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How many relationships have you been in?


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in person ? well i had 3 one laster for 5 years then the other 2 i was with were around 2 to 4 months to be honest...but being single is doing pretty good for me the last few years , lonely but in a good way i guess lol.

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I am only going to consider my serious relationships because I have been in a few that only lasted a few months and I don't count those :-P 

I have been in 5 relationships; 2 of them me putting an end to.

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The only relationship I've ever been in lasted almost two years, and it certainly didn't have a good ending. As much as I'd love to be in a happy, long-term relationship, I doubt it's ever going to happen.

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Two. I know that's a low number for my age. There were so many years spent on my last ex. That's fine, anyway. As I always say, it's best I remain single for the rest of my life.

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Three that I would consider serious. One girl in HS who wound up moving to the other side of the country. One I met while working in the bay area who it turns out was... unstable would be a nice way to put it. Not saying that to be insulting, it's honestly the only way I can rationalize her actions. And my ex-wife. Mutual divorce and we're still pretty friendly. Zero problems with visitation for the wee one, problems happen and we work together on them, etc.

Currently single. Hi ladies. ;)

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52 minutes ago, PoisonClaw said:

None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. That's how many romantic relationships I've been in.

... I'm so alone... :(

Don't worry, you're not alone...

Number of relationship for me is...0

43 minutes ago, Rainbow Dash Swag said:

Same here it probably gets better.....


It is better because..no responsibility  B)

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I'm only on my second one. First one lasted about four years, and ended for a multitude of reasons (general toxicity, them pressuring me into an unwanted open relationship, incompatible viewpoints to name a few). 

The one I'm in currently has lasted about 3 and a half years so far with very little problems.

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Well, counting in-person relationships, I'm gonna go with....zero? Kinda hard to say though cause me and my current boyfriend started out long distance but have been seeing each other in person on and off since June of last year. Sooo, does that count? :mlp_huh: 

  • Brohoof 1
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Does my left hand count? :P

Fap Jokes aside, no I haven’t been on a relationship. At least not right now. Let me graduate with a degree and find a stable job to support myself and my family financially. Then I would consider seeking out a relationship with someone.

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If you want to get technical about it, I was in one for about three months. Let's just say that it was the sole reason why I barely trust anyone. I'll stick to being single, thank you.

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