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Which pony least lives up to her element?


Which of the mane 6 least live up to her element?  

57 users have voted

  1. 1. It's time to choose.

    • Applejack
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Twilight Sparkle

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@GrimCW- Correction: she feels guilty about her mistakes BECAUSE she's kind-hearted. If she wasn't generous, then she'd just never even TRY to make up for said mistakes.


P.S.- Her and RD's Elements sure seem similar, don't they?


That'd be true enough if it weren't for the fact she makes the SAME mistakes over and over throughout the series. Disregarding others and being selfish, then when realizing she was being rude/selfish, she backs out and stands by her friends.

If she were truly kind, she wouldn't make the same mistake over and over. And would regret them almost immediately. It takes something drastic usually to kick her into guilt mode (such as the others getting into the garden party and embarrassing her, or the poster Sweetie Bell made for her.)

Instead she's fully content in being mean to some, and even going so far as lying to her friends until she's caught and backed into a corner.


Thats not to say she makes the wrong choices when she is cornered, but the fact she needs to be cornered in the first place makes it difficult to say she's truly generous when most things she does for others is done to either advertise, or save herself from embarrassment (Such as the Gala Dresses, Though to her credit she did try make them to each ponies specifics. Though her reason for even offering was to keep them from showing up in plain cloths).

Edited by GrimCW
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My opinion is that Rarity IS generous. I read or watched a video somewhere saying this around the lines of "she wants others to be beautiful too".


But, I also like that she is not a shallow character that can only act one way and one way only.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I agree. Rarity isn't really showing the fact that she represents the element of generosity very well. Although, she's willing to do anything for her friends, even if she has to leave being famous. In my opinion, it's either the fact that she's more loyal to her friends, or Hasbro just needs more Rarity episodes for us to figure out who she really is...just an opinion.

  • Brohoof 1



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It is a lot of trouble for Rarity to be generous. The fact that she goes through that trouble when she has the most reason of the Mane 6 not to makes her the element of generosity.


This needs re-quoting, for those who missed it.


Totally agreed, Rarity is a lot more generous than the fans give her credit for.

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Personally I think the best example is from Green Isn't Your Colour.


This episode shows how Rarity's generosity transcends not just things (giving away clothes, dresses, that stuff), but shows how unselfish she really is. She spends the whole episode battling her jealousy in order to place what she considered her friend's best interest at heart. The fact that Fluttershy's best interest isn't modelling at all is irrelevant; Rarity had no idea about Fluttershy's discomfort and thought Flutters was honestly enjoying it. And Rarity even got to the point where she was demonising her own feelings (iirc, she moaned how terrible it was of her to feel jealous) to try find happiness in her friend's happiness. 


Especially the scene where Twilight tries to sabotage Fluttershy's modelling career. There, faced with a room full of upper class ponies who could have easily burned down Rarity's reputation alongside the failing fashion show, Rarity applauded Fluttershy nonetheless. She chose to save Fluttershy from embarrassment and save her possible future over her own reputation, the one thing we are constantly shown to be the most important thing to her.


Rarity fits her element to a T. It's just harder to see behind the almost ham-fisted obviousness of Fluttershy's Kindness or Pinkie's Laughter. People see Pinkie being laughter incarnate, and because Rarity is much more subtle (clearly her style), they think she doesn't live up to her element.

Edited by Infinity
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I contemplated this in a previous thread about Rarity, and here are my conclusions:

Apart from the valid points about Rarity not being perfect and expressing generosity the best way she knows how...


Rarity is the only one of the of Mane 6 who runs her own business. Pinkie helps the owners of Sugarcube Corner, Mr. & Mrs. Cake. Applejack has her family to help her on the farm. Rarity has only herself to depend on. She thinks up new fashions, designs everything on paper, cuts and sews all the fabric, keeps up the Boutique, and markets and sells everything herself. And since her world is fashion and fashion is always changing, there's no guarantee that she'll turn a profit. Despite this, she has given dresses away and is not preoccupied with money. Nopony else in town does what she does, and few ponies have to do that much work everyday on something not everyone takes seriously.


And even with all she has to deal with, she will drop everything to be with her friends and help them in their time of need.


Rarity is plenty generous.

  • Brohoof 3

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, in a brilliant utilization of story telling in Return of Harmony Part 1 all of the Mane Six's Elements are shown as a sort of reminder to the audience as proof of their Elements.



In it, Rarity offered her umbrella to Twilight when it began raining chocolate milk.



And for someone who doesn't like to get dirty or have her mane messed up, I'd say that was pretty generous.



Plus, she was willing to go camping to spend time with her sister and get dirty to join her in the Sisterhooves Social-even though she despises such activities.



All just to make her little sister happy.



Edited by TimeLordRainbowDash
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm...well, here are some instants of Rarity showing generosity:


  1. Cutting off her tail for the sea serpent in season 1, episode 1, "Elements of Harmony".
  2. She was willing to give up her ticket at the end of "The Ticket Master" in season 1, episode 3.
  3. She was willing to make the dresses in "Suited For Success" in season 1, episode 14.
  4. She was willing to be the test subject for the wing spell in "Sonic Rainboom", season 1, episode 16.
  5. She was willing to compromise with Sweetie Belle during the race and ending of "Sisterhooves Social", season 2, episode 5.
  6. She was willing to make the Mare Do Well outfits in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well", season 2, episode 8.
  7. She was willing to give up her social status for friendship in "Sweet and Elite", season 2, episode 9.
  8. She made the outfits in "Secret of My Excess", season 2, episode 10.
  9. She was willing to help Fluttershy out in "Putting Your Hoof Down", season 2, episode 19.
  10. She was willing to assist Twilight during the "spells" in "Magic Duel", season 3, episode 5.

Those are the main moments of Rarity's generosity that come to mind. Rarity doesn't show generosity often as some other ponies represent their element of harmony. Hopefully, season 4 will have Rarity being a bit more generous.

All of this ^ is great about Rarity but do you remember how she got her cutie mark she was generous enough to put more things on the costumes (jewels) she could of left them the way they are but she went the extra mile on them that in my opinion is generosity.

Acceptance is best

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also raritys generosity is often forgotten

dont forget she made everyone's dresses for the grand galloping gala aswell as having to make all their dresses for that fashion shoot

Edited by Vermillion
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Satan is good, Satan is my pal

i have nothing else to say...

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How is Applejack honest when she lies often? How is Fluttershy kind when she has quite a bad temper? How does Pinkie Pie represent laughter when some of her jokes just aren't that funny? And Dash isn't loyal all the time either, but I guess her and especially Twilight follow their elements of Harmony best. But still, most of the characters certainly don't follow their element of Harmony 100% of the time, in fact I'd say Rarity and Applejack are pretty much tied in how much they act the opposite of theirs. Besides, the show would be rather boring if they all were goody-goody with these supposed traits always, flawed characters are part of what makes MLP:FiM interesting to our fanbase after all, imo. ;)

Besides, I'm totally fine with Rarity just being beautiful, fabulous, and all around awesome most of the time, she has shown her generous side often enough to establish her element if you ask me, and will likely show it more in season 4 since she apparently got a lot of lines. :wacko:

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm not even going to read anything else or any responses to this, I'm just going to leave you with this list.

S01E01: Frienship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane.


S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.

S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.

Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in my opinion.


So, please, just stop nitpicking at the damned ponies already...it's pointless. We're here to support each other and for ponies. Not for criticizing the ponies' flaws. I'll let you in on a secret:


They all have flaws.


Flaws are what make a good character. It wouldn't be very interesting to watch a character who has no flaws. It'd be boring as hell.


I hope this answers your question.





Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 13


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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This is not poll worthy.

The issue is not that she is not generous as you will see, it is rather that the writers often have her subvert her characterization for jokes. And this is often more prominent and memorable in someone's mind.


But here, I'll put this to rest

I need to edit this, but haven't gotten around to it.


Generous: Giving more than is expected or required or giving expecting little in return. Not restricted to material goods but can also include time or even simple emotional support. In general, placing the satisfaction of others before your own.

You could argue that some of the things on this list aren't generous strictly speaking but they are in the same spirit


-Ceases the significantly more important work for the Summer Sun Celebration to fix Twilight’s mane (Twilight being a stranger at this time), going throw many renditions to find the right look for her. Putting another’s needs before her own.

-Cuts off her tail, marring her beauty, for a Sea Serpent she not only did not know and will probably never see again but is not even a pony. Putting another’s needs before her own and sacrificing something for their sake.

>Ticket Master

-Suggests that they treat Twilight to dinner as recompense for the tickets and inadvertently denying her food. Thinking of another’s needs.

>Look Before You Sleep

-Despite not wanting to join the sleepover, agrees to do so because of how much it meant to Twilight. AJ tried to lie in order to get out of it. Putting another before herself.

-Tries to have a nice time with Twilight, spending time with her and not provoking arguments with AJ, although AJ proceeded to provoke arguments with her (for the most part). Being attentive to what someone else wants.

>Suited For Success

-Offers to make free, upscale dresses for her friends despite their protests. Tailored them specifically to match their individual personalities. Taking time away from her own life when she had a project she wanted to work on for herself and sharing her resources.

- Makes new dresses, again despite their protests, as the old ones were not up to their expectations. Taking off more time, sharing more of her resources and enduring their inconsiderate (and ridiculous) specifications. She even permitted the dresses be shown as hers in the fashion show, as to avoid reneging on her promise.

- After the dresses ruined her career and earned her a sharp rebuttal from Hoity Toity, she never blamed her friends and even forgave them prior to them getting her a second audience with Hoity. Despite the fact that their direct actions were causing her grief and exploiting her generosity.

She willingly suffered for their sakes, earned no fulfillment from doing so and never blamed them. Making this an altruistic act.

>Sonic Rainboom

-Noticed that Dash had stage fright, so she volunteered to be the subject of an unknown spell as to give Dash support. Putting the needs of others before her own.

>Stare Master

-Not only watches her incredibly mistake-prone sister but also takes time to watch her friends (who are quite a nuisance). She seems to have watched them before based on her accounts of their behavior. Putting the needs of others before her own.

-When Sweetie Belle uses up her special gold cloth (which was for an important order) does not get terribly upset with Sweetie, merely cancels the sleepover as she cannot watch them and finish her work. Also makes no attempts to recycle the cloth Sweetie used, which would have been far more convenient for her as she would not have to work all night. Being understanding and thinking of others.

-Is shown (throughout several episodes) to utterly pamper and adore her cat, despite the fact that the feeling is neither reciprocated nor is the cat cute. In fact, Opal is outright hostile towards her and Sweetie rather than simply being unaffectionate. Giving freely, even to those who do not reciprocate.

>A Dog and Pony Show

-When the Diamond Dogs attacked, stayed behind to make sure Spike could get away

-Taught Twilight her special gem finding spell

-Despite being kidnapped, was initially willing to find gems for the Diamond Dogs. Changed her tune when they became abusive slavedrivers. Thinking of others.

>Show Stoppers

-Despite Sweetie and the CMC stealing supplies from her boutique, makes no effort to get said supplies back, attends their show and was happy for them. Thinking of others instead of herself, being openhanded with her belongings and forgiveness

>Green Isn’t Your Color

-After being rejected by Photo Finish, still wanted Fluttershy to pursue the opportunity presented to her, despite the fact that this would make Rarity herself miserable. She believed Fluttershy would be a good model, enjoyed modeling and this doubtless earned Fluttershy some money Rarity learned she was mistaken in thinking Shy enjoyed it, however this became known later. Thinking of others.

-Becomes envious of Fluttershy. Despite her feeling this way is disappointed that she cannot be happy for Fluttershy and has Twilight keep knowledge of this from Fluttershy for fear that it would hurt her feelings. Thinking of others.

-When Fluttershy’s modeling show was going poorly, Rarity managed to save her career. Did this despite wanting her career to fail but ultimately preferred Fluttershy being happy. Thinking of others

>Party of One

-Sticks her head in rather filthy garbage to prevent Pinkie’s surprise from being ruined

>Owl’s Well that Ends Well

-Takes Sweetie Belle to the meteor shower, stargazing thing. Thinking of others.

>Return of Harmony

-Shares her umbrella with Twilight. Thinking of others.

>Sisterhooves Social

-Despite being busy and unprepared, tried to get her work done in order to spend time with Sweetie Belle. And put up with Sweetie making many (well meaning) mistakes: burning her food, ruining her expensive sweater, rearranging her inspiration room, using supplies from her boutique again.

This does not last however, she gets (somewhat justifiably) mad at Sweetie. Thinking of others until her patience ran out.

-Elects to go get new sapphires rather than simply take them off of Sweetie’s picture, just as she has done before when Sweetie has used her supplies (Stare Master, Show Stoppers). Putting the satisfaction of others first.

-Realizes that she had been unfair to her sister and makes the first move to reconcile, eventually putting up with her phobia (dirt, mud, etc) to please Sweetie. Getting over herself and thinking of others.

-Continues to play with Sweetie afterwards because that is what Sweetie wanted. Thinking of others

>May the Best Pet Win

-Photographed Dash’s pet competition. Thinking of others.

>Mysterious Mare Do Well

-Made the Mare Do Well costumes. Giving freely.

>Sweet and Elite

-Although thwarted by circumstances not entirely in her control, decides to make an incredibly expensive dress. Draws the designs, gets the supplies but does not finish. Thinking of others, although thwarted.

-Tries to cut short the vastly more important time with Elites to finish said dress. Putting others first and sacrificing something for their sake.

-However they guilt her into spending time with them by playing off her weakness to pleasing others: saying the event will be terrible without her, threatening cancellation, or citing that it is for charity. In light of this, she agreed. Putting the satisfaction of others first.

-During Becoming Popular: uses her influence to make the Elites support the artwork at the Gallery (to the hostesses relief) which they initially snubbed, at the Charity Auction she raised more money by causing others to bid on items that nobody was bidding on, and at a dinner grabbed food for everyone.

-When push came to shove, chose to stand up for her friends despite being under the impression that doing so would ruin her chances of ever being accepted by High Society (her life dream). Putting the needs of others first and sacrificing something for their sake.

>Secret of My Excess

-Made capes for her friends, went through many different renditions until it was just right. Giving freely.

-Courted death by refusing to relinquish the Fire Ruby to the Dragon, citing its sentimental value. The Ruby was too important because of who gave it to her. Thinking of others.

-Stopped Spike’s rampage, saving Ponyville and the Wonderbolts. Granted she did not intend to do this but her direct actions were the impetus, she was brave and she’s criticized/blamed for bad things she does not intend to do.

-After being kidnapped, having her boutique partially destroyed and her home town in shambles she consoled Spike. Telling him that he saved the day by stopping himself. Thinking of others.

>Heart’s Warming Eve

-Helps Fluttershy  and Twilight prepare for their parts

>Dragon Quest

-Only one to defend Spike from RD, although inadvertently making him feel bad. Concern for others, although misguided.

-Most eager to follow Spike, using her boutique supplies to make the Crackle costume. Giving freely.

-Most vociferous in defending Spike, most concerned with his wellbeing and the most pleased that he returned. Thinking of others.

>A Friend In Deed

-Makes/gives her best wig to Pinkie Pie for Cranky. Giving freely.

>Putting Your Hoof Down

-After Fluttershy had a small panic attack over the asparagus and was cut in line, used her charm to get the asparagus for her and repaid the stallion for it (which she did not have to do, strictly speaking). Thinking of others.

>Ponyville Confidential

-Although shown to be wrong at the end of the episode, wanted to share Gabby Gums with her friends because she thought they’d enjoy it. Which they did. Thinking of others in a misguided manner.

-Was the only one in town who did not hold a grudge against the CMC, despite suffering the worst breach of privacy. Getting over herself and thinking of others.

>Crystal Empire

-Leads the other 5 in a song celebrating Twilight, which Twilight appreciated a lot. Thinking of others.

>Magic Duel

-Volunteers to make a disguise for Fluttershy. Giving freely.

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-Was the only one in town who did not hold a grudge against the CMC, despite suffering the worst breach of privacy.

Just wondering, what about Fluttershy and Pinkie?

- Rather than holding a specific grudge, Fluttershy merely seemed unable to stop crying to herself. It was Angel who turned the CMC away.

- I can't remember seeing Pinkie at all when the CMC were walking around and getting rejected by the town.

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Rarity may be somewhat generous at times, but she's greedy vastly more. Notice how Discord didn't even need to hypnotize her to turn her gray. Also, she constantly manipulates Spike and takes advantage of him, even taking his own birthday gift away because it looked pretty. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Rarity may be somewhat generous at times, but she's greedy vastly more. Notice how Discord didn't even need to hypnotize her to turn her gray. Also, she constantly manipulates Spike and takes advantage of him, even taking his own birthday gift away because it looked pretty. 

Except that's wrong.

The rock glowed and hypnotized her. She had to be coerced in much the same way as Fluttershy.


And Larson specifically stated she had no intention to cajole the gem from Spike, it was an act of generosity on his part. Not to mention that she is, by far, the most supportive and concerned with Spike.


I have no earthly clue how anyone takes the anti-Rarity camp seriously when they constantly distort facts.

Edited by Whatevs
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>Notice how Discord didn't even need to hypnotize her to turn her gray.

Lel. I guess you missed how the rock started glowing and hypnotized her.


>constantly manipulates Spike and takes advantage of him, even taking his own birthday gift away because it looked pretty

She also is the most supportive of Spike and most concerned for his well being. And she did not take his gem, Larson specifically said there was no intent from her to cajole it from him. It was an act of generosity on her part.


Why should anyone believe the anti-Rarity camp when they constantly distort facts to make their case? You guys do it all the time.

Except that's wrong.

The rock glowed and hypnotized her. She had to be coerced in much the same way as Fluttershy.


And Larson specifically stated she had no intention to cajole the gem from Spike, it was an act of generosity on his part. Not to mention that she is, by far, the most supportive and concerned with Spike.


I have no earthly clue how anyone takes the anti-Rarity camp seriously when they constantly distort facts.

The rock may have glowed but that was more due to it being disguised as a diamond, I saw no evidence of the swirly eyes Discord used on the others.


When we literally see Rarity outright manipulate Spike, that overrides the word of the writers. I'll counter your points now, k?

1. Fine, one could argue it was a marketing scheme, but that's grasping at straws

2. They needed to placate the Sea Serpent to pass, it wasn't an optional thing

3. I don't remember this but it's not exactly a huge leap of generosity, that was just recompensating

4. Rarity only joined because she didn't have a choice, it had nothing to do with making Twilight happy

5. AJ was uncouth but it was Rarity who pointed out the flaws and instigated fights, just as much as AJ

6, 7, 8, 9. No disagreement here

10. True, but a minute later she's prancing around like a moron

11, 12, 13. True

14. True 

15. Twilight has an innate talent for copying things, she said Rarity showed it to her and she remembered it

16. Debatable as she probably just wanted to get out of there to finish her order

17. Did she ever discover that Sweetie stole supplies?

18, 19, 20. True

21. True

22. Okay, this is grasping at straws. We don't know who proposed the idea, Sweetie Belle or Rarity

23. True

24. True

25. She said the gems were ruined, that was why she didn't take them off

26, 27. True

28. Really? How is that generous? It's not any special generosity and if anypony else had done it, you wouldn't be saying "how generous!".

29. She chose her own wants over the dress

30. Tries rather pathetically before going back to the Elites

31. True, but she wants to impress the clearly refined Fancy Pants

32. That was more loyal than generous, thought it was somewhat generous

33. True

34. This could taken as selfish as well. If she had handed it over, Spike would have been placated, even if only briefly.

35. Accidental, if I accidentally do the same thing, am I generous or just lucky?

36. Fits more under kindness IMO

37. It's her job to dress up ponies

38. Twilight also defended Spike and how could she not know her baby talk would irritate him?

39. I didn't see incredible eagerness beyond the others and the Crackle costume was a necessity for the dragon country, anypony would have done that

40. She didn't do anything the others didn't

41. True

42. She still conned the stallion. What if the stallion was in a similar situation to Fluttershy where he needed the asparagus?

43. She enjoyed the gossip of other ponies. Not thinking of others until it happened to her

44. We don't see her reaction until after the apology, she was very angry at Sweetie

45. True

46. It was either that or be a slave to Trixie



As you see, while Rarity is certainly generous at times, she does not embody here Element to fault like the other Mane 6

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The rock may have glowed but that was more due to it being disguised as a diamond, I saw no evidence of the swirly eyes Discord used on the others.


When we literally see Rarity outright manipulate Spike, that overrides the word of the writers. I'll counter your points now, k?

1. Fine, one could argue it was a marketing scheme, but that's grasping at straws

2. They needed to placate the Sea Serpent to pass, it wasn't an optional thing

3. I don't remember this but it's not exactly a huge leap of generosity, that was just recompensating

4. Rarity only joined because she didn't have a choice, it had nothing to do with making Twilight happy

5. AJ was uncouth but it was Rarity who pointed out the flaws and instigated fights, just as much as AJ

6, 7, 8, 9. No disagreement here

10. True, but a minute later she's prancing around like a moron

11, 12, 13. True

14. True 

15. Twilight has an innate talent for copying things, she said Rarity showed it to her and she remembered it

16. Debatable as she probably just wanted to get out of there to finish her order

17. Did she ever discover that Sweetie stole supplies?

18, 19, 20. True

21. True

22. Okay, this is grasping at straws. We don't know who proposed the idea, Sweetie Belle or Rarity

23. True

24. True

25. She said the gems were ruined, that was why she didn't take them off

26, 27. True

28. Really? How is that generous? It's not any special generosity and if anypony else had done it, you wouldn't be saying "how generous!".

29. She chose her own wants over the dress

30. Tries rather pathetically before going back to the Elites

31. True, but she wants to impress the clearly refined Fancy Pants

32. That was more loyal than generous, thought it was somewhat generous

33. True

34. This could taken as selfish as well. If she had handed it over, Spike would have been placated, even if only briefly.

35. Accidental, if I accidentally do the same thing, am I generous or just lucky?

36. Fits more under kindness IMO

37. It's her job to dress up ponies

38. Twilight also defended Spike and how could she not know her baby talk would irritate him?

39. I didn't see incredible eagerness beyond the others and the Crackle costume was a necessity for the dragon country, anypony would have done that

40. She didn't do anything the others didn't

41. True

42. She still conned the stallion. What if the stallion was in a similar situation to Fluttershy where he needed the asparagus?

43. She enjoyed the gossip of other ponies. Not thinking of others until it happened to her

44. We don't see her reaction until after the apology, she was very angry at Sweetie

45. True

46. It was either that or be a slave to Trixie



As you see, while Rarity is certainly generous at times, she does not embody here Element to fault like the other Mane 6

She had swirly eyes. And you're wrong about the fire ruby, because the whole point of the episode treated it as an act of generosity from Spike rather than an act of manipulation. So in such a case of ambiguity, what the writer of thje episode intended most certainly takes precedence.


I'm not going to respond to your response in depth because everything I said I basically a fact and you've proven yourself to be disingenuous.

I will respond to one claim you made: she doesn't embody her element to a fault.

I guess you missed Green Isn't Your Color or Suited For Success where she was willing to be miserable in order to please her friends.

Or Sweet & Elite where her loyalty to her friends outpaced her lifelong dream, or during Becoming Popular where you can see her help raise money for charity while everyone is singing her accolades.


Come on. This is sad. I laid down a long list of generous deeds and the most you can offer are your own botched interpretations of scenes.

Edited by Artemis
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She had swirly eyes. And you're wrong about the fire ruby, because the whole point of the episode treated it as an act of generosity from Spike rather than an act of manipulation. So in such a case of ambiguity, what the writer of thje episode intended most certainly takes precedence.


I'm not going to respond to your response in depth because everything I said I basically a fact and you've proven yourself to be disingenuous.

I will respond to one claim you made: she doesn't embody her element to a fault.

I guess you missed Green Isn't Your Color or Suited For Success where she was willing to be miserable in order to please her friends.

Or Sweet & Elite where her loyalty to her friends outpaced her lifelong dream, or during Becoming Popular where you can see her help raise money for charity while everyone is singing her accolades.


Come on. This is sad. I laid down a long list of generous deeds and the most you can offer are your own botched interpretations of scenes.

Rarity had swirly eyes, I'll give you that. As for the scenes, that's how I saw them, you don't have to around tossing insults because you don't agree with my interpretation. You're being very arrogant in assuming your perception is fact, be careful about that. 

The Sweet and Elite example was more about loyalty than generosity and the charity thing was so she could stay popular. 


Now, try to understand that I'm not saying that Rarity is greedy, I just think that she doesn't embody generosity as well as she could. I don't dislike Rarity, I simply think that she's not the best pick for the Element of Generosity.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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 I saw no evidence of the swirly eyes Discord used on the others.



^ First google result for "Rarity swirly eyes".


Also, regarding generosity... i'd like to quote a Bronycurious chat video for a moment. (though most of it is a response to someone who insulted rarity as an overall character.)



She is proper, organized, and obsessed with detail. She is a proponent of the finer things in life and a passionate artist.

This passion can sometimes be taken too far and she can segregate herself from the rest of Ponyville,

either by locking herself away in her boutique and refusing to leave her comfort zone or attempting to get others to appreciate her tastes, which usually doesn't work.


Each character in the main six represents a positive attribute. Not just an element of harmony, but a positive trait we should all attempt to adopt. Applejack is hard work and determination.

Twilight Sparkle is knowledge and healthy skepticism. Pinkie Pie is staying positive no matter what. Rainbow Dash is confidence in one's self and their abilities. Fluttershy is humility.

And Rarity is creativity and passion!


Here we have a character that not only creates fashion, but appreciates fashion, has started her own business around her passion

despite being around people who don't really appreciate it, and continues to follow her own path unhindered by being a minority.

These are all very noble and un-bitchy character traits.


Just like they all have positive attributes, each of the main six also has their weaknesses they personify. Applejack is stubborn-ness. Twilight Sparkle is (interrupted, i couldn't hear).

Pinkie Pie is jumping to conclusions. Rainbow Dash is arrogance. Fluttershy is fearing others. And Rarity is vanity!


However! Rarity's character flaw, in my opinion, is the true reason why she is best pony, as well as the most complex character of the main six!

Because while every other character flaw brings out personal weakness and social weakness, while others in society looking down upon them for showing it,

Rarity's flaw is ONLY a personal weakness!


Vanity is unethical, and when she gives in to it, we as viewers do not like it. But as has been shown in Sweet And Elite, that if Rarity would give in to her vanity,

not only would she NOT take flak for it, but she would PROSPER and be able to shout out all she has set out to achieve.

Ignoring her roots in Ponyville, she was able to infiltrate the Canterlot elite in a single day and quickly become one of the most influencial people in their social circle.

This put her in a perfect position to start using that influence to push her boutique, her fashion, and just live the good life that she's always dreamed of.


However! When push came to shove, she threw away the key to her dreams for the sake of her friends, and continues to do so every episode she stays in Ponyville.

Because, really, she has no reason to stay there. She should be living it up in Canterlot and trying to make things happen.

But she DOESN'T, because she loves her friends and is willing to put a delay on her dreams. Dreams that could very easily become reality staying with them.


THAT'S generosity, f***er!


EDIT: Damn, i took too long writing up the quote, someone already pointed out the swirly eyes. XD

Edited by Prince Dan
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I'm not even going to read anything else or any responses to this, I'm just going to leave you with this list.

S01E01: Frienship is Magic


Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane.


S01E02: Friendship Is Magic


Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.


S01E11: Winter Wrap Up


After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.


S01E14: Suited For Success


Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.


S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.


S01E20: Green isn't Your Color


Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.


S01E25: A Party of One


Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.


S02E05: Sisterhooves Social


After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.


S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well


Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.


S02E09: Sweet & Elite


When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.


S02E10: Secret of My Excess


Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.


S02E14: The Last Roundup


Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.


S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down


Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.


S02E21: Dragon Quest


Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.


S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding


Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.


S03E01: The Crystal Empire


In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.


S03E12: Games Ponies Play


Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.


(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)


Equestria Girls:


Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.


From Vocabulary.com:



Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.

Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.


That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in my opinion.


So, please, just stop nitpicking at the damned ponies already...it's pointless. We're here to support each other and for ponies. Not for criticizing the ponies' flaws. I'll let you in on a secret:


They all have flaws.


Flaws are what make a good character. It wouldn't be very interesting to watch a character who has no flaws. It'd be boring as hell.


I hope this answers your question.







Rarity had swirly eyes, I'll give you that. As for the scenes, that's how I saw them, you don't have to around tossing insults because you don't agree with my interpretation. You're being very arrogant in assuming your perception is fact.




Argue my list now. No interpretations, all of these things happened. All fact. All scenes straight from the canon TV show.


I mean, come on, you had to have seen it, but you just ignored it and attacked a weaker (no offense) list that was pretty heavy on interpretation. That really says alot about how deep you believe what you're saying on this topic.

Edited by Aquila


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Rarity had swirly eyes, I'll give you that. As for the scenes, that's how I saw them, you don't have to around tossing insults because you don't agree with my interpretation. You're being very arrogant in assuming your perception is fact, be careful about that. 

The Sweet and Elite example was more about loyalty than generosity and the charity thing was so she could stay popular. 


Here's my advice, calm down and get out of raging, defensive fan-boy mode. You done? Now, try to understand that I'm not saying that Rarity is greedy, I just think that she doesn't embody generosity as well as she could. I don't dislike Rarity, I simply think that she's not the best pick for the Element of Generosity. Calm down

>charity thing was so she could stay popular

Based on what? By the looks of it she was already popular and simply helping out.


>S&E was more about loyalty than generosity

Generosity is in many ways a specific form of loyalty, there is a lot of overlap. She put the needs of others ahead of her own, generous.


And I'm not raging, I'm expressing derision because I see the same ideas you put out tossed around when they're fallacious.

And calling me a fanboy doesn't work when I have facts on my side.


Two things jumped out at me though.

>Rarity didn't teach Twilight her spell, Twilight just copied it

Rewatch the scene, Twilight says "you're right Spike, Rarity showed me how to do it a little while ago."


>Rarity only cared about the gossip until it affected her personally

Aside from Twilight, that goes for everyone. The point of the episode was that everyone was complicit in the gossip until it became inconvenient for them, Rarity was still the only one who was reasonable and explained to Sweetie why it was wrong.


Different interpretations have nothing to do with it.



Argue my list now. No interpretations, all of these things happened. All fact. All scenes straight from the canon TV show.


I mean, come on, you had to have seen it, but you just ignored it and attacked a weaker (no offense) list that was pretty heavy on interpretation. That really says alot about how deep you believe what you're saying on this topic.

How is my list weaker, what would you improve? It has more items. Yes it is more open to interpretation because I based it more off of her motivations (which is what makes something generous) but honestly it is pretty much set in stone what the correct interpretations are.

The people who misinterpret are the people who want to misinterpret and they are rarely correct. As I showed earlier they just have botched views of things and project that.


I just don't really see how that can be fixed and still give a complete picture of her actions.

Edited by Whatevs
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Wow, quite a lot to sort through



^ First google result for "Rarity swirly eyes".

Also, regarding generosity... i'd like to quote a Bronycurious chat video for a moment. (though most of it is a response to someone who insulted rarity as an overall character.)


EDIT: Damn, i took too long writing up the quote, someone already pointed out the swirly eyes. XD

I don't dislike Rarity as a character, I simply don't find her worthy of the Element of Generosity




Argue my list now. No interpretations, all of these things happened. All fact. All scenes straight from the canon TV show.


I mean, come on, you had to have seen it, but you just ignored it and attacked a weaker (no offense) list that was pretty heavy on interpretation. That really says alot about how deep you believe what you're saying on this topic.

I actually didn't see your list since I wasn't all that focused on it(no offense). Now, your list is a lot better thought out and while I disagree with a few of the points on whether or not they represent generosity, I get your point. My problem is that Rarity breaks her own Element far more than the others, but that is a matter of opinion. 


>charity thing was so she could stay popular

Based on what? By the looks of it she was already popular and simply helping out.


>S&E was more about loyalty than generosity

Generosity is in many ways a specific form of loyalty, there is a lot of overlap. She put the needs of others ahead of her own, generous.


And I'm not raging, I'm expressing derision because I see the same ideas you put out tossed around when they're fallacious.

And calling me a fanboy doesn't work when I have facts on my side.


Two things jumped out at me though.

>Rarity didn't teach Twilight her spell, Twilight just copied it

Rewatch the scene, Twilight says "you're right Spike, Rarity showed me how to do it a little while ago."


>Rarity only cared about the gossip until it affected her personally

Aside from Twilight, that goes for everyone. The point of the episode was that everyone was complicit in the gossip until it became inconvenient for them, Rarity was still the only one who was reasonable and explained to Sweetie why it was wrong.


Different interpretations have nothing to do with it.

How is my list weaker, what would you improve? It has more items. Yes it is more open to interpretation because I based it more off of her motivations (which is what makes something generous) but honestly it is pretty much set in stone what the correct interpretations are.

The people who misinterpret are the people who want to misinterpret and they are rarely correct. As I showed earlier they just have botched views of things and project that.


I just don't really see how that can be fixed and still give a complete picture of her actions.

You on the other hand, really irk me for some reason. Raging and derision are interchangeable over the internet as they both are insults. As for facts, ghostfacekiller29's list had more facts than your opinion riddled list. Like I said, calm down

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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