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State of Oregon, good ol' U S of America. :3 Any other Oregon bronies here? /)



It's always really funny whenever I talk to a lot of bronies over teh ponynet and I'm like "HAI! Good evening!" or whatever and then they're like, "It's morning here :S". dat timezones. XD

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I live in France in this city called Hyères-les-Palmiers :






Here's a photo of the historical Town Center






Nice place, but crowded during summer <_<

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I live in "Cider Land" also known as south-west United Kingdom, quite lonely over here I don't know any other Bronies and everyone is so prejudice if you are even slightly out of the social "norm".

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Lot of European Bronies here. Sweet!  :wub:


I am in the beautiful Long Island, New York. Born and raised.


(Here's a picture)




I live like, 5 hours away from Manehatten.  :huh:

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I live in New Zealand, Wellington to be exact. I wouldn't move away for anything, brilliant country. Oh, and there's the West Island we call Australia. That's were we stick the stuff we don't want.

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I'm not.



In all seriousness, I'm currently living in Lehigh Acres, Florida, USA.  You won't find a weirder place (ok, that's a bit of a stretch, but a werider place in the US.)


Here, we are surpressed by the nearby town of Fort Meyers because we aren't incorperated, and some idiot thought it would be a great idea to keep it that way, so he went and told people that becoming incorperated would raise taxes.

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I reside in beautiful, SUNNY FLORIDA... B)


To be perfectly honest, it is really not the best place to live,

It is almost constantly hot and humid here,


Quite uncomfortable if you ask me

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I live in Battle Creek, Michigan. It's sort of mid-midwest Michigan. It's a medium sized city, smaller than Kalamazoo, the one right next to us. I live in a rural-ish area though, away from the city.

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I live in a small terrorist organization called Somalia. It has a capital called Mogadishu and a very socially progressive government.

Now to be a bit more honest, I am actually from Toronto, the largest city in Canada and the largest metropiltan city north of Chicago. (At least I tihnk we are north of Chicago) We are also Canadas economic capital.





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  • 7 months later...

I don't live on Earth. I mean, what kind of Queen of Saturn would I be if I didn't live on Saturn.


I live in the small state of Connecticut in the United States.

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I am in Europe, altho I do hope eventually I'll find my way to Australia. What with the nice weather, awesome people and wild animals of every kind, all of which will try to kill me, how much better can it get :P

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I live in the United States of America. More specifically, New Iberia, Louisiana. The state shaped like a boot and the parish shaped like a key :P

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I live in Iceland, it's an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. It's a cool place, way too high taxes. Spare parts for cars are expensive and gas prices are too high. Other then that, the people are good looking and we have water that's very pure. Beautiful scenery and it's just an amazing country. It's just so expensive to live here, everyone is welcome to pay my country a visit. 

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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I live in North America. More specifically, I live in the United States. Despite our many political problems, I'm thankful to live in a free country. 


When I get enough money, I plan to travel the world. I would especially love to visit various places in Europe, such as the U.K. and Scotland.


Someday, I might move to a different part of the world. I've considered both Hawaii and England in the past. The main reasons for why I have considered them are their climate and history.

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