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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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I don't like how precious bronies get when someone pokes fun at them. It's important to be able to laugh at yourself and, for me, the inability to do so suggests that you subconsciously believe you're doing something wrong by engaging with this fandom. You're not. Bronies are a-okay.

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I pretty much the dislike of some bronies that are just OBNOXIOUS about ponies, like.. sir... please we all know you love applejack... calm down, A.K.A from what I heard they are called "ponyfags" but I don't like calling my own kind fags

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I feel that out of all of the fandoms I've been a part of, I feel that this community has a lot more people who go crazy at everything!


Well yeah, the Twilicorn thing was a big to-do about nothing imo, with that said though on the flipside of your comment I have found that this community can also be surprisingly tolerant.

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Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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Ponyfags are absolutely horrendous in my opinion. I strongly dislike Cloppers, too. And there is a mix between the two, also. I run into lots of Pony Porn on the Internet, and when I state that I dislike it, they try to shove their opinions down my throat.


Thanks to Dopey Hooves!

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I dislike quite a few things and it actually made me leave a website for a short while, but that was a while back and I'm glad that's over.


I dislike people who flame others for not liking the show. Me, a friend and my brony friend was in a skype chat and he continuously pestered my friend because she didn't like mlp. It was irritating how they kept saying 'WHY NOT GIVE IT A CHANCE' Geez, let people like what they want -.-


Another thing is where people go crazy as hell over a certain character and say they're married to said character. It's a show... they aren't real people and it's quite disturbing especially when they're talking to you about them like they're right there with you. (Such as 'Oh haha Dash just fell over brb while I help her up') >.<


I don't so much mind the pervy stuff as long as people aren't forcing me to look at it. Cloppers I don't care for either, people will be people and unfortunately we can't all have our own way in the end. There's porn of everything, heck even spongebob is probably a victim but like I said, nothing you can do about that...


I do not like how people are always judging alicorn OCs. Just because they're alicorn doesn't mean they're overpowered OR a princess. Sure, most people who do make alicorn OCs usually do it for fun and might I add NOT to fit into the show ponies. Let people do as they please and for gods sake stop arguing about nonsense.


It makes me sad how things like this can turn this community into something bad. I just wish everyone would get along.

Edited by Smushins
  • Brohoof 4



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I now hate the idea that a brony should Love and Tolaerate just cause:


Not because we're human.


Not because it's a decent thing to do


Because we watch a TV show


Plus their idea of Love and Tolerate is very skewed

"Just because you watch a certain television show, you're not allowed to be aggressive at all. A brony should be a saint, and eager to passively aggressively get on everyone's nerves about how "nice" they are. And our entire fandom is like that too, you know. Not a single one of us are ever going to be mean to you, so if one is, please inform him that he's breaking our primary tenet and is therefore, not a true brony."


Fuck that.



EXACTLY! Children should not be taught that not everything can be explained. Everything has a cause and therefore that cause can be found. This sort of thinking is what stifles progress. How bad would it be if doctors and scientists didn't even try to find a cure for cancer as they believed that a cure was just out of reach, beyond our understanding and therefore they should resign themselves to never attempting to discover it? EVERYTHING can be explained if only we work hard at finding the explanation.


It's not even a deep analysis, it was my first impression. This is the same for all the other bronies which are appalled by the message this episode conveyed; at face value it is anti-intellectual. That is all I will say on the subject as it is off-topic.

Man, not hard to see which exact team you were on during those little heated debates. The message was not about blinding yourself to the 'glorious' way of logic, it was about not getting in people's faces, ranting to them about how something is impossible. Remind you of anything? It should.

Edited by Mzukiller
  • Brohoof 3

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I hate how in my country being a brony is slowly becoming a trend of spoiled 10 year old kids, so nowadays pretty much anyone can call themselves bronies even if they only do it to be "cool" so they adopt is as a lifestyle.

I also really really dislike it when people go nuts over buying merchandise and stuff, bu that's more because of personal reasons. I'm not exactly the richest guy in the world so when I see people whining about not getting a T-shirt I'm always thinking whether they have any idea what it's like being unable to afford stuff you want at all or not.

Edited by Zacharias
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  • 3 months later...

I love you guys. Bronies are awesome! BUT please bear with me as we embark on the wonderfully journey of exploring the darkest corner of my brain which houses my rants, hates, etc etc.


This isn't another annoying rant about how bronies are not fags, queers, molesters, sickos, etc. This is a rant about how bronies need to calm...the fuck...down.


Ok look, I am a brony myself. Good now that that's out of the way, if you know what a brony is, then either you are one, or you aren't. Also if you aren't, then you probably have thought that bronies are annoying. Yes, they can be. And I apologize on behalf of the ones that are.


If you don't know what a brony is, it's males generally between age 13-28 (yes those ages are correct) that enjoy My Little Pony. Perhaps you have encountered them on the internet. Very rarely, if ever, will you meet someone in real life and know they're a brony. It is something that is usually never spoken of.


But MAN do some of the other bronies piss me off!


Some bronies are pretty cool. Yet I think that many bronies are over-reactive and too in-your-face about it. It's like a brony just randomly saying "I'm a brony! ^_^." And if one person says "Who cares?" They respond by blowing up in their face and hating. Honestly no one cares.


Do you need to react like this? No! This is only giving the bronies the notorious reputation that has been plummeting towards disaster! All because some bronies can't accept that their at least a little different. Yes you are. Get over it. You can still be a normal person though.


Also, you don't need to be a die-hard brony. You don't need to eat, sleep, and breath MLP. It's ok to use a picture of Rainbow Dash as your profile picture on stuff like Team Fortress 2 SOMETIMES. Heck, I do it, it's fun. But please do not over do it.


I know I'm bashing my own fandom, I'm sorry. Really. Many bronies are really great, creative, smart people. And I solute them. To the rest of the bronies, good or bad, please don't go around annoying everyone.





  • Brohoof 2
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I love you guys. Bronies are awesome! BUT please bear with me as we embark on the wonderfully journey of exploring the darkest corner of my brain which houses my rants, hates, etc etc.


This isn't another annoying rant about how bronies are not fags, queers, molesters, sickos, etc. This is a rant about how bronies need to calm...the fuck...down.


Ok look, I am a brony myself. Good now that that's out of the way, if you know what a brony is, then either you are one, or you aren't. Also if you aren't, then you probably have thought that bronies are annoying. Yes, they can be. And I apologize on behalf of the ones that are.


If you don't know what a brony is, it's males generally between age 13-28 (yes those ages are correct) that enjoy My Little Pony. Perhaps you have encountered them on the internet. Very rarely, if ever, will you meet someone in real life and know they're a brony. It is something that is usually never spoken of.


But MAN do some of the other bronies piss me off!


Some bronies are pretty cool. Yet I think that many bronies are over-reactive and too in-your-face about it. It's like a brony just randomly saying "I'm a brony! happy.png." And if one person says "Who cares?" They respond by blowing up in their face and hating. Honestly no one cares.


Do you need to react like this? No! This is only giving the bronies the notorious reputation that has been plummeting towards disaster! All because some bronies can't accept that their at least a little different. Yes you are. Get over it. You can still be a normal person though.


Also, you don't need to be a die-hard brony. You don't need to eat, sleep, and breath MLP. It's ok to use a picture of Rainbow Dash as your profile picture on stuff like Team Fortress 2 SOMETIMES. Heck, I do it, it's fun. But please do not over do it.


I know I'm bashing my own fandom, I'm sorry. Really. Many bronies are really great, creative, smart people. And I solute them. To the rest of the bronies, good or bad, please don't go around annoying everyone.





Hey, what's up? We already have a thread for discussing your problems with the brony community. Please ensure that there aren't any older threads before creating a new one. Thanks! 

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i don't like the loud in-your-face bronies. i don't like grimdark fics, Also, the whiny ones who are like "Alicorn Twilight and EG ruined the show! I'm leaving the fandom!"

Edited by cowbrony1991
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Hoo, boy, here we go:

-Militant bronies.
-The "music" scene.
-People who just can't be pleased, and make huge, epic deals out of absolutely nothing (Derpygate, Alicorn Twily, reformed Discord, whatever.) AKA, Drama Queens and Kings.
-People who absolutely insist on living up to the brony stereotype by having a neckbeard, wearing a trilby, and generally spreading awkward spaghetti everywhere they go.
-Grimdark artists.
-Doctor Whooves.
-Grimdark fans.
-Cosplayers (this might stem from my general distaste towards cosplaying in general)
-The "pony analyzers' community"
-Human-obsessed Lyra.
-People who call My Little Pony a "lifestyle". The kind of people whose entire existence revolves around this show.
-Militant anti-cloppers.
-People who bash certain members of this fandom for having romantic feelings towards these characters, and choosing to express those feelings in one way or another.


Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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Oi. Lately, I've been finding more and more negatives to the fandom. It's a real bummer, y'know?


Here's a list of things I want to see die.

1: Lyra/human obsession

2: Doctor (W)Hooves.

3: People who think they're favorite pony is better than any other pony in every single way ever.

4: People that blame Celestia for Luna's mistakes.

5: Pinkamena fans/obsession with Cupcakes

6: Grimdark/gore ponies

7: Anti-cloppers. 


There's more, but I have a bad memory.

  • Brohoof 4


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

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I can't stand the members of the fandom with the "ponies or gtfo" attitude. The ones who ditch friends, fandoms, and other interests solely because they feel ponies are literally the only thing that matters in life. I've lost a number of friends due to the fandom. Ones who I had known for quite awhile, all with differing interests and personalities. But when they became bronies, they all adopted the same exact behavior and mindset, and eventually ditched me after mocking everything that I adored or was a fan of, because it wasn't ponies. I got tired of getting ditched and treated like a defective being simply because I wasn't a brony and didn't watch the show religiously. And whenever I'd open up about it to anyone, it'd just be nothing but excuses, or passing the blame onto me, because they felt that no one in their sacred and pure fandom would ever do anything wrong.


For that reason I avoided the fandom at all costs for years, till I joined this place. It's also the reason that despite joining like 11 months ago, that I only recently became active here, as I was terrified of being harassed and humiliated for just being a casual fan, but fortunately I haven't encountered anyone here like that yet. That was part of my goal with joining this place, so I could see the community in a possitive light and prove my fears wrong, so that I could prove to myself that not all of them were that way. So thankfully I've gotten past that fear, but those kinds of people still bug me.

  • Brohoof 3
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I have posted in this thread before, but I want to give a but more insight into what annoys me about this fandom. Ever since the end of season 3, I have seen probably the worst of this fandom and it isn't very enjoyable. Despite the bullshit 'love and tolerate' attitude that many love to cling to, this turned out to be one of the most negative fanbases I have ever known. Sure, the negativity is starting to die down a bit, but it is still there regardless. Those who hate Twilicorn, or Equestria Girls, or whatever, I have seen some incredibly stupid comments from these people. I have heard that some people want to stop buying the comics thanks to the inclusion of Twilicorn. do whatever the hell you want, but in my opinion, that is unbelievably stupid.


Another thing, is the sheer arrogance from this fandom. Here is the thing, you are not special. You aren't. Not just because you are a Brony anyways. This show is amazing and there are great things that this fandom has done, but it doesn't give you the right to walk around thinking you are some special and unique human being when the reality is probably like it is for most of us, you are just average. I fully acknowledge that I am nothing special, regardless of me loving this show. I wish more people would.


Speaking of not being special, that is another thing that bothers me, people who constantly want to be special. I understand this feeling, but it gets old. People constantly trying to impress their peers and stand out and trying to be skilled in something that they obviously aren't. That is fine to try new things, but I have noticed some jumping on certain bandwagons and not even really putting much time into them and going "Hey, check out what I can do!" And of course most people respond with an overly positive attitude, again, that love and tolerate nonsense. Many people put these unneeded expectations on themselves and I know this feeling well, I am fully guilty of doing this same thing but it is stupid of me and stupid of others too.


This one is random but I really hate how if I ever somehow run into another Brony randomly somewhere, they automatically assume I am in college or something. I am not, I have no plans to. I really wish people would stop asking that, but then again, many bronies also think that going to college makes you the greatest thing ever so, meh. That is another huge annoyance to me as well.


That is just some newer stuff that has come to mind, I probably retreaded stuff from before. I really hope things improve with the fandom when season 4 starts. There is nothing wrong with the show in my opinion, what is at fault is the fandom. Knowing the odds I will probably make another post if another long explanation is needed about some new annoyance. Knowing this fandom, that won't take too long. I really do want to like this fandom a lot and I do in certain ways, but I feel there is more negative than positive here.

Edited by Kyoshi
  • Brohoof 5



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Just a nitpick: basing a Background Pony's personality on trivial actions that really don't lead to any hint of their characters traits. Basically no citations.


(Don't tell me Derpy is one of them because Lauren actually called her Ditzy before it was cannonically changed to Derpy. It was planned for her to be a clutz.)

Edited by Captain Brony (MG11)
  • Brohoof 1

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

With the power of Turkish Kung-Fu!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am glad that we are (usually) open-minded about letting more people into the fandom, but I think relentlessly trying to get others to join just makes us seem pushy and turn them off from ever watching the show completely.


The Dubstep also bugs me-we have a ton of creative talent from every corner of the artistic world but all I seem to hear (with a few exceptions) is Wubs and little else in any other musical genre...and that kind of discouraged me from looking for new Brony songs.


(Clop doesn't bother me as there's stuff like that in literally EVERY fandom-which is why Rule 34 exists in the first place-so I don't see it as that big of a deal.)


AND saying 'Everpony, Nopony, Out of Hoof, etc.' which is something that I DO NOT appreciate in the show and will not in real life.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really dislike how negative and cynical this fandom is in general. A while back, it felt like every day where I kept meeting fans who were always like "I HATE THIS SHOW NOW! I HATE THIS FANBASE! I HATE THE HUMAN RACE! AND I HATE YOU!".


Oh yeah, and I'm especially tired of the elitists. And the Faust/Unicorn Twilight purists. And the clopper haters. ...And the people who honestly think MLP gore is the worst thing ever.

  • Brohoof 4


Comet's still best boi. <3

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People who over analyze the show far too much and get into absolutely dumb arguments about what essentially is (not trying to offend) a kids show, but which is why I love it :) It's fun, light hearted, good morals, excellent animation and characters etc etc but alot of people tend to ruin it by going into ridiculous detail about it, even to the point where the physics is wrong or something.... it's called 'FICTION' for a reason xD 

  • Brohoof 2



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












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I'm not so keen on the gore stuff in MLP.


The clopping thing you have to be careful with, nothing wrong with drawing ponies enjoying a kiss and a cuddle but ones where the pony is just being used is going abit far.  


Personally I blame artists who draw them with fantastic asses. Magazines that photoshop could learn a thing or two from these people.


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

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I am glad that we are (usually) open-minded about letting more people into the fandom, but I think relentlessly trying to get others to join just makes us seem pushy and turn them off from ever watching the show completely.


The Dubstep also bugs me-we have a ton of creative talent from every corner of the artistic world but all I seem to hear (with a few exceptions) is Wubs and little else in any other musical genre...and that kind of discouraged me from looking for new Brony songs.


(Clop doesn't bother me as there's stuff like that in literally EVERY fandom-which is why Rule 34 exists in the first place-so I don't see it as that big of a deal.)


AND saying 'Everpony, Nopony, Out of Hoof, etc.' which is something that I DO NOT appreciate in the show and will not in real life.

But things like "everypony", "out of hoof" and nopony actually makes a lot of since in their world, so it shouldn't be any reason for anyone to hate that. I really don't have any problem with clopping either because it's true that they do that with every single fandom in general just to mke them more hot, sexy, or appealing, and I'm not gonna lie, I like it, but it really doesn't matter.


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Not a fan of the Rule 34 stuff...the fandom doesn't need that. And grimdark stuff like Smile HD, and all the gorey fanfics just makes me sick...(now the amnesia mods are different because those aren't directly connected with the show, and it's very lighthearted...it's also a masterpeice) but anyway, I watch the show for its storytelling/music etc...but I also watch it because of its purity. It's a lovely show that can be epic without blood/gore, it can be well written and powerful without swearing, it can be meaningful and worthwhile with a good message, instead of only trying to achieve viewing numbers...That's what makes it unique! 


So yeah, those are my opinions...take them as you will...lol

  • Brohoof 1


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Hmm. Well, before, I used to be really rather bothered and disheartened by the MLP fandom, finding it to be ridiculous, silly, and immature all for a show that I am only really casually vested in. Now? I'm taking some of my own advice; play it cool, don't give a crap about anything that isn't important. And the state of the MLP fandom really isn't that important to me. Yet there is one thing, one thing I see that bothers me ever so slightly, and that people don't seem to realize.


It's not the fandom itself that's special or even matters in any way; it's the friends you make within it. Ponies won't be around forever and this fandom will die down at some point, I know that for sure. But people are unable to see past it at times, they're always talking about "bronies this," "bronies that." But we're all just people. And there's so much more outside of a like of MLP to us. The fandom may be a piece of shit in some parts, just like every other fandom. But it can be a thing of great beauty, a place to make wonderful friends. Not because of My Little Pony. My Little Pony is only what brings us together, only a beginning. The end result can be so much more than that. It's the people that matter, not the show, in a community. If you can see past that, then a lot of the negativity dies down. 


Then again, I can say this for any fandom, really. I don't take part in other fandoms all that much though, so take this as you will.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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