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mega thread How are you feeling?

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I'm aggravated.. could of had a Switch right now if Student Finance weren't being morons. x.x

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I feel pretty great. I got 82% on Infiltrated today, which is a Geometry Dash demon rated as a hard demon. I'm happy about it because it's the first hard demon that I've gotten far in. 82% is just before the easy ending too, so I can certainly do it again if I can do it once.

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Feeling so good to be in alike people. I am always been a fan of mlp film. I like the Twilight and Flurry heart the most. Feeling better then before

  • Brohoof 1
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It's surprising how fast you can make friends with someone yet even faster they leave and forget about you.

Flash friendships happen. To be honest, they are kinda disappointing yes as they build up a bit of hope. But eh, it is an experience :)

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Glad that I got some sleep. A four hour nap! That's a record for me. I needed it though. Had to much schoolwork to get done and I stayed up late to get it done. The demands of education never cease. Not for this we lass anyways. But I'm also battling a cold. It's terrible when a peer is talking in front of the class or the teacher is and you start dying from coughing. That has been me the past two days. But I had to get what needed to be done, done.

I'm feeling pretty good, but also more than a little bit bored. I have way too much energy and no idea what to do with it.

I am very familiar with that feeling. XD

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Like I got hit by a bus. I find myself waking up at 4 in the morning only to learn that I fell prematurely asleep at 7pm the day before. I slept on the floor, and I'm still in my school uniform for crying out loud.






Currently I'm having breakfast and I'm about to take a shower. School really makes me tired but at least now I can enjoy my Saturday.

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Rather hungry, yet too lazy to go out to the local diner. So Imma order a pizza for breakfast.


Scratch that. Not open till noon. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Incredibly crestfallen. I just learned that one of my favorite artists has left the MLP fandom and will likely not create anymore MLP art. Man, I loved his art style, humor, and how often he communicated with his audience. I'll still watch him for awhile, but I can't say I really enjoy the rest of his interests. MLP was really the one common interest we both had. Admittedly, I kinda thought of him as a friend despite never speaking closely with him. I know people move on and lose interest in things as well as gain new interests, but I never expected this.


Oh man. Excuse me, I've gotta find a way to cheer myself up.

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Depressed beyond words

if that is the case i would like to talk to you and see what can be done to change that ^^ if you want to that is, just shoot me a PM or something.



as for myself, i had a lot of fun on the weekend working with tanks, so much fun in fact that now i have almost no energy left XD i'm quite warn out and cant wait to get a nice sleep in before work tomorrow  :lol:

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I just got out of the emergency room--that's always fun. :okiedokieloki:

What happened? Did you get hurt or something like that?



I'm feeling not so great and powerful today. I just ditched my homework, I'm totally not prepared for tommorrow's microbiology test. Being a student sucks :P

Edited by starwantrix
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well, after some much needed R&R and time to deal with some heavy shit, im back and while im not exactly 100% im good enough to be around .... i have other matters that keep me busy these days more then ever, but if I time manage this correctly, i believe i can do it and be both here and with my clan, Clown Army .... well i gotta bail, i have er .... ok i have nothing to do, im just gonna make a status update and maybe listen to music or something, idk :okiedokieloki:

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