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general Who's in a relationship?


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  1. 1. Are you in a relationship?

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Herp derp. I'm single. I've been single for like 2 years. The beginning of my sophomore year? Yeah.. Cause I'm a senior now.


I choose not to date because practically all the dudes in my little town in the middle of nowhere are all idiots and douchebags. Well that or they're gay. No joke. Every hot guy at my school who is so friggin sweet is gay. It's like god is testing my patience.


The last boyfriend I had was...so immature. I was 15, he was almost 18. I WAS MORE MATURE THAN HIM. I'm 17 now, he's 20 and I'm still more mature. It's really sad actually. Many parents have refused to let him in their house because he always brings drama wherever he goes. Nobody likes him, one of the major reasons he moved away to a different city.


After the whole mess with him I just had to get away from guys in general. I seriously cannot put up with any relationship crap at the moment. It's hard enough managing myself while I try and get everything for college applications and stuff together. A boyfriend would only add onto my stress. It's the 3rd week of school and the thought of college applications has already given me migranes.

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Dating, and I really want to say they make my life a whole lot better, and I can only hope I'm doing the same for them. It was a little awkward at first, just began with a hug and small talk, but from there we got to talking more and it became less awkward over time. A year and a bit later we're on great terms and I wouldn't change it for the world. It had started on a bunch of mistakes but it turned out to be something beautiful. 

  • Brohoof 1

To each their own

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I'm currently engaged, we've been together for a long time now and he's the best thing that ever happened to me. Even though we had plenty of fights in the past, we've now reached a point where we solve our problems really quickly. I can't even believe how clueless I was back in the days, but I'm happy I could spend so much time with him, it made me grow as a person and made me so much happier than I was before. 


Eventually I asked if he wanted to marry me, and he said yes. We're happily engaged now with no problems at all ^^

  • Brohoof 3
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So it's been a year or more since I posted in this thread, and...


*drum roll*



Still flying solo.


Some o' y'all are mean, btw...spreading that "there's someone for everyone :D " lie around when we all know damn well there are simply some defective puzzle pieces like myself which have no "other half" floating around out there.


Meanies. :pout:


  • Brohoof 4
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Still flying solo.


Some o' y'all are mean, btw...spreading that "there's someone for everyone :D " lie around when we all know damn well there are simply some defective puzzle pieces like myself which have no "other half" floating around out there.


Meanies. :pout:



"There's plenty of fish in the sea"...or, something, I don't know.


Well, there's bound to be "the perfect match" out there for everybody. The chances of that person living near you, having similar living arrangements, actually happening to meet them, etc, on the other hand are slim. Though most people in relationships aren't necessarily 100% compatible yet they work around their differences, so who knows. Just gotta have determination and lots of luck, which I don't have, lol xP

  • Brohoof 1
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im HUGE jerk so Im single guess that's why or im just a clumsy jackass who cant get a date probably the ladder

Why am I single?


1. I'm autistic. Going out and meeting someone is difficult for me. I have trouble with conversations and things like that.


2. I have a female body. It is hard to find a girl who is OK with that. 


3. I don't have anything girls look for except some girls like blue eyes. I don't have a job, a car, confidence, or anything in that matter. 


4. I live in a small town. If someone is single, there is usually a reason why they are single. 


5. The small town I live in doesn't have many people around my age. I haven't seen a girl around my age. 

hm well I guess I would say don't be so hard on yourself but I basicaly verbally murder myself but I will say it anyway don't be so hard on yourself

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Some o' y'all are mean, btw...spreading that "there's someone for everyone :D " lie around when we all know damn well there are simply some defective puzzle pieces like myself which have no "other half" floating around out there.


Meanies. :pout:


I'll at least admit that part is true. Not everyone does find someone. Nikola Tesla and Robert Bunsen are two examples you've probably never heard of. Both were brilliant scientists and inventors—great, respectable men who changed the world during their time—but never mingled with others.


The funny thing is that intelligent, dedicated, competent, and nice people like Tesla never partake in romantic endeavors, but then crazy-ass abominations like Hitler have no trouble at all finding someone to love.

Edited by Regulus
  • Brohoof 1




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Single as a Pringle. (Yes I know how ironic that statement is  :derp: )

I have a bad habit of being cheated on though, and with the previous issues from my parents divorce, it might be better that way even though I'm constantly looking anyway. 


Rumor has it this girl I work with likes me though, I don't really feel inclined towards her but it's a nice thought anyway. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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I have someone I like, but at the moment, no special somepony in my life.


I've dated, I've been engaged, I've had a lovelife. It's generally gone poorly overall, so I'm just enjoying some alone time, for the moment.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I'll at least admit that part is true. Not everyone does find someone. Nikola Tesla and Robert Bunsen are two examples you've probably never heard of. Both were brilliant scientists and inventors—great, respectable men who changed the world during their time—but never mingled with others.

I'm going to go off on a limb and say that they didn't need a significant other for their self esteem. In contrast, there are the woes of those chronically single that tell the tale -- implicating that they need someone to love them because that's how they believe they will get their self esteem needs met.

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On Oct 17th, it will have been almost a year since me and my husband, flew from Germany after going through the USA Embassy to have him move here, and he's lived here in the states with me.


It feels like only a few weeks ago that we've been married, and yet our first annivarsary is coming on on Dec 14th! Time certaintly has flown by...and not once have I lost any sensation in what I feel for him and our partnership. I love my husband so much, there are days I can't imagine going through life without him. He's my rock, my rationalization, my logic, my sense of focus, my insperation, my muse...I could go on.

  • Brohoof 5

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Currently single. I've had both girlfriends and boyfriends albeit not for a while now. Gotta love that bachelor life.

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Married and such. Actually I've been married since before some of the youngest members on this board were even born. 




Shut up be be cancelled already. 

  • Brohoof 5



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I feel like such a noob, all my friends are getting in and out of relationships like theres no tomorrow, and I'm just here like: "...well...I've had...one .3."


I made a signature :3

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