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Have you ever had a bad experience on a date?


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I went to see a movie with this one guy and after the movie I was sitting next to him on the staircase outside of the theater and he farted so I ran away from him and he was laughing really hard. Then he peed on the top of the staircase. D': He was also really loud and liked to go to the mall wearing only his confederate flag boxers, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. I probably should've known that he was a douche from the start but he was so cute and I had a thing for rednecks.. :/ Anyone else have any bad experiences to share?

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oh god this brings up bad memories.


i once had a date with this girl. we went to the movies together, and that was all nice. pretty cute experience actually. after that we went to eat something in a restaurant.

so this restaurant was pretty damn expensive, and i really liked the girl so i thought it would be cool to take her there.

in the end the girl eats her food, walks out of the restaurant saying nothing, leaving me to pay for the both of us.

now i expected to pay for the both of us, but she just walked out without me.

and the next day i get a text message from her.

"i don't feel the same. please don't talk to me ever again."


i was all like, dafuq did i do wrong?

Edited by repsol rave
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Yep. I went on a date with my girlfriend at Scarowinds. A whole bunch people from our school were there. Throughout the whole time my girlfriend wouldn't stop saying that I didn't look like I was having fun even though I was. I was just EXTREMLY hungry. Well our fellow classmates kept urging me to hold her hand to which I refused. I never liked doing anything that made me or someone else feel uncomfortable. And basing on who she was acting, she didn't seem like she really wanted anything to do with me. That was on a Friday. She broke up with that next Tuesday. I'm still really good friends with her, but I also have some feelings for her too.

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One time a date brought me to meet their family on the first date.  All they ended up doing was talking about themselves and kept interrupting or cutting me off whenever I was going to talk.  Strangely enough, none of the other females at the table talked.  Ever... I became fed-up with the whole affair after a while and ended up leaving early.

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So this was my first date ever, we were already in a relationship (should've dated her first before anything else happened). We went to the cinema to see a movie. Got the popcorn. Watched the movie (seriously, who's first date is to watch a movie?!). We finished and ate pizza and talked a bit. Sat outside on the bench...talked a bit... I didn't think she was really into me; I couldn't notice it from her voice or her touch.


I won't even say the last thing I asked her...

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I've been asked out three ways, but I'm ashamed of how I was asked out...


  • First girl wanted to date me because I was cute, adorable, and small.... in sixth grade....
  • Second girl ADMITTED to date me because she was dared....
  • Third girl wanted to date me so we can make out..........

This is why I'm asexual people....

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oh god this brings up bad memories.


i once had a date with this girl. we went to the movies together, and that was all nice. pretty cute experience actually. after that we went to eat something in a restaurant.

so this restaurant was pretty damn expensive, and i really liked the girl so i thought it would be cool to take her there.

in the end the girl eats her food, walks out of the restaurant saying nothing, leaving me to pay for the both of us.

now i expected to pay for the both of us, but she just walked out without me.

and the next day i get a text message from her.

"i don't feel the same. please don't talk to me ever again."


i was all like, dafuq did i do wrong?

Wow, that was extremely rude of her. I can understand if she just didn't think it was gonna work out with you. Even if you expected to pay for her meal, it isnt fair that she just walked out and didn't give you a choice over the matter...and to not even say thank you?! How rude. People like that make me angry. Edited by crazitaco
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Nice little date at a restaurant.




Forgot to bring my wallet. 




She forgot hers...




Just one of those days where you're so excited for a date that you spend so much time on the little things about yourself, you forget the essentials. XD

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  • 2 months later...

No, because I have never dated. Maybe I should just be glad I haven't, somehow I'm certain it would all just be some bad experiences. So I'm just waiting until I fall in love, if I'll ever even do that. I'm so isolated that it's unlikely, I don't care anyway.

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Had a pretty bad date a couple of months ago.


I've never been on many dates or ever dated. Got some social phobia problems that hold me back. But I don't want to be alone forever so I worked on overcoming it and tried to meet some people. I did the lame thing and looked online. Started chatting with a girl and enjoyed it. She was into the theater and I'm an English major so we had some nice conversations about scripts and what not. Was kind of nerve wrecking but I tried hard to not seem weird. It went well and she invited me to a smoothie place.


I was glad since I've never been asked out before. Too bad it ended up being crappy. She wouldn't stop looking at her phone which was annoying. I tried to get some conversations going but she wasn't responding. She was into Dr. Who so I watched an episode (so we'd have something to talk about) but she wasn't even interested in that. She did talk a little about her acting experience but that was it. She had some movies she'd rented earlier but wouldn't tell me what they were.


After that she said something about being busy and that was the last I heard from her. I'm still pretty bummed out because I worked up my courage for that date and tried really hard to be sociable. But twas all for naught. Don't know what I did wrong but I'll just stay in my cave from now on.

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Well, I'm thirteen, so I've never really dated before.... But I can say the stupidest way someone asked me out before.

It was Free Dress Day at my school, during lunch break. I was just hanging out with some friends, and we were near a bunch of boys. Anyway, one of the guys came up to me, and asked what my name was. I expected eye contact, but his eyes were a little below my face.... If you know what I mean. I answered, kinda reluctantly, and he then asked me out.

Seriously. He didn't even know what my name was. He could at least have gotten to know me over a few weeks first, then asked me out. -.-

Stoopid boyz. :P

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Oh dear I think my worst date..well It wasn't so bad just shocking and left a little bit of a disgust in my mouth.


Long Story short I went out with an older man(46 years of age) He took me to dinner and after we got to know each other I found he was the father of one of my classmates from High School...That kind of killed the fantasy for him.

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I'm 20, but I still haven't dated yet! I'm still waiting for that girl who would be interested in going out with me to a dinner. Maybe someday... even if I wanted to date now, I still have lots of schoolwork and worries about medical school! How can I possibly date if I'm on my last year of university?! Yes there's my crush, but I'm not sure she wants to date yet! Even if she wanted to date, It would be hard to go on a date if she was all the way in Michigan next summer!

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So this kid I've known since we were 5 started dating me in August 2012 in a long distance relationship. We only saw each other every Saturday night. So this one night, he came over, and we were having a good time, when all of a sudden it smelled. Now I am not going to be rude, but I think he rushed out of his house and forgot to put on some deodorant. XD So a while later my dad embarrassed me with this one song, and then my dad farted, which didn't make anything any better. I was so mad. 


Then before he left we were about to have our first kiss, when he dodged me and walked down the street. :/ The next weekend he started screaming at me for no reason, telling me it was my fault it didn't happen. (I have no idea why it was) I broke up with him the next day. He was fighting with me more through text message and I couldn't handle it anymore. :o

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Well let's see...oh wait...I've never been on a date...*cries and leaves thread*


(Seriously, sometimes I wish I was a girl so I didn't have to be the one to ask the person out...it's impossible.)


Oh God.


So this kid I've known sence we were 5 started dating me in August 2012 in a long distance relationship. We only saw each other every Saturday night. So this one night, he came over, and we were having a good time, when all of a sudden he smelled like an onion. I was going to literally throw up. XD So then my dad comes in and embarrassed me because he farted. I was so mad. Then before he left we were about to have our first kiss, when he dodged me and walked down the street. :( The next weekend he started screaming at me for no reason, telling me it was my fault. I broke up with him the next day. It sucked.

Lolwut. I seriously am confused lol.

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Well I'm 27 and have never dated and i'm bisexual (yay hardmode).


Never really thought about dating until recently as I was so in playing video games and other things that I just really didn't have the time for it. And I never was a social person, just prefered the company of one or two friends.


Problem is I dunno where folks my own age go to meet people and i'm worried that finding someone online is going to end up with me dead in a ditch somewhere. :o


I don't mind if the right person never comes along, but its still something I wish to experience once, if if that experience is a crappy one.


I'll dig up enough courage eventually. :P

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he farted so I ran away from him and he was laughing really hard. Then he peed on the top of the staircase. D': 

Oh dear... Even a mindless person with a brain knows how to act appropriate in a date.


Okay my worst date experience. 2 years ago I asked out a girl I knew back in high school. She was pretty, nice, and mature. She had the suggestion to watch a movie(which was kind of stupid since I was paying), I went along with it and said I'm fine with anything. She chose a scary movie which is probably my only weakness(Besides guns, knifes etc). I was squealing like a girl the whole time. That whole night I was never the man...

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I asked a girl to the school dance one year in high school, she said she would show up, and never did.

A few month later the school was having another dance, asked if she wanted to go, she said ok, and never showed up.

Last day of school, another dance, asked her if she wanted to go thinking she just got caught up in other stuff, she said that she would be there, never showed up.


Last day of middle school, i asked a different girl from the first story if she wanted to go out, she said she would rather die.

Edited by Fire Bomb
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I asked a girl to the school dance one year in high school, she said she would show up, and never did.

A few month later the school was having another dance, asked if she wanted to go, she said ok, and never showed up.

Last day of school, another dance, asked her if she wanted to go thinking she just got caught up in other stuff, she said that she would be there, never showed up.

I know that feel brother... Some girls just take our feels for granted. They don't understand the emotions we carry for them that they think they can just toy with it. It's either women like them never felt true passion or took consideration to other people. 

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When I was in 6th grade, I had literally had a crush on every single girl in my class atleast once... And someone always got to know about it somehow, and I got humiliated every, single, time.

Once, I was "-" < THAT CLOSE TO GETTING A DATE WITH SOMEONE, or atleast so it felt. What happened was that we were like "Yea, let's do something sometime..." And then she went on some trip to some other country for a few weeks, and when she came back, we rarely talked at all.

I've had one real date, and it went really crappy. I was the only one talking, and she was too shy to say anything it seems. I had to force up stupid questions constantly, and a while after we left, she told me that she was just not ready for a relationship... Well well. That was, a hit.

I also somewhat stalked a girl once, I wasn't relly into dating her much, or well, at one point i did want to ask her out, but it didn't go so well, it just never happened. Her teacher came to me and said that she felt like I was staring at her all the time. The teacher didn't say the name, but of course I knew it was her... She had also blocked me on facebook that day! Kinda funny. I must say, I probably did stare a lot, seriously, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Still, not interested in sexually getting interacted with her, nor getting a relationship (the time when I wanted to date her, was mostly because I was so obsessed with her I just couldn't think clearly). Well well.

I'm pretty darn sure that I won't meet anyone except online, I'm kind of looking forward to internet-dating. I wont' go out to pubs, and neither will I try to ask people out IRL in these ways I have already done so many itmes... and failed and gotten so humiliated. If someone asks me out, I'll surely say yes, go on a date, and probably say no to a second date. I'm just assuming things, unless I totally hated someone, or knew that I was very uninterested, I would say yes to a first date, because there is no harm in that, to see how the other person is...

Well, there is also that, that I'm now gay... And it's a TINY TINY BIT EASIER to know if the person you're asking is gay, if you're on a gay-dating site.... right? heh...

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well, once i went to the movies with a boy from school on a date. i didnt know him very well, we didnt have classes together but he asked me on facebook, i went and as soon as the movie started, he was staring at me... a lot. then he told me i had a sexy neck and he wanted to bite it. i was a little scared. i told him I didn't wanna hang out anymore lol.


and once, with a serious boyfriend i had. he took his older brother with us and he wouldn't. shut. up. and he took me to CiCi's pizza... he was really cheap. it was just an awkward date in general.

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I went on a date with this guy I'd met online. He seemed normal and was like Let's go get coffee. I was consistantly dating online, and decided anyone who had enough courage to ask me out, I would go on one date with.


Anyways, we go get coffee, and I have nothing in common with this guy. Also, he looked like he could bench press me.


I finally try to break the date off and he asked if I could give him a ride to his car. Whatever. You look physically fit enough to me, but sure. I practically had to push him out of the car to get him to go away. I finally drive off (after checking my bumper to make sure he isn't hanging on) and about 15 seconds after I turn a corner so he can't see which way I've went, he calls me. Just to talk.




Anyways, I get off the phone, he calls me about 3 hours later, and I tell him I'm not interested.


I had also paid for my own coffee. I don't mind paying, and usually pay on the second date, wether a guy wants me to or not. But on the first date, I do like to see that the guy at least makes the effort.

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Well... Other than online dating I've only gone on two dates with  girls... So the one I'm going to explain I was in a serious relationship with at the time...


It started out normal, just casual, we were getting along, at at restaurant, a really expensive one too, I was into this girl so much... I really felt it was going well, we were talking a lot, and it didn't feel awkward at all... Until... You see Your ex come in with another guy! (Fuck yeah, my life's shit.) Yeah... That's when it started to become awkward... Not that she came over or anything, but she was sitting close to us, and she was death staring the girl I was on a date with, she whispered to me "That girl over there... She won't stop looking at me..." So... We left fairly early, ruined the night a bit... Until well... We were forced to take a train home, there was no one to pick us up... I can't drive because of my age... And both our phones were dead... No taxis... Great... So, we're both on the train, she's sitting down, since there was only one seat left, and well, she called me over, I turn around quickly... Kissed another guy... >_> Well that was 100x more awkward...


Not going to mention more lol...

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