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What's so great about growing up? Is it inevitable?


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hello there folks! 

(Last post of the night I promise). 


I just wanted to learn your views about ageing in the real world, culture and what you think it will be like growing older. Obviously a big part of the 'crusade for cutie marks' is about the young philly's finding out who they are and what their place is in the world. The older pony's seem to have their lives and careers sorted out, something I'm sure even some 'adults' admire. 


My dad's generation would shun anything animated calling it 'childish' but I see no good reason why age should dictate what media you should enjoy. I also don't really think the adult world is much fun. You're expected to work, earn money and watch it vanish into thin air. You're normally banned by conversion of enjoying many activity's younger people enjoy. You've got to get up early, do housework, look for jobs, go shipping, wear an uncomfortable suit, sit on trains, eat healthily, stay clean, watch what you say, I dunno.... in short it seems darn dull!


of course it's fun to go out clubbing and stuff, (but I hardly ever do), Alcohol's not all that great, it seems many adults need it to suppress all the adult nonsense with alcohol to have some fun, but it's unhealthy and it's not much fun passing out and getting sick. :P Remember when they installed the helterskelter slides at the Tate modern? Adults loved them! Why aren't there adult play areas? also why is there so much fear and age discrimination? Children are taught to fear adults (especially men), some old people fear teens, it's like we are all rat's in a tiny cage all stressed out and anxious, the groups making up society teased into hating every other groups.


Is it just me or do others feel the same way? Also how old are you and what are your views?

  • Brohoof 17


Courteously crafted by the illustrious Vinyl Scratch13!

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Well my age is 15, and I'm really starting to learn about reality from my parents, since my dad did not teach me the meaning of life and what we need to survive. I learned that, life isn't all about fun and games, it is about earning money, getting a good education, get a job, and wake up early for school. I really find that what my parents told me was true but, I think life isn't all serious including that you can have fun and have a good life balance them both out. Not the best view, but you know.

  • Brohoof 2
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Dang.  You make sense.

I'm almost 16(Two weeks till my birthday :D) and I still jump around excited and spaz out(only occasionally).  The way I see it, children have it the best.  The way the view the world, is just unrivaled.  While I am a child at heart, I can become the incredibly serious (excuse my lack of a better word) "tight-wad" if needed.  But all in all, I live life like a kid to be able to enjoy it as best I can.

  • Brohoof 3

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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When I was a kid all I wanted to do was grow up; to escape all of the nonsense at school and achieve something real. Now I'm an adult  and I know that growing up sucks. Taxes, traffic, filling out paperwork, traffic, being held responsible legally for your actions, nagging bosses, annoying jobs, relationship problems, and a lack of free time are just a handful of the things to look forward to in addition to ageism. And to make it worse, people are just as stupid, hateful, and immature as they were in high school. I'm 19 and still in college, so maybe things get better later. I do have to admit, I do like the freedoms and opportunities which have come with age.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm 29 and turning 30 this June...


*double face palms, screams, and jumps out a window*


Yeah, I'm old, no way I can be called a kid anymore. And as many times as I tell myself that 30 is just a number, its still pretty... well... horrorfying is the word I feel inclined to use. Being a grown up has NOT been fun at all and I wish almost every day to be younger again or at the very least to stop getting older. In fact part of the reason I seek refuse in childish things like MLP and cartoons from my childhood is so that I can feel young again. Yeah I have a house and a job, but I'm probably going to be losing my house if I can't get full time at work (they only give me part time), and I have yet to find another job in my area that will give me full time... I mean when you're a teenager you wish and you hope that you're never in a stressful money situation like that when you get older, than it ends up happening anyway. Yeah, being a grown up sucks.


Oh but thats just me, individual results may vary. Part of my problem is I've got clinical grade depression and have had it since I was 13, and I'm highly misanthropic, so of course my adult life is colored by those things.

  • Brohoof 5

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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There are a great amount of pros and cons when it comes to growing up and what you grow up to be. If you're getting a job that you love and you have a fun/stable relationship, yeah being an adult is amazing! But then, what if you don't get a good job and your life overall sucks?


As for the child point of view, adults can do whatever they want. But children don't have to pay bills or work for money. Yeah you have boring school, but you have a lot of freedom as a child than you do as an adult.


Is it inevitable? No, it isn't. Adults have the right and need to be childish at points, but there are some real creeps out there that take that too far.

Edited by Retro_Derpy
  • Brohoof 1


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Getting a bigger amount of years behind you isn't like a score, the higher it gets doesn't necessarily mean you have achieved any more :)


My general opinion is...it's what you've DONE with your life. Ok, look at what Mozart did, playing piano at the age of 4 with virtuoso skill. Whereas there's likely many 40 year olds sat stuck in their armchair having never done anything dynamic or interesting since the dya they filled out their mortgage application form.


That said, getting older gives you more opportunity to lead a more interesting life. If you're 13, you have little chance of going Skydiving. 

Sure, adulthood brings a lot of negativity with it. Taxes, work, responsibility, SO MANY FORMS, but it also comes with things such as living on your own, learning to develop yourself as a person, learning to depend on yourself and not other people.


Also, driving!


Sometime I think it'd be nice to be twelve again, where my only care in the world was what was the fastest way to train my Pokémon. But I've had a taste of adulthood, and to be frank I'm gllad I'm here.


Just because you've grown up, though, doesn't mean you have to grow up - you're still free to do things you did as a kid! Heck, I still play Minecraft! And although adulthood comes bearing lots of boring stuff, you're sure to find a lot of interesting stuff packed in with it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Age of 26 here, if someone tells me if there's an opportunity for me to go back and claim to become a kid again, I will flat out reject such offer as I am perfectly content with the situation I am under. Part of being a child is that we feel that our life was easy because the society doesn't expect us the bear the burden of being responsible for ourselves and others because we are still very much ignorant in such stage of life.


Right now I've reached a point where I fully understand the unforgiving nature of responsibility and the weight of consequence that comes with my own actions. But at the same time I know that such heavy weight of what we must carry in our life comes with an opportunity that most of us ignores, an opportunity to become something else, possibly something more than what we currently are. I have no desire to look back at my childhood, what's ahead of me is far more important then thinking about the 'easy' times I had.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think we need an entirely new definition of "growing up" I am not saying we shouldn't try to be responsible by doing things such as paying the bills and showing up to work on time but with good jobs and opportunities becoming increasingly rare and many college degrees no longer being worth the paper they are printed on being a grown up increasingly means that you have to be stuck in a dead end job sucking up to corporate stooges who don't give a damn about you for a few cents which are barely enough to get you by much less support an actual family should you choose to have one. I am not against hard work and sacrifice, I am against getting screwed by a bunch of greedy degenerate parasitic scum who are manipulating the system by buying off politicians to suck off us the hard working average people who are working our asses off.


And I am against the idea that we need to become these mindless drones who must conform to some arbitrary idea of being the ideal "grownup" who is above watching cartoons but is not above crying like a baby when their sports team loses or obsessing over the celebrity infotainment culture which is a thousand times more childish and immature  than any cartoon.

  • Brohoof 2
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I am 18 and so far I hate being an adult. When I was younger I couldn't wait to be out of school, but as soon as I started looking at colleges I realized that the one thing I wanted more than anything was to stay in school and for life to continue the same way forever.


I sort of look forward to graduating college so I can get a dog, but... That's basically the only reason. I hate being an "adult". I hate the freedom. I hate the independence. I've always been a scaredy cat but now everytime I see something bad on the news like a murder or robbery my brain translates every strange noise into someone breaking in.


I'm still a kid at heart and probably always will be. My friends and I were the group that didn't quite fit in with the other students so we will probably never fully grow up but... I don't really know. Thinking about the future just kinda makes me depressed because I can't really see how I will survive in the "real world".

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm 15 and I'm going to be 100% honest, I don't want to grow up one bit, heck I'm almost scared to grow up in a sense.


Acording to almost everyone whos out of Highschool I've ever met(Adults and people just out of college) They always say that Highschool is the best years of your life. And if thats so well that kinda sucks. And its got a good probability to be true, I mean whats to look forward to when your out of Highschool? Oh guess what you get to work your but off in a job and have to provide for yourself all the time. Plus if your working(which chances are you will be, unless you have rich parents) Then your going to be either to tired or to busy to do anything fun anymore :/.


And if Highschool is the best years of your life, then whats to even look forward to in life after highschool? I mean you can do whatever you want if you have the money and time, and its not illegal, but that doesn't sound like it offers many possibilities.


And when I leave highschool I won't have the ablity to see the people I go to school with everyday anymore, sure I'll have college people to see, but then I move from there and I'm stuck in a workplace! And its simply not the same as a highschool.


I don't want my highschool years to end, if there the best years of my life, then send me straight to Neverland! I want to stay young!


But seriously, this is almost depressing me. I don't want to grow up at all >_>. And time passes by so fast...

  • Brohoof 4


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Meh. I'm.....oh hell, I'll just say it. I will be 32 the end of this month. 
Certainly parts of growing up blew. Sometimes it still does. I mean, who likes to get an electricity bill for $200? I don't like it when I have to put money towards my car that I was planning on spending on something fun. But, there are merits. 
I have my own place. I do what I want, and I still do fun things. I go out to parties, a club now and again, love going to roller derby, splurging money on Pony stuffs. I have a 2 year old, that I can teach what I know; that you can always believe in the magic, weather you are 2 or 32. 

  • Brohoof 3
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For me I don't really know. I'm 19 and a freashman in college and honestly I'm only kinda worried of my future. I don't really have a lot I freinds with me anymore since most of them moved away a while ago. I don't know what's ahead of me. I still live with my parents because A) I didn't get enough scholarship money to live on my own or a dorm B ) I can't get a job that will fit in my already demanding college schedule C) I don't have my own car, my families financial status is fine, but we can't afford to have more then 2 cars that and i don't have a job.

However for me my childhood wasn't all that great. From 3rd grade to my freshman year of high school I was picked on, left out of anything, and never felt safe. In case your wondering I was picked on for my ethnicity (I'm Hispanic) and nothing else. First day of Fresman year second class I get picked on when I said or did nothing. I didn't even have with me anything to say something like I'm a batman fan or my fsvorite ban is this or something. So my childhood and teenage experience wasn't all that good.

I don't know what's ahead of me and that worries me sometimes. But most of the times I tend to look at the present and hope for the best when the times comes. I may not have the experiences that other have had, but I don't go into depression thinking about it. For me life comes with conflicts and it is in life that we try to conquer these conflicts an be greatful for the good we have in our lives. It is only when we see what we have that we realize that life does indeed have its beauty.

Edited by Phoenix237
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  • Smoking is cool
  • Being drunk is cool
  • Adutlhood means $$$
  • Driving is so awesome
  • Maturing is necessary
  • Being and adult is great
  • There is gold at the end of the rainbow
  • SEX



  • Smoking sucks
  • Being drunk is not even close to what you think
  • Yes you got $$$ no you cant spend it all on videogames
  • Yes is awesome... in a nice car and a city where you own the only car. good luck with that
  • Maturing is not necesary, buck yea!!!!
  • Being an adult kind of sucks
  • There is no gold at the end of the rainbow
  • Work to make your dreams come true is something really awesome
  • SEX


Go ask your parents if you dont believe me FACT: They will lie 


To all young bros there enjoy your time, go out, play, study, forge friendships, and be awesome your time is now don’t spend it in wrong ways going for something you will reach sooner or later. 

Edited by Colt
  • Brohoof 2
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im only 17, but i can clearly tell that the older you grow, the more life will suck, taxes, work, no time, no money, being forever alone, but there are perks, no parents telling you to wear your sweatshirt, or put on your pants, going to bed whenever, no parental controls, that feeling when youre able to tell your parents "No" without the fear of being grouned


as for growing up, it is inevitable, unless you have rich parents who will tolerate you being a bum, which doesnt really exist anywhere


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To put it as simply as I can.


Pro's of growing up:


Your parents can't tell you what to do anymore.

You have more freedoms and things you are allowed to do; you make your own choices regarding these things.


Con's of growing up:


Everything else.

  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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im only 17, but i can clearly tell that the older you grow, the more life will suck, taxes, work, no time, no money, being forever alone, but there are perks, no parents telling you to wear your sweatshirt, or put on your pants, going to bed whenever, no parental controls, that feeling when youre able to tell your parents "No" without the fear of being grouned


as for growing up, it is inevitable, unless you have rich parents who will tolerate you being a bum, which doesnt really exist anywhere


I somehow feel there maybe a connection here............Maybe you should put on a shirt and pants.


I don't see how growing up means forever alone.    

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm afraid your suspicions are correct, wartorious. I'm 27 years old and I can tell you that growing up is not that great. Many things you looked forward to about being a grownup come with a string attached: a bill, a boss, a headache in the morning. ^_^ And many things you took for granted as a kid, you will wish you had back. It doesn't matter how well things are going now, your grandparents are still going to say it was all so much better when they were young. And it's always that way.


Nobody really grows up as much as they think. Some adults are just kids who lost hope. But many of us have found it in new places. For me, one of those places is a show called "My Little Pony." I view adulthood as the freedom to pursue what I once had, or wish I had, as a child.

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 4

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Growing up sucks. Wish I could stay 15 for ever, not having to ever find a job or my own place, have my parents do most of the stuff for me. All the kids my age wanna be like grown up or something, even though I'd hardly say dressing slutty and being an alcoholic means being grown up. But I saw NAY! I don't want to. And I'm perfectly happy. 



  • Brohoof 1
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Being a teen has it good and bad ways, my friend once told me this quote from someone "Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional". 

Never forgot what he told me lol, when I do become an adult I hope I still stay the happy, fun-loving teen I am today.

Edited by Rainbow Dash Loyalty
  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Being an adult is awesome. I have a job, I have money, I have rights, I can drive. It's great.


I don't know why so many people hate growing up. Just because you're older, doesn't mean you have to let your inner child die. Look at me, I'm 19, and many people on here thought I was 13 until I told them otherwise. You can still have fun, you just have obligations now.


I can't wait to grow up even more. The new experiences of college and adult life are chock full of surprises, all waiting for me to uncover them.

  • Brohoof 3
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im 21 and i want to say i have had a harsh life but that would make me sound...something. Anywho My Grandma always told me never grow up. i grew up and the harsh realities of the world came crashing down. Half my family is dead or hates me i cant get a job cause i have no experience and vice versa. Smoking to me is nothing special. i smoke 1 cigerette every week so im not addicted, which you will be if your not strong. I bought mself a truck that eats up gas Gas rhgt now is $3.49 a gallon. my truck holds 20 gallons if you do the math you will come to see that $50 each week is not worth it.  Several friends died due to drinking.

When im not wallowing in self-pity i look back to the days of when i was 10-17 and i think to myself, i wish i was a kid again

  • Brohoof 1

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Well I feel this is something I will be condemned for but...here goes. 


I've always been told that i'm mature for my age, for example when I was 12, people would say they thought I was about 16 - I dont LOOK that old, but it's the way I acted apparently. When I hit 16 and left school, things got a little awry. I've always struggled settling in to new places and new things, I took a college course in games design that I never saw past a month. 


At 17 I wasted the year away doing absolutely nothing, almost wallowing in self-pity. 

Now i'm 18 though, the reality of the situation has hit me like a runaway train. There's not much you can do to bridge the gap from school to work once you've blown it off for 2 years. 


I've never really looked forward to growing up, I suppose it's just because I have my comfort zone and I dont want to leave it. 

I dont want to have to spend 7,8,9+ hours a day working to earn money to keep a roof over my head, I still want to be a child and have fun doing things I used to do. But sadly the reality of the situation is that to live in this work-a-day world we have, you actually need to work-a-day away, there's no time to be a child anymore, but the times you do get you just cherish all the more. 


That being said, I still dont have a job or a proper college course yet xD 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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