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The Great and Powerful Trixie Fan Club


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I agree, the noblest course of action would have been just to leave. However keep in mind that when they interrupted her performance it was because she challenged them "Trixie is most certainly the best in ponyville" and " Anything you can do, I can do better" By then she is actively fishing for people to try to outperform her, turning it into a competition, hence the tennis analogy. You shouldn't be complaining about them trying to upstage Trixie, she was literally asking people to try! And if we're talking about politeness, wouldn't it have been more polite of Trixie to actually attempt to follow up on her promise and try to do better than them? It's like challenging someone to a juggling contest and after their incredible routine pelting them off the stage with juggling balls and claiming victory. Isn't that kind of a jerk move?


And if we're talking about privately owned venues, it is generally frowned upon to attack a member of your audience with a lightning bolt.


Timeline from Boast Busters

3:20 Rainbow Dash booes, marking the end of the Mane 6 criticizing scene

3:26 Trixie calls on her neighsayers to show themselves for the first time.

3:56 Rainbow Dash flies on stage and asks Trixie to prove herself.

Trixie then precedes to give the Ursa story. S&S then compliment Trixie.

5:10 Trixie challenges ponies to a duel for the first time.

5:40 Trixie says "How about you?" to Twilight

5:57 Applejack takes stage, starting duels


So, no, Rainbow was shouting at Trixie/flying on stage long before the duel was challenged. As for who won, that just depends on what we think the competition was about. Rainbow did her flying routine; she probably thought that they were dueling in flying. Rainbow won at that since Trixie can't fly. Trixie appears to have thought that the duel was over manipulation of the weather, which Trixie won.


The normal rules of being courteous to the audience are broken when said audience members are trying to ruin the show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVV9ZByg2M8


"Don't be gentle with 'em. Ass kicking is what is called for."

-Bill Maher on audience hecklers



Ugghhh, I fear that Trixie's return won't be a particularly good episode. EqD posted its link to the new clip, and I didn't like the look of it.


I don't mean that simply in the sense of "I like Trixie and she's being presented negatively." No, I am simply afraid that the nuance of her character will be lost. Hasbro felt that they needed to bring her back by popular demand, but they could make her a very unsatisfying character.


Here's the episode plotline. We only have a description, video, and picture, but that's enough to figure it out.

*Trixie arrives and challenges Twilight.

*Twilight somehow loses

*Twilight runs to Everfree Forest

*Trixie makes some "changes" to Ponyville

*Zecora gives Twilight a magical amulet

*The two met and duel again.

*Twilight wins



I can say with a high level of confidence that the plotline will approximately follow that. What I do not know is how it will end. It's anyone's guess at this point. It's still possible that the episode may survive in good condition. The two most likely explanations for how this would happen are:

*Trixie suffered miserably between "Boast Busters" and now. She went to seek vengeance on those who wronged her.

*Trixie was possessed by crazy evil magic.


However, I fear another possibility: "Trixie, a character who is evil incarnate, goes to Ponyville to be mean because she likes to be mean. She is arrogant, cruel, and a liar. The great, honorable, perfect hero Twilight Sparkle is initially defeated, but comes back to save the day! The evil Trixie is either mercifully banished from the town by the infinitely merciful Twilight or imprisoned for her high crimes."


That final possibility should worry even non-Trixie fans. "My Little Pony" is an excellent show for a variety of reasons. But arguably the greatest is the well-developed, complex characters. And I don't just mean the Mane 6; the antagonists are better characterized than those in any television series I can remember. I fear that Hasbro, in their attempt to appeal to fans with the simple presence of Trixie, will forget what made the show so special. If Trixie becomes no separable from an archetypal big bad, than where's the fun? Sombra was a poorly developed character. We can only hope that this isn't a trend; the new episode will give us an indication if it is or not.


PS: Plus there's the possibility of the new episode contradicting "Boast Busters", which would be annoying to say the least. And, if Trixie is depicted as being eeeeeeeeevvvvviiiiiiillll, then I can predict the difficulty of explaining to newcomer Bronies in the future that Trixie was once depicted as far more interesting...

Edited by Starswirl the Trixied
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Episode's over, was decent.  Not as good as I had hoped, but certainly worth a laugh and a nice encore for Her G&Pness.


But the good news is that it appears that so many people have now come to like Trixie.  EqD is running this poll:



So far, about 50% of respondents (from a population of those who regularly use EqD and thus respond to these kinds of polls) said that they have a higher opinion of Trixie after the new episode.  Only 8% have a lower opinion.


10% said that Trixie is best pony.  I'm sure a few of those people were joking, but other polls I saw in the past suggested that Trixie's fanboys (like myself and most in this thread) make up 5-8% of the community.  It probably increased a bit as a result of the episode.


Fel temp reparatio!  May we conquer the community and remake Trixieville!



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I like Trixie so much more because of this episode. I particularly love when she apologized to Twilight then started bragging about how humble she was. How THERE'S the Trixie I'm sure many of you (just not me) loved in season 1. I liked how Trixie as a character was outright said to not be mean and nasty, but rather full of herself, and NOT considered a villain. Thank god, because Trixie didn't really do anything that would make her considered an antagonist in Boast Busters, she just bragged a lot and accidentally got Ponyville in danger. 


All-in-all, this episode did Trixie so much justice. Posted Image


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okay so now a pony that appeared 2 episodes gets a fanclub thread about her


i mean rly, what makes her so special its not like she has a fleshed out chararcter 

Trixie got two devoted episodes.


Vinyl Scratch got 3-5 seconds of screentime in one episode and 15ish in another.  Octavia's gotten even less.  And yet there are die hard Vinyl and Octy fans.


The fandom fleshes out characters in ways that 22 minute episodes cannot.

  • Brohoof 2



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okay so now a pony that appeared 2 episodes gets a fanclub thread about her


i mean rly, what makes her so special its not like she has a fleshed out chararcter 


She's done so much in two episodes, and what she's done has made me love her to no end.   Discord was only in two episodes as well, and remember, people love and adore him.  


She's a special character due to lust for popularity, and her necessity for revenge, as shown in the latest episode.  

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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After the episode, I feel as if Trixie can go down the same road Babs Seed is going through right now. A character with some redeeming qualities who has a lot of potential in being a good friend of the sort, but jealousy and rage were her setbacks, as well as fear. Luckily, getting over the hump wasn't as hard as one would have expected.


Also, because the animation is getting better and better as the months go by, Trixie has looked even more radiant than when we last saw her. This is when she was under the influence of the amulet, but she is really pretty.



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I feel it's time for another fanclub status update.


We are currently ranked...

#2 in terms of posts, behind Rainbow Dash's fanclub

#3 in terms of views, behind Twilight Sparkle's fanclub (Dashy in lead)


It is pretty much impossible to overcome Dash's fanclub (I mean, it exists in the show itself).  Plus I wouldn't really want to, since Dashy is almost as awesome as Trixie.


We are 15 (with this post 16) posts leading Twilight, a comfortable lead.  We are 2120 views behind her fanclub, but that's less than it was before, and the newly converted Trixie cultists fans will bring views.


Twilight may have beaten an Ursa Minor and tricked Trixie in a duel, but she will never have the magnificent, forum-conquering ability of the Grrreeat and Powerful TRIXIE!

Edited by Starswirl the Trixied



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  • 1 month later...

This thread hasn't been active in awhile. So this.


While I have made much art of best pony, here's the most recent, other then my profile background.



And the Deviant Art post.

  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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So this is the The great and powerful thread of the great and powerful trixie? I like it, considering i'm somewhat a fan of trixie :P

Ha!  Another mortal falls into Trixie's grasp.  Concord has come over to the dark side, but shall not be greeted with cookies.  Instead, we shall force him to suffer the torture of Her Greatness and Powerfullness until he loses his Self, falling in supplication before Her hooves, offering his soul in exchange for mercy.  He shall foolishly hope that his past life of insolence has been forgiven, but She never forgives and never tolerates the foolish actions of lesser beings.  Concord will become one of us, the Trixie cultists, ready to do her bidding to bring about the doomsday when Trixie crushes the still bleeding skull of the last neighsayer.  So from this point forth his new life will begins, as a soulless assassin to be employed against the other clubs, weakening them and breeding internal dissent, as Trixie devours his soul to increase her power.


Welcome to the fanclub!  Have a cookie!


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  • 4 months later...

Bumped after four months.  Never too many Trixie threads.


Equestria Daily posted a video by one Bronycurious, apparently an artist/comic, on the subject of why people like Trixie.


I feel the need to tell non-Trixie lovers something: The video isn't exactly correct.  Sure, it describes why he likes Trixie and why some people like him do, but many Trixie fans, including myself, strongly disagree with the video.


The biggest point of contention: The video makes Trixie sound like this weak, helpless pony who has become "bad" because of traumatic life events and who, with a little love, would fit perfectly in with the Mane 6.


That's such a boring conception of a character.  

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Bumped after four months. Never too many Trixie threads.


Equestria Daily posted a video by one Bronycurious, apparently an artist/comic, on the subject of why people like Trixie.


I feel the need to tell non-Trixie lovers something: The video isn't exactly correct. Sure, it describes why he likes Trixie and why some people like him do, but many Trixie fans, including myself, strongly disagree with the video.


The biggest point of contention: The video makes Trixie sound like this weak, helpless pony who has become "bad" because of traumatic life events and who, with a little love, would fit perfectly in with the Mane 6.


That's such a boring conception of a character.

While I must agree, I've been following BronyCurious for a while now. After Rarity, Trixie is his favorite pony (He has great taste). I believe the video is meant to say why people in the fandom like Trixie. And, by that, not as their favorite pony.


I highly doubt a critique of his expertise would like a character for something like that. But he liked Boast Busters, so...



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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I love Trixie. Best "villain" of all time. I want her to return as a hero at some point, however. She is so beautifully designed. I'm obviously not the only one.

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  • 10 months later...

Bumping this to spread some Trixie love. Also, somepony should probably make a new thread, since this hasn't been updated/bumped in ages, although best to see what a staff member says.


That said, the reason I like Trixie and why she is totally not an antagonist is because she lives to put on a show, that's what her special talent is, and she does it well. She also handles hecklers with wit and grace, making them part of the act and humiliating them. I'll post what somepony else posted before. Because a certain two ponies (glares at Snips and Snails) who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, released an Ursa Minor, Trixie ended up getting humiliated. It wasn't her fault that they released the Ursa Minor, and she could've easily ran away, since she doesn't live in Ponyville, but being the Great and Powerful Trixie, she tries to stop him anyway, even though she could've gotten killed. And yet, everypony blames Trixie! I can't blame her for getting angry enough to use the Alicorn Amulet. Although instead of getting angry at Twi, who was only cleaning up the mess that Snips and Snails made, she should've gotten mad at Snips and Snails.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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  • 2 weeks later...

Random G&PT pictures!







Cross posted from The Stylish and Beautiful Rarity(!) :D fan club



Cuteness... overload...








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Too many neighsayers referring to The Great and Powerful Trixie as just Trixie.

  • Brohoof 3


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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