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My Little Pony confessions and secrets


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  • I read My Little Dashie twice and cried on both occasions. I'm the type of guy who doesn't cry over sad movies or stories, so it felt so weird when it happened. This was the 1st time in my whole life that I cried while reading a story (and of all things it happened to be a fanfic). 

I have about 160 songs (and counting) on my iPod that consist of pony tunes and work from brony musicians. It is the only music that I listen to now, and I am proud of that XD.

In terms of merchandise, I have 2 MLP shirts, the 12 pony figurine set, a miniature Rainbow Dash plushie (best pony btw  :wub: ) and have recently ordered another shirt, a button pin, 2 posters, and a CMC hoodie. Awwww YEAHHHHH :D

My all time favorite episode is Hurricane Fluttershy, and my all time least favorite episode is Mysterious Mare Do Well. My opinion will most likely change once the show ceases production, but I hope that will not happen for a very long time (mlp needs to at least hit the 100 episode mark before they can call it quits).

  • Brohoof 1


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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Confessions, huh?

Well I have over 20 Gigabytes of music, specifically pony related music.

I'm sometimes awake till the early hours in the morning reading fanfics, on a couple occasions even latter. (6am)

Everytime I listen to the song Winter Wrap Up I almost want to cry. I find that song to be very beautiful to me. :( It's one of my favorite song from the series.

I may not cry, but Winter Wrap Up does stir some emotion in me.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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I hated My Little Dashie. Every single thing about it was unrealistic and unconvincing. It was engineered to be the most sappy, relatable brony story of all time, the thing that the majority of bronies wish could happen, at the cost of creative storytelling and logical character interaction. That's how it felt to me, anyway. The whole time I was just thinking "No, no, no, this isn't how things would happen here, even taking for granted everything that lead up to it".


Also, I have a blanket it in my bed and sometimes I hug it and pretend it's my daughter Scootaloo.

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BBBFF almost made me cry since I am the Big Brother Best Friend Forever and has caused me to make an effort to be a better brother. 

I promised myself when I got in this fandom that I wouldn't go crazy.... I draw Art, Write Fan fic, and buy blind bags.

I joined this forum originally to promote my art page.

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I like Season 3, unlike most others.


Diamond Tiara is cutest filly.


Rainbow Dash got redeemed too easily IMO.


Scootaloo is still worst CMC, though RD isn't that bad to me anymore.


I like Spitfire's new attitude and voice better than before.


I would most certainly abandon IRL people to go to Equestria, including my family, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Call me a traitor, backstaber, B****, whatever, but I would. I just don't like anyone enough to want to stay with them if I get the chance.


Fanfics suck lately, all about crappy, bland comedy. I just can't find serious, emotional ones these days that are actually well-written. What a disappointment.

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I like Season 3, unlike most others.


People don't like Season 3? The only episode that I thought wasn't great was Magic Duel, but that was merely mediocre, not bad. Speaking of that...


Dragon Quest is by far the worst episode Merriwether Williams has written thus far.


The 4th Wall jokes with Pinkie Pie in fanfic are very subject to Sturgeons Law (90% of it is terrible). Two reasons:

  • The term "Fourth Wall" is already overused. I've seen it used to describe times that Pinkie Pie faces forward. Wow, I must be on the most wanted list of the Suspension Of Disbelief police or something. I mean, my eyes sometimes look in front of me at nothing in particular! Hopefully the book I'm in isn't a tragedy...
  • Pinkie Pie doesn't actually directly break the fourth wall often (most of the times she does are ending gags). You know what I want to see? A fanfic about how Spike breaks through the 4th Wall. Because he actually does. Look at Lesson Zero. See him rolling out backgrounds, popping them open? That is actually breaking the 4th wall people, directly addressing the medium that he is in.

I liked Pinkie Pie in Wonderbolt Academy! I thought it was both funny and sweet and very Pinkie Pie. 


The funniest pony is Applejack. Followed by Twilight. Pinkie Pie is least funny in my opinion.


Rainbow Dash can be a jerk. Having a flaw like this is not a sign of poor writing. 


Some of the best fanfics are one shots or only 2 chapters. They simply don't have the time to get distracted or overly convoluted, which is the number one cause of me losing interest in a story. If I have to look up who these people are, that is when, for me, you have failed as a writer.

  • Brohoof 5

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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  • 1 month later...

Discord is best character, Diamond Tiara is worst character, Dashie is best pony, Scootalove conquers all-


Oh wait, these are confessions. Silly me. I could have sworn the title said 'My Little Pony Facts and Non-Arguable Points' B)


-Iron Will was a really interesting character, and I'd kinda like him to make a cameo in a future episode.

-I cuddle my Dashie plushie all the time :3 She appreciates hugs.

-I think I've always enjoyed Rarity over Fluttershy a little bit, but only recently have I sorted my thoughts enough to be certain of it.

-I believe Gilda would have been a far more worthwhile secondary-villain candidate for returning instead of Trixie. She had more potential to give us back story on Dash since they knew each other in school, and, being a griffon, there's always the possibility to learn a few more things about them.

  • Brohoof 6


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After reading My Little Dashie, I couldn't help but picture a little Rainbow Dash sleeping next to me when I went to bed.


I hated Lesson Zero.  I found it disturbing, unllikable, and unfunny, and Twilight is my favorite character.


I didn't hate The Mysterious Mare Do Well.  I don't think it's great, and I see its flaws.  It's flaws just don't tick me off as much as most people I guess.


I loved the idea of Twilight as an alicorn from the moment I first thought of it, and wanted it to be what the show was building up to.  I even started writing a fanfiction, and might still do that if what the show does isn't similar to what I have in my head.

I love you.

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I hate it when people spell "canon" as "cannon", when they write "Brony's" instead of "Bronies" and when they write Applejack as 2 words, or Rainbow Dash as one.


And I

Don't read this if you're easily offended

Don't go any further if you have deep love for ponies

Stop if you think ponies are cute and nothing else

This will be disguisting to some people

Seriously, stop

I hope this is enough spoiler tags for what I'm about to write

Ok, last chance, turn around and pretend nothing happened

Remember, you kept pushing it even after I warned you

And I really like pony porn, and I don't regret it. I don't care what you call me, now run along and pretend nothing ever happened.










Edited by PinkiePai
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I don't really have anything THAT serious, but here i go.

I always cuddle a small pillow while pretending it's a pony when i go to sleep...


I hate it when people spell "canon" as "cannon", when they write "Brony's" instead of "Bronies" and when they write Applejack as 2 words, or Rainbow Dash as one.


And I

Don't read this if you're easily offended

Don't go any further if you have deep love for ponies

Stop if you think ponies are cute and nothing else

This will be disguisting to some people

Seriously, stop

I hope this is enough spoiler tags for what I'm about to write

Ok, last chance, turn around and pretend nothing happened

Remember, you kept pushing it even after I warned you

And I really like pony porn, and I don't regret it. I don't care what you call me, now run along and pretend nothing ever happened.










And that was brave :P

Edited by Lolnus
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Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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Alright, I've got a few, I guess.

First off, it's the fanfic "Cupcakes" that really got me into My Little Pony. I hate gore and such, but it was around that time when ponies were flooding the web, and I started giving the show a shot (after watching an episode with my sister). I had early enough thought Rainbow Dash to be "best pony", so hearing that Cupcakes was between Pinkie and Dash, let alone that the fanfic itself was causing waves in the fandom... I had to read it. Some parts were so discriptive that I was literally in pain in wings I didn't even have feeling as if they were being tugged at... That fanfic made me emotionally invested in the characters, and I started watching fanatically since.

Secondly, I got a Rainbow Dash plushie for Christmas from my friend... And one night I got super depressed and cuddled it. It wasn't awful.

Humanized ponies?

I've clopped to that.

I sneak MLP references into the songs I write, and my bandmates are none the wiser.

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- Dragon Quest is no where near as bad as everyone says

- I actually like Owl's Well, even though Owlicious still sucks

- Dave Polsky wrote some of the best episodes in the series

- Merriwether Williams also writes some of the best episodes in the series(with the exception of MMDW)

- Wonderbolts Academy is better than Sonic Rainboom

- Actually despite it's development for Rainbow Dash, I don't hold Sonic Rainboom in high regard, and actually prefer the oth RD episodes(except well, you know)

- I love all of the Spike episodes

- I like Gilda and Lightning Dust

- In contrast, I dislike Trixie, and I'm sick of seeing and hearing about her

- I'm also sick about hearing about Derpy

- I don't care for My Little Dashie, the story sounds too silly to be taken seriously

- I also dislike Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory for what they do to my favorite ponies

- I dislike the .MOV series

- I dislike A Friend in Deed and don't care for the Smile Song

- Baby Applejack was really the only time the baby pony actually looked cute

- I dislike Sombra, but I think he deserves another chance to come back

- I had no problem with how Discord's reform was handled

- I had no problem with Season 2 Rainbow Dash, and I don't see why everyone else gets their panties in a bunch about it

- Rarity had easily the best episodes of the series, so I don't mind if she skips out on S3, she could use a well deserved break

- Season 3>Season1>Season 2

- Especially around Season 2, Pinkie's antics were more annoying than funny

- I liked how Pinkie was portrayed in Wonderbolt Academy

- Seeing acting shy and afraid a lot of times makes her more annoying than cute, which is why I liked her a lot more in Keep Calm than in other episodes

- I like Angel, even when he's a ginormous prick

- I actually think SpikexSweetie Belle is cuter than SpikexRarity

- Cloudchaser and Vinyl Scratch are my favorite BG characters simply for their manes

- I always look forward to CMC episodes

- I'd honestly rather see more Celestia than Luna(even though I kinda like Luna more)

- I want to see Cam Clarke(the voice of Simba and Liquid Snake) to be a guest character and sing. Hey he sings a great Simba

Edited by Megas75
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- I have not enjoyed the majority of the Applejack-centered episodes. IIt's not because I think that they're poorly written or anything, but they usually fail to really invest me into what's going on in the episode, and just ultimately fail to capture my interest.


- I'll read any fanfic, be it clop (even though I'm not a clopper), gore, etc., as long as it's well written.


- I don't get the hate for The Mysterious Mare Do Well. There have been much worse episodes.


- I don't really get the craze for Luna or the background characters. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind them, but I'm just not gigantic fans of them like a lot of people are.


- Although Rainbow Dash's jerkiness isn't a sign of bad writing at all, it still manages to make me like her character less during certain episodes. I usually don't really have a problem with jerkiness in characters (I love Vegeta to death, even when he's evil.), but Rainbow Dash can just get on my nerves at times. She's still my third favorite pony, though.


- Although I enjoy reading shipfics, they really need to get some variety to them. I can't tell you how many times I've read a Flutterdash fic that centered around Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash getting hurt and hospitalized.........although my favorite shipfic does involve that, so maybe that's a little hypocritical.


- Some of you may have already figured this out, but I love Flutterdash.


- No, I REALLY love Flutterdash.


- Did I mention my love for Flutterdash yet?

Edited by Bardock



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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This thread is back eh? I have a couple more


I have never called Rainbow Dash "RD" and it actually kind of bugs me when I see people do it, I do have a reason for it though. I don't call Applejack "AJ" either but this one doesn't bother me when other people do it.


The baby ponies kind of creep me out, for example I think regular Applejack is cuter than baby Applejack and filly Applejack is cuter than either of them.


I read a lot of fanfics, and almost all if them are shipfics. I have no idea why. I never gave a rip about shipping in any other fandom I've been in except a little for Game of Thrones.


I like all of the Mane Six, and in fact most of the characters in the series, I just like Dashie a lot more :)


I didn't like the episode A Dog and Pony Show very much at all, and I liked Spike at Your Service.


Words cannot express how much that I hope Alicorn Twi is temporary


Spots 4-6 in my best pony list are really fluid and my list could look completely different by the end of season three, except Dashie, Pinkie and Luna will still be 1-3 in that order.


Cloud Kicker is easily best background pony and I wish fans would do more with her.


Corey Powell is amazing, and if she keeps pumping out high quality episodes she could get the honor of dueling M.A Larson for the title of my favorite writer.


I have a hidden wish for an episode where Gilda and Lightning Dust team up, and Dashie puts on a Mare Do Well costume to battle them.

Edited by DashForever
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I have never called Rainbow Dash "RD" and it actually kind of bugs me when I see people do it



Uh, yeah..........can't stand it when people do that........never in my life would I call Rainbow Dash that....never ever.......




*quickly edits previous comment*





"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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- Dragon Quest is no where near as bad as everyone says

- I actually like Owl's Well, even though Owlicious still sucks

- Dave Polsky wrote some of the best episodes in the series

- Merriwether Williams also writes some of the best episodes in the series(with the exception of MMDW)

- Wonderbolts Academy is better than Sonic Rainboom

- Actually despite it's development for Rainbow Dash, I don't hold Sonic Rainboom in high regard, and actually prefer the oth RD episodes(except well, you know)

- I love all of the Spike episodes

- I like Gilda and Lightning Dust

- In contrast, I dislike Trixie, and I'm sick of seeing and hearing about her

- I'm also sick about hearing about Derpy

- I don't care for My Little Dashie, the story sounds too silly to be taken seriously

- I also dislike Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory for what they do to my favorite ponies

- I dislike the .MOV series

- I dislike A Friend in Deed and don't care for the Smile Song

- Baby Applejack was really the only time the baby pony actually looked cute

- I dislike Sombra, but I think he deserves another chance to come back

- I had no problem with how Discord's reform was handled

- I had no problem with Season 2 Rainbow Dash, and I don't see why everyone else gets their panties in a bunch about it

- Rarity had easily the best episodes of the series, so I don't mind if she skips out on S3, she could use a well deserved break

- Season 3>Season1>Season 2

- Especially around Season 2, Pinkie's antics were more annoying than funny

- I liked how Pinkie was portrayed in Wonderbolt Academy

- Seeing acting shy and afraid a lot of times makes her more annoying than cute, which is why I liked her a lot more in Keep Calm than in other episodes

- I like Angel, even when he's a ginormous prick

- I actually think SpikexSweetie Belle is cuter than SpikexRarity

- Cloudchaser and Vinyl Scratch are my favorite BG characters simply for their manes

- I always look forward to CMC episodes

- I'd honestly rather see more Celestia than Luna(even though I kinda like Luna more)

- I want to see Cam Clarke(the voice of Simba and Liquid Snake) to be a guest character and sing. Hey he sings a great Simba

I agree with you in almost every singe point you've made. Glad there are more people with the same mindset :D

Though I would rather see Hayter, the voice of Solid Snake in MLP. I would probably not being able to handle the awesomeness xD

  • Brohoof 1


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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This is gonna be pretty hard to confess... I¨'m sure sure if i should actually say this or not...

A lot of you will probably look down at me for saying this...


I like ponies- Please don't hate me!



Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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Ooh, confessions. Here goes nothing.

  • For a brief period in I think March last year, I liked Applejack just as much as I liked Pinkie Pie.
  • Fluttershy used to be my least favourite pony.
  • I often get a bit sad that I wasn't a part of the Brony fandom from the very beginning - feels like I missed out sometimes :3
  • I've listened to the Smile Song 620 times on Winamp.
  • I have over 3,500 images of Pinkie Pie on my computer.
  • I really, REALLY disliked the episode Green Isn't Your Colour.
  • When talking about Rainbow Dash, I, on occasion, will accidentally write "he" and have to go back and replace it with She.
  • My favourite episode of all time is Too Many Pinkie Pies.
  • I think Magic Duel is an enormously overrated episode.
  • I think Secret of My Excess is an enormously underrated episode.
  • I really did love Pinkie's portrayal in Season 2, unlike many people.
  • The Flim Flam brothers are my favourite villain(s).
  • I absolutely HATE Snips and Snails.
  • My favourite background pony is Amethyst Star.
  • Pinkie Pie occupies my thoughts 80% of the day. (I know.)
  • I think My Little Dashie is grossly overrated. I think they used the wrong pony. Should've been a filly Fluttershy.
  • I dearly, dearly hope that Alicorn Twilight is temporary, and she returns to normal at the end.
  • My favourite character design (in terms of appearance) is King Sombra. People don't notice it, but he looks absolutely brilliant. His face shape, his bulk, the curve of his horn and glowing eyes - unbelievable design, screams Badass Evil King. Second favourite is a tie between Pinkie Pie and Soarin'.
  • Rainbow Dash used to be my second least favourite, but very quickly became second favourite overall after Read It And Weep.
  • For a long time, Fall Weather Friends was my favourite episode. The reason is because it reminded me of Wacky Races, a cartoon I loved when I was about four or five. Afterwards, it changed to The Best Night Ever, and then Too Many Pinkie Pies when that came out.
  • I will never read Cupcakes, ever.
  • I tried clopping once. Hated it. (I feel really guilty that I even tried in the first place.)

And then the biggest confession...




I really want a daisy sandwich right now :)



Edited by Flipturn
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I think Scootaloo is worst pony.


I have fantasized about Twilight Sparkle more than my fair share of times. (I'm always ponified in these fantasies, though)


I HATEHATEHATE My Little Dashie. If you want some real sadfics, check out "Somewhere Only We Know", "Loss", and "Bittersweet"


I actually sort of like Mare Do Well.


I have a Twilight Sparkle folder on my laptop.


I am sick and tired of bucking DERPY.


Actually, I prefer the name Ditzy.


I prefer thinking of "Dr. Whooves" as just a normal pony named Time Turner.


I do more shipping than I probably should.

Edited by Callisto

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Heres a confession. I am absolutly fucking ecstatic that Derpy will be out of MLP. I'm just so sick of the fandom gushing over her and defending her by telling us about whats wrong with them. Look, I never asked for your medical file so shut up. Likewise, all of the famous BG ponies wouldn't be worth my time. Like I have time to rewatch every single episode just see a pony in the background.


Confession # dos

I absolutly hate the gender swap ponies.


Dusk Shine

He looks like he cut his mane with a weed wacker blindfolded himself. Also (BTW, ima dude) I hate when people call him cute. I've seen way cuter stallions



Name reminds me of the kid from South Park. And he looks more like a wimp then shy.


Rainbow Blitz

How can we make RD even more overrated? Lets make her a guy! Since when does a tomboy with longish hair have a male counterpart with a MOHAWK? And the eyebrows. Sweet Celestia, they make him look like a douche.



Being an apple orchird boy myself, his design says he can't groom himself to save his life. lame I know.


Barry Bubble

You do realize there are more then two facial expressions for guys right? Because whenever I see BB, all I see is either his stupid grin or emo face. Seriously, wait, did I spell that word right on the first try? yes!



I like over the top characters like James from Pokemon(Prior BW), Vegeta, Yacko, Wakco, Dot, etc. But Elusive does not have the quality that makes the afore mentioned characters likable.



Overrated as Fuck



Okay, I get the mane color change but since when do purple eyes turn in to blue eyes? Also, why name him a lord? Artimis is called a prince and yet they're still "co-ruling". Uh, I think Lord is levels higher then a prince.


Confession three


Out of the elder siblings, the one I can't connect with is Shining. Maybe it's because I don't have a high posistion job, or a hot girlfirend, or an awesome little sister, or handsome features. Look, older siblings arn't perfect but we don't need somebody like SA to be rubbed into our faces


Consession IIII

I'm half Big Mac and Half Twi. Im big, strong, quite but also like to read and would like to spend most of time in a library. I'm bit of nerd at times.


Confession 5 dolla 5 dolla 5 dolla fut long

Im in the processes of making a MLP fanmanga coming out in late summer. or at  least, I will be once I get a tablet but I got over half of it scripted already

Edited by GrandMasterMiku
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I think Twilicorn is alright.

I get really annoyed when I read comments where people just say 'I don't get the Hub.' Dunno why, I just do.

It's About Time is easily the worst episode in the series in my opinion, it's overly done nonsense and Twilight is a bucking moron in it.

Lyra is the worst background pony.

...hm, that's about all I can think of venting out atm, there may or may not be even deeper secrets within me though... ;)

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Well let's see. Interesting thread, let's see what I can come up with.


> Sonic Rainboom makes me tear up every time I watch it

> Flitter is mai waifu

> I think Derpy and Dr Whooves are obsessed over just a liiiiittle too much within the fandom

> Hurricane Fluttershy was so much the best episode that it made my entire YEAR happy, it's that amazing

> I like Lightning Dust, and tolerate Trixie

> I have never actively disliked an episode. Ever. Even Meriwether Williams episodes, which people seem to dislike.

> Twilicorn does not rustle my jimmies at all.

  • Brohoof 1

Welcome to the neighborhood! I brought you this pie to see if you're weird.

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- I cringe every time I see a picture with Rainbow Dash looking 'cool', as people try to represent that picture for ponies

- Alright, Derpy Dilemna = sad, enough of it already

- I don't think Alicorn Twilight is gonna ruin the show

- I like HiE fics

- I hate the gender-swapped mane 6, everything about them in my opinion is horrible

- Her name isn't Derpy, it's Ditzy Doo

- I don't get why bronies overreact over little things in the show. Cheerilee and Big Mac appear for less than 1 second together... That doesn't mean they're dating

- I wish Gilda would return

- Why is Winter Wrap Up so popular? It's not the only good song in the show

- Zecora needs more screentime

- Luna needs to be acknowledged as the equal co-ruler of Equestria, she seems to always be left out

- The only MOV episodes I like is APPLE.MOV

- I think the animators were over-doing it when Lyra was sipping juice in Magic Duel. I dunno. It just seemed too big to ignore and call an "easter egg"

- I ship Lyra and Bon Bon, and Octavia and Vinyl Scratch

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