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How old are the ponies?


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I know for a fact that these are the ages of the My Little Pony friendship is magic of the mane six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, my dad works in the Hasbro UK branch and has told me

rarity- 16

fluttershy - 15

twilight - 14

pinkie pie - 14

rainbow dash - 13

applejack - 13

applebloom - 6

sweetie bell - 6

babs seed - 6

scootaloo - 5

I know that it seems a bit young but that's apparently what lauren faust intended



We saw a flashback to Sweetie Belle's 5th birthday, and she was much smaller.  She is at least a few years older than that.  Also, Rainbow Dash moved to Ponyville 10 years ago...when she was 3?


We should make a video explaining how old the ponies should be.


Y'know, like Game Theory, but it's Pony Theory.


(No, not really.)

It's on my "to do" list.


I know twilight is 15 but I don't know about the others.

How could you possibly know that?

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 months later...

Relatively, I think they're all in their early- to mid-twenties.  After all, Rarity and AJ run their own businesses, Pinkie works full-time in Sugarcube Corner, and Twilight is essentially a graduate student.  Literal ages, though, would be hard to calculate.  Personally, I give earth ponies an average life-span of 150 years, pegasai about 200-50, and unicorns 300.  Crystal ponies haven't been factored in yet, but they're probably between earthies and pegasai somewhere.

  • Brohoof 1
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I believe they are either late teens (19~) or their early to mid 20's.  They live alone really have jobs so by earth standards I imagine they are full adults.

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I would put them in the early to mid twenties range. As for EQ having them in highschool... well it was more fanservice then anything. I mean if they were really going to keep with the narative of the show Rarity would of still been a fashion designer, Rainbow dash would be working for the government, Apple jack would still work on a farm, Pinkie would still be in parties and pastries, And Flutters would probably be a Vet. By sticking them all in school you strip alot of their character and things that make them interesting away.


Also they all drink hard cider, if you claim they are teens then does that mean Hasbro promotes teen drinking? Of course not.

Edited by Buck Testa
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe it's been made clear in any episode, and I don't think their is any convincing canonical evidence either. so how old do you guys think the mane 6 are?

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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I wondered that to when I first joined the fandom the estimated ages Pinkie is the youngest and Fluttershy is the oldest they are between 15 and 16 in there age since none of them look or act like adult mares (well maybe Twilight and Applejack act like adults) there was a video I saw a long time ago that proves I'm right but I can't remember what it was called


EDIT: found the video


Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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I wondered that to when I first joined the fandom the estimated ages Pinkie is the youngest and Fluttershy is the oldest they are between 15 and 16 in there age since none of them look or act like adult mares (well maybe Twilight and Applejack act like adults) there was a video I saw a long time ago that proves I'm right but I can't remember what it was called


EDIT: found the video


I'll Have to watch it later, but it does conflict with the supposed canon confirmation from the creator in the post above you.

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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Well this has been discussed many times across the internet and many go for the 20s no exact age which is youngest which is oldest I don't know but what I more or less know they are at least around that age...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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, hi :). Just letting you know that there was already a thread for speculating on how old characters are, and that I've merged yours with it to keep the discussion all in one place.


I've always seen Rarity, AJ and Fluttershy as being a teensy bit older than the other three.

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well, as far as an actual age, Lauren herself has said she never intended a definite age for them, but they would be somwhere in their late teens to early twenties.


they are all living independent of their parents, and none of them are in school. (i guess twi sending correspondence to her mentor might technically count.)


according to my headcannon, here are their ages.


Pinkie pie: 22

Twilight : 23

Rainbow dash/fluttershy:25






(in my headcanon though, seven years have passed since twilight first set foot in Ponyville, the CMC are Adults, and the ponies are declared adults at 16.)




here's my speculations based for their canon ages.


Twilight Sparkle 22

pinkie pie 23

Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash 24

Applejack 26

Rarity 29


Rarity is the oldest due to her being in the same class as cheerilee

(it takes a while to become a teacher, and most won't get into a class [student teacher assistants excepted] till at least 25 years of age, that and something tells me this isn't her first year teaching) that, and rarity appeared to be the oldest looking of the fillies.

Applejack was the next oldest, she looked barely younger than applebloom is now, and the apples are late bloomers.


Twilight appeared to be the youngest, possibly around 6 at the time. plus, she seems relatively fresh from school, ( even though mentally, she wound be at least twice her physical age)


and to whoever said pinkie pie was in class with rarity, it wasn't her, the filly had freckles and was a shade too dark, that, and pinkie was on the rock farm at the time.

Edited by looking glass
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Well pinkie pie and rarity are the same age because in different scenes, they are both shown as being in cheerilee's (can't spell). Fluttershy is a year older than both pinkie and rarity because she tells pinkie that she is a year older duh. It is my opinion that Rainbow Dash is the same age as fluttershy because they were in flight camp, (but this might be wrong because fluttershy looks older). Apple jack I recon is the same age as dash and I think that Twilight is the youngest.


17 - Twilight

20 - Pinkie

20 - Rarity

20/21 - Apple

20/21 - Dash

21 - Fluttershy


I would write an equation but I cant b stuffed



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  • 4 weeks later...

(in my headcanon though, seven years have passed since twilight first set foot in Ponyville, the CMC are Adults, and the ponies are declared adults at 16.)

... but in the two parter Princess Twilight Sparkle it establishes that only a single year has gone by. That it was Celestia's first Summer Sun Celebration with her sister having returned to her and the general feel was thay of a 1 year anniversary.

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I know for a fact that these are the ages of the My Little Pony friendship is magic of the mane six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, my dad works in the Hasbro UK branch and has told me

rarity- 16

fluttershy - 15

twilight - 14

pinkie pie - 14

rainbow dash - 13

applejack - 13

applebloom - 6

sweetie bell - 6

babs seed - 6

scootaloo - 5

I know that it seems a bit young but that's apparently what lauren faust intended

I think the ages in your theory are little too young. I remember reading something where Lauren Faust said the mane 6 were in their 20's. As for the CMC, there is no possible way their ages could be 5-6. In For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Sweetie Belle is telling Luna about something happened when she was 5 years old. So, there's no way they could be 5-6.


Middle aged ponies (Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake, Rarity's parents, etc) could be around their late 30's to 50's.



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I'd say Twilight is the youngest as she was still studying at the start of the series, and Rarity seems to be one of the most mature (not definitely the oldest) ponies as she can make decisions easier than some of the other ponies, runs her own boutique, makes clothes and participates in social events, fitting in easily. However, Rarity does have issues with dealing with her sister, quite alike Applejack who is also rather mature as she knows her place in her family and helps out often, even if she finds the job tiring.



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Well pinkie pie and rarity are the same age because in different scenes, they are both shown as being in cheerilee's (can't spell). Fluttershy is a year older than both pinkie and rarity because she tells pinkie that she is a year older duh. It is my opinion that Rainbow Dash is the same age as fluttershy because they were in flight camp, (but this might be wrong because fluttershy looks older). Apple jack I recon is the same age as dash and I think that Twilight is the youngest.


17 - Twilight

20 - Pinkie

20 - Rarity

20/21 - Apple

20/21 - Dash

21 - Fluttershy


I would write an equation but I cant b stuffed

I agree on the age differences, but not for them being that young. My range is at the lowest this:


Twilight - 21

Pinkie - 24

Rarity -24

Applejack - 25

Rainbow - 25

Flutters - 25

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Youngest to Oldest

Twilight - 18/19

Pinkie Pie - 21

Fluttershy - 22/23

Rainbow Dash - 22/23

Applejack - 25/26

Rarity - 25/26


Why? Too long to explain, but because of common cartoon character show design, the proportion of Sweetie Belle to Apple Bloom's age can probably be estimated to be the same as Rarity to Background Pony. Halve R/AJ's age for CMC age and you get the glorious period known as puberty. RD and FS were in the same flight school and everyone else looked around the same age, so I'd guess they're around the same age. Possibly 1 year in between. We already know that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie so..yeah.


Also personalities are not valid supporters of age since they reflect their elements

Edited by ARagY

To each their own

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  • 4 weeks later...

... but in the two parter Princess Twilight Sparkle it establishes that only a single year has gone by. That it was Celestia's first Summer Sun Celebration with her sister having returned to her and the general feel was thay of a 1 year anniversary.

heh heh, yeah, i didn't really base my headcanon on the actual canon. its kinda more of an au when you think about it.


i added a list of ages based on what i think they are in canon in my original post.

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As a newby, some facts about myself. I am too old & cranky to be a Brony.   I am just an old fogey who started watching cartoons in the 1950s w Loony Toons, Howdy Doody & Walt Disney.  I liked them & never saw any reason to stop.  MLP isn't as good as Futurama or South Park, but for a kid's show it is Fabulous. It is probably the best since Sailor Moon in the early 90s or Tiny Tunes & Animaniacs in the late 1980s.


Everybody seems to take RTs remark that it is 2 days to Summer Sun Festival as meaning it has been 1 year, not 2 or 3 or more.  That means, even allowing for 2 part adventures & a prequel or 2, that there is an adventure about every 6 days.  (JAY ZUS!! That ain't blasphemy, that's a prayer for mercy.  I name the job of putting them in chronological order Project Ball Breaker).  Still, it simplifies some things & the age of the Mane 6 is one of them.


I start w the assumption that Ponies live about as long as people do.  They do seem to have a pre WW2 attitude to schooling & work.  (That is, they think grade school is enough & you should get a job about age 13 or 14 & be on your own by late teens).  (Did you know columnist H L Mencken invented the word Teen Ager in the 1950s to describe us Baby Boomers?)


Many bronies have pointed out Dash's dream was to join the Thunderbolts & she would have applied7 as soon after her 18th birthday as possible.  This means  her birthday/anniversary in Pinkie's Pride is her 19th.  The cake shows 21 candles.  I choose to regard the cake as being drawn w more artistic license than accuracy.  That is, realistically, the cake should have several unseen candles but I think 21 is all there are. 19 for age, 2 for the anniversaries.  Thus, Dash is 17 in episode 1.  Some may object that, even for a backwater like Ponyville, that is too young to be Head Weather Pony. (Especially w her probable academic record).  I point out she won the Best New Flyer award at the air show in Sonic Rain Boon & thus must have been under the age limit (18 seems plausible)


For the others, there is little if any direct evidence & thus we have rely on Episode 23, the Cutie Mark Chronicles.  The big questions here are How long ago was that? & How old were they then?


For how long ago? I turn to Apple Bloom.  Granny Smith tells AB "This is your 1st reunion"  (Disremember where this was).  They hold reunions every 100 (moons or months? Disremember, but about 8 years).  However, AB & the CMC are the last ponies not to have their cutie marks & 8 seems a little young for that. I think GS must have meant "the 1st you've taken part in" & not "the 1st since you were born".  This would mean AB was perhaps a year or 2 old at the last reunion & was left at home for some reason.  (Anybody who has ever taken a long trip w an infant, take a WAG as to why). 


Since Spike was hatched that day, this makes him about 8.  He does have a job as secretary & errand boy for TS, but 8 seems a little old for him not to be flying.  However, as Zecorah explained, he is not giving in to his Dragon Greed & perhaps this has stunted his growth.


The Mane 6, AJ, F, & R look about as old as the CMCs.  A little older than RD & P & a LOT older than RT.  Pictures of kids can be deceiving, but it's all we've got.


AJs  parents died sometime between when AB was born & episode 1 (Hasbro just says they're on a long journey & not expected back soon).  When AJ left the farm, AB isn't there (at school, down for her nap, whatever) but her parents aren't there either.  This suggests that, wherever they've gone, they had already left. Assuming the CMCs are about 10, AJ would be 8-12.  The fact that AJ was the last to get her cutie mark + the fact she hitch hiked to the city & back all by herself suggest the upper end of that.  If you accept 1)She is older than RD & 2)The Sonic Rain Boom was about 8 years ago, then she was 18-20 in episode 1


R is Costume Designer for a school play.  It looks like Miss Cheerilee is a cast member ('Tain't  necessarily  so -but it sure looks like it).  The question is How old are the school members? Up to 6th grade? (12 years), 8th grade? (14 years).  Small schools have a thin talent pool & R could have been designer for an older grade simply because there just wasn't anyone else able & willing to do it. I assume she was 8-12 years at the time (& likely on the younger side).  If you assume she is older than RD but younger than MC, then in episode 1 she is 18 or possibly 19 & MC is 20-22 (& just starting her career as a teacher)


RT is shown trying out for Magic School.  This seems to have been her 1st application & thus she would be 5 or 6 at that time & 13 or 14 in episode 1.  This Is The BIG Age Problem.  The longer you assume between the Sonic Rain Boom & episode 1, the older Spike has to be.  How old can he be & still not fly? But, 14 is already pretty young for RT.  I think 8 years is a fair compromise. As to RT being only 14, I think that is about right.  I remember my 3 younger sisters & the way they behaved.  RT is just too ...maybe "biddable" is the word I want.  Too concerned w what grown ups think, too lacking in life experience to be much older.  In episode 1, she gets a letter from Princess C & is all puffed up  when PC  praises her &  crushed by her disapproval.  Look Before You Sleep is basically a sleepover & she is WAY more into it than either AJ or R (who basically endure it 1) to please RT & 2) It's raining so hard they might drown if they  leave).  Her behavior in Winter Wrap Up, or at the start of Perfect Swarm, or in Boast Busters (I could go on, but this is already WAY too long), she just doesn't have a Teen Attitude.  I agree, that is very subjective but it's my opinion.


There is very little to tell how old F or P are.  Some bronies say that because F was at flight camp w RD, they must be the same age.  I think flight camp was more like Summer Camp or Scout Camp.   I point out that some of the ponies have cutie marks.  If RD was the 1st in her class to get 1, they must be older. 


If, based on the pictures, you assume P is RD's age then she is 17 in episode 1.  In Griffon the Brush Off F tells P "I'm a year older than you" (For F, a screaming hissy fit).  Thus, F is 18.


Oh yeah, if you assume 8 years since the Rain Boom, then RD is 9 when she gets her cutie mark.  If she was 1st in her class, then that is the major reason why I think AB (the last) is older than 8.

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I think the Mane 6 are in their 20s. Here's my reasoning.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders are in elementary school, which indicates that ponies do in fact go to school. So that can rule out the Mane 6 being high school age due to the fact that they simply don't go to school. The Mane 6 are seen focusing on their trades / careers like Rarity in her dress making business and Pinkie in her party planning. This is the kind of thing that people in their 20s and or in collage do. Furthermore, Rainbow Dash is old enough to joint the Wonderbolts which I am assuming is joining the military in age requirements. Just my two cents 

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Like I said, Dash is the one who's age is the firmest.  If she turned 18 during The Busy Year (most reasonable guess), then she is 17 in episode 1 & turns 19 in Pinkie's Pride. 


The ponies seem to have a very pre 20th century attitude to education & work.  In Winter Wrap UP, Dash is Head Weather Pony & was in charge of clearing the clouds in Episode 1 & was thus probably HWP at that age.


As I said, the problem with the Cutie Mark Chronicles is How old are they then? & How long ago was this?  Assume magic school is more like Hogwarts & you apply at age 13.  This makes Twilight 13 at that time & if you assume Princess C sent her out at age 18, then Spike is 5 years old in episode 1 (& it is much more reasonable that Spike still can't fly)(+ perhaps more reasonable Twilight is made librarian)


If the boom was 5 years ago, then Dash was 12 at the time (& possibly in Jr Flight Camp early because she was a very good flyer).  If she was the 1st to get her cutie mark, then AJ (the last) is, say 15 or 16 when she sets out to the city.  This seems more reasonable.


The problem here is that AJ, F, & R look about the same age as AB & the other CMCs.  This means that the CMCs are, say, 14-15. In Jr High, maybe even High School & they just don't look big enough to be so nearly grown

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