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I wish "Friendship Is Magic" was way more darker than it is


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I wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic dealt with very dark and mature themes like death and other problems that go on in people's lives. There's a lot of kid shows that dealt with very dark and mature themes like "Courage the Cowardly dog" for an example; the show dealt with domestic violence in the episode "The Mask". So if Courage the Cowardly Dog and other kid shows can deal with very dark and mature themes like that, then why can't My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic deal with very dark and mature themes like that?


I also wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic had way more darker villains that did much more more darker evil things (like murder) than the ones that the series had. I do like most of the villains in the series, but I wish there was a villain in the series that actually murder someone or do something very evil that can't be undone. Most of the evil stuff that the villains did in the series did were undone by the heroes.


And I also wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic had very complicated storylines in the series that are as complicated as the storylines from the "Kingdom Hearts" video games series. The storylines in the Kingdom Hearts series are very complicated, and that video game series is for kids; so why can't My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic have a very complicated storyline in it?



  • Brohoof 3
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I wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic dealt with very dark and mature themes like death and other problems that go on in people's lives. There's a lot of kid shows that dealt with very dark and mature themes like "Courage the Cowardly dog" for an example; the show dealt with domestic violence in the episode "The Mask". So if Courage the Cowardly Dog and other kid shows can deal with very dark and mature themes like that, then why can't My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic deal with very dark and mature themes like that?


I also wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic had way more darker villains that did much more more darker evil things (like murder) than the ones that the series had. I do like most of the villains in the series, but I wish there was a villain in the series that actually murder someone or do something very evil that can't be undone. Most of the evil stuff that the villains did in the series did were undone by the heroes.


And I also wish My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic had very complicated storylines in the series that are as complicated as the storylines from the "Kingdom Hearts" video games series. The storylines in the Kingdom Hearts series are very complicated, and that video game series is for kids; so why can't My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic have a very complicated storyline in it?


Well, you can't really compare a 20-minute TV-Show in its usual episodic format to a full blown videogame with a very complex storyline. Some modern TV-shows can manage this sort of thing because the episodes are twice as long (or more) and they are mostly intended to be watched online in bulks.


Shows for kids are even more restricted and MLP did a overarching plot going on in the background for each season. They simply have to work within their limits. You have to keep in mind that there are many TV-stations who only buy the show because of the 20-minute format and often they don't buy the broadcast rights for all seasons. Then the episodes are often aired in another episode-order than the original one. Even double-episodes are problematic and mostly only occur at the beginning or the end of a season.


Regarding mature themes:


- Hasbro wants to sell colorful toys to little kids.

- The tone of the show is bright and positive, arching from the soundtrack, the artstyle, the voice-acting, the themes, etc.

Take your example regarding "Courage the cowardly dog". The artstyle and tone is a lot darker and more gritty, darker themes are hinted at throughout the entire series and the target audience is a different one.

- if the show would aim to change towards much more darker and mature themes, everything would have to develop in that direction. Character design, background art, sound design, voice acting, the color palette used, etc.. In other words. MLP FiM would change so much that it wouldn't be MLP FiM anymore.




A 20-minute bright and happy cartoon aimed at kids with the intention to promote toys for young boys and girls (mostly girls) simply has its limitations and boundaries. If they are overstepped too much, it's not that cartoon anymore.


Sorry.. you're mostly asking for an apple to taste more like a blueberry. If it does... it has become a blueberry and ceased to be an apple.

Edited by Konsumo
  • Brohoof 2


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You are basically saying that the show should abandon one of the things that makes it wonderful. FiM is a family show, lighthearted, cheerful, but not to the point of treating the viewers like idiots. It promotes positive messages while delivering those messages in mostly clever ways. By the end of each episode it wants to make you feel positive and it certainly does that for me. To introduce concepts like murder would be a detriment to the positive atmosphere the show tries to create.


Comparing it to Courage the Cowardly Dog isn't a proper connection. Courage doesn't have the over-arching positive atmosphere that FiM does, it aims for something different and that's fine. Asking one to be like the other would abandon a huge part to why people love that show in the first place. I say keep the overly dark stuff away from FiM. If I want that, I will go watch Attack On Titan.

  • Brohoof 6


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The success of FiM lies in it's lightheartedness and simple storylines. Yeah, alot of cartoons seem to deal with dark tones, so why make FiM like every other show, instead of making it different?


Alot of people these days seem to think that a darker storyline equals better writing, eventhough dark storylines have become very cliches over the past few years, so i am glad that FiM has it's lighthearted elements, which makes it fun for everyone.


In short, no. It should stay how it is.

  • Brohoof 6

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Nope, nope, nope and nope, that's not what I'd like to see. Besides, it is darker than you may think it is. FiM is just showing these themes in a brighter way. If you'll look closely, then you'll notice, that it touches many mature themes and problems of our world.


I love the way the stories are written and shown. I love how FiM brings some colors to us. I love how their world is kept in harmony. I love ponies um wait, that wasn't needed.  :adorkable:

Sure it would be cool and nice to see some dramatic action and all that stuff, but I enjoy seeing how perfect our world could be, but it isn't.


Complicated storylines like in Kingdom Hearts? That gets a 'No' with the text size set to 48 from me. That's why I disliked these games. The general idea seemed to be simple enough, thus enjoyable, but no... Square Enix had to put their totally out of place characters and go extremely offtopic with everything. The storyline was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay much more complicated, than it needed to be. The first game on PS2 was good enough, but then... it became something totally different.



very complicated, and that video game series is for kids

And that's kinda a contradiction by itself.  :twi:

Very complicated for kids? Genius!  :love:  Just kidding!  :lol:


Anyway, even as an adult I couldn't enjoy the storyline, because it got unnecessarily too complex.



But still, it all depends on personal preferences, so I know what you mean. I like dark themes like death, becoming alone when they're executed well in games, for example. Basically I like touching stories and FiM has many of them already.

So, as for me: 


It should stay how it is.



Seeing some colors is a nice touch for our not so colorful real life. I don't want MLP to change.

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Because a Sauron-like Unicorn/Umbrum, a Cell-like Centaur, and multiple apocalyptic timelines just aren't dark enough?


I would say exactly this, and that any darker and that should be left to a fan-made source (fanfiction, art, animations, etc).

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't see why the show needs to become a lot darker. I would only really like to see it upgrade from a TV Y rating to a TV Y7 rating, so that we could finally deal with acknowledgement of whether or not Scootaloo is a cripple, and focus on Applejack's parents.


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Nope, nope, nope and nope, that's not what I'd like to see. Besides, it is darker than you may think it is. FiM is just showing these themes in a brighter way. If you'll look closely, then you'll notice, that it touches many mature themes and problems of our world.


I love the way the stories are written and shown. I love how FiM brings some colors to us. I love how their world is kept in harmony. I love ponies um wait, that wasn't needed.  :adorkable:

Sure it would be cool and nice to see some dramatic action and all that stuff, but I enjoy seeing how perfect our world could be, but it isn't.


Complicated storylines like in Kingdom Hearts? That gets a 'No' with the text size set to 48 from me. That's why I disliked these games. The general idea seemed to be simple enough, thus enjoyable, but no... Square Enix had to put their totally out of place characters and go extremely offtopic with everything. The storyline was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay much more complicated, than it needed to be. The first game on PS2 was good enough, but then... it became something totally different.



And that's kinda a contradiction by itself.  :twi:

Very complicated for kids? Genius!  :love:  Just kidding!  :lol:


Anyway, even as an adult I couldn't enjoy the storyline, because it got unnecessarily too complex.



But still, it all depends on personal preferences, so I know what you mean. I like dark themes like death, becoming alone when they're executed well in games, for example. Basically I like touching stories and FiM has many of them already.

So, as for me: 




Seeing some colors is a nice touch for our not so colorful real life. I don't want MLP to change.


Then what are some of the themes that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic deals that are considered very dark and mature? Most of the themes that the show deals with don't seem that dark and mature to me.

Because a Sauron-like Unicorn/Umbrum, a Cell-like Centaur, and multiple apocalyptic timelines just aren't dark enough?


While I agree that that stuff are somewhat dark, I still feel like the show would be better if it dealt with much more darker and more mature themes. Also as I said, I wish the show would have much more darker villains who do much more darker evil stuff than the villains shown in Friendship Is Magic. Like I wish Friendship Is Magic had a villain as dark as The Lich from "Adventure Time".

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yes, it could be done, want it myself for some reason.
but of course not everything, a few episodes within a season (like 4-5 out of 26) really shouldn't do much damage to their toy sales, if any at all.
but since we already had kinda dark episodes already, i'd say it's already there, but it's been kinda slacking lately.

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I would not want a dark MLP:FiM 


I am very happy with how the show is right now. After having watched dark edgy cartoons like Teen Titans, it was nice to watch something else for a change that was My Little Pony. The shows are not overly complicated, smart designed little stories and characters, sweet and definitely not dark. We have had dark as in Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek. I would not want the show any darker than that. I have seen enough of murders in other shows. I am completely fine with not having that in FiM. 


Why change the show that drew us to it and made us fans in the first place? If you are a fan of FiM and have loved it, why change it to something it is not? 




The success of FiM lies in it's lightheartedness and simple storylines

This is what drew me to the show and I would not want it to change. 

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The show does not need to be much darker. However not being afraid to address death would be nice. Sombra should have been mentioned to have died and some episode about Apple parents deaths should be there for example. But it's not a big deal.

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No, there are enough dark shows on TV as it is, both for kids and adults, MLP is bright and happy and that's part of why I love it, I think it's just fine as it is. What purpose would making it darker serve? More teen/adult fans? The show has plenty of appeal to older viewers as it is, if you hadn't noticed the huge fanbase.


Also, comparing it to Courage...I love Courage too, one of my favorite shows as a kid, but it's a totally different show than MLP, it had a higher age rating too.

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MLPFIM is a children's show and it always will be. I myself, wish for murderous villains, cause they're always the most interesting. But, Tirek/Sombra is as dark as this show will ever get. 


Luckily, that's what fanfiction is for.


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Different demographics do require different depths of maturity. The parents who want to isolate their children and pretend the world is a happy place so the kids are more well behaved, fit in line more with the mlp demographic. Not that it matters, because of the internet. And its what makes this show unique in a way, but it would definitely appeal to more people if they upped the maturity a bit. Just then they'd sell less toys to little girls from their parents. Some little girls are too little to really get the darker stuff without getting scared anyways, reality would come crashing in then they'd cry then bad show then lets not get her those toys cuz the show spoiled it for her.


Or thats just what Hasbro thinks. Besides, guys already buy alot of the merch too, if it was more mature it'd just help that along more. But maybe the toys are too risky to demographic swap currently, then hire new artists etc, new demographic analysts. Its far easier to not change, when you have something good working out for you in business.  


Wait til the show plummets in viewership, in 5-10 years maybe. When they can't sustain their production quantities, then panic into trying something new. If that even happens.

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nah I dont think the show should be darker... It would be nice to see something different but I dont think it should be something dark-ish 

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FIM shows me that you dont need edgy materials to be good story. If there some occasional dark moments, i can appreciate that, but change everything that make this show is a no no, i have watched too many edgy anime already and i dont need western cartoon version of it.

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I hope not! Basically because of what everyone's said here. happy more people thinks the same. I love it colourful and slice-of-life. But I would like more explorations and action (not all the episodes tho)


I would love a spin-off not dark but with (an amost) full arc covering the whole season rightly (not like FiM like they did with the box and the keys arc, that was handeled poorly) and action but not only on season premieres/finales like FiM. also taking notes of gravity falls   :wub: guardians of haymony please :wub:


The success of FiM lies in it's lightheartedness and simple storylines. Yeah, alot of cartoons seem to deal with dark tones, so why make FiM like every other show, instead of making it different?


Alot of people these days seem to think that a darker storyline equals better writing, eventhough dark storylines have become very cliches over the past few years, so i am glad that FiM has it's lighthearted elements, which makes it fun for everyone.


In short, no. It should stay how it is.


i know right! i feel that "dark" themes should be called "teenager" themes instead. or "rolling my eyes" themes xD

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Same, I wish it were darker like the Season 4 finale. Or maybe like Avatar (the cartoon).

But I don't wish it to be so dark like animes (which I don't watch), with gore, death, etc. That is too much.

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Then what are some of the themes that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic deals that are considered very dark and mature? Most of the themes that the show deals with don't seem that dark and mature to me.

It all depends on how you look at it. I'm not saying, that there are super obvious dark mature themes like murder and all that stuff, but there are other ones, that aren't clearly shown.


For example:

'Party of One' - from some point of view you could interpret that as getting depressed. That's true, that in the episode it all was quick and approached jokingly, but you could associate that with being alone (it wasn't that serious in the episode though, but still), thus getting into the depression state. Pinkie's imaginary friends? That could be a reference to people struggling with thoughts or even imagining friends, when being depressed.


'Tanks for the Memories' - it could be interpreted as losing a pet or a family member, even though in the episode it was much lighter.


I can't remind myself more at the moment, but it generally touches mature themes, even if it is showing these in the lightest possible way.


It's even just about acceptance. Being different is what may cause problems in our real life ~ FiM shows us, that everybody can get along with the others, even if we all are absolutely different and have some difficulties from time to time. Believe it or not, acceptance is a very dark theme in our world, as it leads to what you'd like to see ~ violence, depression or even worse.

Acceptance... That's one of the main themes in FiM, even though it may be easily overlooked.


Besides, you have villains, battles, and Twilight losing her home foreverrrrr (I miss her library), so stuff happens. :rarity:


So.. don't tell me, that acceptance (which can lead to violence or depression) and depression (which can lead to death) aren't very dark themes. :twi:

That's true these themes aren't clearly shown, nor are obvious to spot, but by seeing fanworks (animations/stories) and talking with ponies it is clearly visible, that these themes were caught by many people.

FiM itself can set people in depression. Why? It also covers the theme of being alone (and again, it can lead to depression, then death). MLP shows the true meaning of friendship and that, you can count on the others - what will people, that are completely alone think after watching a colorful world, that they cannot experience?


FiM is unique, because these dark themes aren't visible - you need to feel them.


Very dark and mature themes aren't limited to physical action like visible violence. Mental problems are even worse than physical, as it's a really difficult struggle.

There was violence in Power Rangers, though it couldn't be really considered as dark theme. ;)


So it all really depends on how you look at things.


I know that sounds silly, but it's true.


Either way, I absolutely wouldn't like to see death, gore and all that stuff in such a colorful environment. I really enjoy seeing the world blooming, which I'd love to see in ours. It's what makes MLP beautiful.


I don't mind seeing themes as you described in fanworks though. Sometimes it's nice to see that, so I get what you mean, but let's leave that for fans.



By the way I liked watching "Courage the Cowardly dog", but it always was too creepy for me from one point of view.

Each thing has its own style, not everything should be dark. If you're looking for gore and mature stuff, then you should look for other things, not colorful ponies, that were designed mainly for little girls. :twi:

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The show is a vector for exploring adult themes in subtle ways. Some may be unintentional, but they are there. It adds to the depth of the show. Death, disability, depression, fear of failure, feeling lost, and abandonment are very much adult themes addressed by the show (or imprinted there by the audience). They just dress this up in a heavy coat of optimism.

Should the show be dark? When someone says 'dark' my mind tends to go to films like Empire Strikes Back, but I've seen some refer to dark as yandere kind of stuff. The show's tone should not go the route of the former, and the later ... hell no.

So if Courage the Cowardly Dog and other kid shows can deal with very dark and mature themes like that, then why can't My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic deal with very dark and mature themes like that?

The best analogy I can come up with is this, you shouldn't look at a bowl of vanilla ice cream and be upset it isn't mint chocolate chip. Just go get a flavor that suits your taste.

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