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Well I live in:


The Universe The Milky Way Galaxy The Sun Solar System Tellus/Earth Europe The Nordic Scandinavia Sweden Östergötland Norrköpings Komun Kimstad Greby Vändtegsvägen My House

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United States ---> New York



That's about it. Maybe, in a few years I'll move to Europe to see it's magnificent scenery. So, it would be pretty wonderful.

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The spirit of America, Massachusetts.




More specifically, Attleboro, which is in northern Bristol county. It's really boring here and I'd rather live somewhere else but I can't because I'm a poor college student haodfgfdsgvvxzasdkj

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I live in a small town in Minnesota, about an hour south of the cities. Minnesota is in the United States, by the way.  It borders Canada, that's pretty cool. Yay, I can visit Canada one day! 

Edited by ReverseFaller
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I'm in Texas, USA, where summer is triple digit temperatures and winter is just 70-80 degrees.


And no, I don't have an accent or wear cowboy hats or ride horses.

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I live in Southeastern Indiana and have all of my life. I'm around 20 miles from Cincinnati Ohio and and hour or so away from Indianapolis.

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I'm in Texas, USA, where summer is triple digit temperatures and winter is just 70-80 degrees.


And no, I don't have an accent or wear cowboy hats or ride horses.

Hello person I definitely do not know IRL and don't live about 20 minutes away from :ph34r:. And the winter is actually like 30 degrees, you were way off.


And yeah, we don't have an accent or wear cowboy hats. I've ridden a horse before though...

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Minnesota, dontcha know. :3 But I don't have an accent like that. And I don't know anybody who does... For anyone who doesn't know, Minnesota is a state in Midwest USA, so I'm in Central Time.

I live in a small town in Minnesota, about an hour south of the cities. Minnesota is in the United States, by the way.  It borders Canada, that's pretty cool. Yay, I can visit Canada one day!


Oh, you do, huh? *Raises eyebrows* Well, hello neighbor fellow Minnesotan! The state's not that small... >.> Edited by Haruka
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Mississippi! I like it here. I'm kinda sorta by Jackson, the capital. But its really dangerous in Jackson but where I live it isn't. Here in the south there are lots of nice people. Like not long ago I dropped $80 in the middle of a store and no one picked it up :OO and my sister left her phone at the same store (its like cursed or something.. Barnes and Noble) and no one took it either. Southern hospitality.

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Seems like there are more europeans around here as I thought, including myself. I'm living in Germany, near the town of Hanover,in a small village. There is not that much brony activity around here, since the trend didn't really settled in :/.

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 To be more specific, The UK


To be even more specific, South Wales!


To be even more specific, Swansea


To be even more specific, Loughor 


( I think I'll stop there  :derp: )


P.S: it rains ALLOT in the UK, but surprisingly not recently though... :huh: )

Edited by Nye1254
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Burnaby B.C. Canada. Just outside of Vancouver :3 anyone else here from the lower mainland or from B.C. in general?


I used to be from St.Thomas Ontario. Any London or St.Thomas ON bronys out there? :D

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Antartica. It isn't that cold once you get used to it.


I'm in the southern Louisiana, USA, North America. It's pretty nice here, and I really couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world, though there are places I'd prefer.

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The cultural wasteland that is America. Indiana to be exact. I like Indiana for what it is, but damn does it have some stupid people. Plus we still have not legalized gay marriage and still go 'No abortions! Jesus don't like it!' Still, it has its good moments. I am not too fond of America as a whole though.

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I live in the British Columbia charted areas of Canadia. I won't specify where, because I'm a secretererererereer...Person. BU 

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Another Down Underer here! Lives in Melbourne, Victoria, a city reknown for its wild weather ("Four Seasons in One Day"). Regardless, it's a very nice place to live and I love it. Was born in Newcastle, New South Wales, though.

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I haven't been on this thread on AGES, yet still there's only seven people in Asia with me! Really? I feel so alone as a brony in Taiwan.

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I, for my part, was almost impressed there were at least three Finnish bronies besides me in this topic. It's just that I have stumbled upon barely any of us here.


But yeah, greetings from another European brony here.  :)  You make me so jealous by those comments of yours as almost everypony else seems to live in a nice-looking, quite big town while I'm stuck in a small village (called Vimpeli, just google it and you'll understand) surrounded with kilometers of forest and fields in Western Finland.  :lol:  Not that I didn't like Finland overall, it just would be nice to see some life for a change.

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