.


Something that I took note of that intrigued me, however, was at the end of the episode when Spike told Twilight Sparkle that letting Starlight Glimmer have her own space to mend her own friendship issue was the best course of action to take. I think that is something Twilight Sparkle needed to realize because she tends to involve herself a bit too much in things sometimes. Another aspect I enjoyed was how the writers put a realistic view on parenthood, especially when raising an infant. When my older sister had her son, she got little to no sleep and was stressed out just as much as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were.


Overall, I give this two-parter a solid 1.5/3

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