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general Phrases That Don't ACTUALLY Make Any Sense/Aren't Helpful


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'It is what it is.'

I understand your point but I can't think of an alternative statement to use. I use it to end a semantics argument. For example, if someone gets into an argument about whether or not a virus is "alive," it's really a pointless argument. I would say, "it is what it is, it is pointless to argue an arbitrary definition." What would you suggest as an alternative?


I don't know if this is relevant, but I HATE the term "millennials." Or when people say "The thing is, is that..." or "that being said." If you get the urge to say that, just pause, don't say it, and continue with whatever you were going to say.


I get annoyed when people greet me and say, "how are you doing?" You don't care how I am doing. Do you really want me to say, "well, I feel sick and I was throwing up all night." No. Everyone is supposed to answer, "fine, how are you?" You don't care how I am, so don't ask, just say hello.


But the number 1 most misused word is "literally." 

Edited by BronyNumber42

This is my new signature.

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I understand your point but I can't think of an alternative statement to use. I use it to end a semantics argument. What would you suggest as an alternative?

It depends on the context it's used in. Usually an 'I don't know' or 'I don't care' or 'I can't help you' would suffice in most cases the phrase is used. It's irritating on two fronts. Firstly because it's just a glib meaningless statement meant to fall back on and secondly because it shows a defeatist mentality that doesn't want to engage or examine any further.


On a side note I don't have any problem being called a Millennial. As far as names for generations go it's pretty cool IMO. I do have a dislike for the stereotypes put forth about people my age though. So I can see why you would dislike the term for those bad associations.

The truth is always rough.
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My mom just said:


"Not my circus. Not my monkey."


Say what now? It was an in relation to an argument she had no real business being in...so there's some...sense. i guess.


I've spun around the sun 32 times and have yet to hear that one before. Not sure if mother made it up. Anypony else not have curcuses and monkeys?


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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"Do you mind if [x]?"


Seriously half of the time people are going to say yes when they mean no as in they don't mind and you're just going to have to ask them "Hey can [x] do or say or whatever action [y]?" because now you both need clarification on what's being asked.

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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"raining cats and dogs"  since when were animals used as a method to determine how hardly something is happening?


While "It's raining cats and dogs" doesn't make sense in a literal way, in a hyperbolic one it's perfectly fine when describing the rain as harsh.

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"Oh, why are you so upset? Go on and enjoy life, much worse troubles are waiting for you in the future."

I kept hearing this (or something very similar) from almost everyone who doesn't get why I get so upset over "little things". Thanks, I feel sooooo much better now. You know, my problems right now really are nothing, and I should be happy to know that much worse ones are approaching. Thanks a lot.


"I feel awful to see you feeling so awful."

I get this one is supposed to be nice. But when someone says it out of random, when I really don't want to hear it, and since I'm an empath... let's say that I just start feeling bad for feeling bad. Helpful? Very.


"People have it worse."
Kind of combination of these two. Makes me both feel like a complete idiot for fussing over something "small" and at the same time feel awful for others. Job well done.


"You behave like a child. Grow up."

Yes, I have ADHD, so it's logical that I often appear childish. Plus, I really have no intention of growing up, especially not for you.


"Get over it."
You really think I hadn't tried? Or you are just feeling obliged to say something? Better keep quiet, at least I'd assume you cared.


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Can make sense sometimes, but only for smaller things that really can't kill you. If you survive something truly horrible, it's not likely that you'd end up stronger. More like physically crippled, with some sort of PTSD or simply end up with awful self-esteem, depending on the situation. Or even the combination of all three.


"People can't love you unless you love yourself."

Probably my favorite. Will you ever stop putting idea in people's heads that they are unworthy of love because of their inner struggle!? Or you really believe that that would motivate them to love themselves more? I'm not even sure which option is worse.


"You'd be happier if you spent more time with others."

Very far from truth, for anyone who ever really bothered to understand introverts. Yes, some people are happier and generally energized by being with others, but some are not. I do seek company, but only from those I'm close to, built emotional connection with, and not all the time.


"I love you unconditionally, but you need to be a bit different."

Do you even know the meaning of unconditionally? Or you didn't even have vocabulary tasks in high school?

Edited by KikiTwilight
  • Brohoof 3


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"Just get over it"


No..people can't just "get over it" for whatever it is just happened...they may be upset about something or depressed or any number of other reasons. It takes time to "get over it" It doesn't help when someone says "just get over it" and they expect you to instantly feel better or pretend the issue is gone. Doesn't work like that...

Even worse is the phrase, "suck it up."


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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"There is someone out there who has it worse than you."  -  So what?  Are my problems suddenly non-existent?  No!  Whenever someone says this to me, I say, "well, next time I see a kid starving to death out in the middle of nowhere, I'll say that there's most likely someone who has it even worse."


"Everything happens for a reason."  -  This really doesn't make anybody feel better.  It just doesn't.


"I know you're going to do great!"  -  Supposed to motivate people, and it maybe works for some, but for me, it's just saying, "it will be a big disappointment if you don't succeed."


"You can't behave like that when you're an adult."  -  I'm going to quote Calvin here:  "All the more reason I should do it now!"

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

                                   - Albert Einstein  img-36937-1-9810.jpg

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"You need to smile more!" - I'm often told this by my family and classmates, and it makes me want to smile less. I'm in a crappy high school at the moment with crappy people; what reason is there to smile, honestly?


"Everything happens for a reason." - Yes, because absolutely awful things like rape happen as it improves your character. 


"Are you on your period?" - This phrase is usually told to me by a guy if I'm even a little bit angry or agitated. No, I'm having an awful day and you're making it worse.


"Are you wearing that?" - Another statement often said by people surrounding me. This is just a plain rude and nasty thing to say.


That's about all for now, but I'll also include phrases like YOLO, Netflix and chill, and other Internet memes, because although they'll probably be repeated a lot on this forum, they're dumb and pointless.

  • Brohoof 1

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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"Do you mind if [x]?"


Seriously half of the time people are going to say yes when they mean no as in they don't mind and you're just going to have to ask them "Hey can [x] do or say or whatever action [y]?" because now you both need clarification on what's being asked.

When I get asked that, I either say, "No, I don't mind," or "No, don't do that."


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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  • 1 month later...

"It could be worse."- Any variation of that sentence frustrates me. Yeah,I know it could be worse. It could always be worse. With a planet that has over 100,000,000 people on it,there's always gonna be someone who has it worse off. But,saying that only makes me feel like an asshole for feeling sad. 


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"Have your cake and eat it" - Aw no, I thought I'd just have my cake and NOT eat it! Of course! What a brilliant idea!



Well that one, honestly, makes sense. As in if you eat the cake (something desired and pretty) you will no longer have it. But yes, it is still a stupid sounding expression.


"Every cloud has a silver lining" This one is just pointless. It's right up there with "well you would be happier if you thought more positively." expressions that basically try to socially reward people for not thinking or caring about the consequences of life. Sorta like a "shut up and take it" mentality.


Also, not really in line with the topic, but when people use ect for et cetera... Please, everyone who reads this, the abbreviation of et cetera is etc. Please learn this!

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree that phrases with "pray" in them are worthless. It's sad that when a natural disaster or terrorist attack occurs, the phrase that becomes prominent is always "pray for ____". I'm sorry, but clearly a deity wasn't around to help them in the first place. Why can't we think of something more useful, more meaningful?


Another phrase I see thrown around particularly in The Sims community that I really do not like is "If you don't like, it don't buy it." It's a condescending phrase which's only intent is to silent dissent/criticism. As if a new release exists purely in a vacuum and does not effect someone who does not like it/agree with it in any way, shape or form just as long as they don't buy it.


This particularly bad when it comes to The Sims series. EA releases a terrible expansion pack that adds close to nothing. But no, you better not criticize it, and you better not be thinking about the fact that they released it now instead of Pets, Seasons, etc. (things that really should be in the base-game by now). If you just don't buy it, it won't effect you, you see!

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I agree that phrases with "pray" in them are worthless. It's sad that when a natural disaster or terrorist attack occurs, the phrase that becomes prominent is always "pray for ____". I'm sorry, but clearly a deity wasn't around to help them in the first place. Why can't we think of something more useful, more meaningful?


Another phrase I see thrown around particularly in The Sims community that I really do not like is "If you don't like, it don't buy it." It's a condescending phrase which's only intent is to silent dissent/criticism. As if a new release exists purely in a vacuum and does not effect someone who does not like it/agree with it in any way, shape or form.


I hate that. "Don't like it? Don't buy it?" Half the time this is AFTER you've already bought it and FOUND OUT it's crap. Then people go "then wait for the reviews!" the reviews are NOT ALWAYS right. Critics are claiming Batman V Superman is like the best movie ever, but fans hate it and it's a flop. Critics can be bought. Plus what about crap with review embargoes where they flat out say you can't do a review of it until it's already out and we've got your pre-order money and you can't cancel now.


Plus companies take "not buying" the wrong way a lot. If people "don't buy" Sims 4, it doesn't tell EA to make Sims 5 better, it just tells them not to make a Sims 5.

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"Sticks and stones will break my bones but words well never hurt me." Not true, words hurt much more, I'd rather be hit with a stick.

Yeah, I think Timmy Turner's Dad put it nicely



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  • 2 years later...

"Money can't buy happiness."

Yes it can. And it does. People who say this are just jealous of people who have money. Think about it. The road to happiness is PAVED with money. Money can buy loyalty, safety, power, anything. Hell, Even love is for sale, if the price is right. I can't even begin to describe how many times a girl has rejected a guy all because he was broke. It happens all the time. Besides, even the noblest soul considers finances when looking for a partner. No girl wants to marry a broke loser no matter how kind, cool or how much of a badass he might be. Because without money he can't take care of her. And when a guy sees a girl that he's completely in love with. What does he do? He wants to take her to nice restaurants and buy her expensive gifts. That's money at work right there. It's not money that is the root of all evil. It's the love of money that is. Because it can give you anything. That's why so many people use it for evil. Hey I'd love to live in a rose-colored world where money didn't matter and we would all just get along and share everything too. But it's important to be realistic about things even when the truth hurts and reality isn't pretty.

  • Brohoof 2

The White Shinigami

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"Don't try just do..."

How exactly am I supposed to do EVERYTHING without trying?

"Need Healing!" "Need Healing!"...(Paladins/Overwatch)

No you don't. You just need to get an ounce of game sense, and BACK OFF!

"Live in the moment"

There's this thing called time that makes that impossible... Not to mention what's meant by this is downright moronic.

"Grow Up"

Excuse me, but YOU need to grow up if you're so irked by the way I am.

"Later Alligator"

I am not an alligator, idiot.

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"How are you" / "how's it going" 

Maybe they're a necessary evil for starting a conversation but they're really arbitrary and have no real answer that isn't itself arbitrary 

Edited by Olly
  • Brohoof 1

We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.

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8 hours ago, Santa Barik said:

"Don't try just do..."

How exactly am I supposed to do EVERYTHING without trying?

I never understood this one either. And it pisses me off whenever someone says this to me.

The White Shinigami

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When I'm trying to find something that I've misplaced, and someone tells me:

"It's always in the last place you look."

No shit Sherlock, you think I'm going to keep looking after I've found it? :unamused:

Even taken in context of a place I'd rarely think to search doesn't help. I probably dont think to search these places because I know I wouldn't have even been there to lose something.

Be practical and help me find it!

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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"Af því bara" which in English is "just because", one of the most unhelpful phrases you can say to someone. If you ever ask someone why and they answer with "just because" and don't follow it up with anything else. That is not you explaining why, that is just you evading the question at hand.  

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  • 2 months later...

"Fortune favors the bold"

Not always true. You ever tried walking up to a woman and telling her she has great squeezable looking tits that you'd love to have a feel of or a fine ass that you'd love to smack? Cause I’m pretty confident you’d be rewarded with a slap to the face...Though it would of course depend on who the woman was and how close you were with them.

"Fight fire with fire"

If my house is on fire I'm not going to use a flamethrower or a blow torch on it. I'm going to use a water hose or fire extinguisher on it like a sane person...

The White Shinigami

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