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Which pony least lives up to her element?


Which of the mane 6 least live up to her element?  

57 users have voted

  1. 1. It's time to choose.

    • Applejack
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Twilight Sparkle

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Title is pretty misleading. 'Abusive' would infer someone who does their element so much and so often, that it becomes an issue somehow. 'Neglects/Neglectful' would be a far better word.


Not gonna try and defend Dash at 5 in the morning. Everyone's entitled to their opinions.



Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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  • 2 months later...

Strange--Rainbow Dash's usually more honest than AJ, and AJ's more loyal than RD.


So, I have to go with Rainbow Dash. Haven't seen much loyalty from her.


I don't know why everyone's voting for Rarity--remember Suited for Success? The Grand Galloping Gala? Secret of My Excess (which wasn't even her episode, along with the former?)

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Why is everyone hating on rarity. As much as I hate her (and that's a lot) she is generous very often to the point were it kind of balances out how whiny and demanding she can be.

  • Brohoof 1


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Rainbow... She is loyal at points... But it's like she's learning to be loyal...


Now why dose everypony hate rarity...


She's always making dresses, cloces, bowties, etc etc for her friends... That's generous...

And the best part is that she passes on the generosity... She tamed spike when he went on a rampage stealing everything...




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Rainbow Dash most definitely. There's been only one instance when she showed loyalty and that was on the Gilda episode. Other than that there wasn't any other time she expressed loyalty.


I know someone is going to bring up the 2nd episode of Season 1. Even though all the ponies were expressing their element perfectly Rainbow Dash's element came into question. The Luna ponies that were trying to persuade her into joining their group weren't even the Thunderbolts so it's not the same thing, Rainbow Dash simply did not want to join a group that wasn't the Thunderbolts... now if the Thunderbolts really did ask her to join and abandon her friends then her loyalty can be tested.


Rainbow... She is loyal at points... But it's like she's learning to be loyal...


That's the way I feel too.... almost like she has less loyalty than the other ponies and the fact that she can barely act loyal is just a relief not something she is the best at.


Twilight Sparkle is kind of questionable too because she uses logic and magic is usually very illogical and more on Pinkie Pie's field of randomness.

Edited by poniesforfun


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  • 2 weeks later...

The reason everyone "hates on" Rarity, is because aside from the few exceptions mentioned, she is NOT generous when it comes to gemstones.

She compromised their negotiation with the dragon in Dragonshy, which would've condemned Ponyville to 100 years covered with smoke. And she tricked Spike into giving her the fire ruby he had been excruciatingly nurturing for, what, months?


Plus, she isn't generous towards everyone, either. Only her close pony friends (which I see more as a variant of loyalty), and people who care for their image like her (such as the water dragon in the s1 pilot). Yes, she kissed Spike and stuff, but after how many months of using him as a living pin cushion, among other abuses?

Would she, say, make an outfit for a stranger who's poor, looking for a decent suit for a job interview, being a great pony/gryphon/mule/... but not really caring for his/her appearance? When we see her do that, I'll consider her as more representative of her element.


Flutter is kind to everyone (only gets mad towards those who hurt others), Pinkie makes everyone laugh, Applejack is reliable and honest in general (except when preparing a surprise or if she thinks it would hurt the others), Dash is loyal to her companions in Cloudsdale (as she chooses it over Ponyville, which she knows less well, in Discord's Return).


Then again, all ponies except Pinkie betray their element once in a while.

In Over A Barrel, when the sheriff and buffalo chief agree that Pinkie's performance is "the worst they've ever seen", neither Rarity nor Flutter or even Dash come to defend her. Following Iron Will's advice, Flutters goes way too far in being "assertive" and makes her own friends cry.

I won't talk about the discorded versions, because they were obviously manipulated, and even then, Discord sometimes had to appeal to their element (like Dash's loyalty to Cloudsdale) to corrupt them.

Edited by Feather Spiral

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Rarity's generous.

She's very generous. ...To herself. ;>


I feel like Rarity's just a tired old go-to vote now, but I am going to pick her- because yes, out of all the mane 6, she's the one that seems more selfish than generous.

There are all the episodes in her favor and everything she's done for her friends (and the sea serpent), but those episodes and moments rather just feel forced in by the developers to weakly balance out her want/need for gems, high society, and shinies.

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I'm sorry if this upsets some fans but I'm going to have to agree with those who said Rarity. She had one episode maybe where she showed generosity and thats it. She's not selfish particularly but she isn't what I would call generous either. Applejack is always honest to a fault. Twilight is always doing magic. Fluttershy is always kind to everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Rainbow Dash is very loyal. And Pinkie Pie is clearly always laughing. Dunno that's just the way I see it.

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Either rarity or applejack



Applejack lies, particularly in Party of One to Pinkie Pie. Yeah, it was a cover up, but still that is once too many.


Also she lies in The Last Roundup, which causes a lot of commotion.


Rarity does indeed give a lot of her creations as gifts, yet when it comes to things she did not make herself, she gets grabby. Someone posting the clip of her with the bouquet in A Canterlot Wedding shows this.

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Multiple moments throughout the show, the mane 6 do something that's completely against their own element. I'm not talking about when they were discorded, but in everyday life, which pony do you think least lives up to here element?



Personally I'm going to have to go with Rarity on this one. She does SO many things that are the entire opposite of Generous. The entire Sisterhooves social episode is an example of one, also...


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How many of YOUR friends will make you a "Unique and customized dress" free of charge?


and for me its lyra, because she never plays it.

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Rarity, seriously she can be so snooty and snobby at times, but hey ho, I guess that's just her personality.

But I also think Rainbow Dash doesn't really live up to her element either, she's more daring than loyal to be quite honest


Credit to Lunia :)

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They're all pretty stick to their elements, but I think Rainbow Dash would be the one to least stick with her element of Harmony.

2:00 - 2:20 Sorry, I couldn't find a shorter clip with it. (and don't remember the episode at this time)


So, you can see that Rainbow Dash insisted in pursueing AJ, however you could argue that she wanted do it for Pinkie's sake.


Others in the Mane 6 would be Fluttershy; even though she's being agressive unattentionally. Twilight Sparkle... I don't know how to describe being magical. :P


I brohoofed individually because of that video. As much as I like that theme, (bad pun alert) it's kind of jumping on a bandwagon. ;)

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I think both Rarity and AJ both kinda lose when it comes to their element.


Rarity in one episode created dresses for her friends (which is pretty generous) but that's about it. In the Royal Wedding of course she hogs the bouquet of flowers thrown by Princess Cadance yelling out 'IT'S MINE!!!'. So much for generosity. :P


AJ can be honest, but most of the time she's not. For example she lied and wouldn't tell Twilight and the rest of the mane six why she was running away. Then there are numerous other times where she lied to hide something or for another reason. So both ponies don't really live to their element at times.

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Well I actually kinda like the fact that all of the charactors in the show have their flaws and even though they have their elements they still don't just blindly follow them. It makes them more relatable I think.

And the fact that the terms for their elements are kinda. Hard to really describe? I can't think of a word for it. They just aren't easily defined I guess.

I guess If I really had to choose it would be Rarity, but thats mostly because that moment in the S2 Finale is one of the most memorable times I remember them defying their element. Alot of times you could also debate whether they really went against their elements or not to.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Voting for AJ. Earlier on, RD had some issues representing her element, but Hurricane Fluttershy and The Crystal Empire have gotten her back on track as far as that goes. AJ has a habit of letting her stubbornness get in the way of accepting the truth.


In Sisterhooves Social, I think that Rarity, after her epiphany, was genuinely trying to be generous to her sister, but didn't realize that she wasn't actually being so. The race displays her element for sure; she goes straight against her own personal preferences to make her sister happy.


Rarity may be vain, but in terms of time and energy she is very self sacrificing. And I will not use any examples from Suited for Success here to make my case. In Sweet and Elite, you have a mixture of selfishness and selflessness. She is selfish in her desire to climb up the social ladder, but when the Canterlot elite seem like they'd be disappointed if she didn't come (during the "And then I said, puh-please, that isn't a hat darling..." scene) , she says she'll go to all of their events despite it really not being convenient for her at all. During most of Sonic Rainboom Rarity was self centered and boastful as heck, but let's not forget that she was the only one who realized at first how nervous Rainbow Dash was and immediately offered to be used as a test subject for a risky, extremely difficult spell just to go and support her friend.


Rarity is very willing to suppress her own desires for others. Time and time again she will ignore if she is mad or upset or whatever to put on a cheerful face to make another pony happy. Her and Pinkie Pie were truly the most suited for dealing with New Fluttershy in Putting Your Hoof Down. Pinkie Pie, as the element of laughter, will remain hopeful for Fluttershy even after being told by her that she was a vapid party animal. Rarity, as the element of generosity, is hurt by Fluttershy's words, but will take it because she wants to help her friend.


Am I looking too much into things? Maybe, but I think that Rarity's relationship to her element and how she manifests it is the most interesting of any of the Mane 6 (followed by Rainbow Dash and loyalty).


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yes rarity least lives up to it i feel hasbro should make her live up to it more i mean after all generosity is her element and she should obey it

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No pony is perfect, but I believe Rarity lives up to her element the most. She is very generous, and it can be hard to be giving (I can be a little selfish at times I admit), so I admire Rarity's character alot just for that.


Twilight Sparkle would have be second on my list - her element is magic and she is a very magical pony so I guess it's easy for her to live up to her element in a way.


Another pony who lives up her element is AppleJack. She's very honest!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't Rarity's generosity actually one of her biggest flaws, I mean she is usually generous to an absolute fault, and never sees it comin' when it returns to kick her in the ass, like in Suited for Success (how the hell did Spike know Hoity-Toity?). She'll waste time, money and material to satisfy a random whim if it will make someone else happy. She's fussy, yes but she's still overly generous.


Applejack on the hand, expressed great pain being confronted with the truth in "The Last Round Up", isn't that ironic, It hurts the spirit of honesty to tell the truth.

I'm sorry Rarity, but you can be pretty greedy at times... Like the way she snatched the bouquet out of the air screaming "MINE!" So, Rarity.

The bouquet thing is not greed it's called getting up in the moment. It's like being at a pizza party while extremely hungry and thirsty and grabbing the last slice (only slice you managed to get) and last glass of soda. Put the bouquet incident within the context it happened in.


She was a bridesmaid at a wedding. The bouquet was thrown, now there's a superstition that the one who catches the bouquet has marriage in their future so any bridesmaid who'd catch would be excited, while if a groomsman like say Spike (who was actually the best man not the ring bearer) had caught it, say by virtue of it hitting him in the head he would have palmed it off on someone else.

I believe it's rarity because she manipulated spike to get a gem.

He gave it to her out of his own free will! Spike may be a lot of things, lazy, tactless, cynical, opinionated, jealous, but easily manipulated he is not. If Rarity wanted a favor he didn't want to do, he'd respond to her the same way he'd respond to Twilight. He'd either flat out refuse or give some kind of made up excuse as to why he can't do it. Spike is so hard to manipulate, that apparently not even Discord could it. The gem was obviously not that valuable to him, he gave it willingly, of his volition. Plus she was genuinely very appreciative of the gesture, she wouldn't have been as grateful if she just manipulated him. Spike's no sheep, he gave it to her because he wanted to, and she was genuinely grateful. Spike has no problem with turning her down if he feels like it. If something is going on with the girls, he'll heckle her just as much as he would Twilight. Just because he has feelings for doesn't mean he'll just roll over for her.  Plus I seem to rember her looking a little uncomfortable about using him as a pincushion.

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I'm gonna go with Rarity, because her love for gems can sometimes interfere with her generosity. 


I would say applejack because of what happened in "Party of One"

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Honestly, it would have to be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Rarity for me.


Most of the time, Rarity's a stuck-up b**ch. Most of the time. But in "Sweet and Elite", she risked being uncouth to be with her friends and even worked herself over to make the perfect dresses for her friends.


And why even bother placing Pinks up there?

Edited by Supernova


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He gave it to her out of his own free will! Spike may be a lot of things, lazy, tactless, cynical, opinionated, jealous, but easily manipulated he is not. If Rarity wanted a favor he didn't want to do, he'd respond to her the same way he'd respond to Twilight. He'd either flat out refuse or give some kind of made up excuse as to why he can't do it. Spike is so hard to manipulate, that apparently not even Discord could it. The gem was obviously not that valuable to him, he gave it willingly, of his volition. Plus she was genuinely very appreciative of the gesture, she wouldn't have been as grateful if she just manipulated him. Spike's no sheep, he gave it to her because he wanted to, and she was genuinely grateful. Spike has no problem with turning her down if he feels like it. If something is going on with the girls, he'll heckle her just as much as he would Twilight. Just because he has feelings for doesn't mean he'll just roll over for her.  Plus I seem to rember her looking a little uncomfortable about using him as a pincushion.


Spike is strong willed, but clearly has a weak spot when it comes to Rarity. She definitely used her female powers of persuasion for her own gain here. And as for her being reluctant to use him as a pincushion, just because she's sometimes greedy or selfish, it doesn't mean she's outright cruel or inhumane.

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