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Symbolism in MLP:FIM and hidden knowledge


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 Your brillant really amazing thread ! the only thing I noticed in the show that was supremly math related was the dna helix and the math symbols on the chalk borads( which is proably because im really bad at math eccept geography) but i did notice some physcoligical symbols in the show which ive noticed before but took a site(that i dont know the name of anymore) after searching to fully convince me the mane six characters to me were so precise ... almost to precise tho be councidental like other than there elments and the elments connected to there shapes theres also a phhyscoligal condition that they each have which makes the more human that way they can sill be funny but belivable most of them are obvious like twilights ocd but pinkipies which I think instead of scrisophenia or multiple personality disoders she might have of attention disorder ( i dont mean atention disoder as  not being attentive but as needing it which became obvious to me in hindsight).


Ive also heard that cadences name was used in this day aria as the beat of the song was diffrent cadences named that reflect the scenario it was in equstria daily and a comic (sadly I dont know where either is) same thing with bbbff http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/day-arias-hidden-meaning.html


theres also alot of refrences I could name in the show (scince these is hidden knowledge a bit)


mi amore cadenza is translated to my love cadence but it also was used as the full name of the princess in a show and book called princess diares


sweet elite seems to have alot of refrences and symbols to art

 mostly art in pony form in that glallery im sure ive saw the middle one in human form

im sure theres some ostroligy cirlcles present as the prophecy windows seen every season mostly in sweet elite but present in other seasons


and ive always wondered why twilight cuitemark had six stars now instead of 5 when she became a alicorn or how it beambed in the sky sommehow it reminds me of somthing.... 

Edited by pinkieshyrose
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Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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which is proably because im really bad at math eccept geography)


People are bad at math because math is often very badly taught at schools. (I'm planning to make a change in this matter with my new pony fanfic, but it's still work in progress).


When at college & undergraduate, I was very bad at math too. I passed the whole curriculum only by chance. But when my official education ended, and unsolved questions remained, I started learning myself from the Internet. When I didn't understand something, I switched to another page about that subject, until I reached something I understood. And I took a strategy that if one wants to master something, one needs to learn from the masters. That is, from people who already know the matter excellently, in theory as well as in practice. I started to watch video recordings of lectures from the leading universities, like MIT, Caltech, Princeton, Harvard etc. And I have learned more from them in several weeks than from the around fifteen years of curriculum at different schools. Then I realized that it was nothing wrong with me, but with the teachers. I especially recommend prof. Walter Lewin's lectures about Physics and Caltech's series "The Mechanical Universe". They're all on YouTube for free, go figure ;-)


As to your problems with math, geography is actually a good place to start, because it's all about geometry. And geometry is the real basis of all maths. All the different relationships between numbers and formulas could be visualized through geometry and then understood. For every formula I encounter, I always try to make a geometrical representation somehow, and it has never let me down so far. For example, I once figured out how to represent short multiplication formula (a+b )2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab graphically:




I was very excited, because this was something original. I've never found anything such in the Internet nor any math book (If I did, I wouldn't have to invent it myself). But after my discovery, this picture started to appear all over the Internet, and now it's even on Wikipedia. And after some more time I've found the very same picture in Euclid's "Elements":




It made me sad and happy simultaneously: sad that someone was first :-P and happy that I'm stomping on tracks of ancient wisemen ;->


Using geometry to understand math is very rewarding: you can not only understand school math thanks to geometry, but actually you can do better than that!: You can convert equations to images and then use your imagination to perform calculations in your head :-) Like, for example, solve quadratic equations in your head, without the need of cumbersome school methods & complicated formulas.


Once I saw a good comparison of our education system's approach for math, to a country where there are lots of great musicians who can write musical scores which are true masterpieces, but there's a catch: the actual performing music is forbidden there. One can write notes, but cannot sing them or play. So even if they can compose music and write them as scores, they will never understand what music really is. Same goes with mathematicians in our world: they know how to write mathematics in a form of formulae, but they rarely understand the geometry behind it (if they consider this idea at all).


Ive also heard that Cadence's name was used in "This Day Aria" as the beat of the song was different cadences named that reflect the scenario it was in Equestria Daily and a comic (sadly I dont know where either is). Same thing with BBBFF http://www.equestria...en-meaning.html


Wow, thanks for this reference! :-> Another piece to my collection.

To be honest, I knew that there's something... odd... with the songs in that episode, and I know music theory, but I haven't connected these dots. Now I see the connection very clearly :-)


It wasn't actually about the rhythm, but chords.


In music theory, a chord is a combination of notes which sound harmonious together and fit to the key. Chords in a key (or tonation) are designed with roman numerals according to the note they start with.


In each key there are three main chords: chord I (called tonic) starts from the first note, chord IV (called subdominant) starts from the fourth, and chord V (called dominant, because it "dominates" in the key, making a feel of increased tension) starts from fifth. (And this choice of chords also isn't arbitrary: fourth and fifth are two major harmonics of the base frequency of the key, so they're the most harmonious).


Next, there's something called "cadence of chords" which dictates which chords are the "most likely" to appear next. When you progress the chords from the tonic up to the dominant, it increases the tension, and the listener is expecting that this tension will be relieved in the next part by returning back to home, that is, to the tonic chord. As for example I -> IV -> V -> I. It's like when you hear "Shave and a haircut", it's demanding something, and the natural way to end it is "two bits" (though Pinkie Pie would probably argue that "Two bits for a shave and a haircut is outrageous! One bit is the right price!" ;-) ). Such a progression of chords is called natural/authentic/true cadence.


But when you break the combo by doing something unexpected, this is called false/deceptive cadence. Such a progression of chords also can relieve the tension, but in a different, unexpected way. It's like when you say "Shave and a haircut" to someone, and he says back "fuck you" instead of the well known response ;-)


The song you've mentioned is played in Db (or D flat, which is D lowered by a semitone) major key (that is, happy sounding), which consists of the notes Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, and back to Db. The first chord (I) in this key, or tonic, is Db+F+Ab, that is, Db chord. The fourth (IV), or subdominant, is Db+Gb+Bb, that is, Gb chord. And the fifth (V), or dominant, is Eb+Ab+C, that is, Ab. So the authentic cadence would be I -> IV -> V -> I, that is, Db -> Gb -> Ab -> Db. But Daniel Ingram did chose to surprise us instead: instead of going back to I, he went to the vi (sixth) chord Db+F+Bb, that is, Bbm (or Bb minor) chord, which sounds more sad, and it is the relative minor scale for Db major scale, according to the circle of fifths:




Here are two videos which explain this subject in more detail, and where you can actually hear how these deceptive cadences sound like ;-)


Deceptive cadences are quite common in western music, because they help in switching scales to make more intriguing harmony. Daniel Ingram certainly knows about it (it's quite basic thing in music theory after all). But this time he made a pun of it, by using such a deceptive cadence to foreshadow what will turn out in the episode about princess Cadence. Also, the play of true/authentic cadence and false/deceptive cadence is a part of this pun.


Here's how Kwulhu describes how he discovered this pun:


By the way, I found this little joke when I was watching the episode a second time with one friend who had seen it and one friend who had not. I heard the song end and jokingly said "Dat deceptive cadence" (I thought it was pretty). The friend who had seen the episode already said "dude, no spoilers". He had no clue I was talking about the chords XD


And there's one more reason I'd like to thank you for mentioning this thing:

When Kwulhu published his finding, there were many "skeptics" who didn't believe him, and they were telling him that he's "overthinking it". Some of them kept denying it even after Daniel Ingram admitted that this pun was intentional. Doesn't it remind you something? ;-) Or somebody? ;-) For "skeptics" I have another quote from that Deceptive Cadence thread:


"All you people saying we're 'overthinking things' are (obviously right) silly people that miss out on all the subtleties of life."

(imnewTellmeajoke @ reddit)


There's also a lot of references I could name in the show (scince these is hidden knowledge a bit)


Of course there is! MLP Wiki has lots of it listed, but mostly to the pop culture or mythology, less about symbolism or science.


"mi amore cadenza" is translated to "my love cadence" but it also was used as the full name of the princess in a show and book called "princess diaries"


LOL I read "princess diarrheas" the first time ;-D


Well, actually "Cadence" is not only a name. It has a deeper meaning too. In Latin, "cadentia" means "falling" (compare with "decadence", and also with "case" and "chance"). So it might suggest some kind of a fall. Maybe fall in love, if joined with the rest of her name.


As we're at the characters' names, I once figured out the meaning of king Sombra's name, when I noticed that many people mocked his name to be "king Sombrero" ;-) They wanted to be funny, but it turns out that they were also correct, because these words are in fact connected. Sombrero is not only a fancy name for a mexican hat, but it has a meaning in Spanish: it literally means "shade maker". Also there's a word "sombra" in Spahish which means "shadow"; probably a shorthand of the Latin word "sub+umbrare" = "in the shadow" (compare also with "umbrella" which means "small shadow" in Italian). So king Sombra is literally "shadow" or "the one who hides in the shadows" :-)


Also the queen Chrysalis has a meaning ;-) It's a Greek name for a golden-colored pupa of a butterfly, like this one here:




A pupa makes a cocoon around itself and then morph into an adult butterfly (imago). It may be related to her Changeling nature (shape shifting and working undercover).


sweet elite seems to have alot of refrences and symbols to art


Thanks for the info, I'll check that out.


when she became a alicorn or how it beamed in the sky somehow it reminds me of something....


Ohhhh... Twilicorn.... a broad subject, and very hard for me :-( I saw a thread about this episode somewhere on this forum and I'm preparing to write something more about my reflections on it. But yes, there's a lot of interesting details in this scene and following. For me, it all looks like a full-blown activation of the Merkabah without the help of the Elements of Harmony. Especially when she comes down to the ground again in a flash of light resembling the Merkaba's shape, the Star Tetrahedron. So much for now, because this post is getting long again.


Up 'til now I've only seen the show in low-def on Youtube, so details don't exactly jump out at me.


Try out Yay Ponies ;-)


The Luna/Celestia yin-yang comparison is inevitable


Not for everyone, as you could see ;-J


and I love how they chase one another, echoing the apparent path of sun and moon across the sky.


Yes. This is it. And more. Though Sun and Moon chase each other in the sky, they're not always opposite to each other. Sometimes they even meet at day, when we see a solar eclipse. But what is important in this symbolic connection of Sun/Moon to the Yin/Yang is something else: day and night. This is the real reason why the ancients chose these as symbols for the balance of the opposites. The Sun, obviously, symbolizes the day, and the Moon symbolizes night because it is mostly seen at night time, rarely in daylight, since in this case it has to be in a right position relative to the Sun to reflect enough light to our earthly eyes. And these two -- day and night -- are the true complementary opposites, which balance each other. You can draw a circular boundary around the Earth, dividing it into two hemispheres, one of which is the "day side", the other is the "night side". And these halves are always equal to each other (in balance). But we cannot perceive this balance most of the time, because our Earth's axis of rotation is tilted to the ecliptic (the plane of our Solar System). So we perceive longer days at summer, and longer nights at winter. Summer and winter are two other balanced opposites known in many cultures. You can see the use of this meaning in the "Hearth's Warming Eve" episode, where the winter is associated with the dark side of pony nature. Also, there are two key points on the Earth's orbit around the Sun, called solstices: one for summer, and one for winter. They're exactly opposite to each other on the Earth's orbit, and associated with its perihelion (the point closest to the Sun) and aphelion (the point farthest from the Sun).


There's one more connection I'd like to make here with these opposites to math (arithmetics, algebra and geometry). But I'll left it for other occasion. Especially that I'm going to use it as one of the main plot devices in the storyline of my fanfic and I don't want to spoil it here ;-)


@@dekutree64: I didn't forget about you ;-) I'll send you a private message today, with some details of my fanfic, because you seem to be the right person who knows enough to be able to help me with it (if you like, of course). This will be related to the Alchemy & Hermetism stuff you asked me.

Edited by SasQ
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I, uh... Wow... Incredible! I'm about as oblivious as a 5 year old, but I love learning about symbolism and science. There's a reason I take Biology, and it's not because I'm a good student! I often don't notice the little things, and I often watch videos about such things just to see what I'm missing. I go on TVtropes, watch Vsauce as well as a few people who analyse the show... I might be oblivious, but that doesn't mean I don't like the little details, and you've pointed some of them out!

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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  • 5 months later...

Ok I study conspiracys such as Agenda 21, JFK, and 9/11... please check out these videos that point out the occult symbolism in MLP, by the way, i'v watched every episode twice:




Its the tip of the iceburg, check out channel "Truthiracy3" to see just how much occult symbolism is used by the world elite, in corporate logos, "terrorist" events, and even everyday things. Its shocking.



♪I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart...♪


This thread may very well be beyond me. To all the people who claim they noticed these symbols, I have two theories on which to call:


  1. It's bullsh*t but good for you.
  2. You've spent time studying these concepts.

If the latter is the case, well, there are many different kinds of knowing. And I'm a lame goat.


Still I don't quite believe the creators and animators did these symbolically suggestive references on purpose, at least not all of them. Your research and dedication to this topic is phenomenal, though, SasQ. You get good grades, I bet. Send in your research to them guys at Hasbro Studios.


Oh, and SOCAHTOA and TwilightCircuits? I love it. I love every ounce of it. More interaction, I want to see more. I could pair you guys up on some magical quest, turn it into a paperback with five sequels, and become a bestseller. But I honestly don't think you meant to offend each other. Circuits, you came off as a little overbearing there, but you're honest so that's good. Keep up your quest in discovering truth.

Well, go look at youtube channel "Truthiracy3" and tell him he is full of crap... you have NO IDEA what the new world order is all about.

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(TL;DR) That actually blew up my mind, with all of the symbolisms and the formulae and the magics and the longness and the fact that it blew up my mind. Good work, people who discovered this!



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry if I'm necroing this thread (I haven't read past the first page).

In the Celestia-masonic window comparison, the only similarity I noticed was that both feature the sun and the moon. What's the arch with the globe above Celestia's head? This may be naivety talking, but isn't Crowley's hexagram related to black magic? I thought the science diagrams were just to fit with Twilight's love of knowledge....okay, now you're making me wonder if the specific diagrams were chosen to foreshadow something.

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This may just be the best thread on the internet. Well done, SasQ!

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Sorry if I'm necroing this thread (I haven't read past the first page).

You don't have to be sorry, because this thread should have been resurrected long time ago. I described lots of symbolism and hidden messages I found, but those were mostly from Season 1 and a little bit of Season 2. Since then, I found lots more... D'uh! Two more seasons to catch up on! Long since I plan to write a follow-up article here, but I'm quite a busy guy (you know, so many knowledge out there to dig through...), so for now I just say in short that Season 4's opening has confirmed pretty well my Kabalistic Tree of Life theory related to the Elements of Harmony as depicted on Celestia's stained glass windows:




because they've put the actual tree in the episode! :-P




Could it be more "in your face"? I cannot imagine.


Oh, and there's one more little surprise I'm preparing for y'all, concerning pony genetics ;-J But that's another story...


In the Celestia-masonic window comparison, the only similarity I noticed was that both feature the sun and the moon. What's the arch with the globe above Celestia's head?

You mean this one?




Seems to me like a sphere with ring around it, probably a planet.


This may be naivety talking, but isn't Crowley's hexagram related to black magic?

Nope, doesn't seem like one to me at all. Hexagram is a six-pointed star. This one is round, ball-shaped object, with an axis of rotation and some ring/belt around it. It might be some general planet / heavenly body symbol, but it could be also more exact: what is the most known planet with such a ring? Saturn, of course. And this planet appears in many ancient myths as a symbol of time, and is related to measuring of time. According to ancient myths, Saturn is the one which "gives us the measure" (of time and space). It might be related to the fact that this was the outermost planet visible on the night sky, with the slowest period, so every other planet's motion could be referred to it in comparison, and its motion expressed as a ratio to the motion of Saturn.


So from the top of my head, this little Saturn-like shape above Celestia's head may symbolize her celestial connection and timelessness / immortality. I'd compare it with other celestial symbolism pictured on the stained glass windows in her palace. There's a lot of curious-looking symbols I haven't cracked yet.


I thought the science diagrams were just to fit with Twilight's love of knowledge....okay, now you're making me wonder if the specific diagrams were chosen to foreshadow something.

Which science diagrams do you refer to?


As to making you wonder: That was exactly my original goal when I started this thread ;) Its goal was to inspire people to look more deeply into the matter, since there could me more than meets the eye ;) Quoting some anonymous author from Reddit:


"All you people saying we're overthinking things are (obviously right) silly people that miss out on all the subtleties of life."


This may just be the best thread on the internet. Well done, SasQ!

Thanks ;) But use your praises sparingly, because I didn't say my last word yet hahah ;D

Edited by SasQ
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  • 1 month later...

Man, I was curious to find out if anyone made similar esoteric connections between the show and the occult and your post is mindblowing. I've learned so much more!


Still going through and reading it, and re reading it, and skimming, and absorbing. It'll take a while for me to retain all this information.


I wrote a fic recently that contains an analysis of some of the occult aspects of the show, and makes a few more connections you might not have put together (specifically synchronization between the four classical elements and the japanese godai). I think you'll find it an interesting read.


It's an interpratation of how I think the elements work of course, more than likely not what the creators of the show really intended, but works out rather nicely.




Lemme know what you think!

Edited by KelGrym
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  • 1 month later...

I just read through all of your posts in this topic, @SasQ, and they are fascinating. I have a ton of interest in mathematics, spirituality, esotericism, history, and so on. Your topic exemplifies one of the many reasons why I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: how detailed it is. I don't know for sure whether or not all of this symbolism was intentional, but regardless of that fact all of this shows how much care and detail the MLP show staff put into making it. 


If this symbolism is intentional, that's really interesting. If it is, I wonder if the people who make this show are trying to instill spiritual, philosophical and scientific knowledge and wisdom into people that is becoming far too scarce in modern society.


I hope you'll make a follow-up post that goes into more detail about symbolism in seasons 3 and 4, I'd love to read it.

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Epic post, SasQ! You've pretty much left my mind blank and speechless.


I hope you'll make a follow-up post that goes into more detail about symbolism in seasons 3 and 4, I'd love to read it.


I second this.

  • Brohoof 2




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  • 1 month later...

WOW! Tonnes of knowledge! Great job, SasQ ! i like all these infos  :) . Thank you for reminding me about something that i've forgotten a long time ago by posting these stuff....to be honest, these infos...after i read it the first one, i feel kinda scared for no reason. but, now i'm ok with these.  ^_^  It's true that ancient people aren't primitive as some people thought. their intelligence are deep and complex. *that's why i like history subject! there are still many things that we don't know waiting to be discovered and spread.* 

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  • 2 months later...

Ok. I know I shouldn't say this on the internet. But come what may, I'm not the type of guy to keep my thoughts to myself.






Your first mistake is talking about religion on the internet. And my first mistake on this post is answering that, but oh well.


To put it simply: God has no effect whatsoever on your knowledge or wisdom. Usually, he's a step back, if anything. Because people who believe in some sort of god tend to just dismiss anything they don't understand as work of god, and make no effort to learn more. Of course you're different, you managed to learn a lot. Your problem is that your belief in god has made you believe you already learned everything you could learn. One does not need to find god to learn more, and there is nothing one can only learn if he believes in god.






And this is you second mistake. Believing that there is a single truth. That's an understandable mistake, since only philophers tend to discover this isn't true. What's really a shame is that you believe you know what this truth is. To be so disillusioned... (ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyi'mjustmakingmyselfatargetforflameain'tI?)


The truth is, the world is more than one thing. It is simply too big to be just one thing. And it might be true to you that the world is screwed up, but you know what? To someone else, the truth is different. To some people, it might be just like you say, to some it might be slightly different than what you say and to some it might be the complete opposite. But one way or the other, whatever you believe is the truth, that's YOUR truth, so don't assume it goes for everyone. Because the truth is not absolute, and two things that contradict themselves may both be true.






Mistake number 3. Man, I really didn't plan to make this a running theme, but you make this too easy. No you did not watch the world on every level. And even if you did, watching is not enough to understand something. You need to live it. Were you ever a hobo? A CEO perhaps? You know that "watching the world on every level", implies you did so regarding every place and every culture right? Well, tell me about the polictical situation on brazil. Yes, that is relevant, because in brazil we talk about polictics casually. Even if you didn't follow the elections you should know what people were talking about the candidates if you were "watching that level of the world".






Now, the last thing I'll talk about. This isn't a mistake you commited, it is just something I want to give my opinion on.


Why should you bother, you ask? Well, that depends. To some people, it is "the goods outweigh the bads". To others, it's "I have nothing else to do", and to others yet the only thing stopping them from committing suicide is fear of death. And you know what, I used to ask myself that question too. "Why should I even bother?", I thought. But unlike most people, I didn't stop questioning that until I got a satisfying answer. And you know the answer I got? "Why shouldn't you?"


Seriously. I don't need much motivation, so when I started thinking about both sides of the question, I realized that there were about as much reasons to bother than to not bother. And contrary to what you might think, that didn't make me realize I should care about what happens. If anything, that made me realize that I didn't give a flying sh*t about anything that doesn't concern me. What's the point of worrying if you can fix the problem? What's the use of worrying if you can't? There are kids starving in Africa, but blaming myself for it won't make their situation any better. Once I can do anything about it, I will, but for now, I'll just focus on my studies and on having fun.


But if ignoring the evils of the world is not your style, then there's the old saying: "Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness". Remember Hurricane Fluttershy? What was the lesson? No matter how little you can actually contribute, every bit counts.

Specifically on this really old post... Sorry, But I was just thinking about your comment. If truth was based on belief and everyone had a different truth, then isn't her truth that she knows the only truth the truth and trying to tell her that her truth isn't the only truth But just a truth kinda paradoxical? It's contradictory and tenuous at best. In any case, do you continue correcting her, or let her have her truth?


Yes, "The tree of Adam" is just another name for that same kabbalistic tree.

It refers to, or implies that it holds the "blueprint to life", or something such.

Except for that, i don't think that i technically know more than you about it, ... or perhaps i do, but if i find it valid for this topic, i may mention it.


It would be interesting to see you try to fit the Mane 6 into the known Sephira, though ....


So, we have 6 sephira, one void, .... the void matches what you call "the upper level" .... one matches the "lower level", .... and you mean that the remaining 3 can be deducted mathematically?


There is one more problem (it was some time since i looked at the actual tree as depicted) you told me i was wrong about it, and yes you were correct, but in the case of the FiM window, the "da'at" is fully visible, ..... but that means that in the kabbalah, Twilight is hidden, and not one of the 10 known Sephira!

In that case, you have a full 5 sephira unaccounted for in the FiM window, or 3 if we count the "levels".


Sorry, that is essentially the same as "too many "if's" .. "

The result of too many if's, is that the probability for unintentional similarity becomes far more probable. It looks good, simply.


However, there is the "tree" thing ....

But instead of comparing it directly to "our" Kabbalah, one might see it as an attempt to make an "Equestrian Kabbalah".

That would explain both the similarities and the differences, as i see it.



And so, the yin/yang compared to the sisters pushing the sun and the moon:

The heart of light is dark, and the heart of dark is light.

However, Celestia(light) pushes the Sun .... no darkness there, while Luna(dark) pushes the moon ... ok, there is some light there, but not always, and not much compared to the sun ....

Essentially, the pic on Celestia and Luna pushing the Sun and the Moon looks very similar to the yin/yang symbol, but if one understands the symbolism, the pictures are very different indeed.

I, um... I just wanna point out that Celestia isn't the perfect ruler, she has her flaws. Even she knows this, and she has darkness inside her too. She shows this with her demonstration of dark magic.


img-2280572-3-img-1078859-5-Celestia.jpgimg-2280572-4-img-1078859-6-Lodge.jpgSeems to me like a sphere with ring around it, probably a planet. Nope, doesn't seem like one to me at all. Hexagram is a six-pointed star. This one is round, ball-shaped object, with an axis of rotation and some ring/belt around it. It might be some general planet / heavenly body symbol, but it could be also more exact: what is the most known planet with such a ring? Saturn, of course. And this planet appears in many ancient myths as a symbol of time, and is related to measuring of time. According to ancient myths, Saturn is the one which "gives us the measure" (of time and space). It might be related to the fact that this was the outermost planet visible on the night sky, with the slowest period, so every other planet's motion could be referred to it in comparison, and its motion expressed as a ratio to the motion of Saturn.So from the top of my head, this little Saturn-like shape above Celestia's head may symbolize her celestial connection and timelessness / immortality. I'd compare it with other celestial symbolism pictured on the stained glass windows in her palace. There's a lot of curious-looking symbols I haven't cracked yet. Which science diagrams do you refer to?

Actually... I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Crowley's hexagram you related Twilights cutie mark to on your older posts.

Also, I think he means the diagrams from the time travel episode... or maybe the ones in the school...

Edited by DerpyStarlet77
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  • 1 month later...

Edit: This used to be it's own topic, so it's worded as such


Has everypony else noticed the odd symbolism that is seeming inserted into the show at times? What got me thinking about it is the episode where Rarity makes that headdress with the giant eye symbol on it. I also saw somepony here talking about how Celestia having one eye showing all the time seemed like illuminati symbolism. Eventually I did superficial google search and saw screenshots of the bohemian grove owl, and the eye of providence in FiM! You can see both of those on a US $1 bills btw, I've known about that for quite a while though.


I'm not sure what to think about it, these symbols seem to be fairly widespread in media, and IMO US currency is much more intense than FiM with this stuff :derp: Usually when people talk about this symbolism in FiM they seem to either act like paranoid morons, totally disregard it, or get sarcastic about it. I just want to talk about what is there, why it would be there, and what, if any, meaning there is behind it.


It could be that they're there the same way there are in so many other places, though I don't think anyone knows why. I could be some sort of easter egg from the animators, like grumpy cat and slenderpony (that's a creepy one). Regardless it's really quite odd as they really don't belong there and don't seem like easter eggs to me.


What are your thoughts on the subject?


Also please please please no flamewars about religion, that would ruin any meaningful discussion and possibly get the thread locked... In addition to making this subject seem even more paranoid and fanatical.


...My topics are getting weirder and weirder...

Edited by fyrepony
  • Brohoof 1



ƃuoɹʍ ʇuǝʍ ʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇ,uop ʇsnɾ I

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nahh i dont really get this stuff, i think a saw the youtube video you are talking about. you see you can find these "symbles" in most everything they dont mean anything, evan if they did mean something symbles hold no real power. but that wont stop conspiracy theorist to go crazy eveytime they see a triangle.

Credit to Kiki


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Omg the illuminati meme is over used and the joke is now getting extremely old and I'm getting annoyed with it.


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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The symbols probably mean different things related to our society, for example, a communist esc symbol by earth ponies would symbolise communism (which is something that earth ponies in effect perform).


I don't think things like "its loominatry 420 dank no scope get REKT" stuff.

  • Brohoof 2


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