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general What was the most painful day of your life?

Dashy 4 Ever

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The most painful day of my life was when I was practicing my Taekwondo kicks on my brother and he dodged this really high tornado kick I did. I landed on the wrong side of my foot and it dislocated really bad. I couldn't bend it or anything and was screaming the ****** hell off my head. My brother on the other hand, thought I was joking and was laughing the whole time. Painful memory. :mlp_lie:


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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the most painful day was that one time in like 2007 or something, i was riding down a hill on my scooter (you know the razer scooters that everyone had) and i hit a rock, flew over and my face went sliding along the pavement.

to this day i cant even call back the memory without cringing.


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Waking up to start my day is always painful.


  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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For me it was the days freak accident happened at the shooting ranges friends gun, fell off the table and went off hitting me in the hand...thankfully it was just a .22 but it still hurt like all get out..but no lasting effects, and he's still my beast friend!B)

  • Brohoof 2

If it sparks, don’t touch it...

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Probably when I sprained my ankle at school (11th grade, I think). I was in a hurry to get to class and instead of going around the mud puddle, I jumped over it. When I landed, I slipped and somehow fell backwards on my ankle. The pain was nauseating. I don't know how I didn't break it. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Not for those who hate self harm:


Well, the most painful day of my life is actually kind of on purpose. I was cutting my hooves, and I was annoyed at myself at how I can't cut deeper. So then I violently took a fast, hard stroke. The blood couldn't stop flowing out. Back then, I couldn't feel any pain because of all the thoughts rushing through my head, and I said to myself: No, I still have to live for MLP. For Twily. I then walked up to my mum and said hey look, I can't stop bleeding. I also kinda passed out when I was on my way to the hospital, as well. Now my mum says it is a disgrace to have a son that does that. To this day, it really still hurts whenever I try to move my left hoof. Luckily, it's my left. I can still draw with my right.


~Twilight x Midnight~

~Twilight x Midnight~

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Probably the day I crashed my bike and completely scarred my left arm. Not fun.

Edited by Cash_In

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Mine was in January of 2017 when I went to the doctor to schedule surgery for a herniated disc that was pressing against the sciatic nerve. After the appointment my back was so inflamed from sitting in a bad position and waiting in the doctor's office that I could barely hobble to the car. During the ride home I was in such blinding pain that no words can describe it. My brother, who was driving, had a half of a pain killer left over from his own trip to the hospital and it saved my life. I was about to black out from the pain but it finally kicked in and I made it home. That was some serious agony. 

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Are we talking about physical pain or emotional pain?


For physical pain, probably the day I almost got hypothermia at a football game. Our band director forced us to wear a polo shirt and khaki shorts at halftime to march on the field (when it was 17 DEGREES OUTSIDE) (of course, unless they were school colors or black). For some reason, he had the audacity to yell at me for almost dying (I was given a coat without even ASKING FOR IT and had no idea who to return it to, because nobody said anything than "here's this coat"). He's usually not a horrible person, but that day... I was on the verge of quitting band, and nobody should blame me. Maybe I should have just given them it BACK and told them "eh I'll die because Mr. _________ will YELL at me"? I don't think so.


As for emotional pain, probably the day I realized that there was little point to my life, which was probably sometime in the summer of last year. Ever since I've been in emotional pain, and I've tried to kill myself twice. I also have had points in time where I cut my arm. Of course being angry at myself and severely depressed. This realization came around the time I started to only occasionally have internet, and around the time I realized there's little point in looking for jobs that aren't there, for a business who won't even LOOK at my application... Though I have to mention the break-up with my most recent ex comes a close second to me.

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In regards to emotional pain, I went through a rough breakup last ytear in March. I was beyond devastated and it lead to me being an absolute mess. Looking back on it now, I realize I should have dealt with the situation better.

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I haven't really had any physical pain that comes to mind but emotional I do. 

About 5 to 6 years ago I was dating a dude that I thought was cool, only for him to go back and forth with me towards the end of the relationship. He gave me the complete run around for about 3 months, then finally broke it off with me. He then proceeded to turn basically our mutual friend group against me and then later dated (and ended up marrying) a friend I thought was super close (she was in fact not as close looking back on it now). 

I look on that situation and should have seen the red flags and dealt with it better, but whats in the past is past. I've grown past it and with some good quality therapy I was able work out my issues.

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I've had some bad emotional pain. Last year my dad took a job overseas and uprooted me to live with my aunt and uncle in another state. They are nice people but strangers to me and I felt terrible that I had to leave behind my best friend and everything I knew and loved. Happily my cousin came and invited me to live with her instead. That was a massive improvement for me. So there have been some good things to come from it.

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After my surgery to get metal in my broken ankle. It was even worse than the day I got the broken ankle. The tiniest shift from my ankle made me gasp and want to hold it still. When it was hanging as I hobble on my walker to use the bathroom, it felt like a throbbing rock. Luckily, it went away around three days afterward. That's at least the worst pain I remember.

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One of my mottos for the past few years Is, "my life is pain." Doctors offer pain meds but I refuse them for most of my stuff. I did have a kidney stone 2 years ago and that takes the cake for most intense and long lasting. Others would be when they pinch a nerve during spine surgery, it's horrendous when that happens, there are not words in ponish to discribe that pain. 

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The day I heard my dad's prognosis over the phone. It was the first time I cried about anything since I was a kid.

The funeral wasn't as hard as the months leading up to it though. My dad's sepsis would cause him to lose consciousness almost constantly. I rarely ever got to talk to him on my visits at the hospice, so by the time he passed, it felt like he had already been gone.


                                               No questions asked.

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When I was 11 I lost one of my good friends to Cancer then almost two months later I lost my dad in a trucking accident.... OK i now that's not exactly a day....  I THINK the worse actual day is when my bf broke up with me the day I was suppose to move in with him... I didn't really have anywhere else to go (luckily we worked it out to remain friends and have me still live with him)


for Physical pain I would have to say my kidney infection.... those few days were really rough

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When I started sixth grade. I could tell my math teacher hated my guts instantly when she looked at me. Being a very mental person, she took advantage of that. Each time I didn’t do my work, she’d call me out on it and say stuff like “Do you also have concentration problems?” Or “Is your bipolar disorder too much for you not to do your work?” It wasn’t just me. She hated other people too, but not all her students. She favorited the thots and the really smart kids that make straight A’s. The whole school year for me was painful. She’s the reason along with many people in the sixth grade why I’m like the way I am. Why I’m so paranoid. Always frustrated and angry at the world. Why I practically hate people. I’m in the 7th now, I seem to get teachers that take advantage of my mental health just so they can pick on me. It’s not as bad as last year but I’m still being picked on and stuff like that. 


I’d never usually cry when people pass away,hell. I barely cry at all when anything passes on for that matter..but when my cat Smokey passed away it was devastating. I even had a friend over.....I sometimes wonder why I haven’t offed myself yet.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Physical pain? Either my ear infection, or a toothache I recently had. The pain was ungodly. Would not recommend. :unamused:

Emotional pain? In the words of Fluttershy, "I'd rather not say..." :blush:

It takes all sorts to make a world
Short and tall sorts, large and small sorts
To fill this pretty planet with love and laughter
To make it great to live in tomorrow and the day after!

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