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What are your Pokemon Teams?


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  As I'm going through my new version of Moon, I started wondering if anyone else got as heavily emotionally invested in Pokemon as I have & do. Heh, gotten to a point where each of them have their own personalities and minor backstories to them. Do any of you have Pokemon teams you still fondly remember?



   From several different games, here are the teams of one Glitch Ohms, A.K.A "Widdershins":


 From Black version we have Team Oblivious:

  Schmo & Slomo, the Slo silbings. A male Slowbro & a female Slowking. One being the dim-witted but laid back surfer dude type, and his sister a hyper intelligent, but adorably shy worrywart.

  Misery, a brawler, a female Zweillious, and an all-out abusive Tsundere

 Pain, a male Hydreigon and, unusual for his species, the calmest & most level-headed of the group (and also the reluctant love interest between Slomo & Misery)

 Hunter, the shiny male Dodrio. Athletic but a massive troll & jerk.

 And Hodgepodge the nerdy & paranoid Girafarig



From the Kalos region we had Team Hope:


  Lead by Spark the Delphox, self-appointed leader and obscenely vain and the clear spoiled favorite of his trainer. Speaks fluent english due to his psychic typing and likes to sip tea as posh as possible.

  Bastet the female pyroar. Blatant carnivore, keeps mistaking opponents & even her trainer as meat.

 Tantrum the Tyrantum. A big softy & a gentle giant, but never grew into his evolved size. Which makes feeding time a frightening prospect as his mouth is bigger than his trainer's body & he's never been that good at aiming.

  Gyro the Heliolisk, spastic, twitchy, and greatly impatient.

 Yami the Mawile. Knows she's cute, but keeps a flat affect and emotions. Is the "straight man" of the team. Though she has caught on to more then half the teams hobbies of using their trainer as a chew toy, but don't worry, he's quickly learned to have tougher skin and a faster sprinting speed.

   And finally, last and smallest! Squee the Pumpkaboo! Small & impish for her size and an excellent pickpocket!



   And now, he's come to the Alolalalugh Region!(I'll never be able to pronounce that...)Team Triangle:

  Popi the Brionne! Reserved but energetic & loves to put on a show. Can often be found hanging off the back of her trainers neck like a frilly & wiggly little backpack.

  Eclipse the Rockruff. She's competitive & defensive and tends to get jealous easily of the other teammates.

 Clod Hopper the Mudbray. Largest of the team & laid back, and a stoic colt to the point of being an impenetrable blockhead.

  Bouncee the Bounsweet (or whatever their line is called) Friendly and as showy as Popi, but can be a snotty little diva should the others tease her too much.

  Bweh the Salazz* Antagonistic, venomous & an absolute maneater. (Metaphorically of course)

    And Du'wah Da Beah*   Spine-snappingly friendly, but a big, pink, outgoing oaf of a lunk of a goon.



  May eventually make a B team too, because I'm just enjoying this generation far too much!

              *Have not actually caught yet. Just so excited I already have them planned out!







   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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The team I remember the best is the one I had while playing Emerald. So many memories man. I'm just gonna post the team as it looked pre-elite 4


257MS.pngBlaziken - Which was the second Pokémon on my team to reach Lv. 100. Stomped the E4

346MS.pngCradily - This was my first mon in the game to reach Lv. 100, Ingrain + Leftovers is fun

272MS.pngLudicolo - I didn't use this mon that much at first tbh but I had a period where I trained it up a lot before the victory road

306MS.pngAggron - Aggron was my Surf/EQ mon, should've trained him more than I did

357MS.pngTropius - my HM slave c:

358MS.pngChimecho - I don't know why but I used this lil guy a lot cause I thought he looked cool xD later replaced him with Rayquaza


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I have a total of seven teams, one from each generation excluding generation seven, and a mixed team that features one Pokémon from each generation, again excluding the current one. I love special attacks so my teams focus entirely on that. Here is what they are including their nicknames--legendaries don't have any nicknames.


All of them are at Level 100.


Also: M means Male and F means Female.


1. Generation One.


Wario - Charizard - M

Apple Bloom - Vileplume - F

Mario - Alakazam - M

Darunia - Gengar - M

Luna - Vaporeon - F




2. Generation Two.


Mimi - Meganium - F

Celestia - Ampharos - F

Twilight - Espeon - F

Sora - Kingdra - F


Knuckles - Tyranitar - M



3. Generation Three.


Ganondorf - Blaziken - M

Adagio - Gardevoir - F

Star Swirl - Manectric - M

Flannery - Cacturne - F

Kari - Milotic - F




4. Generation Four.


Waluigi - Infernape - M

Rosalina - Roserade - F

May - Mismagius - F

Tiki  - Togekiss - F

Rika - Glaceon - F




5. Generation 5.


Luigi - Samurott - M

Trixie - Gothitelle - F

Scootaloo - Galvantula - F

Aria - Chandelure - F

Sonata - Hydreigon - F




6. Generation Six.


Sunset - Delphox - F

Toby - Gogoat - M

Rainbow Dash - Heliolisk - F

Cadance - Aurorus - F

Fluttershy - Sylveon - F

Pinkie Pie - Goodra - F



7. Mixed Team.


Spike - Jolteon - M

Sweetie - Politoed - F

Discord - Metagross

Bowser - Lucario - M

Rarity - Lilligant - F

Applejack - Pyroar - F

Edited by Ganondorf8


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i just do whatever the hell.


in Sun, I found 3 ghost pokemon right off the bat, and since I chose Rowlet, which turns into a ghost pokemon, I decided to be a ghost trainer.



Ok, finally got 6 ghost pokemon:

  • Ducidueye
  • Phantump (I'll find someone one tomorrow to help me evolve it)
  • Gengar
  • Misdreavus
  • Marowak (the alola Fire/Ghost version of marowak looks INCREDIBLE)
  • Sableye

Fighting mimikyu was the toughest thing so far.
it was faster than all my pokemon, and could one-shot them all.  

Took three tries.  

Obviously a balanced lineup would have made short work of it, but balance is for people that don't want a challenge.  

Edited by weesh
  • Brohoof 1

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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i'm so glad that HMs are gone.  ride pokemon are so much better.
who wants to rollerskate or ride a bike, when you can charge through town on a tauros?

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I have not played since Platinum was the newest, which was also my first Pokemon game. I was just getting into turn based RPGs, and knew nothing about having a proper team, but none the less my team consisted of, and in this order.










Really as a kid all I understood was kill, die, kill, kill... I always thought increasing, or decreasing stats was a waste of a turn, and never cared for what type of Pokemon I used against another... makes me wanna go back in time, and teach myself how to RPG.


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This is my Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Team (Barely had time to play it)


Swampert (My Starter, Holding a Mega Stone)

Shiny Metagross (Event Shiny, Holding a Mega Stone)


Shiny Infernape

Serperior (Event)

(Can't remember what the 6th Pokemon I used, I'll figure it out)


This is my Pokemon Black 2 Team





Shiny Watchog




Yep, That's it.

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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Pokemon x and y/Alpha omega teams/moon team

X and Y
1 Apollo (arcanine)
2.Vixey (ninetales)
3.Amelia (Togekiss)

4.Thunders (Jolteon)
6. Lily (shiny Liligant)


Alpha Sapphire team
1. RogerRabbit (Shiny Lopunny)
2. Sabrina (Gardevoir)
3: Venom (Beedrill)
4: Titan (Swampert)
5. Levias (Pidgeot)

6. Blaze(Typhlosion)



1.Ariel (Primarina)

2. Thunders(Raichu)

3. Chrysalis(Butterfree)

4: Spike(Arcanine)

5. Homer(Slowbro)

6. Esper(Gengar)

Edited by PrincessOfCompassion
  • Brohoof 1

This awesome signature was made by Tao also here is their  DA



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I am just going to give off my Gen 6 and Gen 7 teams because they are the only ones that I really put time into.





(Mega) Venasuar





Moon so far:



Charjabug (Planning on becoming a Vikivolt)



(Planning on getting a Kommo - 0)


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When I played Omega Ruby for the first time, I didn't really have a permanent team as I constantly changed my mind about the pokemon I wanted to feature in my team.

My main team is in X though, where there are Garchomp, Aggron, Bisharp, Dewgong, Steelix and Reuniclus. They all have nicknames too: Xavier, Jaeger, Dorian, Strider, Dion and Damian. I originally planned to train a Luxray instead of a Reuniclus though, but I still haven't completed its super training.

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I have played each of the first four generations, other than Generation 2 (I have only played a broken copy and watched RabbidLuigi play it a while back).

Though I did just make a new UU team to play on Pokémon Showdown because I got bored.


Gen 1 I had Charizard, Dugtrio, Pigeot, Clefable, Pikachu, and Vileplume. (I don't nickname casually :P)


Gen 3 I had Sceptile, Exploud, Gardevoir, Mightyena, Magneton, and Tyranitar (It was a friend's cartridge and they traded with someone who had Leafgreen).


Gen 4 I had Infernape (Empoleon is better, probably), Dusknoir, Luxray, Staraptor, Rayquaza (I stole it from my Gen 3 save), and Garchomp (which was somewhat unnecessary, but anyways). Beat the elite four with just the Rayquaza, and attempted to sweep it with Dusknoir as well, but he fainted after getting to Cynthia. I beat the elite four freaking forty times on that save and had only 2 level 100s (Rayquaza and Dusknoir)...


The recent UU team I made has these:


Mega Beedrill (F) Drone Bee [Fitting name for something that hits like a truck going freaking F1 Speed with physical attacks...]

Mega Swampert (M) Shrek ["Get out of my swamp!"- Shrek]

Mega Ampharos (F) Neon Sign [They're electric and they glow like the balls in her (in this case) tail...]

Infernape (M) Hai Do Ken [Haidouken! Street Fighter reference!]

Chesnaught (M) Nutman [He looks like an anthropomorphic chestnut...]

Umbreon (F) Foxxy Pony [Her design is based off of a fox, and it looks similar to a pony. PONY REFERENCE NECESSARY.]  


I really want to get Moon and Alpha Ruby, but I don't have a 3DS (may get one sometime. I really need to catch up on games anyways.).

Edited by Intelligent Luigi


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I've only really done a team on alpha sapphire and sun.


Alpha sapphire

-Blaziken (m) Cardinal

-Gardevoir (f) Naminé

-Flygon (m) Sparx

-Delcatty (f) Vanille

-Cacturne (f) Raven

-Latias (f) Erza


For sun I wasn't really gonna do a team but it kinda just happened. I didn't name them this time around though.

-Primarina (f)

-Arcanine (m)


-Ledian (f)

-Dugtrio (f) *it's shiny*

-Lycanroc (f) midday form

Edited by iceestarz
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I don't play Pokemon very often. Once every three generations or so usually. When I do it's almost always the first six I catch unless one of them is absolutely trumped by something new.


In the end I just go with what looks coolest though.

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Some teams that I made for the story mode of Pokemon are:




- Empoleon

- Luxray
- Garchomp

- Weavile

- Gallade

- Crobat


Omega Ruby:


- Sceptile (holding the Sceptilite mega stone)

- Metagross (Shiny from an event and holding the Metagrossite mega stone)

- Swellow

- Manetrc

- Camerupt

- Latios (Holding the Latiosite mega stone)




- Primarina

- Alolan Ninetales

- Salazzle

- Vikavolt

- Mudsdale 

- Kommo-o 

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my usual team I try to aim to have is


Blaze (Arcanine)

Storm (Zebstrika)




Theyre my must have in a team, but I also use these pokemon often:













My three best types to use are Fire, Dark and Electric. 

Least fave types are Grass, Bug, Fairy and Psychic 

I dont like teams with legendary pokemon as its OP cheating imo, but my Legends of choice are Lugia and Reshiram.


And as ive just got Pokemon Sun, my current team is made up of:

Ash (Torracat),  Hige (Rockruff), Blaze (Growlithe), Mudsdale, Trumbeak and Misty (Persian), will be swapping one for Pichu soon. 

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My teams are never really static, but this is the one team I got a bit emotionally involved with:








From my leaf green nuzlocke, and my first ever nuzlocke. I named them after shakespeare characters from the Merchant of Venice; Gyarados of course being shylock, jolteon being Gratiano, etc. That team made me so proud in the elite four, especially against blue where everyone in the team contributed to taking him down. Ninetails and Jolteon were their own kind of "special task units" for getting rid of things fast. The others were strong too, but for some reason, I always viewed those two in particular as a team within the team.


Also for sun/moon (because I beat it relatively recently and remenber):







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My current Pokemon Sun Team would have to be :rarity::


- Decidueye Lv.81


Nature: Naughty


- Leaf Blade

- Sucker Punch

- Spirit Shackle

- Brave Bird


- Lycanroc (Midday From) Lv. 81


Nature: Jolly


- Brick Break

- Crunch

- Rock Slide

- Swords Dance


- Wishiwashi Lv. 81


Nature: Adamant


- Aqua Ring

- Dive (I'm still trying to find TM waterfall :D

- Earthquake

- Double Edge


- Salazzle Lv. 81


Nature: Timid


- Nasty Plot

- Flamethrower

- Dragon Pulse

- Sludge Bomb



- Alolan Ninetails Lv. 81


Nature: Timid


- Nasty Plot

- Ice Beam

- Extrasensory

- Dazzling Gleam



- Zygarde (100% form) Lv. 81


Nature: Adamant


- Brick Break

- Thousand Waves

- Crunch

- Outrage


(I simply used a Torterra to finish Pokemon Diamond version XD <3)


If any-pony is curious as to what what my favourite type is, it's dragon /) :wub:(\ <3

Edited by SolarFlare13


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

My teams? Can't remember what I used before, but here's my Sun team:


Primarina (Pearly - F): Just too cute for me to resist. Seriously, has anyone given Brionne or Primarina beans? They're just too adorable!! My favourite of this generation hands down :wub:

Toucannon (Pecko - M): Didn't think I'd keep him, hence the lame name. Turned out to be absurdly strong!

Marblepie (Lycanroc - F): Same as Pecko, I saw pure Rock, thought "meh" but was lacking  a 6th Pokémon. Now she's my second favourite of this generation! Prob should rename her, though. :please:

Sawbeet (Ribombee - F): Such a cute wittle bee! And so I tried to find a name and came up with that pun... Kinda wish they made a Pokémon out of that name, curious to see what that'd give. Too bad she's getting too weak to sweep the story by now.

Petahlia (Lurantis - F): Just loved her design. Pure plant and poor offensive type coverage coupled with low speed makes her rather bad but hey, who cares? Skin before skill! And who could resist to her great looks?



Last slot will be taken by either a Salazzle or an Alolan Ninetales. Haven't decided on a name for either yet. There's also 3 Pokémon I used to battle with but eventually parted with, and so, time for honourable mentions:


Wishiwashi - M: This one doesn't have a nickname because it was weak and without evolution. Then I battle the Totem Pokémon and fell in love with it. My third favourite Pokémon of this generation! Alas, already had a water Pokémon, but I'll use him again.

Charjbug (Airzap - M): Yup, not fully evolved. This one should have been in my team instead of Sawbeet but for some reason, GameFreak decided it was a great idea to have a bug-type pokémon aquired at the start of the game evolve only when you're nearing the end of the game. :huh:

Gumshoos (Munchacho - M): He had a good run, but with Pecko and Marblepie in my team, there was nothing he could actually bring. Sorry Munchacho, at least I got you to evolve.



And finally, my number one Pokémon, all generations included, the Pokémon I care for the most:


Mawile (Little Fey - F): I have no idea why but from the first time I saw her, I fell in love with the design. However, I never could quite use her because of low stats and a rather poor pool of moves... To my greatest joy, this changed with the introduction of the Fairy-type - giving her access to Play Rough - and of course, with that of the Mega Evolution! Ahhh, can't wait to welcome her to Alola! :pinkie:

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Primarina, Lurantis, Mimikyu, Salazzle, Ribombee, and Dragonite

Basically my team planning goes as follows:

Is it cute? Yes -> Do I already have one of its type on my team? Yes -> pick the cutest of the 2 and run that


Also, since my Popplio was male I named him Gwyndolin. Let's see how many of you understand why :^)

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Well, the team that I had used to get through the main storyline of the Pokemon Moon was something like:


- Decidueye (Lvl. 86)

- Greninja (Lvl. 76)

- Magnezone (Lvl. 66)

- Lycanroc (Lvl. 66)

- Mimikyu (Lvl. 60)

- Kadabra (Lvl. 61)

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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Well, the team that I had used to get through the main storyline of the Pokemon Moon was something like:


- Decidueye (Lvl. 86)

- Greninja (Lvl. 76)

- Magnezone (Lvl. 66)

- Lycanroc (Lvl. 66)

- Mimikyu (Lvl. 60)

- Kadabra (Lvl. 61)


Magnezone was the head of my gen 6 team omg

Edited by Beatrice
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I didn't mention a Generation VII team in my previous post and that's because I hadn't figured out what I was going to use at the time. After some considerable thinking, this is probably what I'll end up going with. They will all be properly EV trained and with four stats that have IVs above 28, but I have to wait until next month for the Pokémon Bank update to go live.







Tapu Lele

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