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Your thoughts on love/relationships?

Gone Airbourne

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*Sniff* I.. I think I just teared up a little... img-1321938-1-blush.png


That was beautiful! Literally the perfect description of what true love is. I, being as young as I am, have never experienced a full relationship with someone, but I have been on a date or two. It's really hard to find the right guy (I am a girl) who accepts my interests and weirdness  img-1321938-2-wink.png


That truly was wonderful to read and that to me sounds what true love is. It is a give and take process well i really appreciate your thoughts on this. I certainly learned a lot from this post and this is just truly awesome.


Oh my gosh guys blush.png  I'm glad what I said wasn't a rambling pile of mush, it felt like it when I wrote it.


I watch people a lot, not in a creepy way I am just observeant of others actions and interactions with others. It has made me reflect on what love is, what it means to be in a relationship with lasting power.


My parents do love each other, but I grew up watching them hurt and stifle each other, my dad would hide important information from my mom, my mom would verbal abuse him and physically threaten him. my dad takes every insult every word to heart. They have stood by each other and I can see they love each other but the damage they have done to each other and their relationship can never be fixed.


I don't want that for me, for anyone else, for my own relationship. I believe communication is so important, to hide something, to withhold information is poisonous. To belittle your partner, to threaten them, is toxic.


I see friends in love with the idea of "love" but not wanting to do the actual nitty gritty work a relationship can take. One can't constantly be showered in flowers and jewlery. It's about apprecaiting the memories and moments. like building a blanket fort in your living room and sharing a bottle of wine, just because it seemed like a good idea. I don't expect my partner to be perfect, he doesn't expect the same from me. I wish more people saw that, that more people wouldn't throw in the towel the first time something goes array or doesn't match your idea of love. It takes a moment for two people to learn how each other perceives and needs to have affection shown to them. I would be mortified if my boyfriend sent a big bouquet of flowers to my workplace or bought me an extravagant engagement ring. To me that is excessive, to others that is the affection they need and want, and that is okay.


More mush rambling sorry derpy_emoticon2.png

  • Brohoof 3

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love...heh. I've always seen love as a... painful thing rather than good. Its probably because of how I was raised and where, and I don't see myself as relationship material. Now in no means am I bashing relationships, I know people out there that have been in a faithful relationship for decades.  I'm just kinda a lone-wolf.

Edited by Assassin✮Derpy
  • Brohoof 1


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I'll just be straight up blunt and harsh by saying I think relationships/love are trivial.  They aren't totally worthless since a relationship serves a purpose for people who are into that thing/desire human companionship beyond a friend.  Personally, I don't desire a relationship.  I did have a bit of a love interest in HS, but brushed it off to pursue my career... which i've failed at and life right now.  Still, I think I made the right call.  I rather go down myself than potentially drag her down with me if I pursued that relationship. 

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Love is something that I feel is beyond my grasp. I've been in many relationships but I have only been loved once (Just made a blog post on that story lol)


This song explains my current mood towards love. I hate it! I hate how other pon'ys can have it and I am void. Or maybe I'm just being melodramatic 

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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All you have to do to understand love is to read all my post's here in the beginning since I found this place. Cause it's the only place I ever talked about anything. And what would you do for the people that you love? You'd share with them all kinds of knowledge, in all kinds of forms... except for physically. But I'm not talking about what you're thinking about. (nice try) I'm talking about our third dna strand, which is interesting because no pony seems to mention that for some reason...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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   One will find love if they give it a chance (as in, be social). Also, I believe you must forge a friendship with a girl or boy before romance. I unfortunately have wasted that opportunity (sad.png) but there's hope for you guys. I feel that is crucial, not this thing where people immediately ask others to date after meeting them. Those relationships last about a week, tops.


   Not as poetic and detailed as Sugarcube's description by any means (:P), but it should get the point across.

Edited by III Prong III

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I think that in relationships, rushing into it takes away the fun. I did that once I realized I didn't actually like the guy that much. So I wait for my true love to come to me, and not for me to search for it. True love comes around when you are patient.



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Having been in several non-fulfilling relationships throughout high school, I can say for certain that being single is better than being in a relationship. It may be because I'm really lazy, but I prefer a full wallet and having my Friday/Saturday nights free to hang with friends than having a emotionally needy girl clinging to me constantly. Its too much work to try and maintain meaningful romantic relationships. Platonic ones are easy, just hang out and do cool stuff together occasionally  But girlfriends? Too much work to bother with.


I've found most guys, myself included, enter into relationships because our bodys crave physical intimacy. Once that is fulfilled, the relationship is meaningless. Therefore, I much prefer one night stands at parties, since there is no commitment or effort involved in having them.


And to any Bronies out there distressing about not having GF's/BF's, relationships are really overrated, especially in high school. The media has made you think to be happy you need one. You don't. Its just one extra source of stress you don't need.

Edited by Windy Runner
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Its a motherf###ing journey thats for sure  angry.png  and sometimes you gotta start all over and thats no fun , Umm for me its just have funbiggrin.png  when you meet a significant other your worlds are going to come together and collideblink.png  for example  Im with someone thats a huge transformers fan and im a huge mlp fan lol wink.png  but yeah a relationship is good its better than sleeping around with a bunch of people. and you share memories and fun times with this person.wub.png


signature made  by the awesome  Frozen Mint

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I've tasted just enough love to know why I need more of it in my life. It's what keeps you going, what makes everyday worth getting up early for. It's such a simple notion - just the thought that out there, somebody special loves you back for who you are - yet, it's magical, addictive, inspirational, and unforgettable.


I've never had a serious relationship and I'm 19 now. While I messed around with the idea when I was younger, I just kind of backed off from the whole "girl" scene at one point, and haven't really looked back since. It was a combination of several things. For one, I've always found people who are older and more experienced in the world to be attractive - and that doesn't bode well for traditional male/female relations. Typically, males are supposed to know what the f*ck is going on, and as it stands - I don't have a friggin' clue.


I've had opportunities to get to know people in a serious manner. I've been told that I'm cute (which is a great feeling). But these days, I'm too self-conscious to act on any of those feelings.


Maybe one of these days, something will happen and I'll get my shit together, who knows.


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A bit of an update:


My prospects for finding love are at a bit of an impass, at the moment. Turns out I have Avoidant Personality Disorder, which makes it extremely difficult to interact with people. That makes romance damn near impossible. It's not a matter of confidence, either.


So, yeah, as it stands my chances for love are non-existent at the moment. As much as the soul wants it, my brain won't let me. :( It's so frustrating....

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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I've only been in two relationships, and they're possibly my only two. I definitely am not going into any details, but I'll just say that it was enough and leave it at that.


Besides, after finding out that I'm a schizophrenic, I wouldn't want to burden someone with it.

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A bit of an update:


My prospects for finding love are at a bit of an impass, at the moment. Turns out I have Avoidant Personality Disorder, which makes it extremely difficult to interact with people. That makes romance damn near impossible. It's not a matter of confidence, either.


So, yeah, as it stands my chances for love are non-existent at the moment. As much as the soul wants it, my brain won't let me. sad.png It's so frustrating....

Sorry to hear that. From what I can tell, though, you seem like a really likable person. I think it's just a matter of time before you'll meet that special someone who isn't afraid to "open you up" a little bit. Don't let whatever psychological problems slow you down. Life has a way of rewarding those who stay true to themselves - you'll be more than fine :P


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I am a sucker for love stories. I've watched The Notebook so many times I can paraphrase nearly every scene. Even 500 Days of Summer cracks my top 10 (but that movie isn't a love story ;) ). I really like these movies, even though I hear they do a poor job when it comes to accurate portrayals of what love is. TBH I have no idea what it's like. I don't really want to find out either.


I enjoy seeing others be happy and go through the "roller coaster ride" or whatever on the big screen. It's cute, you know? But not for me. I don't want that. Being so emotionally tied to someone sounds like a risk, and the only crutch I am comfortable with leaning on would be my cats.


I don't see why you need to be in a relationship to appreciate the people around you. Isn't that what friendship is for? I dunno, I just feel like anything I would want out of a relationship I already get from my friends. Any more attached and it'd be smothering, and the sexual aspect of it all makes the little kid in me go "ew, gross".


I am almost 17 though. Still pretty young, and admittedly self and socially unaware. Perhaps some self discovery will occur and I'll join the rest of the world in The Grand Quest for Love. But right now, I am super not interested in being in a relationship and I can't see myself being that close/comfortable with someone. To each their own, right?

  • Brohoof 1


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Aromantic asexual here, so no interest in relationships. Don't even have many friends. It's not that I don't like people, I just find them annoying after a while. I'm much happier playing video games alone than going out to a party. I require very little social interaction, and I don't really connect to people on deep levels. I wouldn't have any clue how to act in a relationship even if I was in one.


I tend to get bored by romance in movies just because it's something I can't relate to at all. There are exceptions of course, I adore Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for example, but most romance is just dull filler to me. (If you haven't seen that, watch it, best romance story ever.)

  • Brohoof 3
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Right now I have no interest in being in a relationship(and never was in a relationship).Mostly because I'm just 15,and not in my 20's.But I can tell you that their is a lot of influence of relationships.Because there is a lot of people in my school that have boyfriends/girlfriends already,but thats fine by me.Back on topic.My teacher told me that teenagers dont know true love.I kind of have to agree with that.(All just opinions dammit)

Edited by Flutter derps

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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  • 7 months later...

I have been in love many times... only to get hurt... was married for 6years.. and it all fell apart. Not saying I hate love.. or anything I for one love, love! but truth be told love and I are not the best of friends. Anyway I think everyone should have someone, because when you have someone that loves you just as much as you love them! its soo wonderful!

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I've never been in a relationship, I guess it's nice. Regarding love, never been in love either. I think that both are nice but I've learned with time to just not care about stuff like that. Problem is I've changed a lot, so I've actually become interested in it. I still think both are overrated, I don't know.

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I've never been in a romantic relationship myself, so I can't speak from experience, just my own theories.


I'm almost 20, and I have yet to have a first kiss. Pretty much until my late-Junior year of high school I was a social recluse, so dating was not even on my radar. But now that I'm out of high school, in college, and a little bit more grown up, I'm starting to want to develop a romantic life. I just don't know where to start. I'm trying to make myself attractive. I'm working out and I style my hair (because I've heard women make a 1st impression in < 10 seconds, meaning a good chunk of that is looks). 


One of the big problems is that I don't know where to meet girls. All my college classes are predominantly males. Outside of class, there's not much in terms of parties, and at places like the gym or the library, people just tend to keep to themselves. There doesn't seem to be any where or any time where people are social enough to really foster dating. 


And I know the feeling of being the only friend in the group who doesn't have a significant other, it sucks. Big time. Especially when your best friend is pretty much in the kind of relationship you'd like to be in, and hanging around them all the time is a constant remind of what they have and you don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm as happy as could be for him, but the longing is still there...


I fear though that dating/romantic love is one of those things where, if you do not experience it by a certain age, it becomes exponentially more difficult to develop as time passes. I worry that by waiting this long to begin looking for love, that I might've missed the boat.


All of that said, I've never been one to believe that love "just happens." I was raised to believe that anything we want in life we must work toward, because nothing ever falls on our laps, and that includes love. Finding love takes effort.

Looked back at this post since March, and…wow. Things changed. 


(Not as much as I'd like, but then again I'm impatient. But still, progress is progress).


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All I ever got from dating was hurt.


So I gave up.


And you can encourage me all you want. I tell everyone I know that I'm just waiting til I finish college and get a job and maybe buy a house before I think about going out again. But really, I'm just too bitter. Even though I've been single for 3 years, my heart is still too tired. And I'm afraid of being burned again. 


So yeah, if you ask me, dating is a waste of time and a near surefire way to get yourself hurt in the end.


But I guess I was always a little cynical. 

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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Wooo. I've never had gf/bf who loved me or anything, I'm lonely and stuff :c


But I'm fine with trying to date anyone that I'm starting to like a lot, however an actual serious relationship is another thing. I think it is important that you really get to know each other well and that you have a great trust for each other. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship if you ask me.


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Well for my age, dating is stupid and pointless. Like, you will not remember the person once your in college.

My friend was dating this girl, they broke-up in that week. 


And about love? Love is love *shrugs*

  • Brohoof 2


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i believe that love and relationships have the potential to be beautiful things, but until you meet the right person it's just heartache after heartache and i'm starting to lose interest. i look upon relationships as Bilbo does on adventures, they're nasty, unwelcome things that make you late for dinner.


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  • 1 year later...

I would say my opinion on love relationships for the young ones aren't really high quality. Too much drama, extremely picky. I've never had a date, the reason why is because I don't act like anyone else my age. In my eyes, the majority wants to be someone else than to be their own self. When being your own person, it causes misunderstandings, too many false rumors are spread, no one takes the time to know you. I see a TON of couples my age in public, holding hands, typical stuff like that. I don't see myself in that picture of reality, I'm too much of myself. I can't change myself to impress women for example and they shun me for it. I also talk a lot, so I'm not keeping myself hidden under the shadows for them to like me more. The popular ones always win, but they never act their own self. Too many people like to criticize and immediately place blame or wrong-doing on someone else. I truly believe I'll remain alone, always doing my own thing. If someone were to like me, I would probably push them away. Too many thoughts go through my head when someone takes a liking to me like: 


Are they wanting money? Are they seeking fame? Are they using me to better themselves? Do they really know who I am? Are they going to expecting too much from me? Is it just going to be temporary until they find someone else? <--- that one's quite common.

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I'll say this: I believe everyone deserves to be loved, and to love someone. I also believe that the special somepony is out there for everyone, but you have to find them. Finding that special somepony won't be easy, and it might take a while (results may vary), but I promise you that you will find them.


I know I may sound crazy, but this is coming from someone who's found that one special somepony. I've found my special somepony, the one I can't live without. Just never give up hope, never stop praying, and you will find your special somepony, the one that is perfect for you, and the one you couldn't imagine living without.

  • Brohoof 4


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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