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What was the best year to be a brony?


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I must say, in 2013, just before Bronycon, just before the documentary, and just before Twilight princess spoilers were leaked, the Bronies were unstoppable! Everything was really great. I would say that time was the best, 2012-2013.


Too early, and I think there was no data to actually back up MLP as a unique show. The full Season 2 needed to be out, and Youtube bronies needed to spread the word.

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Can I bring up how important Digibrony was to me? And how it took me quite some time to find a good reactor to the show after he left, but I did find Applegeek much later.


I think it was a video from PaleoSteno that got me to accept myself to watch the show. I cannot find that video, sadly. Youtube is very evil.

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3 minutes ago, lyrabetes3939 said:

I wasn't into MLP at the time, but I'd probably go with 2015. Season 5 was the zenith of the show after all.

But... But Season 7 was so goooood!!! (minus the pillars, that was stupid) :orly:

Even to this day, if someone just become a brony, there is still much to enjoy!

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1 minute ago, lyrabetes3939 said:

Indeed! It's never too late to join the herd! :grin:

I can only imagine you becoming a brony after seeing Lyra and Bon Bon sharing the piano (sharing cheeks :wub:) in Rainbow Rocks. Or was it during the "Slice Of Life" butt-bump? :wub:


Anyways, very unique scenes in MLP, that is stuck in my head to this day. :squee:

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Just now, Super Splashee said:

I can only imagine you becoming a brony after seeing Lyra and Bon Bon sharing the piano (sharing cheeks :wub:) in Rainbow Rocks. Or was it during the "Slice Of Life" butt-bump? :wub:

Fun fact: Fluttershy was originally the pony I had a crush on starting in mid-2017, but I switched to Lyra in early 2019. :arethosehands:

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Just now, lyrabetes3939 said:

Fun fact: Fluttershy was originally the pony I had a crush on starting in mid-2017, but I switched to Lyra in early 2019. :arethosehands:

Well, I had a crush on Twilight in 2012. Then I changed to Princess Luna in 2013, and now I have a crush on Sunset Shimmer as of 2017 :arethosehands:



I think we can safely assume we are bronies! :ButtercupLaugh:

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I mean I think one could argue that the best year was 2010 cuz then you saw everything happen for the last 10 years if you kept up with the fandom. 

Best year of the show was 2015, cuz that season was the best imo, or 2017 cuz that's the year the movie came out, and also season 7 had alot of hall marks with the episodes Perfect Pear (Bright Mac, Pear Butter), Parental Gildeance (windy whistles, bow hothoof), To Change a Changeling (thorax, first changeling centered episode), Shadow Play (starswirl), and A Royal Problem (luna and celestia centered episode). So yea, in terms of the show I would say those years. Tho season 7 is 5th/4th fav season. 

I came into the show in 2015, but late 2015, however, every year as a brony has been better than the last, cuz I know more people, had more experiences, etc. 

So, far I would say 2019 has been my fav year. 

Edited by Misscellanio
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Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a "brony"? The term is not partook in my home.

I have heard the word many a times over the years, but never bothered to ask its translation.

Edited by Rarity Gemstones
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While the brony/pegasister popularity was at its peak some years ago, I would say that any year is a great year to be a fan!

3 hours ago, AppleButt said:

All the years if you really really like ponies like me!

Agreed! ;)

1 hour ago, Rarity Gemstones said:

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a "brony"? The term is not partook in my home.

I have heard the word many a times over the years, but never bothered to ask its translation.

A brony or pegasister is a fan of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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1 hour ago, Rarity Gemstones said:

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a "brony"? The term is not partook in my home.

I have heard the word many a times over the years, but never bothered to ask its translation.

A "brony" is a portmanteau of "bro" and "pony," and merely a person who likes MLP: Friendship Is Magic. No more, no less.


As for the OP's question, I think it depends who you're talking to. The fandom's peak came from sometime between 2012 and 2014; Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2 had the most viewers of any episode (788K) in the run. But in terms of personal enjoyment, I go with 2012, '18, and '19. 2012 was my first full year of experience in bronydom, including BC Summmer 2012. 2018 gave me the most fun watching new episodes in years. 2019 had both the fun of watching new episodes along with the fun of being at the last BronyCon.

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I'd say around 2011 to late 2013, cause that was around the beginning or early seasons of the show. It was also the time this site began to take off.

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10 hours ago, Dark Qiviut said:

A "brony" is a portmanteau of "bro" and "pony," and merely a person who likes MLP: Friendship Is Magic. No more, no less.


As for the OP's question, I think it depends who you're talking to. The fandom's peak came from sometime between 2012 and 2014; Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2 had the most viewers of any episode (788K) in the run. But in terms of personal enjoyment, I go with 2012, '18, and '19. 2012 was my first full year of experience in bronydom, including BC Summmer 2012. 2018 gave me the most fun watching new episodes in years. 2019 had both the fun of watching new episodes along with the fun of being at the last BronyCon.

And now I find myself informed and knowledgable.

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Oooh everyone became bronies so long ago. I started watching the show after the series 9 finale ended :P which was only a couple of month ago. I'm basically a noob, so i dunno what past years were like :oh_golly:

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I would say 2013 personally, the year 2012 was when it was really getting popular and from the year 2011 to 2012 it was getting more and more people to join though. I would say that in 2013 it really became what we know today as the brony fandom, as it was already a big fandom with a large community all creating content I remember 2012 being more just the year that you were hearing about it watching one or two episodes but 2013 was when it was what I personally feel is what the fandom was all about you know. You had equestriadaily lot of content, lot of music, lot of art, animation everyone was so super excited for it. You could say that 2012 was the year but if you ask me that was more just the popularity of the show being heard all over the internet while the fandom itself was large lot more people I feel were really passionate about it in 2013 and 2014 too. That said, being a brony was still great until today is just the community itself is a lot less vocal in my opinion. That is only my opinion though my experience of it is not the same as others, I just remember the fandom having plenty of drama leading onward from the year I don't really remember was it 2016 lot of dramas and who could forget Twilicorn that was a drama all of its own every time though the fandom would get divided. Not advocating you look for it I'm sure the same word is used for it I remember a lot of drama about "clop" and of course season 4 had its drama I personally due to personal life simply could no longer be on here as much as I would.


32 minutes ago, 💛Princess of Hearts💙 said:

Oooh everyone became bronies so long ago. I started watching the show after the series 9 finale ended :P which was only a couple of month ago. I'm basically a noob, so i dunno what past years were like :oh_golly:

You know all of it was good really, the whole time even now as really I feel like a lot of people were obsessed about "muh popularity" the show had to have a lot of active members but I said it back then and I will say it again take me as proof of that. The true fans of the show will forever be fans of the show, sure they might find other interests but it always has a place in my heart as it does for many others. Like I say, I believe the community today is a lot of true fans the more dedicated of them. While honestly, I knew bronies that hadn't even watched the show haha. It had become somewhat of a fad if you will, the community was divided into many many subgroups I feel personally my opinion while now perhaps the group I feel would be more united as a fandom you could say that fandom has matured if that's a good word for it. 

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