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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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Wrongness. Gabatay with wrongness so much. Also lies, that as well. Also, people failing to differentiate these two.


People going off on politics for so many years.


Being mean to Fluttershy.


People saying stuff stinks when they haven't seen it.


Sparkly vampires.


People being gross.

  • Brohoof 1

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Much of today's mainstream music is garbage. when i hear some of my friends listening to lil wayne, i die a little inside. XD

this jimmies my rustle.

  • Brohoof 3


"Colorful Rainbows catch my eye, as i see you fly across the sky.

You're like a drug that calms the mind."

Recycled sig from one of my test anims. Pay no heed.

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Well, i don't own a pair of jimmies but if i did i'd image that they rustle when my friend talks about how much he likes Geordie Shore. It might seem petty but i can't stand the people on that show. I'd sooner put a gun to my mouth than watch it.

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Much of today's mainstream music is garbage. when i hear some of my friends listening to lil wayne, i die a little inside. XD

this jimmies my rustle.


You are ... You are my hero, I always get called a hipster when I say stuff such as that, I personally hate almost any music on the radio that is poppy and repetitive, and anything that has really repetitive rap. Hopsin is good but people need to listen to more than just the mainstream.
  • Brohoof 3



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anytime someone refers to an AK pattern weapon as an AK47, no matter what variation it is. theres half a million variations, and theyre not all AKs damnit. grrrrr


anytime someone calls my project car a delorean/camaro/firebird/corolla/supra/celica or any other 80s hatchback that isnt what mine is.


working black fridays. cant wait...


call of duty fanboys. seriously... its not THAT good, and they repackage the same game every year and still charge you $60 a pop for it.

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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what rustles my jimmies is when i see a whole family with super high-tech stuff (Ipads, Iphones, etc.)

and I'm just sittin' there not even with a smartphone in my hands


You are ... You are my hero, I always get called a hipster when I say stuff such as that, I personally hate almost any music on the radio that is poppy and repetitive, and anything that has really repetitive rap. Hopsin is good but people need to listen to more than just the mainstream.


Nice...I feel the same too


why everyone be able to read these post with out being a hater? or at least listen to something new I'm tired of this world

  • Brohoof 2


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pre-high school kids with smart phones. nice, you have a phone that costs as much as the average month of rent for a small cramped apartment.


and fuck touch screens. im not giving up buttons till i absolutely have to.

  • Brohoof 3

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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-modern music, movies, tv series sucks

-modern "cakes" coz those things are an abomination and I don't consider them to be cakes unless they use unbleached flour, real butter and hand made cream.

-any video game made by big corporations like EA/Activision/Ubisoft/etc

-religious extremists

-roman catholic church because they're more like a mini government here


anytime someone refers to an AK pattern weapon as an AK47, no matter what variation it is. theres half a million variations, and theyre not all AKs damnit. grrrrr


So true, it pissed me off when FPSRUSSIA calls a semi auto made in nevada rifle an ak 47.I really loved the fixed bayonet chinese copy.

  • Brohoof 1
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Also, it rustles my Jimmies when parents use (insert any disorder here) as reasoning to let their kid misbehave. I'm sick and tired of parents who think disorders that their children have relieve them of their responsibilities, if your kids aren't behaving you should take care of it instead of burderning everyone around you and generally not caring.


Silly people. You can't "get" autism. You're born wit it!


As for what justles my rimmies, rustles my jimmies, that's kind of a hard question. Not much gets me all grrrr'd.


Um... people who think Linkin Park is for 12-year-olds. Lolno. I'd say they're more of a teenage angsty-type thing, not preteen angsty-type thing.


Trolls. Yes. They just anger me with their troll logics.


The Water Temple


My brother.


That's all I can think of right now.


Exactly, my brother does have Aspergers (to say, the least severe disorder on the Autism spectrum) but still, it actually offends me when people say vaccines cause it, lots of these people didn't have to deal with the effects of it personally, but I did. So when people make up things like that it really gets on my nerves.

  • Brohoof 1


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Gender roles, gender stereotypes, anyone who isn't completely gender-blind is annoying to me. Even the smallest ammount of gender-based bias is enough to piss me off. People just can't seem to be impartial about these things, FiM has a mostly female cast because young girls are too narrow-minded to relate to males and respect them as valid role models, and the parents are too stupid to teach them otherwise. Some bronies complain about the lack of male characters because they're also too narrow-minded to relate to female characters...

I see both feminists and men's rights activists who talk a good game, but act like chauvinists in practice because they're too biaised.

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Spamming unfunny memes actually bothers me. Basically memebase/9gag shit annoys me internetwise.


Idk, in other situations. I'm fickle. One moment I'll be laughing at a joke and the next moment it's like, the exact same joke pissed me off. Basically you catch me in the wrong mood and everything will ruffle my johnnies.


Oh oh also, people who self diagnose themselves with Aspergers to make excuses for whatever stupid crap they think they "can't" do. I know Autistic people who actually try to be social and don't use it as an excuse to stop them.

Edited by sleepyhead.
  • Brohoof 1


I like dollies.

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Situations at work where you do something wrong (or get blamed for somebody else's mistake, which has also happened to me) on a one-in-a-million occurrence (I'm generally a very careful attention-to-detail person) and then the person who sees it explodes and act like it's something you do all of the time. Of course, never taking into account all of the good work you do. Or caring about the other people who constantly make the same mistake, and not unintentionally. (In my case it is unintentional, like this last time I got distracted, by the orders of a manager with that) But boom! A totally one-time thing and all of the sudden the person is treating me like dirt and like it's a mistake I make everytime I work there.


Oh well, it wasn't even a manager who got onto me. They aren't jerks. I did make an error and it was really my fault. I just get annoyed that it happens just once when I've avoided making it so many other times and all of the sudden I'm talked down to like I never avoid making it.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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ya know what really grinds my gears Diane? having to work on black friday. i have to stay up late and get less sleep so i can go out at midnight and buy discounted ammunition. then go to work and deal with the shit-hat public with minimal sleep, all while patiently waiting for the day to end so i can hit the range and have some gun-fun. yup... november 23rd is gonna suck.

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Gangsters rustle my jimmies. Srsly, when they walk around with their pants to their ankles and their pistols in their boxers, it just makes my jimmies rustle all over the place.


And people who get offended really easily. It's the internet, and it's not going to change or get censored just because somebody rustled your jimmies a little bit.



Or when people say that tablets in general will replace PCs.


I don't know whether that's the truth or not, but I really hope not. I really do not care for touch screen technology. PCs are perfect just the way they are!


Posted Image


One of the reasons why I don't like windows 8. It's basically Microsoft giving into that preconceived notion (Since Windows 8 is basically just a tablet with a keyboard)

Edited by Driku12
  • Brohoof 3
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Hmm things that rustle my jimmies ...


My jimmies are rustled when I hit my funny bone.


My jimmies are rustled when my laptop shuts down for no apparent reason.


My jimmies are rustled when I see a four year old with a smartphone and complaining about how he does not have anything cool.


They rustle them to no end.

Edited by Rainbowdash20%
  • Brohoof 3

No one is more qualified than you are to decide how you live; no one should be able to vote on what you do with your time and your potential unless you invite them to. ”

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A top contender that Really Rustles My Jimmies


People who HAVE to buy the newest Apple product. Like the Ipad mini



The Ipad having the Ipad MINI. Seriously WTF is wrong with people these days its a tablet why do you need to have an even smaller one apparently selling 3 million. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57545123-37/ipad-mini-eating-into-ipad-sales/ I don't really care what people do with their money, but when I hear this I just cant, the very idea of this boggles my mind to critical melt down. I mean The Ipad is a smaller and easy labtop so to say. A freakin mini, I'm sorry theres a line of being a buyer and just a complete and idiotic SHEEP. Seriously I can go on more about this stupid thing and the stupid sheep.


If you bought the Ipad mini and don't own the previous one then okay. I guess but still I guess this all boils down to apple products doing nothing with updates and just makes a so called new product when they could easily update the previous one. Already on the 5 generation of Iphone. Apple is the company I can't understand and the people that have to buy every product from them.


I have a head ache from this, if only you knew the pain I get when it comes to Apple and dumb fanbase


So.... pretty much this is one thing that REALLY and I mean REALLY not the oh really but the DAMN really Rustled my jimmes.



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The ignorant fools of society. Those who blindly follow others without asking themselves why. Those who are capable of achieving, but refuse to and still complain. Those who have the opportunities to learn, to read, to make themselves a better person, one that is a true value to society, one that is worth their cost.


Also, people who get bodyshots with the Hitman's Heatmaker or Bazaar Bargain. That's just plain wrong. I don't mind Machina bodyshots, its meant to get them, and missing with the stock is understandable, but the Heatmaker and the Bazaar are meant to get headshots!

  • Brohoof 3



I feast on the words of great authors,

Drink the emotions and thoughts of the characters,
And sleep only once I am through with all of the stories.
It's not the ideas that make books relevant,
It's the READERS.

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Most of these are about people,but hey.You cant love and tolerate everything.

*Facebook,and what happens on facebook(Thank celestia I got rid of my facebook)

*Little bugs

*People on Xbox live who ragequit

*people who abuse the word "Swag",and "yolo"(If you use the word swag or yolo from time to time,thats fine by me)

*Fags in dodge ball who ask you for the ball all the time(This makes dodge ball useless)

*People who have to make a big deal over the little useless things in life

*When people are on their phone ALL the time

*When people tell you they want to buy your stuff when you dont even want to sell it(This really pisses me off.Don't even attempt it on me)

And the list goes on........................


Edited by Flutter derps
  • Brohoof 3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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