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spoiler So where did Apple Bloom come from?


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I just watched the new episode and I'm confused. Diamond Tiara hadn't been born yet (unless her parents' wedding was a shotgun wedding), and Apple Bloom seems to be the same age as Diamond Tiara, so Apple Bloom hadn't been born yet, either. But Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Big Mac's parents weren't there, so how does Apple Bloom even exist? The only explanation I can think of is that their parents were unable to take care of their children and gave up their parental rights before Apple Bloom was born, and then they immediately gave up their new parental rights when Apple Bloom was born and sent her to live with the rest of her family. (There go my theories about how old everypony is.) Anyone else got any theories?

  • Brohoof 2
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My best guess is that they may have been away working, doing apple related activities, when Applejack got up to her shenanigans and passed away sometime soon after Apple Bloom was born. 

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We only see one day, maybe two, in the lives of the Apple family in the episode. Applejack and BigMac's parents could've just been away at the time, whether on business or on a trip.  :twi: I'd say Apple Bloom was born sometime after the events of the episode.

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Y'know, that is probably one of the best darn questions I've ever seen in this fandom. 


From what we know, Applejack's parents have been confirmed dead by one of the story-board writers at a Polish Brony Convention. She refused to say anything else as that would "spoil" future episodes. We can look forward to the truth in either Season 7 or a possible 8. I doubt it would be in the movie. 


Now that we know Applebloom's appearance started sometime after "Where the Apple Lies", we can say that she isn't a part of the "Core" Apple Family. Many on the forums say they were on vacation, but we can assure that isn't the case. Applejack and Big Mac's devotion toward Granny seems to be on a higher scale than any other pony. Not to mention Applejack's "Rebel" attitude towards others can be both a sign of pubescence and grief. (My theory is that Applejack was trying to save the farm because she couldn't save her parents. Adds clarity for the attitude and is a theme in writing.) 


Knowing that the Apple Family is rather large, I believe Applebloom was carried over from another (excuse my pun) branch. She was possibly given to the ranchers as a gift or through adoption not long after the recent episode. The timing of this can be determined by using the relationship between Filthy Rich and... uh... Rude? I forget her name (Diamond Tiara's birth, which would take place approx. 1 to 3 years after marriage.)


Assuming Diamond Tiara and Applebloom are about the same age, we can speculate that Applebloom was given away as an infant by someone close in the family. This giveaway was approximately two or three years after the events of "Where the Apple Lies".


(Wow, I really went in circles with that one)

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Apple Bloom could just be born earlier in the year than Diamond Tiara, she could be a newborn taken care of by a nanny of-screen (mother died of childbirth and dad by suicide, my current head canon...).

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for all we know she could've been born or asleep the entire time in the episode's flash back, but i do beieve it's possible that shes adopted. or the more pervy option

incest, incest, tis the best, put your sister to the test.

..don't do that. don't. NO. BAD PONE

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Well, I covered all this in my main review, but I can't pass by here without weighing in.


First off, I was really hoping that this episode would be the AJ parent death episode.  I know they'll NEVER go there, but you can't stop me from wishing and hoping!  But, as it stands, either Apple Bloom existed in this episode, or she's not the blood sister of AJ and Big Mac.  Those are the only options.  There's no way that their parents were still alive in the episode.  But it'd sure be nice if we could have answers for once.  Why, oh why must there always be gaping plot holes and unanswered questions!!??  C'mon, this isn't friggin' LOST.


Y'know, it might be kinda cool if it turned out that AB was adopted.  After all, she is the only Apple in history to not have an apple related cutie mark, as far as I know.

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After all, she is the only Apple in history to not have an apple related cutie mark, as far as I know.




That purple bit sure looks like an apple to me :catface:


The fact that a large concern throughout the episode was who the running of the farm was going to fall to would suggest to me that this took place quite shortly after the departure of the Apple's parents.  In this case, the simplest explanation is that Apple Bloom was indeed born before this episode, but being a tiny baby at the time was asleep off-screen during the events depicted in the flashback, or possibly being fostered elsewhere while the Apples pulled themselves together.

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No doubt however you put it there has to be something scandelous about this setup.


1. Applebloom was adopted

2. Filthy Rich and Spoiled had a child before the wedding

3. The parents ditched Big Mac, Applejack and Applebloom

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Maybe she was created, not born? We've seen unicorns create life before, so I wouldn't be suprised if a younger Starlight created Apple Bloom after her parents died or some OP crap like that.

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Danggit, Hasbro, you're encouraging that whole "Mac-and-AJ-are-Applebloom's-Parents" thing... :okiedokieloki:


The writers not being allowed to say Ma & Pa Apple are dead? Fine. But they should at least be able to say they existed. Especially when the issue is staring us in the face like this.

Edited by Jangocoolguy
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Unless the writers pull a "soap opera" trick & Applejack's/Apple Bloom's parents, suddenly arrive with the excuse, "We were traveling, crashed, lost our memories for several years, regained our memories & returned home!" That would make for an interesting season ending episode! I recall that Applejack had called Apple Bloom "her little sister" in the episode "Some Pony to Watch Over Me".

Edited by Darthy Hooves
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I just watched the new episode and I'm confused. Diamond Tiara hadn't been born yet (unless her parents' wedding was a shotgun wedding), and Apple Bloom seems to be the same age as Diamond Tiara, so Apple Bloom hadn't been born yet, either. But Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Big Mac's parents weren't there, so how does Apple Bloom even exist? The only explanation I can think of is that their parents were unable to take care of their children and gave up their parental rights before Apple Bloom was born, and then they immediately gave up their new parental rights when Apple Bloom was born and sent her to live with the rest of her family. (There go my theories about how old everypony is.) Anyone else got any theories?


That's actually a pretty good point you raised.  I haven't got anything to propose as alternative unfortunately.


It's clear that Hasbro still won't let the writing team come anywhere close to directly approaching the subject surrounding AJ, Big Mac and AB's parents. The only times they've ever been referenced is through the vague subtle hints from the storyboard planners.  But that's about it. Since they have this limitation put on them, I don't think we'll ever get a direct answer about the subject and will have to always beat around the bush about it.


We could throw up an idea that, maybe Apple Bloom was still a foal upstairs in a crib during this whole episode and that they just didn't bother to show her... and that they temporarily left her all on her when everyone in the Apple family ran off to Ponyville General Hospital.


Adoption would also be an interesting idea to play around with Apple Bloom as well, but I get the feeling that AB is their biologically child. Or maybe their parents were temporarily away from the farm for this episode and come back after the events 'Where the Apple Lies' drop off AB to stay her siblings and Granny and then they leave....


I got nothing else for that. But you do raise a good point about trying gauge of when AB was born into the AB or maybe adopted into.

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From what we know this doesn't seem to be THAT long ago. I'd say at most 10 years more or less in the past. Granny Smith back then already showed her seniority. The parents may have passed away or simply left for reasons we really can't speculate. Either way, Apple Bloom likely was already born and was either an infant or toddler being taken care of, or perhaps in another place like Manehattan, as Applejack was.  

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My best guesses are 


1) Apple Bloom was a baby in this episode. She is a full year older than Diamond Tiara, but started school a year late (maybe had a summer birthday or maybe just wasn't ready). Mom and Dad were either dead already or were taking care of Apple Bloom during the flashback (probably dead already).




2) AJ's parents were still alive but just not shown. Actually, they're still alive in the present; we just haven't seen them (although, it sounds like this has been confirmed not to be the case).

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My guess and my own personal theory on AJ and Big Macs parents henceforth to be called "The Apple Parents" is they were alive in the flashback, but away on some form of business or pleasure. The farm belonged to Granny Smith and NOT her child. We don't actually know which of AJ and Big Macs parents is Granny Smiths child and there is nothing to indicate that her child would want to be in charge of a farm. We'll for the sake of argument say that AJ and BM's mother is the Apple by blood and that she married a pony not as keen on farm work as her family was. So, now we have the Apple parents who have no desire to run the farm whether from outside opportunities or just general uninterest and no reason for them to be present dealing with it. 


Now they have two children and like many parents are more than happy to dump them with the grandparents at every opportunity. AJ and BM take to farm life, and generally love it having no interest in being possibly shuttled around by their parents. Granny is no spring chicken, and the two of them constantly quarrel over who will take over when she is gone, because in their eyes, the farm is "Their home".


A couple years later Apple Bloom is born and the Apple parents meet their end in some way shortly afterwards. Apple Bloom is raised on Sweet Apple Acres.


That ties up the loose ends for me and satisfies the plot-hole issues i was having. That is canon enough for me until I see something official otherwise.

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So you want to know where Applebloom came from? well come closer I'll tell you the tale one day on the farm they working as usual bucking the trees making the cider and well one apple seemed a little peculiar they took a look and the apple bloomed and inside was Applebloom 


Joking aside she was born before her parents death of course other wise well she would not be there, but as for why she was not seen in the actual episode not quite sure they all committed the act of child neglect when they left her alone to go to the hospital.

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1) Apple Bloom was a baby in this episode. She is a full year older than Diamond Tiara, but started school a year late (maybe had a summer birthday or maybe just wasn't ready). Mom and Dad were either dead already or were taking care of Apple Bloom during the flashback (probably dead already).


Couldn't be dead already, because if so, that means Apple Bloom was a baby being left home by herself while the three of them were up to the shenanigans at the hospital.  That's a big no-no for a baby's guardians.  Given that they weren't mentioned at all, and the fact that they were assuming control of the farm would go directly from Granny Smith to either Applejack or Big Mac, that tells me that the parents weren't there, which eliminates the possibility of Apple Bloom having been born yet.  It's far more likely that they were just someplace else.


New theory: They left without notice, and at some point in time they had Apple Bloom, who was then sent back to the farm to live with them.  This also opens up the possibility that they're still alive; maybe the Apple family just hasn't seen or heard from them since.

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That purple bit sure looks like an apple to me :catface:

Well, yes, of course.  I guess what I meant is that her talent isn't apple related.  Y'know, she didn't get an apple farming mark.


The writers not being allowed to say Ma & Pa Apple are dead? Fine. But they should at least be able to say they existed. Especially when the issue is staring us in the face like this.

Yes, exactly.  Why do they specifically go out of their way to avoid stuff like this?  It's not like it's some kind of gag, as if Mr. and Mrs. Apple are like Maris from Fraiser.  It would be perfectly acceptable to freaking SHOW THEM in a flashback.  Y'know, just saying, Hasbro.


Unless the writers pull a "soap opera" trick & Applejack's/Apple Bloom's parents, suddenly arrive with the excuse, "We were traveling, crashed, lost our memories for several years, regained our memories & returned home!"

Unfortunately, I could totally see this happening.  That would horrible, but it wouldn't flippin' surprise me.  If they can Total Rickall a brother for Fluttershy, why not soap opera the Apples back from the dead!?  Ugh.  I really hope they don't pull some sh*t like that, though.  I mean, that one writer or whoever confirmed they were dead at some panel or something.

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