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How do/did your parents discipline you?


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I got things taken away and yelled at. Made to go to bed sooner and more housework to do. Never really got spankings..

To each their own

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Their was a few ways my parents would punish me. If I said a bad word they would put soap in my mouth. If I did something else I would be sent to the corner or belted by my dad or tried to get kicked out of the house by my mom. Also yelling, lots of yelling and guilt trips. 


Signature made by me.



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Yelling at me mostly, never anything physical. BUT OH MY GOD I HATE YELLING OF ANY KIND I ALWAYS USED TO CRY WHEN IT HAPPENED.

  • Brohoof 1

ay b0ss

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Yelling at me mostly, never anything physical. BUT OH MY GOD I HATE YELLING OF ANY KIND I ALWAYS USED TO CRY WHEN IT HAPPENED.

Same here bro! (Only the crying part)


  • Brohoof 1

*Boops You Nose!*

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Punishment methods, what did your parents use when you were young?


When I was in elementary, my parents spanked me with a belt if I talked back.

Thank god I was never forced to eat soap. Personally, I'd rather be spanked with a belt rather than eating soap.

Also thank god my parents never slapped my wrist with a switch or anything.


I was just a belt-to-the-butt kid.


That sounds horrifying and I would call social services if I knew a parent that did that to their children.


Anyway, my parents almost never punished me nor did I give them any reason to, I hated disappointing them. I was sent to my room once or twice but I was so young I can't remember what for.

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My mom spanked me a couple of times, but then the dog we had at the time, a 90 lb akita tried to go through a plate glass window to save me, so she didn't try that again.


Instead, they took away my night light. I've always had issues sleeping, so I would use my night light to read. Once they figured out I was doing that my punishment would be that they would take it so I had to stare at the ceiling, rather than be entertained while trying to fall asleep.


To be fair, I wasn't a hugely rebellious kid, kept my nose clean and my grades good, so I only really remember them doing it twice.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Belts are new school compared to what I got!

My mom would grab a wooden paddle and smack my ass if I acted up!  

With dad it was yelling or humiliation... "If I talked like that at the dinner table, my dad would smack me into next week!"  He'd say, and I'd shut up...

I wasn't really a bad kid.  Just ornery and hyper.  I did more dumb things than I ever said bad things.  I couldn't help it; I've got ADHD, and back when I was a kid I wasn't on medication.  

Of course, the fact that my dad is borderline bipolar didn't help when I was a teenager.  I'm normally a calm and peaceful person, but he used to agitate me and we'd get into nasty arguments.  The worst time of all I was about 17, and we were arguing about something stupid in the driveway.  It was face to face yelling, initiated, of course, by him...  Luckily for the both of us, he ragequit the argument, turned around, got in his car, and drove off; at the same time he left, I turned around, walked up to the house, squared up to it TKD style and punched the siding of my house so hard I broke my big middle knuckle.  Ever since then, after he found out I did that, the arguing began to lessen.  It hurt me emotionally more than physically, to be honest.  I wasn't, and am not, a mean person.  At all.  He just initiated it with me and it was his fault.  I'm glad he ragequit and sped off.  I'd never want to get in a fight with my dad... not just for the sake of avoidance, but also because I know it would have ended bad for both of us.  I wouldn't be able to handle the effects afterward that it would have on me emotionally.  Heh, it was sort of a turn around of who was giving and who was receiving the punishment, that day we argued in the driveway.  He learned, finally, that he was causing the arguments, and that he was the one causing aggression...

Blehhh, I don't like talking about this stuff...   :blush:  I'm a peaceful, loving person.  I can't help it that I naturally get angry from someone else initiating me with their own anger.

~ Miles



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I wasn't really a bad kid.  Just ornery and hyper.  I did more dumb things than I ever said bad things.  I couldn't help it; I've got ADHD, and back when I was a kid I wasn't on medication.  


So they would punish you for acting up when they knew you had ADHD? Your parents sound evil. 

  • Brohoof 1
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So they would punish you for acting up when they knew you had ADHD? Your parents sound evil. 


They didn't know it til I was 17.  Hell, even I didn't really think I had it til I was a teenager.  When I was 17, I talked to my doctor and was diagnosed.


~ Miles

  • Brohoof 1



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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Wow, lots of spanking. I'm... a little scared, to be honest. My parents were much more lenient, and besides, I hardly did anything worth punishment. I can only remember two times I was punished in my whole life.

1. As a very little kid, I was trying to poke my fingers into electric sockets. My dad held me down on the floor, looked me in the eyes, and told me "don't do that." I was kind of scared, actually. Apparently it worked, I never did that again.

2. I was refusing to go to bed. Usually I would get some reading time before bed, and a small snack. I was deprived of both of these. I was horrified that such a thing was possible and immediately went to bed. The next day, I'm told, I acknowledged the justice of the punishment.

Mostly, though, my parents got me to behave by explaining (or showing) the reasons behind the rules I had to follow. I was a pretty bright kid, I think, so I caught on and hardly ever did anything reprehensible.

  • Brohoof 1

It's a bug and a feature!

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I think my mother spanked me only once, and that was because I had run out into the road.  Throughout my childhood, she preferred to talk to me rather than to strike me, and I was a well-behaved child in general.


A child who is beaten is not a poor child; a child who is beaten has poor parents.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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My dad would put me in the corner, and I had to be on my knees with either my hands on my head or outstretched. It'd always last an hour, but I couldn't fidget or move or he'd extend the time. If I put my hands to my sides he extends the time. If I talk back while he lectures me he extends the time. And let me tell you, being on your knees for that long is hard, and holding your hands outstretched is harder.


Happened 6 times a year at the minimum.

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My dad would put me in the corner, and I had to be on my knees with either my hands on my head or outstretched. It'd always last an hour, but I couldn't fidget or move or he'd extend the time. If I put my hands to my sides he extends the time. If I talk back while he lectures me he extends the time. And let me tell you, being on your knees for that long is hard, and holding your hands outstretched is harder.


Happened 6 times a year at the minimum.


I bet you grew stronger from that, though...  I wish I'd have been punished the way you were.   :nom: 


~ Miles



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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My parents still slap me whenever they get mad or whatever.

Half of the time I don't even do anything wrong and it's just my problems such as astma and they call me a animal and I should live in the zoo or whatever.


Sounds cruel, I know, but it's true. :/

Edited by GoldKingdomKeyblade


Fandoms: MLP:FIM, 5 Nights At Freddy's, Gravity Falls, Vocaloid/UTAU, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Creepypasta, Littlest Pet Shop, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, Adventure Time, and many more.

Overall favorite fictional character is Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls.

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Normally had tech taken from me. That means computers, Xbox controller, iPod, Phone, you name it. 

And just in case dad thought I was hiding one... he turned off the WiFi.

I know this isn't as bad as some people, but for me it was pretty much the end of the world...

  • Brohoof 1



I play loads of Rocket League and GRID 2 on PC if you want to join me at some time. Account is linked in the pic above.

If you want to play Halo: Reach, Forza 6 or GTAV  with me on Xbox One, hit me up with a friend request at 'Yeloooh'

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Spanked with a magazine or a good old fashioned slipper when I was below the age of 12. And it worked! I'm a good kid now, and I haven't yet been in trouble for anything major at all this year.


My dad does an even worse thing now though if I do something minor. He comes into my room, unplugs my PC tower, gets out his stanley knife and cuts off the plug. Then he burns it. Costs me a fiver every time.


The artwork to the left of the signature is of my new *under construction* OC and was lovingly

drawn by @ThePiDay. I'm incredibly grateful for and delighted with his work.

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I was lucky one.

My parents never really punished me.

Because they knew that punishment dosnt make sense

Me and my brothers just kinda talked to my parents when we had a problem.

Soo we just talked.

Edited by lop333
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