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gaming What is the scariest video game enemy you faced?


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Creeper, the creeper is hands down the scariest enemy in a game ever :P


Tbh, nothing in a movie has ever scared me, not has anything in a game, with the exeption of the first time I saw a creeper, built a house in a cave the first time I played minecraft, when round a corner and came face to face with a creeper that promptly exploded, it made me jump ;p

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You cant say Slender XD


Mine is Herobrine.......... 

Why? Herobrine is basically a Enderman with Steve's Skin. He teleports and always kills you if he see's you.

herobrine? pfft hes pathetic.

now ghasts, Those are scary! from what i tell their dead babies.



and they make those noises!

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Skagdeads from Resident Evil: Revelations. The buildup to the battle was scary enough, what with him banging on the door and moaning: "Mayday..." in a very creepy voice. But when I shot the lock off the door... I don't know what I was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn't THAT. 

how even is otter and how can it be if

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The creepiest villain I can think of right now has to be Albedo from Xenosaga (at least the first game, anyway).  Why, you ask?  Well, rather than explain it, why don't I just show you what he does?


Edited by SBaby

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'Scariest Game Villain' has been merged with 'What is the scariest video game enemy you faced?' as they are more or less the same topic.


Probably the freaking aliens from Dead Space. They're creepy, and always make you jump a foot in the air because they come out of nowhere all, 'AKDNJWNSOFNASKNXASKAJSYUD'.


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I was just wondering what is the scariest video game enemy you have faced? Could be something that scared you as a child, or something that gives you the creeps now! Also I would love too see a picture!



Wallmaster. 'Nuff said. These guys fall from the ceiling with one of the most unsettling sound effects ever and grab you. They then drag you back to the entrance of whatever cave/temple/dungeon you're in, thus adding to the flustrated fear. I always end up screaming when one takes me by surprise.

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Damn U3. The claustrophobic environment in the first part of the fight did not help. At all.

Edited by Hiddenpairer
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Ok, scariest video game enemy, huh?  That's fine, because I've got one of those too.  Technically, he's a villain, but you don't see him until the very end of the game, and the second you see him, you realize why it is that Nintendo fans always choose him over all the others.  And you start questioning just how in the world this guy made it into a Nintendo game. 


First, here's the enemy in question.




That's creepy enough, but this guy actually has a backstory that's just as creepy, if not moreso.  Listen to that track as you read the next part.  This is tagged for disturbing content.  Don't say I didn't warn you.




Shigesato Itoi, the creator of the Mother series (which includes Earthbound), once said in an interview (true stuff) that Giygas' design was inspired by a traumatic experience he had as a child.  Apparently when he was young, he accidentally walked into the wrong movie in the theatre.  And the movie he walked into just happened to be one of the most controversial movies of its time in Japan.


The translated title of the movie was The Military Policeman and The Dismembered Beauty.  While there, he witnessed a scene in which a female victim was brutally...  violated and murdered.  This experience was so traumatic for him that his parents were worried that he may have been scarred for life because of it.  But like a tried and true artist, good ol' Itoi used that experience as inspiration for one of the most twisted Nintendo bosses ever conceived.


Now watch the video again.  Notice the design at the 3:02 mark?  It looks like a fetus.  And this is for good reason.  Itoi had said in the interview that this was supposed to represent the loss of innocence.




It is for those reasons that Giygas is my pick for the scariest enemy in video games.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 2

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I have 2:


first: The Creeper from minecraft. I can't even tell you the number of times I've almost wet myself hearing that hiss.


second, and by far worse: the Flood from Halo. Those bastards are freakin' terrifying on their own, but it's even worse if you've read the books

Edited by GrumpyMcfart

Warning: This post was produced on equipment that is also used in the manufacture of sarcasm; trace amounts of sarcasm may have contaminated the post as a result.

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'nuff said i think? These guys come out of nowhere and waste your ammo like there is no tomorrow... plus the music in the background doesn't help either.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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I guess it depends on your definition of scary.....Facing the Nerubians in Wrath of the Lich King was creepy.......stupid spider like things......

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I don't usually play video games. Okay, I don't play video games at all, but... some of my friends recommended Amnesia, so I thought I'd give it a try. I didn't even get to meet with a monster because I sh.t my pants only from listening to the dude breathing heavily.  :blink: Then I watched some gameplay videos... and then I watched some cute puppy videos to calm my soul.

What I actually played was Slender, which most of you know, I suppose. Jesus Christ, never again. Never ever, ever, ever.....  :(

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I don't usually play video games. Okay, I don't play video games at all, but... some of my friends recommended Amnesia, so I thought I'd give it a try. I didn't even get to meet with a monster because I sh.t my pants only from listening to the dude breathing heavily.  :blink: Then I watched some gameplay videos... and then I watched some cute puppy videos to calm my soul.

What I actually played was Slender, which most of you know, I suppose. Jesus Christ, never again. Never ever, ever, ever.....  :(


You played Amnesia? You have guts.


Anyway, my scariest is Darkrai in PMD D/T/S. If you don't have the Imsomniascope you're DEAD. And also this creepy music plays in the background. Also your partner 'turns' against you...it's just creepy...


I don't have much guts besides the fact I think Skyrim is cool and I played Story of the Blanks. Oh and Super Filly Adventure. Blank Flank Ending. And the Lunar Game. All of them.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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No one's scared me in the recent years of games but as I kid I was so freaked by Dead Hand, the Redeads, Pyramid Head, and Giygas o_O





Agreed. When I was a kid, I wouldn't even fight the redeads. Just run from em. Now though, I can't really think of anything that actually genuinely "scares" me.

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Now that i think of this one of the most terrifying is the Waterwraith from Pikmin 2:



This thing appears out of nowhere in the ominous cave called submerged castle, it is unkillable at first

and can steamroll to kill a large number of your pikmin in seconds. The music in the dungeon doesn’t ease its upcoming arrival at all, and in the game your ship tells you it cant detect it and concludes its physical form is in another dimension. You cant do anything about it until the last floor of the cave so until then getting all the treasure while its following you is a cryfest. To make matters worse you are only allowed to bring blue pikmin to the dungeon so while dealing with this thing you also have to deal with electricity(insta-kill) fire enemies, falling bomb-rocks and more.


here is a video of a playthrough with a encounter with this enemy(warning: very loud yelling)


Edited by superponylinux
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Honestly?It's this guy.



My friend is a freakin' beast with him on League of Legends.He 1v1'd me with only lv1 boots and two Doran's Blades when I was building super tanky on an already tanky character.I'd literally yelp whenever he ambushed me. :(

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Easy! I was 7, and I was facing...... IT! From Resident Evil 4.... I had nightmares and just flipped the hell out. If it wasn't for my friend being there... I may have had to barricade my self in. D:

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Easy! I was 7, and I was facing...... IT! From Resident Evil 4.... I had nightmares and just flipped the hell out. If it wasn't for my friend being there... I may have had to barricade my self in. D:

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say it was this guy:




Honestly,that was the only enemy that managed to give me the creeps.Still shudder at it some...

Edited by CaptainBlue808
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I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say it was this guy:




Honestly,that was the only enemy that managed to give me the creeps.Still shudder at it some...

Yes... It is... And I hate those bucking things! Fudge! Oh and the invisible bugs in the sewers!!! Those freaked me out! D: I hated those... Yet, it was a great game. :)

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Watch the video and many of you will understand. 


The whole story of lavender town and all the death of those children cause by listening to the lavender town music just gives me chills. This is by far the scariest video game enemy I faced and pokemon yellow was one of the first games I ever played when I was younger.



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My god... I just remembered Lisa Trevor from Resident Evil zero. She looks incredibly disturbing with her mother's face stitched to her own which looks battered. The thing that creeped me out the most was the way she says "mother" when she dies. It sounds like she smoked 20 packets of cigarettes while having a cold.

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Not scary as it caused me fear, but scary as in disturbing. The final boss of Deus Ex: HR. Here's a quote from the wiki.



"A single Hyron Project consists of an enormous quantum supercomputer (Hydra) fused to multiple human beings (Drones) that have been heavily modified to connect with the Hydra. The Drones allow the supercomputer to think abstractly, store huge amounts of data and be somewhat self-aware.

Drones are produced through a painful and deadly process. They are first hand-picked from the population due to genetic predispositions that make them more likely to fuse with the Hydra. Upon being selected, they have their spinal cord severed and replaced with the proper ports to connect, but this has an overwhelmingly high failure rate. The few that do survive past the operation are inserted into metal pods, where they contribute to the project as a whole. Due to the same glial tissue rejection syndromes that most augmentees suffer, even the drones that survive surgery rarely live more than a year"


Also in the disturbing category, most the enemies in "The Binding of Isaac."


But the scariest enemy I've faced is probably those plastered up spider splicers in Bioshock. Completely silent, they appear behind you in strange poses before attacking.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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