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Have you ever stood up to a bully, or stood up for someone else?


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You know what happens every time I stand up to a bully? I get made fun of even louder than before. Bullies and trolls are basically the same thing. Standing up to them is useless unless you punch them in the face but if that's not an option (like with my brother, I'd be kicked out the moment I touched him even if he deserved it) then there's nothing you can do. Finding a way to coexist is far better in my opinion because people will not stop bullying regardless of whether you stand up to them or not.

  • Brohoof 2
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The other day, my best friend and I were taking a walk. There were these really mean girls that hated us (their names were Sophie, Diamound, and Natalie.) They were talking smack to us and I asked her to just leave us alone.


Sophie came up to me and she said "I only got these red highlights in my hair to match your devilish eyes."


I lost it and I yelled at her about how I was tired of her crap. I know it wasn't the right thing to do but it felt good. And you don't usually see me yell.

Edited by Fondue For Two
  • Brohoof 3


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Yep... I have stood up for my friends quite a few times in grades 5-8, but I have only had one encounter with a bully.


This was when I was in grade eight. I was walking to class, it was just about after lunch and I see these bullies push and trap this girl in a locker. I remember walking up to them and telling them to let her out. She was a little overweight which was likely why they were bullying her. They essentially said something along the lines of "make us", so I rammed them away from the locker and swung open the door.


I didn't really consider this anything extra special on my part at the time, but looking back on this now, I'm glad younger me had the courage to stand up to them.

  • Brohoof 3
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For all you being bullied in the past or still, maybe this thread would interest you:

Recently @ posted a request for a fanfic about Shining Armor being bullied in his childhood. I let myself to contribute some of my ideas to it, and they liked it, so eventually @ wrote that fanfic ;) I haven't read it yet, and this is still a work in progress from what I see, but it might be interesting nevertheless when finished :)


For people/ponies who haven't stood up to their bullies, because they consider themselves too weak: you are as weak as your free will. But if you still think you're too weak, I have a little piece of advice for you (actually it could be considered advice from our pony friends from MLP:FiM ;) ): MAKE SOME FRIENDS! ;-> You can be weak by yourself, but "Safety in numbers", as they say it. Together you will be a lot more stronger. To the point you'll probably don't need to use force anyway, because bullies usually can count to 2, and they behave like sharks: they don't attack flocks, just single individuals, which they need to separate from their group first (unless you're putting yourself into their jaws by swimming around alone ;-J ). So when you're in a group (the more numerous the better), you're pretty much safe. Take example from Cutie Mark Crusaders in "Call of the Cutie" episode ;) They join together to stand up to their bullies (Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon).

Edited by SasQ
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Several times, a few of which came to blows. There was a guy who used to give me trouble all the time in elementary school. One day we had an altercation on the bus while heading to school. I slugged him pretty hard in the mouth (extracted a tooth, but not a permanent one as we were still young enough that we hadn't lost all of our "baby teeth" yet), and sometime soon thereafter we actually became friends of a sort. Strangely enough, it's not uncommon for something like that to happen with kids. As is often the case, it turned out that he had some issues at home and trouble with being harassed by other kids in school and needed an outlet. We stuck together throughout the rest of elementary school and few people gave us much trouble.


When I was in middle school there was this girl, a hulk of a girl, who randomly tried to hurt people for no real reason. She just liked to hit people. And she was a good 5 inches taller and 100 pounds heavier than most of the guys there, so it wasn't difficult for her. I remember we were in a line at the top of the stairs on the second floor, waiting for our teacher to get there because she forgot to bring something or was busy, it's been too long for me to remember exactly why she wasn't there. Being at the front of the line and right in front of the stairs, that massive girl got the idea to push me down them. As I lurched forward I turned around and grabbed her arm, using my momentum to perform an Irish whip (pro wrestling aficionados will know what this is) and throw her down the stairs instead.

  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I've stood up to bullies multiple times. Once at my elementary school. This kid kept hitting me and so I had enough of it and punched him in the face. After that, he never touched me again.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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Well one time somebody beat me up to the point I was almost unconscious at high school and then I tripped him down a large flight of stairs, nobody was able to figure out it was me who did it, either. Usually I prefer non-violent methods but this particular person left me little choice.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I broke a would-be mugger's arm once, twenty-five years or so ago, back when I was in University. I just sorta reacted to the knife he pulled, and slammed him against the trunk of the tree he had stepped around to face me. Given my size, general appearance, and clothing (I looked like a biker back then, and used to compete in Highland games heavy events: Caber toss, farmer's walk, hammer throw, etc.), I would have thought I would be *last* person on campus to do that kind of stuff to.

  • Brohoof 2


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I've only stood up to a bully once, but it hardly counts as we were in primary school and kids push each other constantly there.


After that, my own weakness caught up to me and I couldn't keep up in the arms race. I am not at all physically fit, and I am most certainly not what one would ever consider as imposing or threatening in any way. Basically, I am like that one weak-looking antelope that all the lions go for. Easy prey.


So naturally I was bullied constantly. I had no choice but to take it, as most of these kids were older, bigger, or otherwise far more physically superior to me (hell, some of the younger kids were actually stronger than me). It was a choice between taking some verbal abuse, or taking a beating, so I opted for the former and just gritted my teeth and took the abuse until they went away. The few times I was pushed far enough to try violence ended badly for me, so eventually I learned fighting back just wasn't an option, and verbal retaliation would also just get me a black eye or worse, so I just withdrew, pushed the anger down, and waited until they got bored and left. Sometimes easier said than done.


To this day I am still not out of the woods. I am every bit the harmless-looking weakling I always was, so even though the bullies are largely a thing of the past, I still have to watch my back and make sure I never, EVER get into a physical confrontation or any other situation where I might have to defend myself. Subsequently that means being a very big doormat. Eh, you get used to it... (kinda)


What I do now is try my best to get on (and stay on) everyone's good side early on if I know I'm going to be interacting with them constantly; or in the case of random strangers, just stay out of sight and out of the way.

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When I was seven, my five year old little brother was being bullied by three middle schoolers at the pool. I told the guys who were teasing him to back off, but they decided to push me into a pile of mud. So, I proceeded to beat the living crap out of them. I was rather small, so I hit most of them in the legs, save one guy who I hit right under the jaw. One of the guy's friends then threw a rather large stick at the back of my head. I just charged him, tackled him, and then beat on his face until his friends managed to pry me off of him. They quickly ran and told the life guard that I beat them up, which still confuses me to this very day why the life guard would believe that a second grade kid beat up three middle schoolers. This was back when had major anger issues. I probably wouldn't snap like that today. However, if someone were to bully any member of my family, they must not enjoy having an upper row of teeth.

  • Brohoof 2


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Actually... yes.
He was picking on my best friend. I tried to compromise with him, but he literally pushed me away.
So I got back up... and I tried to kick his ass.

I did it, but the principal didn't take too kindly to it.

I got a weeks worth of detention for it. But I didn't care.

You mess with my friends, you mess with me.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

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well the last time I been bullyed I warned him to stop he didnt wasnt the first time I asked so I beat him to the ground

same with another person I stab him with a pencil every since then nobody messed with me or talked to me

if someone bullys my they better hope there stronger then Im

Edited by flutterfire
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I was in the locker rooms and one of the smallest kids in the grade came up to me, I'm the largest kid so I wondered what he wanted. He started to pick on me and such, this did urk me a little, but then he threw a punch, which landed, without much effect I may add, so I waited for him to punch again and grabbed his arm, I spun him around once and threw him into the nearest lockers. He was one of the ones who never picked on me again.

  • Brohoof 2

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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I feel that I am unable to stand up for myself let alone anyone else, for two reasons.

1. I am timid, so I pretty much can't talk to them, really.
2. I am weak. If I tried I'd be laughed at even more.


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  • 3 months later...

Many times,


One time in the 9th grade. Some guys where picking on this kid because he was open about being a homosexual.. and being one I know how It feels and everyone at school knew I was gay too but anyway, so I walked up the guys and said


"Hey, yeah you 2 what the fuck? Oh I see because you 2 are gay as well and are to scared to come out and say it you pick on us kids that are proud of who we are... ahh I see how it is.. well you two well grow up one day and come out.."


They left him alone after that :)


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I destroyed mine.


Tried telling teachers and everyone there that I was being picked on but they didn't do anything so I thought, "Right, f**k it." Turned around and beat the shit out of them with a tray and ripped of clumps of there hair with my bare hands.


....and I was never bullied again.... my anyone... eveeeeer....


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Shesh, bullies are a pretty common thing everywhere it seems... Every time I witnessed any bullying in my school something in my brain would snap and I'd go crazy on whoever was the cause of it. I ended up in the Principals office quite a number of times, yet it was always the bully that got in trouble and never me... I guess there is such a thing as justice.


~Signature by my awesome sibling @Armchair Adventurer "Som"~

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Tried telling teachers and everyone there that I was being picked on but they didn't do anything

Yeah, this is kind of weird. Have you noticed that they usually don't give a flying *apple* when you tell on the bully, but they always make a big deal when you fight back to the bully yourself? Seems as if bullies were a deliberate part of their system and you fighting back was the anomaly. As if you fighting back was a bigger problem for them than the bully bullying you.


so I thought, "Right, f**k it." Turned around and beat the shit out of them with a tray and ripped of clumps of there hair with my bare hands.

I wonder how many bullies know how the patience of their "victims" actually saves their asses. They should be grateful that their "victims" have nerves from steel, because otherwise they'd be punched in the face after every stupid comment they make.

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Sure, I got bullied a bit in my junior high years, and it could be tough. They never got physical though because I'm pretty capable of defending myself, so I just blew them off.

The time I actually did defend someone and stand up for bullying was when one of my bullies decided to pick on my friend who had broken his leg recently by taking his crutches and leaving him on the ground and just standing there, harassing him. I don't know what would bring a person to do that, it's just awful. But I told the guy to give him back his crutches and he refused so, I tried to take them from him, and he swung at me so I ducked and punched him right in the side of the face and knocked him over, gave my friend his crutches back. 


People are so cruel in this world, but that kinda took it to a new level for me. Messing with someone who is already weak is just wrong, and I couldn't stand it. I also don't enjoy violence, so I didn't like doing that at all, but it's not like I was just gonna leave him lying there, he's one of my good friends.

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It's sad but true that violence is often the way out of being bullied. 


Another way out of it is to stop giving the bullies reason to bully. No reaction is one way. Stopping strange behavior is another. However, you shouldn't stop being yourself to do this. 


Training a martial art can be very good for the bullied. Even if you never use it, having at least a little skill, something to DO, gives you confidence. And when you have confidence, you tend not to get bullied, do you?


Consistently reminding yourself not to be dependent on the approval of others is another way out. Eventually you'll stop giving off those signals that say "bug me, I'm fun to bug".

Tell me how a person judges his or her self-esteem, and I will tell you how that person operates at work, in love, in sex, in parenting, in every important aspect of existence - and how high he or she is likely to rise. The reputation you have with yourself - your self-esteem - is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life. ~Nathaniel Branden

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I haven't yet, but then again I haven't had many opportunities to do so. I know it's easier said than done, but I think I would stand up if the situation called for it. I can't fight for crap, and telling the bastards off probably wouldn't do much...but I would still try to stop it though.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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