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Equestria Girls Kotobukiya Figurines.


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Why can't they look like that in the cartoon?


P.S: How bad is it if someone recognizes their gal game personality types? Not saying it's me. It's my friend Daquan. He's a complete weebly animal, I tell you.

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I suddenly feel a disturbance... in my wallet. I never knew I needed the Fluttershy one until now. 

And, to no one's surprise, racist idiots are whining in the comments about Dash's skin tone, despite it being a common skin tone in Japan and the fact that there are other skin types besides white. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I would prefers jeans on Applejack, but man I wish I can afford all six. They're all very accurate to how I'd imagine them as an anime. I might think of getting either RD or Applejack. 

  • Brohoof 1
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College tuition? What's that? :pout:

All jesting aside, I am greatly pleased that there is finally a line of My Little Pony merchandise which is high-quality, and does not leave out any of the Mane 6 (something many lines are guilty of). Though their price tags are rather hefty even individually, I believe it is fully justified. :mlp_grin:

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I love them!

It's a shame that they are going to be so expensive. Hasbro gives us good stuff for a change and makes the price so high that it's out of our range for most of us.

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These look so good!  I love how they were able to take the EQG designs, which have been criticized for looking samey and were able to make them full of personality.

My favorite of which would have to be Rainbow Dash as I really liked the changes of her the most, that being giving her a short ponytail and having her wear a pair of googles like she was some kind of Digimon protagonist.

  • Brohoof 1
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18 hours ago, PoisonClaw said:

And, to no one's surprise, racist idiots are whining in the comments about Dash's skin tone, despite it being a common skin tone in Japan and the fact that there are other skin types besides white. 

I'm not surprised that the comments over there would divulge into such things. I see nothing wrong with Rainbow Dash's skin tone in that concept image. In fact, I think it compliments her attire and hair colour quite well.

I look forward to seeing other EQG characters being made into figurines.

  • Brohoof 2
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Wow... :wau: They're simply magnificent! :pinkie: Especially Pinkie (who was already shown as a figure earlier) and Rarity (maybe I'm biased, as they're my two favorite ponies but the designs are wonderful)... The price is quite high but I'd love to get these someday! :rarity:

  • Brohoof 3
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So the concept to this line is essentially a "What if EQG was in Japan" thing. I guess that's alright. Rainbow Dash with that dark skin  certainly feels the most Japanese out of all of them; I think it's a trait they like giving to anime characters with an aura of coolness about them. That suits her perfectly. I don't get why people are whining about it. It's not like she has fat lips or corn rolls to go with the sterotype they're thinking about.

And I especially love the gesture that pony Dash is going to have. I might just pick it up on day one.

Now if only they were working on Sunset and Trixie.....

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  • 11 months later...

I have bought the Twilight figure (anyone surprised?). The figure is really nicely made, but a bit too expensive to buy them all (and my shelves are kinda getting full). I would probably buy Sunset, Starlight or Cozy figure though.

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