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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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-Haters that hate for no reason

-Realizing that your actually sitting in an ant pile

-Misspelling the most simplest of words


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When I open up a new document and have no idea what to type. Writer's block sucks.


When I'm trying to think of something in the middle of a class, and someone who can't be bothered to plug headphones in at their computer is blasting horrible music.


When someone's constantly drumming their fingers. If it's a random beat from a song that lasts a few seconds, then I won't mind, but when it goes on for more than a minute, then I'll get irritated.

Edited by JayBee
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This post used to be something else, but I wanted to change it because it was kind of embarrassing, and this is the closest I can come to actually deleting it.

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When deluded talentless people think they're talented. Anyone can train and be stronger. Anyone can study and be smarter. But please don't train to sing better in front of me if you don't know how. Off key singing has got to be one of the most terrible things in this world.

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Well I'm having Brohoofing problems and THAT'S annoying me now. Actually the whole board has gone slow and non-responsive and keeps needing me to reload...


The MLP Forums has been subject to what is apparently multiple DDoS attacks (Dedicated Denial of Service Attacls). Feld0 is toying with some DDoS countermeasures right now, so hopefully that should keep things up to speed.

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  • 1 month later...

You know what really grinds my gears? that game you play when you and another car reach a stop sign at the same time. So your like ok ill let them go, but then they don't so your like OK i guess ill go, then they start to go.......you know what im talking about though =)

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When people ask me what my pet peeve is... No joke! I know it seems ironic, but for real... They expect me to say some dumb buck about how people stroke plastic and make a screech. No! It's when you ask me what my pet peeve is! D:<

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You know what really grinds MY Gears, when I am on Xbox and I have a thought and I REALLY want to tell everyone there what I am thinking but yet everyone yammers on and I can't say anything, then when the party FINALLY gets quiet, I FORGET WHAT THE BUCK I WAS EVEN TRYING TO SAY :angry:


Gah, that just pisses me off to no end :/

  • Brohoof 2
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Things that really get me angry: 



people who put others down just to make themselves look better

people who think the world revolves around them

people who are quick to judge others based on appearance etc. 

uptight people that think every little thing is bad

people who nitpick over little things and have to ruin something that others enjoy just because they can

reality tv shows


I have more but the things above I detest.

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Things that really get me angry: 



people who put others down just to make themselves look better

people who think the world revolves around them

people who are quick to judge others based on appearance etc. 

uptight people that think every little thing is bad

people who nitpick over little things and have to ruin something that others enjoy just because they can

reality tv shows


I have more but the things above I detest.

yes, all of this


I have met people like this over XBOX live and they just piss me off to no end...


Which also reminds me

I met this one guy who can just talk for hours on end without breathing


That one fateful night he went onto our Xbox live party sumbitch talked. And TALKED. AND TALKED.


That little bastard never stopped to breathe or anything

We couldn't even get our thoughts out because he WOULDN'T. STOP. TALKING.

I tried letting the kid know to slow down a little bit (did this like, three or four times, which shows you how much patience I have) and he STILL wouldn't listen


In fact... he acted like nothing was wrong


So we finally said "buck it" and kicked him out of the party

  • Brohoof 1
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people like this over XBOX live

Oh god xbox live... don't get me started :P...


About the racism thing though. Throughout elementary school and middle school I had to deal with so much racism and crap like that for about 9 years K-8. I went to a primarily all black school , nothing wrong with that, and there were a few white kids who went there as well... And let me tell you throughout my 9 years at that school I and not only I went through hell and high water from racism. I did not get treated as badly as others did and the reason for that is because I was "half puerto rican" yeah I am being serious. But I made many friends there but at the same time I learned  that there are awful people everywhere and racism leads to nowhere but pain.  

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Just realized, I really hate it when people say someone "deserves to go to jail/be tortured/be castrated/die/whatever" because of a crime. Or when they judge someone very strictly based on limited knowledge, asserting their personal opinion as granted fact.

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What really f**king grinds my gears the most is the little noises people seem to do ALL OF THE FUCKING TIME!

Eat chips




Squeak shoes


It's all just so freaking annoying.  <_<

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Ah yeah, squeaking shoes and other high-pitch noises (especially repetitive) get on my nerves too. Also soles hard as horseshoes, which go "clop, clop, clop" (not THAT kind of clop you dirty pervs)

But not crunching of chips and crisps, interestingly. I like the low-pitch creaking and crunching of floors or unoiled doors, as long as they don't reach the "squealing" limit.

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Another thing that seemingly pisses me off more than it grinds my gears (seriously, there are no gears left to be grinded at this point)


Those animal cruelty commercials that seem ti like to pop up right after a funny or a happy moment in either a television show/movie or a funny commercial, so you end up sitting there with a blank look, and it's just one of those WTF moments


Call me heartless but I think It's more annoying than it is sad :/

  • Brohoof 2
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Do you wanna know what grinds my gears? When people are so simple-minded as to not see the hypocrisy in what their point is. For instance, if a feminist says that if a male were to slap a woman, then it should automatically considered an offense against women's rights, yet if a female were to punch a man, nobody would care for his well being or rights.

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My pet peeve is a lack of effort when I am giving something my all. For example in school, you would work your absolute hardest on a project just to see that your partner had done nothing the past few days. That feeling where you go "what the f*** is wrong with you" playing in your head when you look at him/her is very common for me right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People who use improper grammar, yet try to correct others.


I see this too often to be healthy on Youtube. A situation like this (except with spelling):


Some guy spelled "sense" like "scence" and some guy comes around and says "Dude, are you serious? It's sence, not scence"

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When I have to go to sleep, and when the curtains don't perfectly cover the whole window (because I like it when I go to sleep and there is NO light WHATSOEVER to be seen). Makes me want to rip my own hair out.

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I've always hated the sound of people coughing. Especially long coughing fits. I know that sounds rude, but I never call people out on it because that would just be ridiculous. But still, it annoys me so...

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People who order an entire feast at the drive thru.  I once sat behind a car that took about five minutes to order their food at McDonalds.

When pizza gets cold on the edges, and the rest of the slice is perfectly hot.

People who drive the exact same speed as you in the lane next to you.

People who drive slow in the fast lane.


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