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Bronies who dislike the show's songs!


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Hi i'm staring this topic today because i am curious of what all you Bronies think of the songs in the show i've met Bronies who love the show because of the songs and some who like everything but he songs. 


Me personally i love the songs Daniel Ingram is my shit and whenever pinkie pie smile smile smile comes up on my ipod no matter whats going on i have to listen to it and it makes me feel warm inside and i can't wait for apples to the core to come out it sounds amazing, but i want to know what you think if you like the songs or don't, which ones your particularly like and the ones you dislike


biggrin.png img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png biggrin.png laugh.png biggrin.png wub.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually find myself liking very few of the songs in the show. The only songs I ever really liked were At The Gala, This Day Aria, Babs Seed, Find a Pet, and Becoming Popular.


And just to dig deeper, I actually found Winter Wrap Up mediocre and I don't care for the Smile song

  • Brohoof 1
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The songs are nice, but I don't particularly care for them. I'm not a fan of random singing for no reason. That's one reason why I dislike disney movies so much. When it comes to the songs, I just skip them or rarely listen to them. Like I said though, they do sound nice. :)

  • Brohoof 3
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I love all the songs(except for the smile song).  They're just so catchy I sometimes find myself singing them.  My favorite would have to be the Find a Pet song, because it's well sung and Fluttershy is the best pony.  

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I love almost every song from the series. I think the only one I don't like is the CMC talent show song..I just can't. But my favorites are: Art of the Dress, This Day Aria, Smile Smile Smile, and Raise this Barn. I love them all but those four are always in my head and I just love them so much

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I don't actually like songs that come out of nowhere, and have no reason for them because it puts everything to a stall then it goes back on track after the song ends. The songs are good, but not every song should come out of nowhere.

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I like all of them for the most part. I just really think Daniel ingram is pretty darn good at making songs.


Maybe the fact that i play the trumpet and love music plays into that.


I really don't dislike any of the shows songs, besides maybe if you count "Princess Twilight Cometh" everything else i like to an extent.


but to each his own, obviously everyone isn't going to like all or any of the shows songs. But i personally do.

  • Brohoof 1
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There are some I like and others not so much, my favorite is without a doubt Super Cider Squeezy 6000 it has a catchy tune, good lyrics and reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of The Simpsons.

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I love pretty much all the songs in the show. Daniel Ingram is awesome at what he does, and I have quite a bit of the MLP songs in my music library. The only songs I really dislike would be "Behold, Princess Twilight" or "Morning in Ponyville." And even then, those songs aren't that bad. The music is one of the reasons I like the show so much.

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I don't actually like songs that come out of nowhere, and have no reason for them because it puts everything to a stall then it goes back on track after the song ends. The songs are good, but not every song should come out of nowhere.

Yeah i also agree i didn't care much for Giggle at he ghosties kinda seemed strange also you gotta share you gotta care tho these can be funny the way the rest of the mane 6 react when Pinkie starts singing the songs are pretty average

  • Brohoof 2
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I love the songs from the show, most of my favourite are in season 3 but my favourite is.. I think "Helping Twilight win the crown" not sure if that's the real title, but yeah. I really liked that one.

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I can be counted among those who don't particularly care for the songs in the show. My issue isn't with the music per se; generally, the melodies, chords, instrumentation, production, etc. of the songs are pretty good, and many of the songs are relatively catchy.


I think my main problem is that having songs with cheesy lyrics and singing and over-the-top choreography in the middle of episodes disconnects the viewer from the unfolding events and serves as a conspicuous reminder that we're watching a show targeted to little kids, which is unfortunate when the episodes otherwise strive to be realistic, engaging, relatable, mature, etc.

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The songs are far from powerful musical scores. They're just simple, fun tunes. There's noting to dislike about them, really. But they're nothing special, either.


Except This Day Aria. That stuff is Disney quality.

  • Brohoof 3
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There are a few that I don't care for, mostly the short diddys and such. Most of Pinkys stuff i dislike. The only one I did like from her was the smile song.


The songs that are fuller, more genuine are the ones I like.

Edited by Argumedies
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@@Bronominous, I dislike the intro/theme song at is normal version... It goes against my manliness and i have to rip out some of my chest hair to feel masculine again. Lol jk... but yea... theme... not cool... 

Yeah the theme isn't the best i would prefer they used the same song as they did in the intro of Equestria girls that was a great remix img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I love most songs in the show..the songs was the first thing that drew me into the show, I disagree that it's just simple show tunes a lot of the songs has a a large element of music put together especially when you hear the background.

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I honestly have very low opinions of the majority of the songs. But I do actually love Smile Smile Smile, it's a lot better than At The Galla or Winter Wrap-up. I think that the songs should be directed towards either gender (like Smile Smile Smile) and not just pegasisters. Who knows? With the fanbase's amount of bronies, maybe they'll take it into consideration!

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I thought at first when I became a brony... yeah there's the show but also the songs... kiddie torture. Well actually meh. don't have a problem listening to the majority of them actually. Smile is good to. But there is SOME I don't like but kinda don't wana share ^_^

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I don't dislike the MLP songs, nor do I absolute love them :P if that makes sense.


However if i had to choose one i like the most and one I dislike the most; The one I would choose to like the most would me Smile and the most disliked would be that "I wasn't prepared for this" song. :P 

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I love most of the songs in the show. :)  Growing up I really never liked the songs in any of my tv shows or movies. But ever since I have become a Brony Most of the songs in MLPFIM have been great. 


My Favorite In show song has to be Smile Smile Smile.  Pinkie Pie is the best Pony! e9FkmL5.png

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